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Hong Kong Challenge - Stage 3

Stage 3 - Golden Bauhania Square > Tai Mo Shan Final day in Hong Kong and the short stage race concludes with a summit finish on 'Tai Mo Shan' - at almost 10km length, the climb averages 8% slopes with some truly steep sectors up to 20%! Definitely the key day of this event, but the GC situation is already quite interesting after the two first stages. Meyer with quite a comfortable gap, but will he really be able to defend two or three minutes on a climb like today's?

Warbasse may be considered the top favorite for the GC after performing so well in yesterday's ITT. König ain't too far behind with 30 seconds though and of course there's still a lot of possible GC threats, who are not too far behind König neither. Pinot however needs to gain more than a minute on König and one and a half on Warbasse. That's quite a disadvantage for the premium climber in this field.


It took them a while, but six of today's early attackers would also form the break of the day:

pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_eue.png Castrillo
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_cpl.png Canecky
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_xmc.png O'Brien
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_gcn.png Cuming (GC's 63rd, + 5.09)
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_rpn.png Sanchez Gil (GC's 30th, + 3.57)
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_xrs.png Kaislavuo

Cuming took the first Cat2 climb ahead of Canecky and LLS/O'Brien, Canecky the Cat4 climb ahead of Cuming and O'Brien..


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_vad.png Helme would try to break clear from the peloton halfway through the stage, but he did not come far..

..with now 43km to go, the leading group passes the Tai Mo Shan for the first time (though not yet climbing to the summit, obviously) and the breakaway group goes into pieces:

pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_gcn.png Cuming takes the Cat1 sprint ahead of Canecky and O'Brien and he keeps pacing to go for a rather long solo attempt!

Provisional KoM Gunman 51, Chérel 42, Cuming 29, Moulingui 25, Canecky 25

And while it's looking good for pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_bnz.png Gunman to defend the KoM lead, the Kiwi is the first notable name being dropped from the peloton on this penultimate climb of the day. No real surprise to see the GC's 6th losing time today, but he might have hoped to give it a longer fight today..


23km to go and Cuming is about 1'40" ahead of the pack (75 riders), where we see a surprisingly early attack on flat roads now:

pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_vad.png König and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_ino.png Russom try to go clear!

pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_api.png Warbasse and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_bnz.png Haas trying to follow..


Cuming still leading solo with now just 11.5km to go for himself.. the gap on the peloton grew back to 2'20" in the meantime!


Which is also caused by the fact, that the pack slowed down once they caught the latest attempt by König/Russom!

Andorra leading the field now, with Meyer showing his leader shirt at the very front as well. König back in the front rows since being swallowed, with several other GC contenders already positioning themselves for the crucial summit finish..


..and as soon as the pack enters the final climb, we see the next attacks going with now 8.8km left:

pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_csd.png Cataldo went first..
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_ada.png Panayotov tries to join him!

The duo openend up a 34 seconds gap on the bunch quickly and Cuming's lead is down to a minute now..


..and Cataldo keeps pushing with now 6km to go:

he flies past Cuming with Panayotov again following his acceleration! The peloton hasn't really shown any reaction so far, but it ain't too far behind with still a significant gap for Cataldo/Panayotov now: 1'25" to be precisive!


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_vad.png König remembers, that he already went for an aggressive tactic earlier on and he goes for the second time with now 5km remaining! It's pretty clear, that he also needs to put some pressure on Warbasse and of course Meyer as well!


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_ino.png Russom again trying to follow soon after König went clear, but he's 19 seconds behind him!

pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_ofr.png Diaz and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_cpl.png Atapuma also going clear from the pack now!


A few more riders trying to accelerate, with König, Russom and Diaz/Atapuma quickly going clear with some notable gaps!

4.4km to the mountaintop and the pack is now just at 23 riders:

pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_esc.png Meyer still there, but now heavily struggling to keep up with the current tempo!

pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_gcn.png Hategeka and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_bnz.png Haas have been dropped before and they will definitely have a tough time up this steep roads here..


Cataldo and Panayotov staying together, as Cataldo could not shake off his opponent.. just 2.7km to go for the leading duo, that still has a good gap on the next groups:


..and that's König now, who went past Cuming and who's still 15 seconds ahead of Russom! The leading duo, however, is more than a minute ahead..


Further 40 seconds behind, a group of 4 riders has formed:

pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_cpl.png Atapuma
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_ofr.png Diaz
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_emo.png Pomoshnikov
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_ssc.png Jang


And behind them, a bigger group with both Pinot and Warbasse struggling to show any reaction on König's move:

in order of appearance
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_ayu.png Ranaweera
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_min.png Khodayari
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_gcn.png Pinot
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_cpl.png Henao
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_emo.png Stancu
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_p4e.png Nitu
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_zal.png Lopez
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_rpn.png Pirazzi
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_api.png Warbasse
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_min.png Haga
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_min.png Sarmiento
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_ssc.png Gidich
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_rpn.png Serrano
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_ssc.png Marzuki
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_ino.png Suryadi
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_zal.png Izagirre
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_ada.png Bjelkmark
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_cpl.png Domagalski


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_esc.png Meyer keeps fighting, but he's now already 4'12" behind Cataldo/Panayotov and so he will lose the GC lead for sure. It's his fight for still a high GC result now!


