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Tour de Suisse - Stage 3

A very tough stage today with two ascents from two sides of an HC climb and over 200kms of racing. Not for the faint-hearted, any top GC hopes will all have to be at their best here if they want to be in the battle for yellow by the end of the race. pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/vsa.png Andy Schleck is in the driver's seat following yesterday's TT, but the likes of pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/nem.png Pluchkin and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/gzl.png Madrazo are chomping at the bit to challenge for the leader's jersey by the end of the stage. Though really it's pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/aeg.png Keizer who's the best placed GC rider, a few seconds ahead of Schleck. You can feel the tension in the air here at the startline.


No really strong climbers in the breakaway here. pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/aeg.png Dumoulin,
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/fes.png Bayly,
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/spy.png Robov and
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/itd.png Brockhoff are our escape today. The latter of course was in the break on day one and will be hoping to use his backlog of KOM points to claim the jersey, however if he isn't good today they're irrelevant with the 60 points on offer.


Robov and Bayly are full of intent, despite it being a precursor climb to the Glaubenbielen they show their dominance in the Cat.2 KoM as the former just takes max points over the Aussie. Meanwhile in the peloton pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/fes.png Jacobs, who was in the day 1 break, claims 2 points, showing he hasn't given up on wearing the KOM jersey.


At the summit of the Glaubenbielen, the same result. Bayly and Robov decisively dropping their peers now.

It hasn't been a fast or slow day here so far but the peloton is still intact, 180 riders we now have the descent and a bit of flat road before looping around and climbing the Glaubenbielen the side the riders just descended, which is slightly shorter but steeper.


As I say that though a flurry of attacks over the summit from some good climbers looking to capitalise on the break's splintering. They are lead by pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/evo.png Koch. Also involved in moves behind the Evonik man are pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ebd.png Herrada, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/akm.png Hoem, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/wha.png Mai, and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/tsa.png Ignatenko. This has put a lot of riders in difficulty, the biggest casualties aren't that big though, they are KOM leader pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/vsa.png Schlechter and white jersey pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/jay.png Oram.


As we go around the lake before the reverse climb of the Glaubenbielen, Koch is still solo but the other attackers have found each other and have a healthy gap on the peloton.

It's mostly Prio-Porto, Tinkoff and Gazelle chasing for now, they don't seem to be bothered by the riders ahead, none of whom will really be relevant on GC unless the peloton implodes.


The chasing group has traded Koch for the dropping Ignatenko and gone straight through Brockhoff. Dumoulin has a gap of 40 seconds to them, with another 40 up to the leading duo. It's 4 minutes from the chasers to the pack.


With still 12km to climb and still 53km to race, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros16/pum.png Herklotz is on the offensive! Nobody immediately follows, but Gazelle do up the pace to stop the young German getting a gap.


But he's still going, and what's more, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/wha.png Taaramäe sees an opportunity! The Estonian needs some time back after the TTT and sets off festivities from the big four off with over 50km remaining! This is a serious move, he’s going for it and has flown past the Gazelle riders!

Keizer seems like he wants to go but can't even accelerate past the Gazelle train. Behind Morton is dropping from the pack as well, much to the anger of the Jayco manager, who was heard over team radio telling Morton something I just can't repeat on television.


The new pace is also too much for pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/tsa.png Kritskiy, who's not having a good race!

Meanwhile Herklotz and Taaramäe are working together and have 30 seconds' gap to the peloton. Will it be enough to make it the next 8kms to the summit?


The chasing group have bridged to the leaders and already Koch and Herrada are attacking the group.

We've also heard that Malori, the yellow jersey, has predictably lost touch with the peloton.

pcmdaily.com/files/Micros16/prp.png Vinhas is now putting out some serious wattage, leading the peloton with his leader Machado tucked in behind. They have a little gap, intentional or not, and time will tell if they help or hinder Herklotz and Taaramäe.

They do get a gap, and now Madrazo tries the same trick with Agudelo leading him. Schleck and and his teammates are on the front, with the former World Champ preparing to pounce when his teammates make the catch or give chase himself.


We now see the Vesuvio trio of Goos, König and Schleck get a gap, which Keizer, Pluchkin and Amador latch on to. Their gap to the pack is small but the chase behind is unorganised. We'll get you good people a gaps update soon, as these 6 set their sights on catching the three duos ahead.

Also news that Bayly has been dropped from the front group and Koch and Herrada are still ahead.


