In my personal opinion I think a merging of features in pro cyclist mode and career mode in terms of transfers would be great.
In pro cyclist mode you can contact teams to show your interest in being signed to them, a feature like this is something I think should be implemented into the career mode so the AI cyclists will contact your team if they'd like to be signed to you. As to not get overflowed with messages from cyclists wanting to be on your team it should be related to both region of your team corresponding with that of the rider of if the rider is "good enough" to be on your team so that low potential riders won't beg to be on cwt teams. In addition I'd like to see AI cyclist accept almost any offer towards the end of the transfer season as being on a team is always preferred to just being a free agent. In all honesty I think this with AI teams in mind, especially the AI continental teams as some of them get stuck with 2-6 riders which is not a good place to be in despite there being plenty of free agent riders.
As for the pro cyclist mode I think it would be ideal if you with the help from your agent set an estimated salary for you and how long you would want a contract for before the transfer season starts so that teams can send you contract offers instead of just showing interests, however you can try to negotiate your salary and contract duration, but teams will not necessarily agree to your offers and you might have to choose an offer which you might not find ideal. Currently I think you have too much managerial powers as a mere cyclist and I think this could be a positive change to that.