Final kilometre for Cataldo and Panayotov..

..König narrows the gap to just 17 seconds! He's about 50 seconds ahead of the duo in the GC and so he's definitely fighting for the overall victory.. Russom is 35 seconds behind now..


Group Atapuma went past Cuming as well and they have a nice gap of 52 seconds on group Pinot/Warbasse as well!


König almost connected to the leading duo, but as soon as they kick off the sprint, he's down by a few seconds again! This may become a tight decision for the overall victory..

..and for the stage of course: Panayotov though goes clear from Cataldo with just a couple of hundred metres to go!


And pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_ada.png Panayotov takes the queen stage! Attacking from the bottom of the climb, the duo did benefit from the main group (and GC contenders) reacting too late. A nice win, obviously and also a realistic chance to take the overall victory!

+ 2" pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_csd.png Cataldo comes 2nd and will definitely make a huge jump in the GC, too..


+ 25" pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_vad.png König and that's probably enough to take the GC!


+ 59" pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_ino.png Russom, who finishes a very strong 4th on this tough climb


+ 1'17" pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_cpl.png Atapuma, who recovered well from his shocking first stage here

+ 1'20" for pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_ssc.png Jang and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_emo.png Pomoshnikov


+ 2'08" pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_ofr.png Diaz, who totally cracked on the final metres

+ 2'16" for pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_gcn.png Pinot, who finishes as the strongest from the bigger group, that went into many pieces once the sprint for the line went off! Still a rather disappointing performance from Pinot as 9th on the stage. Given his disadvantage prior to the stage, this probably won't be enough for a good GC result after all!

Henao close behind him as 10th...


GC's 5th pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_min.png Haga comes in as 15th with 3'06" lost on Panayotov.. ahead of him, it's been a good day for Stancu, Pirazzi, Coming and Lopez..

A terrible day for pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_api.png Warbasse though: after his strong timetrial yesterday, he never looked good on today's final climb and losing 3'54" on Panayotov as 20th on the stage is simply not acceptable.. he totally destroyed his high GC ambitiouns for this event!


+ 6'21" for pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_esc.png Meyer, who finishes a still solid 40th on the stage

+ 8'27" for pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_gcn.png Hategeka, who certainly must have hoped for something better today..

+ 10'28" for pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_bnz.png Haas, who finishes alongside pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_bnz.png Gunman and no chance to defend his good GC position


Opposing to pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_vad.png König, who indeed moved up to 1st in the final GC! That's what he came for and even though he could not take a stage-win here, today's performance must be considered a good one. Securing the overall victory with a few other top favorites struggling? Job done.

pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_ada.png Panayotov a strong 2nd with just ten seconds off König's overall time. A narrow decision and a bit unlucky for today's stage winner, who will be happy enough with this achievement though: he's also a shared winner in the points classification with Haas and Reus all on 25pts eventually.

pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_csd.png Cataldo completing the podium for a good result. Russom a very strong 4th ahead of Jang, Pomoshnikov, Diaz, Haga, Pinot and Meyer. A disappointing result for Pinot as 9th, but he simply did not have the legs (or attention?) to follow today's biggest moves. Meyer dropping from 1st to 10th today, which is still a good overall result after his strong first two days.

Lopez 11th ahead of Warbasse, Ranaweera, Gidich and Bjelkmark. Atapuma could only move up to 33rd today and Haas drops from 2nd to 32nd (Hategeka from 3rd to 30th)..


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_bnz.png Gunman the KoM though and it's been a good race for BNZ Cycling!


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_zal.png Lopez secured himself a nice U25 victory ahead of Ranaweera and Gidich!

pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_min.png Minions as the best team and we say goodbye. An interesting race over three days, with König as the first ever winner of the Hong Kong Challenge. See you again (hopefully) next year.

