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Vuelta a Espana - Stage 21
[PTM] Vuelta a Espana

Stage 21 Valladolid – Salamanca 151.3 km

The stage start in Valladolid Provincia de Valladolid, Roman and pre-roman settelments was forud in the area but the present city dates back to approx. 1100, where a palace was build and the village grew.

From Valladolid the route moves south west to a finish in Salamanca, Provincia de Salamanca. The city dates back to Celtic or pre-Celtic times. It is know for certain that it was captured by famous Carthaginian military commander Hannibal in BC 220. Old City was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1988.


The stage will not have any effect of any of the classification, unless a crash or similar unexpected events will provide a huge surprise, it is most likely going to be a mass sprint to find the last stage winner of the 2017 edition. The stage is quite short so might be rater high pace all the way, the only thing that may favor the breakaway is a technical finish inside Salamanca, with a lot of twists and turns on the last 15 km.


A nice sunny day with little wind.

The morning breakaway takes off as soon as the peloton is out of Valladolid, it is pcmdaily.com/files/Micros16/prp.png Figueiredo, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/eus.png Prades and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/spy.png Jensen


The domestics with the task of keeping control with the break today is pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/akm.png Vangstad, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/aeg.png Frison and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/rbc.png Carpenter


As you might expect the breakaway is completely ignoring the intermediate sprint in Medina del Campo, distance to the peloton 6’18”


After the sprint a few more riders are added to the peloton chase, now also pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/rbc.png Duchesne, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/aeg.png Craddock and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/akm.png Hoem, six riders against three and the distance starts to crumble.

At the 2nd intermediate sprint it is 3’00


Getting close to the 20 km banner, peloton pace is above 50 km/h, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/akm.png Vangstad, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/aeg.png Craddock, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/akm.png Laengen, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/aeg.png Koep, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/rbc.png Bonnin and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/rbc.png Hughes pulling the pack.
Distance when the break passes, 1’13”


6.2 km left, the breakaway gave it all they had but to no use, they are about to get caught. At this point the sprinters haven’t positioned, the only sprinter right behind the spearhead is pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/evo.png Liepins, everyone else sitting behind the first 20 riders.


3.6 km to the line, sharp curves still seems to prevent the sprint trains to form properly, making for a unusual setup, considering that the spring my start very soon, it look like this. Note that even though the breakaway was caught more than a kilometer ago they are still in the mix.

.pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/akm.png Nesset...
.pcmdaily.com/files/Micros16/prp.png Figueiredo...
.pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/spy.png Jensen...
.pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/akm.png Laengen...
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/akm.png Galta.pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/aeg.png Keizer
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/akm.png Guldhammerpcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/aeg.png Olivier...
.pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/evo.png Vosekalns...
.pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/aeg.png Lovassy..pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/rbc.png Duchesne
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/rbc.png Laportepcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/akm.png Engerpcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/evo.png Liepinspcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/rbc.png van Zyl.
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/aeg.png Groenewegen....
.pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/rbc.png Houlepcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ayu.png Bellis..
..pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/hug.png Tolleson..
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/vsa.png Schleckpcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/fes.png Santos...
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros16/pum.png Arndt
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/spy.png Stallaertpcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/wha.png Schorn...


3 km to the line, we are on a shot straight section, where the teams have attempted to get better organized, but still rather chaotic.

.pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/akm.png Nesset...
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/spy.png Jensen....
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/akm.png Laengen.pcmdaily.com/files/Micros16/prp.png Figueiredo..
.pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/aeg.png Keizer...
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/akm.png Galta.
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/akm.png Guldhammerpcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/aeg.png Olivier...
.pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/aeg.png Lovassypcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/akm.png Enger..
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/evo.png Vosekalns....
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/evo.png Liepins....
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/aeg.png Groenewegen...pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/rbc.png Duchesne
.pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ayu.png Bellis..pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/rbc.png Laporte
...pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/rbc.png Houle.
..pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/hug.png Tolleson..
.pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/fes.png Santos..


2 km to the line, the last sharp turn is over we are now on the final straight up to the finish line. A group of about 20 riders close together and parted from the others.

(Note that the distances in this overview is small, they are actually all very close)

.pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/akm.png Guldhammer....
..pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/akm.png Galta.pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/akm.png Nesset.
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/evo.png Vosekalns..pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/spy.png Jensen..
.pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/akm.png Enger..pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/akm.png Laengen.
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/evo.png Liepins..pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/aeg.png Keizer..
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/aeg.png Lovassy.....
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/aeg.png Groenewegen.pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/aeg.png Olivierpcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ayu.png Bellispcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/rbc.png Duchesne.
...pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/hug.png Tollesonpcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/rbc.png Laportepcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/fes.png Santos
....pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/rbc.png Houlepcmdaily.com/files/Micros16/pum.png Arndt
....pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/wha.png Schorn.