There's a few catches made: The Porto duo caught Herklotz and Taaramäe who in turn caught and dropped Bayly, who's now hanging onto the Gazelle duo, and the chasers. Pluchkin also has dropped the others slightly in his chase. Everything much closer now.

Also note the sneaky domestique in Mai that Wiesenhof planted in the chase - was Taaramäe's long move actually pre-planned or is this just great luck?


Almost at the summit and we now actually have a group of 11 as Madrazo, Pluchkin, Amador and Schleck make the bridge, dropping Bayly, Agudelo, Keizer and Schleck's teammates. They have 2'07 on the peloton (lead by what's left of Spotify) and are 1'31 behind Koch and Herrada.


Taaramäe attacks again now, closely followed by Madrazo. Everyone is trying to follow the move so we'll update you on groups once it's all settled.

In the end the first two get a gap but only drop Vinhas who is caught by Keizer, who's gone solo in search of a bridge. Herklotz notably is struggling though, Hoem and Robov were surprisingly strong there.


Behind them pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/aeg.png Olivier, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/spy.png Wellens, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/hug.png Alarcon and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/tsa.png Novikov have attacked the peloton, though after the move there is no peloton really. A few seconds behind this quartet is a 15-man group, with pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ayu.png Yates, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/pnd.png Dombrowski and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ers.png Kudus the biggest names. The latter's teammate leads another group of 15 or so another minute behind.


Koch now leads over the summit, having attacked and dropped Herrada. He's got a surprising and solid minute and a half on Taaramäe and Madrazo, with the Spaniard stuck in the middle.


Machado makes a move now, knowing the danger of the duo ahead and also sensing an opportunity to take the GC lead! He's not directly followed but Schleck, Herklotz and Mai are all chasing.


He leads with a small gap over the KoM point as Schleck, Herklotz and Amador follow behind. Pluchkin is just behind that group but it looks like the end for Robov, Hoem and Mai.

Keizer follows 30 seconds behind the latter three, trailed by 40 seconds by a trio of Vinhas and Novikov and Wellens, who attacked Olivier and Alarcon, who aren't far behind. After them is Goos/Konig/Bayly/Agudelo, who are still intact. After that it's the 15-man group who I mentioned before, now lead by Kudus.


Now on the descent Keizer has bridged to the drop riders from the Schleck group, whilst Alarcon and Olivier have regained touch with Wellens and Novikov. Machado and Herrada retain slim gaps, whilst Koch at the front and Taaramäe and Madrazo all press on.

Behind these groups Agudelo and Bayly have been caught, whilst the Alarcon group has a minute and a half on the Kudus group, with Goos and Konig in no-man's land.


The front group is now Taaramäe, Madrazo, the caught Koch and the bridger Machado. Herrada has been dropped. This group retains a 31-second lead to Schleck and co.

Everyone behind Schleck's group is falling further behind, Keizer (now solo again) even has lost almost 2 minutes.


The intermediate sprint, won by Koch, is a chance to see the situation before the imminent final climb (halfway up the original side of the Glaubenbielen). The quarter leading have a very slim gap, under 30 seconds, to


The Schleck group, which now has another surprisingly willing participant in their chase with Herrada, who are rotating the chase well and look better organised than quite a few TTTs yesterday.


The chase behind them has ballooned to 9 riders and has actually got back to under a minute behind now there are two domestiques in Olivier and Robov.


Two and a half minutes behind this is the Kudus/Yates/Dombrowski group, lead by Reguigui. It stinks of depression, says the moto rider.


A valiant effort from Koch but he is the last of the break-hijackers to be dropped. It seems like Evonik's manager will see some fight for his TDF win jok- erm, goal but may have to wait for Lopez to mature to actually get some success there. 15km to go.


Novikov now attacking! He tries to leave his companions behind, and maybe even bridge to the group ahead?

Koch has also been caught by said group.


10km to go and the steeper sections of the climb will kick in soon for the front trio. They have slightly extended their lead to 40 seconds now, but are only half the size of the chasers.

Speaking of which, Novikov is now closer to the second group than the third. He's got 20 more seconds to try and bridge before the steeper sections kick in. All groups working together well.


Taaramäe now again making the race as he wants to leave his companions behind. Machado latches straight onto his wheel, Madrazo is responding but slightly later than the Portuguese man.


Silvio Herklotz simultaneously attacks the second group! Koch doesn't have the legs but Herrada does for now. Schleck is at the front of the response, can either of these two attacks get a gap?