Results Stage 3
1Petar PanayotovAdastra - Argon 183h57'56
2Dario CataldoCampari - Super Dry+ 2
3Leopold KönigValio - DeLaval+ 25
4Meron RussomIndosat Ooredoo - ANZ+ 59
5Darwin AtapumaCompal-Merida+ 1'17
6Gyung Gu JangSPAR - Shimano - SCG+ 1'20
7Sergei PomoshnikovENI-MOLs.t.
8Daniel Ricardo DiazOberfranken+ 2'08
9Thibaut PinotGCN ProTeam+ 2'16
10Sebastian HenaoCompal-Merida+ 2'19
11George Alexandru StancuENI-MOL+ 2'48
12Stefano PirazziRepsol - Netflix+ 2'59
13Michael CumingGCN ProTeam+ 3'02
14Miguel Angel LopezDK Zalgiriss.t.
15Chad HagaMinions+ 3'06
16Suranga RanaweeraAyubowan!+ 3'12
17Farzad KhodayariMinions+ 3'17
18Adrian NituTeam Popo4Ever p/b Nemiroffs.t.
19Jonas BjelkmarkAdastra - Argon 18+ 3'39
20Lawrence WarbasseAndorra Project - InGamba+ 3'54
21Cayetano SarmientoMinions+ 3'56
22Yevgeniy GidichSPAR - Shimano - SCGs.t.
23Nur Amirul MarzukiSPAR - Shimano - SCG+ 4'40
24Dadi SuryadiIndosat Ooredoo - ANZ+ 4'43
25Karol Andrzej DomagalskiCompal-Merida+ 4'46
26Gorka IzagirreDK Zalgiris+ 5'02
27Rafael SerranoRepsol - Netflixs.t.
28Pedro Pablo PereyraENI-MOL+ 5'33
29Hiroshi TsubakiMeiji - JR East+ 5'50
30Romain HardyEddie Stobarts.t.
31Sota IkibeCampari - Super Dry+ 6'01
32Jimmi BricenoSwisslion Cycling Team+ 6'09
33Mohammad Saufi Mat SenanMitchelton - Cobra9+ 6'11
34Hideto NakaneAdastra - Argon 18s.t.
35Carlos BaltazarAndorra Project - InGamba+ 6'15
36John Kronborg EbsenAdastra - Argon 18s.t.
37Muhamad Zawawi AzmanSPAR - Shimano - SCGs.t.
38Peerapol ChawchiangkuangDiesel Development Teams.t.
39Kai ReusSwisslion Cycling Teams.t.
40Travis MeyerEddie Stobart+ 6'21
41Jaime RosonRepsol - Netflix+ 7'53
42Joonas HenttalaValio - DeLaval+ 8'03
43Mark PadunTeam Popo4Ever p/b Nemiroff+ 8'06
44Jaroslav KulhavyBecherovka - Petrofs.t.
45Marek CaneckyCompal-Meridas.t.
46Jhonnatan De LeonRBC Spidertechs.t.
47Erick RowsellEddie Stobart+ 8'11
48Charles AnguiletGCN ProTeams.t.
49Robin ManulangIndosat Ooredoo - ANZs.t.
50Mark O'BrienMitchelton - Cobra9+ 8'16
51Rasmus SteroboCompal-Meridas.t.
52Thurakit BoonratanathanakornSPAR - Shimano - SCGs.t.
53Michal SchlegelAdastra - Argon 18s.t.
54Yin Chih WangMitchelton - Cobra9s.t.
55Bartosz WarcholIndosat Ooredoo - ANZs.t.
56Chris BartonMinions+ 8'21
57Bonaventure UwizeyimanaAndorra Project - InGambas.t.
58Hossein AlizadehOberfrankens.t.
59Artem TopchanyukTeam Popo4Ever p/b Nemiroffs.t.
60Gökhan HastaValio - DeLavals.t.
61Janez BrajkovicSwisslion Cycling Teams.t.
62Luis Leon Sanchez GilRepsol - Netflixs.t.
63Gasore HategekaGCN ProTeam+ 8'27
64Sakari LehtinenValio - DeLavals.t.
65Dmitri GrabovskiAdastra - Argon 18s.t.
66Tareq EsmaeliMinionss.t.
67Ole HirschleinAndorra Project - InGambas.t.
68Wan Yau LauDiesel Development Team+ 8'30
69Zdenek StybarBecherovka - Petrofs.t.
70Ziga RucigajBecherovka - Petrofs.t.
71Albert KirevaAndorra Project - InGambas.t.
72Samuel CoronelBecherovka - Petrof+ 8'58
73Timothy RoeBNZ Cycling Team+ 10'01
74Simone PetilliCampari - Super Dry+ 10'07
75Anatoliy BudyakTeam Popo4Ever p/b Nemiroffs.t.
76Nicholas SchultzBNZ Cycling Team+ 10'19
77Nikita UmerbekovEddie Stobart+ 10'23
78Taylor GunmanBNZ Cycling Team+ 10'25
79Nathan HaasBNZ Cycling Team+ 10'28
80Adria UrcelayAndorra Project - InGamba+ 11'08
81Elias Abou RachidBecherovka - Petrof+ 11'13
82Abel KenyeresENI-MOL+ 11'29
83Nicola ConciEuskaltel - Eliors.t.
84Jonas GregaardENI-MOL+ 11'34
85Rob PartridgeEddie Stobart+ 11'38
86Jimmy PranataIndosat Ooredoo - ANZs.t.
87Tesfom OkbamariamIndosat Ooredoo - ANZ+ 11'42
88Jaime CastrilloEuskaltel - Eliors.t.
89Andres PaezRepsol - Netflix+ 12'25
90Luka PibernikSwisslion Cycling Team+ 12'27
91Miltiadis GiannoutsosRepsol - Netflixs.t.
92Patrik TyborCompal-Meridas.t.
93Meiyin WangDiesel Development Teams.t.
94Chris HarperMitchelton - Cobra9s.t.
95Vincenzo AlbaneseCampari - Super Dry+ 12'34
96Léo VincentEuskaltel - Eliors.t.
97Petr RikunovTeam Popo4Ever p/b Nemiroff+ 12'38
98Filippo RocchettiCampari - Super Drys.t.
99David GauduEuskaltel - Eliors.t.
100Simon GeschkeOberfranken+ 12'42
101Marcelo FelipeDiesel Development Teams.t.
102Ryan ChristensenRepsol - Netflixs.t.
103Benoit CosnefroyEuskaltel - Eliors.t.
104Dragan JasovicControl Teams.t.
105Costa SeibebSwisslion Cycling Teams.t.
106Husain Al BasriControl Team+ 12'48
107Sabelo MngometuluControl Teams.t.
108Eddie DunbarRepsol - Netflixs.t.
109Martins BlumsDK Zalgiris+ 13'41
110Venantas LasinisDK Zalgiriss.t.
111Samuel SsabagwanyaSPAR - Shimano - SCG+ 13'46
112Daniel PearsonRBC Spidertech+ 13'49
113Alex AranburuEuskaltel - Eliors.t.
114Dario PuccioniOberfrankens.t.
115Johannes SchinnagelOberfranken+ 13'55
116Filippo GannaEuskaltel - Eliors.t.
117Muhamad Adiq OthmanSwisslion Cycling Team+ 13'57
118Benjamin PerryRBC Spidertechs.t.
119Ivo OliveiraSPAR - Shimano - SCGs.t.
120Kyle BuckoskyRBC Spidertech+ 14'01
121Martin VelitsCompal-Meridas.t.
122Aaron GrosserOberfrankens.t.
123Thiago Duarte NardinDiesel Development Teams.t.
124Mikhail KochetkovTeam Popo4Ever p/b Nemiroffs.t.
125Atsushi OkaMeiji - JR Easts.t.
126Nick ReddishBNZ Cycling Team+ 14'31
127Lukas MeilerCampari - Super Dry+ 14'34
128Vladimiras KokorevasDK Zalgiris+ 14'37
129Florian StorkOberfranken+ 14'40
130Jesse KaislavuoRBC Spidertech+ 14'42
131Jakob RatheRBC Spidertechs.t.
132Airidas VideikaDK Zalgiriss.t.
133Ryoma NonakaMeiji - JR East+ 14'46
134Ashen TharukaAyubowan!+ 14'48
135Jiankun LiuMeiji - JR Easts.t.
136Adel BarbariOberfrankens.t.
137Darshana PrasadAyubowan!s.t.
138Oleksandr PolivodaTeam Popo4Ever p/b Nemiroffs.t.
139Frantisek SisrBecherovka - Petrof+ 15'31
140Neil Van der PloegEddie Stobart+ 15'34
141Mikaël ChérelEddie Stobart+ 15'53
142Lukas PostlbergerSPAR - Shimano - SCG+ 15'58
143Tony MartinSwisslion Cycling Team+ 17'11
144Ian RichardsonIndosat Ooredoo - ANZ+ 17'15
145Isaac SpeirsIndosat Ooredoo - ANZ+ 18'01
146Sasu HelmeValio - DeLaval+ 18'39
147Gediminas KaupasDK Zalgiris+ 18'43
148Odd Christian EikingMinions+ 18'49
149Dion BeukeboomAdastra - Argon 18s.t.
150Ivan KovalevSwisslion Cycling Teams.t.
151Julius van den BergAyubowan!+ 18'54
152Clenne Morvan MoulinguiMinionss.t.
153Alexander KampDiesel Development Team+ 19'08
154Richie PorteMitchelton - Cobra9+ 19'12
155Marco Andre AcevedoRBC Spidertech+ 19'16
156Tushantha RajapakshageAyubowan!+ 19'19
157Rei OnoderaMeiji - JR East+ 19'22
158Campbell FlakemoreBNZ Cycling Team+ 20'10
159Guangtong MaMitchelton - Cobra9+ 20'15
160Ryan GibbonsGCN ProTeam+ 20'19
161Jai HindleyBNZ Cycling Team+ 20'23
162Geoffroy NgandambaGCN ProTeams.t.
163Nihal SilvaAyubowan!s.t.
164Michal KukrleAdastra - Argon 18+ 20'28
165Eduardo ColonCampari - Super Drys.t.
166Laureano RosasMinionss.t.
167Soufiane HaddiGCN ProTeam+ 20'33
168Brenton JonesMitchelton - Cobra9+ 20'35
169James CurryEddie Stobarts.t.
170Michael ThomsonGCN ProTeam+ 20'39
171Marco ZanottiCampari - Super Drys.t.
172Balazs RozsaDK Zalgiris+ 20'43
173Nazir JaserBecherovka - Petrofs.t.
174Hugues MottinAndorra Project - InGamba+ 21'18
175Richard Laningo LaizerAndorra Project - InGamba+ 21'50
176Miles ScotsonBNZ Cycling Team+ 21'54
177Fabio JakobsenEuskaltel - Elior+ 25'28
178Daniel RuizENI-MOL+ 28'01
179Jingbiao ZhaoMeiji - JR East+ 30'08
180Than Tung HuynhMeiji - JR East+ 30'11
181Aleksi HänninenValio - DeLaval+ 30'14
182Emmanuel KillyDiesel Development Team+ 30'17
183Dmitriy RiveDiesel Development Team+ 30'20
184Darren YoungTeam Popo4Ever p/b Nemiroffs.t.
185Matti BreschelCompal-Meridas.t.
186Sang Hoon ParkMitchelton - Cobra9+ 30'25
187Thomas StewartRBC Spidertechs.t.
188Marc MachadoENI-MOLs.t.
189Maral-Erdene BatmunkhBecherovka - Petrof+ 30'29
190Sandor SzalontayENI-MOLs.t.