1.5 km
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/fes.png Santos has started his sprint early passing everyone from the right side, now first.

At the left side not far behind pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/akm.png Guldhammer with pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/akm.png Enger, and further left pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/evo.png Vosekalns with pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/evo.png Liepins

Behind them pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/aeg.png Groenewegen have finaly connected to pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/aeg.png Lovassy

A little further back pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/rbc.png Houle is trying to get up to pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/rbc.png Laporte, at Laporte’s right side pcmdaily.com/files/Micros16/pum.png Arndt.

We can also see pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ayu.png Bellis and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/wha.png Schorn still fighting to hang into this.


Under the red kite, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/fes.png Santos still first, keeping up a great pace.
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/akm.png Guldhammer and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/evo.png Vosekalns next almost side by side, but it looks like pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/evo.png Liepins has chosen to take the wheel of pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/akm.png Enger.

By their side pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/rbc.png Laporte and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros16/pum.png Arndt.

Then between the rear of Liepins and Laporte, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/aeg.png Groenewegen at the wheel of pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/aeg.png Lovassy

Behind them pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/rbc.png Houle who still has not perfectly connected to Laporte, and behind him pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ayu.png Bellis and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/wha.png Schorn.

At the bottom of the shot it is pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/vsa.png Schleck, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/hug.png Tolleson and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/tsa.png Kritskiy


500 meters left.
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/fes.png Santos lost some pace, now falling back to 2nd row.
We got pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/akm.png Enger about a cycling length in front of 4 riders, from left to right pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/evo.png Vosekalns, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/evo.png Liepins, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/fes.png Santos and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros16/pum.png Arndt.

Another cycling length further back from left to right pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/aeg.png Groenewegen, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/akm.png Guldhammer, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ayu.png Bellis, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/rbc.png Laporte and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/rbc.png Houle

Behind them in this order pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/hug.png Tolleson, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/vsa.png Schleck, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/tsa.png Kritskiy and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/wha.png Schorn.


200 meter to the line, this is the situation:

.pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/akm.png Enger ...
..pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/evo.png Liepins..
....pcmdaily.com/files/Micros16/pum.png Arndt
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/aeg.png Groenewegen .pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ayu.png Bellis.pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/rbc.png Houle
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/hug.png Tolleson..pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/fes.png Santos .
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/vsa.png Schleckpcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/tsa.png Kritskiy pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/evo.png Vosekalns..
...pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/rbc.png Laporte .


pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/akm.png Enger wins the final stage of the 2017 Vuelta a Espana in Salamanca. This was his 3rd win and 4th podium.


pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/evo.png Liepins 2nd taking his 2nd podium and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/aeg.png Groenewegen 3rd, taking his 6th podium of the tour.

Behind them pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ayu.png Bellis 4th, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/rbc.png Houle 5th and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros16/pum.png Arndt 6th.


pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/hug.png Tolleson 7th, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/vsa.png Schleck 8th, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/tsa.png Kritskiy 9th and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/fes.png Santos rounding of top 10.