The answer is no, but both have dropped riders - Madrazo is now 15 seconds away from both groups whilst Herrada and Koch have had to relent to the pace of Herklotz.

Behind reports of an Aegon rider bridging to Novikov! But it's not Keizer, it's actually Daan Olivier leaving his leader behind!


Behind that Yates now attacks the group, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/fes.png Novak and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ers.png Teklehaimanot try to follow. It doesn't look that decisive, though, and it won't gap anybody.


A shakeup now as Wellens attacks around Novikov. Olivier drops as Keizer joins the Russian in pursuit.

Up ahead Madrazo is caught by Scheck's group and Taaramäe and Machado have 45 seconds now with just 4km to go!


Madrazo also too tired to follow Herklotz's pace into the final 3km, up ahead Machado takes the reigns to take all the time out of Schleck he can. He needs 22 seconds' gap to claim yellow, however bonuses makes it even less.

Behind Novikov and Wellens working together, Keizer again stuck chasing.


Taaramäe now retakes the lead under the flamme rouge and he and Machado have a gap of 29 seconds to the chasers, which should be enough for the stage.


Both leaders seem to be as fast in the sprint as the other, which looks like it'll be in Taaramäe's favour with his positioning.


Actually Machado cracks and so it's a comfortable celebration from the Estonian. Always attacking, he animated the race and deserves this victory and showing he's the strongest. Surely a big boost for his GC hopes. Machado with a few bonuses will be happy with this and should move into yellow unless Schleck finishes this one off very fast!


Herklotz leads the sprint for third and a few desperate bonus seconds but Pluchkin also looks good.


However, it's the German who takes the last podium spot after a very good performance. For a still developing, not a favourite, young rider to kick off the attacking with over 50km to go, continue to work and attack the cycling world's biggest names, and come third is a feat you can't understate really. He’ll take the white jersey for his efforts as well as a high GC place. Pluchkin and Amador in 4th and 5th had a quiet race and whilst the former will be a bit annoyed not to be at the front, the latter played it well and will be pleased to finish with Pluchkin and Schleck. The latter will be frustrated but didn't quite have the legs today. Behind them, Madrazo does a decent job at limiting his losses but will be disappointed after great work from his team and looking very good before the final climb.


Herrada and Koch did well to earn 8th and 9th after what could have been a stage-winning move midway through the day. Surely a pleasing result for them and their managers, who weren't expecting a lot from this race.


A very good Novikov salvages something for his team today after Kritskiy's misfortune yesterday to round out the top 10th ahead of Olivier and a surprisingly quiet Alarcon. Wellens actually dropped after his earlier efforts and will lose some time here.


You've got to feel for Keizer. Never quite joining the front moves, he was solo for ages and eventually was too fatigued to even hold onto the Wellens group in the final sprint. He's even about to be caught by the group behind, lead by Dombrowski and Vosekalns.