General Classification
1Leopold KönigValio - DeLaval9h19'51
2Petar PanayotovAdastra - Argon 18+ 10
3Dario CataldoCampari - Super Dry+ 19
4Meron RussomIndosat Ooredoo - ANZ+ 53
5Gyung Gu JangSPAR - Shimano - SCG+ 2'00
6Sergei PomoshnikovENI-MOL+ 2'01
7Daniel Ricardo DiazOberfranken+ 2'10
8Chad HagaMinions+ 2'45
9Thibaut PinotGCN ProTeam+ 3'04
10Travis MeyerEddie Stobart+ 3'09
11Miguel Angel LopezDK Zalgiris+ 3'11
12Lawrence WarbasseAndorra Project - InGamba+ 3'17
13Suranga RanaweeraAyubowan!+ 3'30
14Yevgeniy GidichSPAR - Shimano - SCG+ 3'38
15Jonas BjelkmarkAdastra - Argon 18+ 3'46
16George Alexandru StancuENI-MOL+ 3'56
17Adrian NituTeam Popo4Ever p/b Nemiroff+ 4'10
18Farzad KhodayariMinions+ 4'25
19Gorka IzagirreDK Zalgiris+ 4'50
20Stefano PirazziRepsol - Netflix+ 4'58
21Michael CumingGCN ProTeam+ 4'59
22Nur Amirul MarzukiSPAR - Shimano - SCG+ 5'25
23Kai ReusSwisslion Cycling Team+ 5'55
24Dadi SuryadiIndosat Ooredoo - ANZ+ 5'56
25Sota IkibeCampari - Super Dry+ 6'11
26Rafael SerranoRepsol - Netflix+ 6'25
27Muhamad Zawawi AzmanSPAR - Shimano - SCG+ 7'09
28Peerapol ChawchiangkuangDiesel Development Team+ 7'16
29John Kronborg EbsenAdastra - Argon 18+ 7'27
30Gasore HategekaGCN ProTeam+ 7'30
31Carlos BaltazarAndorra Project - InGamba+ 7'34
32Nathan HaasBNZ Cycling Team+ 7'46
33Darwin AtapumaCompal-Merida+ 8'18
34Thurakit BoonratanathanakornSPAR - Shimano - SCG+ 8'32
35Dmitri GrabovskiAdastra - Argon 18+ 8'35
36Albert KirevaAndorra Project - InGamba+ 8'54
37Bonaventure UwizeyimanaAndorra Project - InGamba+ 9'01
38Mark PadunTeam Popo4Ever p/b Nemiroff+ 9'03
39Luis Leon Sanchez GilRepsol - Netflix+ 9'06
40Sebastian HenaoCompal-Merida+ 9'07
41Michal SchlegelAdastra - Argon 18+ 9'13
42Jaroslav KulhavyBecherovka - Petrof+ 9'17
43Janez BrajkovicSwisslion Cycling Team+ 9'34
44Yin Chih WangMitchelton - Cobra9+ 9'43
45Sakari LehtinenValio - DeLaval+ 9'51
46Hossein AlizadehOberfranken+ 10'01
47Taylor GunmanBNZ Cycling Team+ 10'04
48Artem TopchanyukTeam Popo4Ever p/b Nemiroff+ 10'18
49Cayetano SarmientoMinions+ 10'22
50Hiroshi TsubakiMeiji - JR East+ 10'30
51Karol Andrzej DomagalskiCompal-Merida+ 10'36
52Ole HirschleinAndorra Project - InGambas.t.
53Charles AnguiletGCN ProTeam+ 10'37
54Jaime RosonRepsol - Netflix+ 10'42
55Timothy RoeBNZ Cycling Team+ 10'56
56Hideto NakaneAdastra - Argon 18+ 11'12
57Anatoliy BudyakTeam Popo4Ever p/b Nemiroff+ 11'14
58Nikita UmerbekovEddie Stobart+ 11'34
59Jimmi BricenoSwisslion Cycling Team+ 11'36
60Romain HardyEddie Stobart+ 11'38
61Robin ManulangIndosat Ooredoo - ANZ+ 12'18
62Nicholas SchultzBNZ Cycling Team+ 12'25
63Mohammad Saufi Mat SenanMitchelton - Cobra9+ 12'32
64Joonas HenttalaValio - DeLaval+ 12'44
65Bartosz WarcholIndosat Ooredoo - ANZ+ 12'48
66Gökhan HastaValio - DeLaval+ 12'54
67Jhonnatan De LeonRBC Spidertech+ 13'04
68Mark O'BrienMitchelton - Cobra9+ 13'07
69Benoit CosnefroyEuskaltel - Elior+ 13'11
70Jimmy PranataIndosat Ooredoo - ANZ+ 13'14
71Luka PibernikSwisslion Cycling Team+ 13'16
72Costa SeibebSwisslion Cycling Team+ 13'26
73Miltiadis GiannoutsosRepsol - Netflix+ 13'30
74Petr RikunovTeam Popo4Ever p/b Nemiroff+ 13'36
75Meiyin WangDiesel Development Team+ 13'40
76Marcelo FelipeDiesel Development Team+ 13'41
77Simon GeschkeOberfranken+ 13'54
78Tareq EsmaeliMinions+ 14'24
79Martins BlumsDK Zalgiris+ 14'49
80Marek CaneckyCompal-Merida+ 14'52
81Thiago Duarte NardinDiesel Development Team+ 15'26
82Samuel SsabagwanyaSPAR - Shimano - SCG+ 15'37
83Muhamad Adiq OthmanSwisslion Cycling Team+ 15'39
84Nicola ConciEuskaltel - Elior+ 15'51
85Samuel CoronelBecherovka - Petrof+ 16'04
86Simone PetilliCampari - Super Dry+ 16'09
87Pedro Pablo PereyraENI-MOL+ 16'24
88Rob PartridgeEddie Stobart+ 17'14
89Ian RichardsonIndosat Ooredoo - ANZ+ 17'16
90Léo VincentEuskaltel - Elior+ 17'25
91Chris BartonMinions+ 17'32
92Dragan JasovicControl Team+ 17'45
93David GauduEuskaltel - Elior+ 17'48
94Tony MartinSwisslion Cycling Team+ 17'53
95Ryan ChristensenRepsol - Netflix+ 18'01
96Jaime CastrilloEuskaltel - Elior+ 18'06
97Chris HarperMitchelton - Cobra9+ 18'18
98Jonas GregaardENI-MOL+ 18'20
99Filippo GannaEuskaltel - Elior+ 18'23
100Mikaël ChérelEddie Stobart+ 18'24
101Ziga RucigajBecherovka - Petrof+ 18'39
102Ivo OliveiraSPAR - Shimano - SCG+ 18'43
103Andres PaezRepsol - Netflix+ 18'58
104Ryoma NonakaMeiji - JR East+ 19'15
105Patrik TyborCompal-Merida+ 19'16
106Odd Christian EikingMinions+ 19'22
107Vladimiras KokorevasDK Zalgiris+ 19'25
108Wan Yau LauDiesel Development Team+ 19'29
109Neil Van der PloegEddie Stobart+ 19'31
110Vincenzo AlbaneseCampari - Super Dry+ 20'21
111Ashen TharukaAyubowan!+ 20'38
112Erick RowsellEddie Stobart+ 20'42
113Alex AranburuEuskaltel - Elior+ 20'45
114Jakob RatheRBC Spidertech+ 20'48
115Clenne Morvan MoulinguiMinions+ 21'37
116Adria UrcelayAndorra Project - InGamba+ 21'40
117Rasmus SteroboCompal-Merida+ 22'02
118Eddie DunbarRepsol - Netflix+ 23'27
119Atsushi OkaMeiji - JR East+ 23'31
120Filippo RocchettiCampari - Super Dry+ 23'35
121Sabelo MngometuluControl Team+ 23'38
122Geoffroy NgandambaGCN ProTeam+ 24'05
123Zdenek StybarBecherovka - Petrof+ 24'08
124Johannes SchinnagelOberfranken+ 24'30
125Aaron GrosserOberfranken+ 24'33
126Laureano RosasMinions+ 24'40
127Richie PorteMitchelton - Cobra9+ 24'45
128Gediminas KaupasDK Zalgiris+ 25'01
129Tushantha RajapakshageAyubowan!+ 25'02
130Nick ReddishBNZ Cycling Team+ 25'04
131Sasu HelmeValio - DeLaval+ 25'09
132Oleksandr PolivodaTeam Popo4Ever p/b Nemiroff+ 25'19
133Jai HindleyBNZ Cycling Team+ 25'25
134Jiankun LiuMeiji - JR East+ 25'34
135Tesfom OkbamariamIndosat Ooredoo - ANZ+ 25'40
136Eduardo ColonCampari - Super Dry+ 25'49
137Hugues MottinAndorra Project - InGamba+ 26'26
138Marco Andre AcevedoRBC Spidertech+ 26'39
139Elias Abou RachidBecherovka - Petrof+ 27'06
140Lukas MeilerCampari - Super Dry+ 28'04
141Adel BarbariOberfranken+ 28'06
142Daniel PearsonRBC Spidertechs.t.
143Martin VelitsCompal-Merida+ 28'29
144Benjamin PerryRBC Spidertech+ 29'42
145Isaac SpeirsIndosat Ooredoo - ANZ+ 29'44
146Florian StorkOberfranken+ 30'08
147Kyle BuckoskyRBC Spidertech+ 30'11
148Michal KukrleAdastra - Argon 18+ 30'22
149Ryan GibbonsGCN ProTeam+ 30'44
150Balazs RozsaDK Zalgiris+ 31'02
151Nihal SilvaAyubowan!+ 31'10
152Soufiane HaddiGCN ProTeam+ 31'15
153Dion BeukeboomAdastra - Argon 18+ 32'44
154Alexander KampDiesel Development Team+ 32'50
155Jesse KaislavuoRBC Spidertech+ 33'35
156Rei OnoderaMeiji - JR East+ 34'20
157Marco ZanottiCampari - Super Dry+ 34'25
158Julius van den BergAyubowan!+ 35'08
159Jingbiao ZhaoMeiji - JR East+ 35'25
160Thomas StewartRBC Spidertech+ 35'30
161Guangtong MaMitchelton - Cobra9+ 35'39
162Husain Al BasriControl Team+ 35'41
163Nazir JaserBecherovka - Petrof+ 37'00
164Airidas VideikaDK Zalgiris+ 37'09
165Lukas PostlbergerSPAR - Shimano - SCG+ 37'26
166Matti BreschelCompal-Merida+ 37'33
167Mikhail KochetkovTeam Popo4Ever p/b Nemiroff+ 37'50
168Abel KenyeresENI-MOL+ 38'30
169Venantas LasinisDK Zalgiris+ 40'19
170Darshana PrasadAyubowan!+ 41'33
171Frantisek SisrBecherovka - Petrof+ 41'58
172Dario PuccioniOberfranken+ 44'18
173Miles ScotsonBNZ Cycling Team+ 46'49
174Richard Laningo LaizerAndorra Project - InGamba+ 47'26
175Michael ThomsonGCN ProTeam+ 47'28
176Brenton JonesMitchelton - Cobra9+ 48'42
177Ivan KovalevSwisslion Cycling Team+ 49'56
178Fabio JakobsenEuskaltel - Elior+ 51'16
179James CurryEddie Stobart+ 51'48
180Maral-Erdene BatmunkhBecherovka - Petrof+ 53'01
181Than Tung HuynhMeiji - JR East+ 53'17
182Campbell FlakemoreBNZ Cycling Team+ 53'43
183Aleksi HänninenValio - DeLaval+ 55'33
184Darren YoungTeam Popo4Ever p/b Nemiroff+ 55'37
185Sandor SzalontayENI-MOL+ 56'37
186Daniel RuizENI-MOL+ 1h00'19
187Marc MachadoENI-MOL+ 1h01'10
188Emmanuel KillyDiesel Development Team+ 1h02'55
189Dmitriy RiveDiesel Development Team+ 1h02'58
190Sang Hoon ParkMitchelton - Cobra9+ 1h07'24