FINAL GC : Andy Schleck


FINAL POINTS : Andy Schleck


FINAL KoM : Mike Aaron Egger


FINAL YOUNG RIDER : Pierre-Henri Lecuisinier


FINAL TEAM : Vesuvio - Accumalux


1Sondre Holst EngerAker - MOT3h21'36
2Emils LiepinsEvonik - ELKOs.t.
3Dylan GroenewegenAegon - Lavazzas.t.
4Jonathan BellisAyubowan!s.t.
5Hugo HouleRBC Pro Cyclings.t.
6Nikias ArndtTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
7Taylor TollesonHugo Bosss.t.
8Andy SchleckVesuvio - Accumaluxs.t.
9Timofey KritskiyTinkoff Sport Academys.t.
10Emerson SantosFestina - Dexias.t.
11Joseph DombrowskiPendleton'ss.t.
12Daniel SchornWiesenhof-Andritzs.t.
13Aleksandr PluchkinNemiroff - ABBYYs.t.
14Edoardo ZardiniEuskaltels.t.
15Andris VosekalnsEvonik - ELKOs.t.
16Christophe LaporteRBC Pro Cyclings.t.
17Ian BibbyGazelles.t.
18Rasmus GuldhammerAker - MOTs.t.
19Angel MadrazoGazelles.t.
20Fredrik Strand GaltaAker - MOTs.t.
21Jukka VastarantaValio - DeLavals.t.
22Marc GoosVesuvio - Accumaluxs.t.
23Sigurd NessetAker - MOTs.t.
24Marios AthanasiadesNemiroff - ABBYYs.t.
25Peter VelitsMoser - Sygics.t.
26Krisztian LovassyAegon - Lavazzas.t.
27Antoine DuchesneRBC Pro Cyclings.t.
28Joshua EdmondsonPendleton'ss.t.
29Yonathan MonsalveAyubowan!s.t.
30Vegard Stake LaengenAker - MOTs.t.
31Sean DowneyPendleton'ss.t.
32Joeri StallaertSpotify - Haglöfss.t.
33Thomas De GendtGazelles.t.
34Ricardo Van der VeldeeBuddys.t.
35Angelo TulikStravas.t.
36Michel KochEvonik - ELKOs.t.
37Martijn KeizerAegon - Lavazzas.t.
38Dries De BondtEuskaltels.t.
39Alex WohlerJayco - Cobra9s.t.
40Steven KruijswijkGazelles.t.
41Daan OlivierAegon - Lavazzas.t.
42Antonio PedreroIberia - Team Degenkolbs.t.
43Oleksandr GolovashNemiroff - ABBYYs.t.
44Delio FernandezEuskaltels.t.
45Anton VorobevTinkoff Sport Academys.t.
46Alex KirschVesuvio - Accumaluxs.t.
47Johann van ZylRBC Pro Cyclings.t.
48Daniel TurekMoser - Sygics.t.
49Patrick KonradGazelles.t.
50Kristian Haugaard JensenSpotify - Haglöfss.t.
51Carlos BarberoHugo Bosss.t.
52Thomas BonninRBC Pro Cyclings.t.
53Sep VanmarckeVesuvio - Accumaluxs.t.
54Frederico FigueiredoPorto - Prios.t.
55Kristjan KorenGazelles.t.
56José HerradaeBuddys.t.
57Jan BrockhoffIberia - Team Degenkolbs.t.
58Zachary HughesRBC Pro Cyclings.t.
59Jakub DanacikMoser - Sygics.t.
60Momchil RobovSpotify - Haglöfss.t.
61BjOrn Tore HoemAker - MOTs.t.
62Tim KennaughPendleton'ss.t.
63Clemens FankhauserStravas.t.
64Eduard PradesEuskaltels.t.
65Mykhaylo KononenkoNemiroff - ABBYYs.t.
66Tiago MachadoPorto - Prios.t.
67Andreas VangstadAker - MOTs.t.
68Coen VermeltfoorteBuddys.t.
69Dmitri KozontchukStravas.t.
70Rafael SilvaHugo Bosss.t.
71Patrick BevinTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
72Jurgen Van den BroeckEuskaltels.t.
73Thomas KoepAegon - Lavazzas.t.
74Ignas KonovalovasNemiroff - ABBYYs.t.
75Taylor GunmanJayco - Cobra9s.t.
76Jack HaigJayco - Cobra9s.t.
77Maurits LammertinkeBuddys.t.
78Jaroslav KulhavyMoser - Sygics.t.
79Laurent DidierStravas.t.
80Mike Aaron EggerWiesenhof-Andritzs.t.
81Leopold KönigVesuvio - Accumaluxs.t.
82Tobias LudvigssonSpotify - Haglöfss.t.
83Gianluca BrambillaeBuddys.t.
84Aleksej KunshinTinkoff Sport Academys.t.
85Brendan CantyJayco - Cobra9s.t.
86Ajay Pandit ChhetriStravas.t.
87Sakari LehtinenValio - DeLavals.t.
88Tim DeesPendleton'ss.t.
89David AbalSpotify - Haglöfss.t.
90Pierre-Henri LecuisinierFestina - Dexias.t.
91Havard BlikraSpotify - Haglöfss.t.
92Sujith SilvaAyubowan!s.t.
93Yannick StoltzEvonik - ELKOs.t.
94Jonas BjelkmarkSpotify - Haglöfss.t.
95Hermann PernsteinerWiesenhof-Andritzs.t.
96Adrian MaloriTinkoff Sport Academys.t.
97Gorka IzagirreEuskaltels.t.
98Marlen ZmorkaPorto - Prios.t.
99Nelson OliveiraPorto - Prios.t.
100Damien HowsoneBuddys.t.
101Cameron BaylyFestina - Dexias.t.
102José Joaquin Rojas GilSpotify - Haglöfss.t.
103Mektel EyobStravas.t.
104Nikita NovikovTinkoff Sport Academys.t.
105David RoschPendleton'ss.t.
106Jan OelerichIberia - Team Degenkolbs.t.
107Heiner Rodrigo Parra BustamenteMoser - Sygics.t.
108James PiccoliFestina - Dexias.t.
109Christian MagerTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
110Tim DeclerqTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
111Milos BorisavljevicWiesenhof-Andritzs.t.
112Christian EgidioPorto - Prios.t.
113Steven LammertinkeBuddys.t.
114Marcus Faglum KarlssonValio - DeLavals.t.
115Yevgeni NepomnyachsniyNemiroff - ABBYYs.t.
116Jakub NovakFestina - Dexias.t.
117Frederik FrisonAegon - Lavazzas.t.
118Bauke MollemaEuskaltels.t.
119Mirko SelvaggiStravas.t.
120Frank SchleckVesuvio - Accumaluxs.t.
121Conor DunneTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
122Dylan Van BaarleTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
123Murilo AffonsoFestina - Dexias.t.
124Robin CarpenterRBC Pro Cyclings.t.
125Tom CopelandPendleton'ss.t.
126Trent LoweJayco - Cobra9s.t.
127Kaspars SergisEvonik - ELKOs.t.
128Petr IgnatenkoTinkoff Sport Academys.t.
129Tushantha RajapakshageAyubowan!s.t.
130Jesús HerradaHugo Bosss.t.
131Miguel Angel LopezEvonik - ELKOs.t.
132Kiril YatsevichTinkoff Sport Academys.t.
133Pieter JacobsFestina - Dexias.t.
134Matej VysnaMoser - Sygics.t.
135Ruben FernandezEuskaltels.t.
136Roy GoldsteinPorto - Prios.t.
137Georg PreidlerWiesenhof-Andritzs.t.
138Colin StüssiTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
139Aberlardo AblenadoHugo Bosss.t.
140Rodrigo NascimentoPorto - Prios.t.
141Christoph TaubelEvonik - ELKOs.t.
142Krists NeilandsEvonik - ELKOs.t.
143Bernhard KohlPendleton'ss.t.
144Christoph MaiWiesenhof-Andritzs.t.
145Jonathan CastroviejoeBuddys.t.
146Gilles HeymesVesuvio - Accumaluxs.t.
147Nawuti LiphongyuFestina - Dexias.t.
148Joonas HenttalaValio - DeLavals.t.
149Marc SolerIberia - Team Degenkolbs.t.
150Jacob SalconeJayco - Cobra9s.t.
151Lawson CraddockAegon - Lavazzas.t.
152Andrea Dal ColTinkoff Sport Academys.t.
153Bruno SilvaPorto - Prios.t.
154Miguel Angel BenitoHugo Bosss.t.
155Gökhan HastaValio - DeLavals.t.
156Juan Pablo MagallanesControl Teams.t.
157Micael IsidoroControl Team+ 7'15
158Denis KostyukControl Teams.t