1Rein TaaramäeWiesenhof-Andritz6h00'37
2Tiago MachadoPorto - Prio+ 14
3Silvio HerklotzTeam Puma - SAP+ 35
4Aleksandr PluchkinNemiroff - ABBYYs.t.
5Andrei AmadorTeam UBSs.t.
6Andy SchleckVesuvio - Accumaluxs.t.
7Angel MadrazoGazelle+ 1'34
8José HerradaeBuddy+ 2'36
9Michel KochEvonik - ELKO+ 3'14
10Nikita NovikovTinkoff Sport Academys.t.
11Daan OlivierAegon - Lavazzas.t.
12Jose AlarconHugo Bosss.t.
13BjOrn Tore HoemAker - MOT+ 3'34
14Rui Pedro VinhasPorto - Prios.t.
15Tim WellensSpotify - Haglöfss.t.
16Joseph DombrowskiPendleton's+ 4'22
17Martijn KeizerAegon - Lavazzas.t.
18Andris VosekalnsEvonik - ELKOs.t.
19Jakub NovakFestina - Dexias.t.
20Daniel TeklehaimanotEritel - Sonatrachs.t.
21Adam YatesAyubowan!s.t.
22Eduard Alexander BeltranAker - MOTs.t.
23Florian MorizotRBC Pro Cyclings.t.
24Leopold KönigVesuvio - Accumaluxs.t.
25Christoph MaiWiesenhof-Andritzs.t.
26Matej VysnaMoser - Sygics.t.
27Nathan BrownRBC Pro Cyclings.t.
28Matthias FrankTeam UBS+ 5'16
29Aberlardo AblenadoHugo Bosss.t.
30Francesco BongiornoTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
31Tobias LudvigssonSpotify - Haglöfss.t.
32Patrick SchellingTeam UBSs.t.
33Marc GoosVesuvio - Accumaluxs.t.
34Jairo AgudeloGazelles.t.
35Merhawi KudusEritel - Sonatrachs.t.
36Thomas LövkvistSpotify - Haglöfs+ 5'56
37Cameron BaylyFestina - Dexia+ 6'54
38Youcef ReguiguiEritel - Sonatrachs.t.
39Momchil RobovSpotify - Haglöfss.t.
40Tim DeesPendleton's+ 11'05
41Ricardo Van der VeldeeBuddy+ 11'29
42Rafel MajkaeBuddys.t.
43Natnael BerhaneEritel - Sonatrachs.t.
44Miguel Angel BenitoHugo Bosss.t.
45Jes˙s HerradaHugo Bosss.t.
46Ian BibbyGazelles.t.
47Yevgeni NepomnyachsniyNemiroff - ABBYYs.t.
48Havard BlikraSpotify - Haglöfss.t.
49Ajay Pandit ChhetriStravas.t.
50Nelson OliveiraPorto - Prios.t.
51Mirco SaggioratoTeam UBSs.t.
52Benjamin DyballJayco - Cobra9s.t.
53Jo Kogstad RingheimAker - MOTs.t.
54Lars BoomAegon - Lavazzas.t.
55Alexandor CatafordRBC Pro Cyclings.t.
56Petr VakocMoser - Sygics.t.
57Joey RosskopfRBC Pro Cyclings.t.
58Antonio PedreroIberia - Team Degenkolbs.t.
59Jaroslav KulhavyMoser - Sygics.t.
60David WöhrerWiesenhof-Andritzs.t.
61Patrick BevinTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
62Suranga RanaweeraAyubowan!s.t.
63Georg PreidlerWiesenhof-Andritzs.t.
64Zdenek StybarMoser - Sygics.t.
65Petr IgnatenkoTinkoff Sport Academys.t.
66Francis De GreefGazelles.t.
67Jonas BjelkmarkSpotify - Haglöfss.t.
68SÈbastien IvarsTeam UBSs.t.
69Kristjan KorenGazelles.t.
70Vegard Robinson BuggeAker - MOTs.t.
71Basilio Ramos TiconaTeam UBSs.t.
72Mekseb DebesayEritel - Sonatrachs.t.
73Gilles HeymesVesuvio - Accumaluxs.t.
74Colin St¸ssiTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
75Tim KennaughPendleton's+ 12'48
76Tom CopelandPendleton'ss.t.
77Edison BravoPendleton'ss.t.
78Frank SchleckVesuvio - Accumaluxs.t.
79Mihran AvetisyanNemiroff - ABBYY+ 13'25
80Ignas KonovalovasNemiroff - ABBYYs.t.
81Johann van ZylRBC Pro Cycling+ 14'35
82ThÈry SchirTeam UBS+ 15'04
83Mektel EyobStravas.t.
84Mirko SelvaggiStravas.t.
85Christian EgidioPorto - Prios.t.
86Charles MatteRBC Pro Cyclings.t.
87Daniel HoelgaardAker - MOTs.t.
88Jonathan BellisAyubowan!s.t.
89Conor DunneTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
90Milos BorisavljevicWiesenhof-Andritzs.t.
91Mykhaylo KononenkoNemiroff - ABBYY+ 17'32
92Kaspars SergisEvonik - ELKO+ 17'40
93Robin CarpenterRBC Pro Cyclings.t.
94Brendan CantyJayco - Cobra9s.t.
