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Spanish language??
Hi!, I have the PCM but I don`t have the Spanish version...If someone have the file, please, upload it. Thanks!

Hola, tengo el PCM pero no lo tengo en español, si alguien lo tiene por favor que lo suba o me mande un privado. Gracias!
Where did you buy it from for it not to have the Spanish language?
Edited by Addy291 on 04-07-2008 18:35
I'm from Spain but I bought it in Portugal, the languages are English, Italian, Français, Nederlands and Portugues.
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manu1022 wrote:
I'm from Spain but I bought it in Portugal, the languages are English, Italian, Français, Nederlands and Portugues.

If it turns out that no one here has it, you might want to try at pcm-spain.com. it's almost all spanish people, so they should have it for sure Smile
Edited by issoisso on 04-07-2008 18:37
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"I love him, I think he's great. He's transformed the sport in so many ways. Every person in cycling has benefitted from Lance Armstrong, perhaps not financially but in some sense" - Bradley Wiggins on Lance Armstrong
ok thanks issoisso but they haven't the file
Edited by manu1022 on 04-07-2008 18:47
Don't they have the same publisher, Friendware? If so, there are the same languages in the versions of Portugal and Spain since it's the same version.
Sorry but I'll have to explain this in Spanish:

manu no sé que pasa, pero la verdad es que parece ser que los archivos que configuran los idiomas están bloqueados en esta edición del juego, con lo cual cada usuario sólo puede acceder a los idiomas que vienen por defecto y nada más que a esos. Para el pack que realizará esta web en compañía de PCM-Spain intentaremos cambiarlo, pero no prometo nada. Por de pronto, suerte con la búsqueda.

manu I reaaly don't know what happens, but it seems the files who steer the language into the game have bene clocked this time, so every user can only select a language out of the default ones and nothing else but them. We'll try to change that on the package this site will buiilg along with PCM-Spain, but we can't promise anything. For the time being, good luck with the search.
CrueTrue wrote:
Don't they have the same publisher, Friendware? If so, there are the same languages in the versions of Portugal and Spain since it's the same version.

No, the publisher here is a crappy games company named CapitalGames, since last year.
Dankan wrote:
Sorry but I'll have to explain this in Spanish:

manu no sé que pasa, pero la verdad es que parece ser que los archivos que configuran los idiomas están bloqueados en esta edición del juego, con lo cual cada usuario sólo puede acceder a los idiomas que vienen por defecto y nada más que a esos. Para el pack que realizará esta web en compañía de PCM-Spain intentaremos cambiarlo, pero no prometo nada. Por de pronto, suerte con la búsqueda.

manu I reaaly don't know what happens, but it seems the files who steer the language into the game have bene clocked this time, so every user can only select a language out of the default ones and nothing else but them. We'll try to change that on the package this site will buiilg along with PCM-Spain, but we can't promise anything. For the time being, good luck with the search.

thanks for the info Smile

Gracias por la información, seguire buscando, aunque en ingles me defiendo jeje
Dankan wrote:
Sorry but I'll have to explain this in Spanish:

manu no sé que pasa, pero la verdad es que parece ser que los archivos que configuran los idiomas están bloqueados en esta edición del juego, con lo cual cada usuario sólo puede acceder a los idiomas que vienen por defecto y nada más que a esos. Para el pack que realizará esta web en compañía de PCM-Spain intentaremos cambiarlo, pero no prometo nada. Por de pronto, suerte con la búsqueda.

manu I reaaly don't know what happens, but it seems the files who steer the language into the game have bene clocked this time, so every user can only select a language out of the default ones and nothing else but them. We'll try to change that on the package this site will buiilg along with PCM-Spain, but we can't promise anything. For the time being, good luck with the search.

thanks for the info Smile

Gracias por la información, seguire buscando, aunque en ingles me defiendo jeje
Dankan wrote:
Sorry but I'll have to explain this in Spanish:

manu no sé que pasa, pero la verdad es que parece ser que los archivos que configuran los idiomas están bloqueados en esta edición del juego, con lo cual cada usuario sólo puede acceder a los idiomas que vienen por defecto y nada más que a esos. Para el pack que realizará esta web en compañía de PCM-Spain intentaremos cambiarlo, pero no prometo nada. Por de pronto, suerte con la búsqueda.

manu I reaaly don't know what happens, but it seems the files who steer the language into the game have bene clocked this time, so every user can only select a language out of the default ones and nothing else but them. We'll try to change that on the package this site will buiilg along with PCM-Spain, but we can't promise anything. For the time being, good luck with the search.

thanks for the info Smile

Gracias por la información, seguire buscando, aunque en ingles me defiendo jeje
MarcoPRT wrote:
CrueTrue wrote:
Don't they have the same publisher, Friendware? If so, there are the same languages in the versions of Portugal and Spain since it's the same version.

No, the publisher here is a crappy games company named CapitalGames, since last year.

Oh, I didn't know that Shock Do you also have your own special cover then?
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