1Andy SchleckVesuvio - Accumalux85h12'32
2Joseph DombrowskiPendleton's+ 27
3Aleksandr PluchkinNemiroff - ABBYY+ 2'59
4Angel MadrazoGazelle+ 4'03
5Tiago MachadoPorto - Prio+ 12'01
6Timofey KritskiyTinkoff Sport Academy+ 12'08
7Pierre-Henri LecuisinierFestina - Dexia+ 16'03
8David AbalSpotify - Haglöfs+ 18'22
9Yonathan MonsalveAyubowan!+ 21'35
10Peter VelitsMoser - Sygic+ 21'44
11Martijn KeizerAegon - Lavazza+ 24'42
12Fredrik Strand GaltaAker - MOT+ 26'08
13Jack HaigJayco - Cobra9+ 29'22
14Nikias ArndtTeam Puma - SAP+ 31'55
15Daan OlivierAegon - Lavazza+ 33'33
16Gianluca BrambillaeBuddy+ 33'40
17Rasmus GuldhammerAker - MOT+ 34'05
18Georg PreidlerWiesenhof-Andritz+ 38'33
19Marc GoosVesuvio - Accumalux+ 44'47
20Andris VosekalnsEvonik - ELKO+ 46'05
21Leopold KönigVesuvio - Accumalux+ 47'49
22Yevgeni NepomnyachsniyNemiroff - ABBYY+ 48'47
23Jaroslav KulhavyMoser - Sygic+ 52'28
24Ian BibbyGazelle+ 52'53
25Vegard Stake LaengenAker - MOT+ 53'45
26Sigurd NessetAker - MOT+ 54'16
27Thomas BonninRBC Pro Cycling+ 1h01'27
28Edoardo ZardiniEuskaltel+ 1h01'45
29Michel KochEvonik - ELKO+ 1h03'05
30Steven KruijswijkGazelle+ 1h04'15
31Jurgen Van den BroeckEuskaltel+ 1h05'27
32Petr IgnatenkoTinkoff Sport Academy+ 1h12'26
33Mike Aaron EggerWiesenhof-Andritz+ 1h13'56
34Havard BlikraSpotify - Haglöfs+ 1h14'01
35Alex KirschVesuvio - Accumalux+ 1h15'05
36Matej VysnaMoser - Sygic+ 1h16'36
37Christian MagerTeam Puma - SAP+ 1h19'04
38Ricardo Van der VeldeeBuddy+ 1h21'44
39Aleksej KunshinTinkoff Sport Academy+ 1h26'27
40Patrick BevinTeam Puma - SAP+ 1h30'51
41David RoschPendleton's+ 1h31'15
42Heiner Rodrigo Parra BustamenteMoser - Sygic+ 1h34'51
43BjOrn Tore HoemAker - MOT+ 1h36'33
44Patrick KonradGazelle+ 1h39'48
45Frederico FigueiredoPorto - Prio+ 1h40'18
46Trent LoweJayco - Cobra9+ 1h43'09
47Hermann PernsteinerWiesenhof-Andritz+ 1h43'46
48Tim DeesPendleton's+ 1h44'29
49Tim KennaughPendleton's+ 1h51'46
50Antonio PedreroIberia - Team Degenkolb+ 1h52'24
51Sakari LehtinenValio - DeLaval+ 1h57'25
52Nikita NovikovTinkoff Sport Academy+ 1h58'50
53Jesús HerradaHugo Boss+ 2h00'44
54Zachary HughesRBC Pro Cycling+ 2h01'25
55Kristjan KorenGazelle+ 2h04'00
56José HerradaeBuddy+ 2h06'39
57Mykhaylo KononenkoNemiroff - ABBYY+ 2h07'37
58Kristian Haugaard JensenSpotify - Haglöfs+ 2h09'18
59Nawuti LiphongyuFestina - Dexia+ 2h10'19
60Bruno SilvaPorto - Prio+ 2h13'36
61Thomas KoepAegon - Lavazza+ 2h15'31
62Gorka IzagirreEuskaltel+ 2h17'03
63Christoph MaiWiesenhof-Andritz+ 2h18'00
64Joshua EdmondsonPendleton's+ 2h18'38
65Conor DunneTeam Puma - SAP+ 2h18'57
66Miguel Angel LopezEvonik - ELKO+ 2h20'29
67Laurent DidierStrava+ 2h21'16
68Tobias LudvigssonSpotify - Haglöfs+ 2h22'11
69Ajay Pandit ChhetriStrava+ 2h24'06
70Kaspars SergisEvonik - ELKO+ 2h25'29
71Cameron BaylyFestina - Dexia+ 2h29'58
72Delio FernandezEuskaltel+ 2h32'51
73Jakub DanacikMoser - Sygic+ 2h36'21
74Tom CopelandPendleton's+ 2h38'47
75Mirko SelvaggiStrava+ 2h41'28
76Momchil RobovSpotify - Haglöfs+ 2h42'00
77Marcus Faglum KarlssonValio - DeLaval+ 2h43'37
78Brendan CantyJayco - Cobra9+ 2h48'24
79James PiccoliFestina - Dexia+ 2h48'57
80Bernhard KohlPendleton's+ 2h49'32
81Milos BorisavljevicWiesenhof-Andritz+ 2h50'01
82Eduard PradesEuskaltel+ 2h52'50
83Johann van ZylRBC Pro Cycling+ 2h56'33
84Hugo HouleRBC Pro Cycling+ 2h57'25
85Nelson OliveiraPorto - Prio+ 2h58'14
86Ignas KonovalovasNemiroff - ABBYY+ 2h59'00
87Gilles HeymesVesuvio - Accumalux+ 3h01'44
88Jonathan CastroviejoeBuddy+ 3h08'12
89Colin StüssiTeam Puma - SAP+ 3h10'16
90Jacob SalconeJayco - Cobra9+ 3h12'23
91Jakub NovakFestina - Dexia+ 3h14'43
92Jonas BjelkmarkSpotify - Haglöfs+ 3h17'33
93Murilo AffonsoFestina - Dexia+ 3h18'06
94Robin CarpenterRBC Pro Cycling+ 3h28'39
95Taylor TollesonHugo Boss+ 3h30'09
96Christian EgidioPorto - Prio+ 3h36'07
97Angelo TulikStrava+ 3h36'22
98Clemens FankhauserStrava+ 3h36'48
99Miguel Angel BenitoHugo Boss+ 3h37'03
100Antoine DuchesneRBC Pro Cycling+ 3h41'20
101Jonathan BellisAyubowan!+ 3h46'15
102Ruben FernandezEuskaltel+ 3h47'17
103Tim DeclerqTeam Puma - SAP+ 3h49'54
104Frank SchleckVesuvio - Accumalux+ 3h52'18
105Maurits LammertinkeBuddy+ 3h57'39
106Andreas VangstadAker - MOT+ 3h59'25
107Marc SolerIberia - Team Degenkolb+ 3h59'50
108Gökhan HastaValio - DeLaval+ 4h10'49
109Bauke MollemaEuskaltel+ 4h14'27
110Thomas De GendtGazelle+ 4h17'25
111Sondre Holst EngerAker - MOT+ 4h18'11
112Coen VermeltfoorteBuddy+ 4h20'06
113Mektel EyobStrava+ 4h26'02
114Joonas HenttalaValio - DeLaval+ 4h31'19
115Carlos BarberoHugo Boss+ 4h33'07
116Sean DowneyPendleton's+ 4h36'47
117Taylor GunmanJayco - Cobra9+ 4h40'45
118Emerson SantosFestina - Dexia+ 4h42'04
119Aberlardo AblenadoHugo Boss+ 4h42'07
120Jukka VastarantaValio - DeLaval+ 4h44'16
121Lawson CraddockAegon - Lavazza+ 4h45'25
122Rafael SilvaHugo Boss+ 4h47'36
123Daniel TurekMoser - Sygic+ 4h49'00
124Juan Pablo MagallanesControl Team+ 4h53'22
125Sujith SilvaAyubowan!+ 4h55'21
126Yannick StoltzEvonik - ELKO+ 4h57'01
127Dylan GroenewegenAegon - Lavazza+ 5h00'02
128Marios AthanasiadesNemiroff - ABBYY+ 5h07'45
129Dmitri KozontchukStrava+ 5h08'50
130Adrian MaloriTinkoff Sport Academy+ 5h09'22
131Christophe LaporteRBC Pro Cycling+ 5h09'32
132Joeri StallaertSpotify - Haglöfs+ 5h10'22
133Jan BrockhoffIberia - Team Degenkolb+ 5h14'18
134Dries De BondtEuskaltel+ 5h17'39
135Sep VanmarckeVesuvio - Accumalux+ 5h30'16
136Emils LiepinsEvonik - ELKO+ 5h30'28
137Jan OelerichIberia - Team Degenkolb+ 5h30'29
138Denis KostyukControl Team+ 5h31'23
139Rodrigo NascimentoPorto - Prio+ 5h35'50
140Krisztian LovassyAegon - Lavazza+ 5h43'40
141Steven LammertinkeBuddy+ 5h46'12
142Anton VorobevTinkoff Sport Academy+ 5h50'09
143Micael IsidoroControl Team+ 5h51'05
144Dylan Van BaarleTeam Puma - SAP+ 5h54'58
145Alex WohlerJayco - Cobra9+ 5h56'42
146Christoph TaubelEvonik - ELKO+ 6h11'47
147Marlen ZmorkaPorto - Prio+ 6h12'19
148Oleksandr GolovashNemiroff - ABBYY+ 6h12'53
149Kiril YatsevichTinkoff Sport Academy+ 6h13'46
150Daniel SchornWiesenhof-Andritz+ 6h14'07
151Damien HowsoneBuddy+ 6h15'35
152José Joaquin Rojas GilSpotify - Haglöfs+ 6h18'11
153Andrea Dal ColTinkoff Sport Academy+ 6h22'10
154Pieter JacobsFestina - Dexia+ 6h23'52
155Frederik FrisonAegon - Lavazza+ 6h30'24
156Tushantha RajapakshageAyubowan!+ 6h31'37
157Krists NeilandsEvonik - ELKO+ 6h35'00
158Roy GoldsteinPorto - Prio+ 6h42'54