95Andreas VangstadAker - MOTs.t.
96Pierre LatourIberia - Team Degenkolbs.t.
97Maurits LammertinkeBuddys.t.
98Jonathan CastroviejoeBuddys.t.
99Miguel Angel LopezEvonik - ELKOs.t.
100Richie PorteJayco - Cobra9s.t.
101Marios AthanasiadesNemiroff - ABBYYs.t.
102Michael HepburnJayco - Cobra9s.t.
103Juan Pablo MagallanesControl Teams.t.
104Lawson CraddockAegon - Lavazzas.t.
105Elias AfewerkiEritel - Sonatrachs.t.
106Tom DumoulinAegon - Lavazzas.t.
107Marlen ZmorkaPorto - Prios.t.
108Jan BrockhoffIberia - Team Degenkolbs.t.
109Jacob FiedlerPorto - Prios.t.
110Lachlan MortonJayco - Cobra9s.t.
111Rodrigo NascimentoPorto - Prios.t.
112Krisztian LovassyAegon - Lavazzas.t.
113Bob JungelsVesuvio - Accumaluxs.t.
114Angelo TulikStrava+ 21'35
115Steven LammertinkeBuddys.t.
116James PiccoliFestina - Dexias.t.
117Julian AlaphilippeFestina - Dexias.t.
118Alex DowsettWiesenhof-Andritzs.t.
119Dmitri KozontchukStravas.t.
120Yannick StoltzEvonik - ELKOs.t.
121Thomas De GendtGazelles.t.
122Georgios BouglasFestina - Dexias.t.
123Coen VermeltfoorteBuddys.t.
124Daniel VeselyMoser - Sygics.t.
125Clemens FankhauserStravas.t.
126Metkel KiflayEritel - Sonatrachs.t.
127Ashen TharukaAyubowan!s.t.
128Adam BlytheTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
129Pieter JacobsFestina - Dexias.t.
130Anton VorobevTinkoff Sport Academy+ 22'13
131Timofey KritskiyTinkoff Sport Academys.t.
132Adrian MaloriTinkoff Sport Academy+ 22'31
133Andres Ignacio PereyraPendleton's+ 26'51
134Daniel TurekMoser - Sygics.t.
135Fabian CancellaraAker - MOTs.t.
136Segundo NavarreteHugo Bosss.t.
137Juan Abenhamar Gallego MartinIberia - Team Degenkolbs.t.
138Juan Van HeerdenEritel - Sonatrachs.t.
139Nihal SilvaAyubowan!s.t.
140Micael IsidoroControl Teams.t.
141King Lok CheungPendleton's+ 29'13
142Jasha S¸tterlinTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
143Michael SchärTeam UBSs.t.
144Kiril YatsevichTinkoff Sport Academys.t.
145Damien GaudinAker - MOTs.t.
146Julien TaramarcazFestina - Dexias.t.
147Denis KostyukControl Teams.t.
148Marcel KittelVesuvio - Accumaluxs.t.
149Dylan Van BaarleTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
150Sten StenersenSpotify - Haglöfss.t.
151Andrea Dal ColTinkoff Sport Academys.t.
152Lucas SchädlichWiesenhof-Andritzs.t.
153Luke KeoughRBC Pro Cyclings.t.
154Oleksandr GolovashNemiroff - ABBYY+ 30'46
155Armindo FonsecaStravas.t.
156Kevin PredatschAyubowan!s.t.
157Mario Gonzalez SalasHugo Bosss.t.
158Christoph TaubelEvonik - ELKOs.t.
159Pit SchlechterVesuvio - Accumaluxs.t.
160Westley GoughMoser - Sygics.t.
161Risto AaltioIberia - Team Degenkolbs.t.
162Frederik FrisonAegon - Lavazzas.t.
163Glenn O'SheaJayco - Cobra9s.t.
164Isaac BolivarWiesenhof-Andritzs.t.
165Darren YoungNemiroff - ABBYYs.t.
166Pim LigthartHugo Bosss.t.
167Alexander WetterhallSpotify - Haglöfss.t.
168Victor CampenaertsGazelles.t.
169Marcel BarthAegon - Lavazzas.t.
170Roy GoldsteinPorto - Prios.t.
171Nejc KosicIberia - Team Degenkolb+ 34'54
172Eugert ZhupaMoser - Sygics.t.
173Madushanka PereraAyubowan!s.t.
174Javier AramendÃŒaHugo Bosss.t.
175Sachin DulanjanaAyubowan!s.t.
176Jon Ander InsaustiIberia - Team Degenkolbs.t.
177Bert De BackerStravas.t.
178Sven NooytensEvonik - ELKOs.t.
179James OramJayco - Cobra9s.t.
180Patrick GretschGazelles.t.
181Greg Van AvermaetEvonik - ELKOs.t.
182Ivan KovalevTinkoff Sport Academys.t.
183Sean DowneyPendleton'ss.t.
184Miles OlmanJayco - Cobra9+ 44'11