Points Classification
1Nathan HaasBNZ Cycling Team025
Kai ReusSwisslion Cycling Team025
Petar PanayotovAdastra - Argon 182525
4Travis MeyerEddie Stobart020
Dario CataldoCampari - Super Dry2020
Ivan KovalevSwisslion Cycling Team020
7Lawrence WarbasseAndorra Project - InGamba018
8Leopold KönigValio - DeLaval1617
Thibaut PinotGCN ProTeam717
10Gasore HategekaGCN ProTeam016
Meron RussomIndosat Ooredoo - ANZ1416
Gyung Gu JangSPAR - Shimano - SCG1016
Hugues MottinAndorra Project - InGamba016
14Taylor GunmanBNZ Cycling Team014
15Chad HagaMinions113
16Ian RichardsonIndosat Ooredoo - ANZ012
17Nur Amirul MarzukiSPAR - Shimano - SCG012
18Darwin AtapumaCompal-Merida1212
19Miguel Angel LopezDK Zalgiris211
20Tony MartinSwisslion Cycling Team010
21Sergei PomoshnikovENI-MOL99
22Robin ManulangIndosat Ooredoo - ANZ09
23Daniel Ricardo DiazOberfranken88
24Samuel SsabagwanyaSPAR - Shimano - SCG08
25Rasmus SteroboCompal-Merida08
26Muhamad Zawawi AzmanSPAR - Shimano - SCG07
27Laureano RosasMinions06
28Sebastian HenaoCompal-Merida66
29Suranga RanaweeraAyubowan!05
30George Alexandru StancuENI-MOL55
31Yevgeniy GidichSPAR - Shimano - SCG04
32Stefano PirazziRepsol - Netflix44
33Chris BartonMinions04
34Luka PibernikSwisslion Cycling Team03
35Michael CumingGCN ProTeam33
36Darren YoungTeam Popo4Ever p/b Nemiroff02