1Andy SchleckVesuvio - Accumalux248
2Joseph DombrowskiPendleton's194
3Aleksandr PluchkinNemiroff - ABBYY187
4Angel MadrazoGazelle160
5Dylan GroenewegenAegon - Lavazza145
6Sondre Holst EngerAker - MOT133
7Timofey KritskiyTinkoff Sport Academy128
8Tiago MachadoPorto - Prio96
9Pierre-Henri LecuisinierFestina - Dexia90
10Yonathan MonsalveAyubowan!84
11Nikias ArndtTeam Puma - SAP83
12Hugo HouleRBC Pro Cycling72
13Carlos BarberoHugo Boss70
14Daan OlivierAegon - Lavazza67
15Peter VelitsMoser - Sygic60
16Eduard PradesEuskaltel59
17Taylor GunmanJayco - Cobra959
18David AbalSpotify - Haglöfs58
19Emils LiepinsEvonik - ELKO57
20Rasmus GuldhammerAker - MOT56
21Joeri StallaertSpotify - Haglöfs54
22Kristian Haugaard JensenSpotify - Haglöfs53
23Mike Aaron EggerWiesenhof-Andritz48
24Maurits LammertinkeBuddy47
25Emerson SantosFestina - Dexia42
26Gianluca BrambillaeBuddy41
27Cameron BaylyFestina - Dexia39
28Jack HaigJayco - Cobra937
29Martijn KeizerAegon - Lavazza35
30Jonathan BellisAyubowan!35
31Fredrik Strand GaltaAker - MOT34
32Jukka VastarantaValio - DeLaval32
33Dmitri KozontchukStrava30
34Georg PreidlerWiesenhof-Andritz29
35Jaroslav KulhavyMoser - Sygic25
36Ajay Pandit ChhetriStrava24
37Clemens FankhauserStrava24
38Ian BibbyGazelle23
39Christian EgidioPorto - Prio18
40Leopold KönigVesuvio - Accumalux16
41Zachary HughesRBC Pro Cycling16
42Edoardo ZardiniEuskaltel15
43Joshua EdmondsonPendleton's15
44Antoine DuchesneRBC Pro Cycling14
45Tim DeclerqTeam Puma - SAP14
46Christophe LaporteRBC Pro Cycling14
47Andris VosekalnsEvonik - ELKO11
48Christian MagerTeam Puma - SAP11
49Delio FernandezEuskaltel11
50Yevgeni NepomnyachsniyNemiroff - ABBYY10
51Vegard Stake LaengenAker - MOT10
52Frederico FigueiredoPorto - Prio10
53Jesús HerradaHugo Boss10
54Kristjan KorenGazelle9
55Taylor TollesonHugo Boss9
56Daniel TurekMoser - Sygic9
57Heiner Rodrigo Parra BustamenteMoser - Sygic8
58Antonio PedreroIberia - Team Degenkolb8
59Nikita NovikovTinkoff Sport Academy8
60Laurent DidierStrava8
61Jakub DanacikMoser - Sygic8
62Marc GoosVesuvio - Accumalux6
63Michel KochEvonik - ELKO6
64Ricardo Van der VeldeeBuddy6
65Mirko SelvaggiStrava6
66Ignas KonovalovasNemiroff - ABBYY6
67Angelo TulikStrava6
68Coen VermeltfoorteBuddy6
69Sigurd NessetAker - MOT5
70Oleksandr GolovashNemiroff - ABBYY5
71Thomas BonninRBC Pro Cycling4
72Havard BlikraSpotify - Haglöfs4
73Matej VysnaMoser - Sygic4
74Sakari LehtinenValio - DeLaval4
75Kaspars SergisEvonik - ELKO4
76Nelson OliveiraPorto - Prio4
77Jonathan CastroviejoeBuddy4
78Murilo AffonsoFestina - Dexia4
79Daniel SchornWiesenhof-Andritz4
80David RoschPendleton's2
81Yannick StoltzEvonik - ELKO2
82Krisztian LovassyAegon - Lavazza2
83Sujith SilvaAyubowan!1