1Tiago MachadoPorto - Prio10h38'37
2Andy SchleckVesuvio - Accumalux+ 11
3Silvio HerklotzTeam Puma - SAP+ 41
4Rein TaaramäeWiesenhof-Andritz+ 43
5Andrei AmadorTeam UBS+ 50
6Aleksandr PluchkinNemiroff - ABBYY+ 52
7Angel MadrazoGazelle+ 1'20
8Josè HerradaeBuddy+ 3'36
9Martijn KeizerAegon - Lavazza+ 3'54
10Leopold KönigVesuvio - Accumalux+ 3'58
11Nikita NovikovTinkoff Sport Academy+ 4'02
12Tim WellensSpotify - Haglöfs+ 4'14
13Florian MorizotRBC Pro Cycling+ 4'26
14Nathan BrownRBC Pro Cyclings.t.
15Michel KochEvonik - ELKO+ 4'40

16Daniel TeklehaimanotEritel - Sonatrach+ 4'44
17Marc GoosVesuvio - Accumalux+ 4'52
18Matej VysnaMoser - Sygic+ 5'18
19Adam YatesAyubowan!+ 5'24
20Eduard Alexander BeltranAker - MOT+ 5'27
21Francesco BongiornoTeam Puma - SAP+ 5'30
22Matthias FrankTeam UBS+ 5'31
23Daan OlivierAegon - Lavazzas.t.
24Merhawi KudusEritel - Sonatrach+ 5'38
25Patrick SchellingTeam UBS+ 5'42
26Andris VosekalnsEvonik - ELKO+ 5'54
27Tobias LudvigssonSpotify - Haglöfs+ 5'56
28Jakub NovakFestina - Dexia+ 6'09
29Christoph MaiWiesenhof-Andritz+ 6'29
30BjOrn Tore HoemAker - MOT+ 6'43
31Thomas LövkvistSpotify - Haglöfs+ 6'46
32Rui Pedro VinhasPorto - Prio+ 6'51
33Joseph DombrowskiPendleton's+ 7'03
34Jairo AgudeloGazelle+ 7'07
35Aberlardo AblenadoHugo Bosss.t.
36Youcef ReguiguiEritel - Sonatrach+ 7'16
37Jose AlarconHugo Boss+ 8'31
38Cameron BaylyFestina - Dexia+ 8'41
39Momchil RobovSpotify - Haglöfs+ 9'36
40Nelson OliveiraPorto - Prio+ 10'47
41Lars BoomAegon - Lavazza+ 11'01
42Tim DeesPendleton's+ 11'04
43Kristjan KorenGazelle+ 11'17
44Joey RosskopfRBC Pro Cycling+ 11'33
45Miguel Angel BenitoHugo Bosss.t.
46Alexandor CatafordRBC Pro Cyclings.t.
47Jes˙s HerradaHugo Bosss.t.
48Patrick BevinTeam Puma - SAP+ 11'43
49Benjamin DyballJayco - Cobra9+ 11'44
50SÈbastien IvarsTeam UBSs.t.
51Yevgeni NepomnyachsniyNemiroff - ABBYY+ 11'46
52Ian BibbyGazelle+ 11'50
53Mekseb DebesayEritel - Sonatrach+ 11'51
54Havard BlikraSpotify - Haglöfs+ 12'09
55Petr VakocMoser - Sygic+ 12'25
56Zdenek StybarMoser - Sygics.t.
57Ricardo Van der VeldeeBuddy+ 12'29
58Suranga RanaweeraAyubowan!+ 12'31
59Jo Kogstad RingheimAker - MOT+ 12'34
60Vegard Robinson BuggeAker - MOTs.t.
61David WöhrerWiesenhof-Andritz+ 12'36
62Tim KennaughPendleton's+ 12'47
63Jonas BjelkmarkSpotify - Haglöfs+ 12'59
64Colin St¸ssiTeam Puma - SAP+ 13'16
65Antonio PedreroIberia - Team Degenkolb+ 13'26
66Ignas KonovalovasNemiroff - ABBYY+ 13'42
67Francis De GreefGazelle+ 13'51
68Jaroslav KulhavyMoser - Sygic+ 13'55
69Tom CopelandPendleton's+ 14'09
70Natnael BerhaneEritel - Sonatrach+ 14'14
71Mirco SaggioratoTeam UBS+ 14'16
72Rafel MajkaeBuddy+ 15'22
73Christian EgidioPorto - Prio+ 15'33
74Georg PreidlerWiesenhof-Andritz+ 15'54
75Johann van ZylRBC Pro Cycling+ 15'59
76Edison BravoPendleton's+ 16'02
77Jonathan BellisAyubowan!+ 16'06
78Milos BorisavljevicWiesenhof-Andritz+ 16'11
79ThÈry SchirTeam UBS+ 16'15
80Daniel HoelgaardAker - MOT+ 16'32
81Conor DunneTeam Puma - SAP+ 16'41
82Mektel EyobStrava+ 16'48
83Mirko SelvaggiStravas.t.
84Jacob FiedlerPorto - Prio+ 16'58
85Basilio Ramos TiconaTeam UBS+ 17'00
86Mihran AvetisyanNemiroff - ABBYY+ 17'03
87Michael HepburnJayco - Cobra9+ 17'10
88Richie PorteJayco - Cobra9s.t.
89Bob JungelsVesuvio - Accumalux+ 17'16
90Robin CarpenterRBC Pro Cycling+ 17'44
91Frank SchleckVesuvio - Accumalux+ 18'09
92Brendan CantyJayco - Cobra9+ 18'27
93Jonathan CastroviejoeBuddy+ 18'40
94Andreas VangstadAker - MOT+ 18'45
95Mykhaylo KononenkoNemiroff - ABBYY+ 19'06
96Charles MatteRBC Pro Cycling+ 19'09