Mountain Classification
1Taylor GunmanBNZ Cycling Team051
2Mikaël ChérelEddie Stobart042
3Michael CumingGCN ProTeam2929
4Clenne Morvan MoulinguiMinions025
5Marek CaneckyCompal-Merida2525
6Petar PanayotovAdastra - Argon 182020
7Jaime CastrilloEuskaltel - Elior818
8Mark O'BrienMitchelton - Cobra91515
9Leopold KönigValio - DeLaval1214
10Dario CataldoCampari - Super Dry1414
11Luis Leon Sanchez GilRepsol - Netflix1414
12Meron RussomIndosat Ooredoo - ANZ1010
13Samuel CoronelBecherovka - Petrof010
14Darwin AtapumaCompal-Merida88
15Gyung Gu JangSPAR - Shimano - SCG66
16Sergei PomoshnikovENI-MOL55
17Travis MeyerEddie Stobart04
18Daniel Ricardo DiazOberfranken44
19Sasu HelmeValio - DeLaval04
20Jesse KaislavuoRBC Spidertech44
21Thibaut PinotGCN ProTeam33
22Airidas VideikaDK Zalgiris03
23Gasore HategekaGCN ProTeam02
24Rob PartridgeEddie Stobart22
25Sebastian HenaoCompal-Merida22
26George Alexandru StancuENI-MOL11
27Lukas MeilerCampari - Super Dry01