1Mike Aaron EggerWiesenhof-Andritz155
2Andy SchleckVesuvio - Accumalux149
3Daan OlivierAegon - Lavazza138
4Zachary HughesRBC Pro Cycling124
5Joseph DombrowskiPendleton's120
6Aleksandr PluchkinNemiroff - ABBYY110
7Angel MadrazoGazelle96
8Christian MagerTeam Puma - SAP90
9Jesús HerradaHugo Boss86
10Jack HaigJayco - Cobra970
11Ajay Pandit ChhetriStrava62
12Kristian Haugaard JensenSpotify - Haglöfs58
13Heiner Rodrigo Parra BustamenteMoser - Sygic54
14Eduard PradesEuskaltel54
15Gianluca BrambillaeBuddy46
16Vegard Stake LaengenAker - MOT46
17Havard BlikraSpotify - Haglöfs46
18Tiago MachadoPorto - Prio36
19Ricardo Van der VeldeeBuddy30
20Timofey KritskiyTinkoff Sport Academy28
21Yonathan MonsalveAyubowan!28
22David RoschPendleton's28
23Maurits LammertinkeBuddy27
24Alex KirschVesuvio - Accumalux25
25Antonio PedreroIberia - Team Degenkolb24
26Sakari LehtinenValio - DeLaval24
27Antoine DuchesneRBC Pro Cycling24
28Laurent DidierStrava17
29David AbalSpotify - Haglöfs16
30Leopold KönigVesuvio - Accumalux16
31Pierre-Henri LecuisinierFestina - Dexia15
32Dmitri KozontchukStrava15
33Coen VermeltfoorteBuddy14
34Carlos BarberoHugo Boss12
35Peter VelitsMoser - Sygic11
36Fredrik Strand GaltaAker - MOT10
37Steven KruijswijkGazelle10
38Jonathan CastroviejoeBuddy10
39Rasmus GuldhammerAker - MOT8
40Marc GoosVesuvio - Accumalux8
41Nikita NovikovTinkoff Sport Academy8
42Cameron BaylyFestina - Dexia8
43Nikias ArndtTeam Puma - SAP6
44Matej VysnaMoser - Sygic6
45Jaroslav KulhavyMoser - Sygic5
46Kaspars SergisEvonik - ELKO4
47Tim DeclerqTeam Puma - SAP4
48Marios AthanasiadesNemiroff - ABBYY4
49Andris VosekalnsEvonik - ELKO3
50Martijn KeizerAegon - Lavazza2
51Georg PreidlerWiesenhof-Andritz2
52Bruno SilvaPorto - Prio2
53Joshua EdmondsonPendleton's2
54Mirko SelvaggiStrava2
55Murilo AffonsoFestina - Dexia2
56Frank SchleckVesuvio - Accumalux2
57Yevgeni NepomnyachsniyNemiroff - ABBYY1