97Miguel Angel LopezEvonik - ELKO+ 19'12
98Maurits LammertinkeBuddy+ 19'21
99Jan BrockhoffIberia - Team Degenkolb+ 19'33
100Pierre LatourIberia - Team Degenkolb+ 19'37
101Ajay Pandit ChhetriStrava+ 19'59
102Petr IgnatenkoTinkoff Sport Academy+ 20'39
103Gilles HeymesVesuvio - Accumalux+ 20'45
104Lachlan MortonJayco - Cobra9+ 20'48
105Thomas De GendtGazelle+ 21'23
106Kaspars SergisEvonik - ELKO+ 21'37
107Adrian MaloriTinkoff Sport Academy+ 21'40
108Elias AfewerkiEritel - Sonatrach+ 21'45
109Adam BlytheTeam Puma - SAP+ 21'57
110Metkel KiflayEritel - Sonatrachs.t.
111Marlen ZmorkaPorto - Prio+ 22'14
112Rodrigo NascimentoPorto - Prios.t.
113Tom DumoulinAegon - Lavazza+ 22'28
114Coen VermeltfoorteBuddy+ 22'35
115Lawson CraddockAegon - Lavazzas.t.
116Alex DowsettWiesenhof-Andritz+ 22'45
117Yannick StoltzEvonik - ELKO+ 23'07
118Julian AlaphilippeFestina - Dexia+ 23'14
119Clemens FankhauserStrava+ 23'19
120James PiccoliFestina - Dexia+ 23'22
121Pieter JacobsFestina - Dexia+ 23'59
122Daniel VeselyMoser - Sygic+ 24'08
123Marios AthanasiadesNemiroff - ABBYY+ 25'08
124Krisztian LovassyAegon - Lavazza+ 25'47
125Georgios BouglasFestina - Dexia+ 25'57
126Andres Ignacio PereyraPendleton's+ 26'50
127Segundo NavarreteHugo Boss+ 26'55
128Juan Pablo MagallanesControl Team+ 27'02
129Angelo TulikStrava+ 27'26
130Anton VorobevTinkoff Sport Academy+ 27'38
131Timofey KritskiyTinkoff Sport Academys.t.
132Daniel TurekMoser - Sygic+ 27'47
133Steven LammertinkeBuddy+ 27'51
134Dmitri KozontchukStrava+ 28'35
135King Lok CheungPendleton's+ 29'12
136Michael SchärTeam UBS+ 29'28
137Glenn O'SheaJayco - Cobra9+ 30'16
138Frederik FrisonAegon - Lavazza+ 30'18
139Marcel BarthAegon - Lavazzas.t.
140Victor CampenaertsGazelle+ 30'34
141Julien TaramarcazFestina - Dexia+ 31'00
142Darren YoungNemiroff - ABBYY+ 31'03
143Alexander WetterhallSpotify - Haglöfs+ 31'26
144Juan Van HeerdenEritel - Sonatrach+ 31'34
145Westley GoughMoser - Sygic+ 31'42
146Isaac BolivarWiesenhof-Andritz+ 31'53
147Nihal SilvaAyubowan!+ 31'58
148Armindo FonsecaStrava+ 32'30
149Fabian CancellaraAker - MOT+ 33'12
150Ashen TharukaAyubowan!+ 33'16
151Marcel KittelVesuvio - Accumalux+ 34'05
152Pit SchlechterVesuvio - Accumalux+ 34'06
153Juan Abenhamar Gallego MartinIberia - Team Degenkolb+ 34'14
154James OramJayco - Cobra9+ 34'24
155Kiril YatsevichTinkoff Sport Academy+ 34'38
156Andrea Dal ColTinkoff Sport Academys.t.
157Dylan Van BaarleTeam Puma - SAP+ 34'43
158Jasha S¸tterlinTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
159Sten StenersenSpotify - Haglöfs+ 35'09
160Roy GoldsteinPorto - Prio+ 35'20
161Christoph TaubelEvonik - ELKO+ 35'36
162Lucas SchädlichWiesenhof-Andritzs.t.
163Damien GaudinAker - MOT+ 35'55
164Mario Gonzalez SalasHugo Boss+ 36'06
165Pim LigthartHugo Bosss.t.
166Oleksandr GolovashNemiroff - ABBYY+ 36'19
167Luke KeoughRBC Pro Cycling+ 36'25
168Sven NooytensEvonik - ELKO+ 36'26
169Kevin PredatschAyubowan!+ 36'58
170Risto AaltioIberia - Team Degenkolb+ 37'59
171Eugert ZhupaMoser - Sygic+ 38'27
172Greg Van AvermaetEvonik - ELKO+ 38'30
173Patrick GretschGazelle+ 39'58
174Ivan KovalevTinkoff Sport Academy+ 40'22
175Javier AramendÃŒaHugo Boss+ 41'06
176Micael IsidoroControl Team+ 41'29
177Nejc KosicIberia - Team Degenkolb+ 42'07
178Jon Ander InsaustiIberia - Team Degenkolb+ 42'12
179Bert De BackerStrava+ 42'57
180Denis KostyukControl Team+ 43'51
181Madushanka PereraAyubowan!+ 47'28
182Sean DowneyPendleton's+ 48'09
183Sachin DulanjanaAyubowan!+ 48'24
184Miles OlmanJayco - Cobra9+ 48'57