U25 Classification
1Miguel Angel LopezDK Zalgiris9h23'02 (1)
2Suranga RanaweeraAyubowan!+ 19 (2)
3Yevgeniy GidichSPAR - Shimano - SCG+ 27 (3)
4Muhamad Zawawi AzmanSPAR - Shimano - SCG+ 3'58 (4)
5Bonaventure UwizeyimanaAndorra Project - InGamba+ 5'50 (5)
6Mark PadunTeam Popo4Ever p/b Nemiroff+ 5'52 (6)
7Sebastian HenaoCompal-Merida+ 5'56 (7)
8Michal SchlegelAdastra - Argon 18+ 6'02 (8)
9Sakari LehtinenValio - DeLaval+ 6'40 (9)
10Jaime RosonRepsol - Netflix+ 7'31 (10)
11Anatoliy BudyakTeam Popo4Ever p/b Nemiroff+ 8'03 (11)
12Nicholas SchultzBNZ Cycling Team+ 9'14 (12)
13Jhonnatan De LeonRBC Spidertech+ 9'53 (13)
14Benoit CosnefroyEuskaltel - Elior+ 10'00 (14)
15Luka PibernikSwisslion Cycling Team+ 10'05 (15)
16Miltiadis GiannoutsosRepsol - Netflix+ 10'19 (16)
17Petr RikunovTeam Popo4Ever p/b Nemiroff+ 10'25 (17)
18Martins BlumsDK Zalgiris+ 11'38 (18)
19Samuel SsabagwanyaSPAR - Shimano - SCG+ 12'26 (19)
20Nicola ConciEuskaltel - Elior+ 12'40 (20)