1Vesuvio - Accumalux256h36'51 (1)
2Aker - MOT+ 12'09 (2)
3Gazelle+ 23'25 (3)
4Moser - Sygic+ 43'36 (4)
5Tinkoff Sport Academy+ 1h05'45 (5)
6Nemiroff - ABBYY+ 1h15'30 (6)
7Pendleton's+ 1h19'09 (7)
8Spotify - Haglöfs+ 1h30'32 (8)
9Aegon - Lavazza+ 1h39'13 (9)
10Wiesenhof-Andritz+ 1h46'57 (10)
11Team Puma - SAP+ 1h50'40 (11)
12eBuddy+ 1h52'04 (12)
13Porto - Prio+ 1h58'13 (13)
14Evonik - ELKO+ 2h21'41 (14)
15Euskaltel+ 2h39'54 (15)
16Festina - Dexia+ 2h55'49 (16)
17Jayco - Cobra9+ 3h01'39 (17)
18RBC Pro Cycling+ 4h12'34 (18)
19Strava+ 5h41'24 (19)
20Hugo Boss+ 6h01'30 (20)
21Valio - DeLaval+ 6h17'08 (21)
22Ayubowan!+ 7h16'42 (22)
23Iberia - Team Degenkolb+ 8h53'12 (23)
24Control Team+ 14h53'46 (24)