1Rein TaaramäeWiesenhof-Andritz36
2Daniel VeselyMoser - Sygic29
3Silvio HerklotzTeam Puma - SAP28
4Tiago MachadoPorto - Prio25
5Greg Van AvermaetEvonik - ELKO20
6Julian AlaphilippeFestina - Dexia16
7Andy SchleckVesuvio - Accumalux14
8Aleksandr PluchkinNemiroff - ABBYY14
9Jonathan BellisAyubowan!14
10Michel KochEvonik - ELKO13

1Momchil RobovSpotify - Haglöfs30
2Michel KochEvonik - ELKO28
3Jan BrockhoffIberia - Team Degenkolb26
4Cameron BaylyFestina - Dexia22
5Rein TaaramäeWiesenhof-Andritz20
6Pit SchlechterVesuvio - Accumalux20
7Tom DumoulinAegon - Lavazza18
8Josè HerradaeBuddy17
9Tiago MachadoPorto - Prio16
10Angel MadrazoGazelle12

Young Rider's:
1Silvio HerklotzTeam Puma - SAP10h39'18
2Adam YatesAyubowan!+ 4'43
3Daan OlivierAegon - Lavazza+ 4'50
4Merhawi KudusEritel - Sonatrach+ 4'57
5Andris VosekalnsEvonik - ELKO+ 5'13
6Momchil RobovSpotify - Haglöfs+ 8'55
7Miguel Angel BenitoHugo Boss+ 10'52
8Alexandor CatafordRBC Pro Cycling+ 10'52
9Petr VakocMoser - Sygic+ 11'44
10Suranga RanaweeraAyubowan!+ 11'50

1Vesuvio - Accumalux30h47'10
2Team UBS+ 1'33
3Porto - Prio+ 4'46
4Spotify - Haglöfs+ 5'37
5Eritel - Sonatrach+ 7'05
6Wiesenhof-Andritz+ 7'09
7Team Puma - SAP+ 7'45
8Gazelle+ 8'18
9Aegon - Lavazza+ 8'48
10Hugo Boss+ 10'14
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