Teams Classification
1Minions28h08'52 (1)
2Adastra - Argon 18+ 30 (2)
3SPAR - Shimano - SCG+ 33 (3)
4Indosat Ooredoo - ANZ+ 4'03 (4)
5GCN ProTeam+ 5'16 (5)
6ENI-MOL+ 8'34 (6)
7Andorra Project - InGamba+ 8'54 (7)
8Repsol - Netflix+ 9'07 (8)
9Swisslion Cycling Team+ 9'11 (9)
10Eddie Stobart+ 9'50 (10)
11Team Popo4Ever p/b Nemiroff+ 11'11 (11)
12Valio - DeLaval+ 12'31 (12)
13Campari - Super Dry+ 12'51 (13)
14DK Zalgiris+ 13'15 (14)
15Compal-Merida+ 16'23 (15)
16Oberfranken+ 16'37 (16)
17BNZ Cycling Team+ 19'15 (17)
18Diesel Development Team+ 20'53 (18)
19Mitchelton - Cobra9+ 23'15 (19)
20Becherovka - Petrof+ 33'19 (20)
21Ayubowan!+ 35'14 (21)
22Euskaltel - Elior+ 35'45 (22)
23Meiji - JR East+ 38'43 (23)
24RBC Spidertech+ 42'42 (24)

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