1Pierre-Henri LecuisinierFestina - Dexia85h28'35 (1)
2Fredrik Strand GaltaAker - MOT+ 10'05 (2)
3Jack HaigJayco - Cobra9+ 13'19 (3)
4Daan OlivierAegon - Lavazza+ 17'30 (4)
5Andris VosekalnsEvonik - ELKO+ 30'02 (5)
6Mike Aaron EggerWiesenhof-Andritz+ 57'53 (6)
7Alex KirschVesuvio - Accumalux+ 59'02 (7)
8Christian MagerTeam Puma - SAP+ 1h03'01 (8)
9Sakari LehtinenValio - DeLaval+ 1h41'22 (9)
10Joshua EdmondsonPendleton's+ 2h02'35 (10)
11Conor DunneTeam Puma - SAP+ 2h02'54 (11)
12Miguel Angel LopezEvonik - ELKO+ 2h04'26 (12)
13Kaspars SergisEvonik - ELKO+ 2h09'26 (13)
14Momchil RobovSpotify - Haglöfs+ 2h25'57 (14)
15Marcus Faglum KarlssonValio - DeLaval+ 2h27'34 (15)
16Brendan CantyJayco - Cobra9+ 2h32'21 (16)
17Milos BorisavljevicWiesenhof-Andritz+ 2h33'58 (17)
18Gilles HeymesVesuvio - Accumalux+ 2h45'41 (18)
19Colin StüssiTeam Puma - SAP+ 2h54'13 (19)
20Robin CarpenterRBC Pro Cycling+ 3h12'36 (20)
21Miguel Angel BenitoHugo Boss+ 3h21'00 (21)
22Andreas VangstadAker - MOT+ 3h43'22 (22)
23Marc SolerIberia - Team Degenkolb+ 3h43'47 (23)
24Sondre Holst EngerAker - MOT+ 4h02'08 (24)
25Mektel EyobStrava+ 4h09'59 (25)
26Lawson CraddockAegon - Lavazza+ 4h29'22 (26)
27Daniel TurekMoser - Sygic+ 4h32'57 (27)
28Dylan GroenewegenAegon - Lavazza+ 4h43'59 (28)
29Christophe LaporteRBC Pro Cycling+ 4h53'29 (29)
30Jan BrockhoffIberia - Team Degenkolb+ 4h58'15 (30)
31Emils LiepinsEvonik - ELKO+ 5h14'25 (31)
32Steven LammertinkeBuddy+ 5h30'09 (32)
33Dylan Van BaarleTeam Puma - SAP+ 5h38'55 (33)
34Alex WohlerJayco - Cobra9+ 5h40'39 (34)
35Marlen ZmorkaPorto - Prio+ 5h56'16 (35)
36Damien HowsoneBuddy+ 5h59'32 (36)
37Frederik FrisonAegon - Lavazza+ 6h14'21 (37)
38Tushantha RajapakshageAyubowan!+ 6h15'34 (38)
39Krists NeilandsEvonik - ELKO+ 6h18'57 (39)
40Roy GoldsteinPorto - Prio+ 6h26'51 (40)

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