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Vuelta a Espana - Stage 6
[PTM] Vuelta a Espana

Stage 6 Algeciras – San Fernando 169.9 km

After some hard mountain days, it is time for another type of race. Today we are looking at a very sprinter friendly course with just an early small climb, expecting a mass sprint after a very flat last section. Sugar for the pure sprinter.

The stage starts in Algeciras, Provincia de Cádiz, a port city on the southern tip of Spain dating back to the last century BC, first ruled by the Phoenicians, today a city with a metropolitan population of about 260.000 people.



From there heading southwest over the climb near the village El Bujeo, then northwest to a finish in San Fernando, Provincia de Cádiz, as with Algeciras also originally settled by Phoenicians in the last centurys BC, today a city of about 100.000.

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The weather is fine in southern Spain, only few clouds, but a 30 km/h headwind will make it a bit harder for a breakaway, the wind is expected to calm down as the stage progress.

An early attempt never get anywhere, and it seem that everyone accept that it won’t be possible to attack before the early climb.

Just 1 Km from the top of Alto del Cabrito, we get the attack for the KoM it is pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/pnd.png Rosch, behind him also pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/sva.png Kozontchuk, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/eus.png Prades pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/rbc.png Duchesne and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/sva.png Fankhauser accelerated.

It is pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/pnd.png Rosch in front of pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/rbc.png Duchesne and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/eus.png Prades


The KoM hunters does not want to continue the attack and fall back. The attack comes right after the downhill it is pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/vad.png Nurmi pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/fes.png Bayly and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/jay.png Gunman.


8 km after the original breakaway also pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/mos.png Danacik attempt to get away, he will have to close a gap of 2’01.


When passing the first sprint in the costal tourist town Barbate, after 67 km the distance is 5’25.
At the second sprint in Puerto Real at the Bay of Cádiz after 130.4 km, it is reduced to 2’26.

None is the rider in the break show any sign of interest in the point or bonus seconds, they have only their mind on a stage win.

Up to this point almost all the work in the peloton was done by pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/akm.png Teuns, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/spy.png Robov, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/aeg.png Frison, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/aeg.png Lovassy


20 km to the line, now the peloton has upped the pace to 50 km/h, wind speed reduced to 10-12 km/h, now from the rear. Distance 1’23”

Positioning in front of peloton is pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/aeg.png Frison, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/aeg.png Craddock, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/akm.png Laengen, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/spy.png Abal (?), pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/akm.png Vangstad, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/spy.png Blikra, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/akm.png Teuns.


15 km to the line distance 1'22 ,pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/akm.png Aker – MOT has left the front, Spotify has added pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/spy.png Bjelkmark and Aegon pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/aeg.png Dumoulin to the hunt.


The breakaway passes under the 10 km banner with 1’08 to the peloton.
With 9 km to the line we get the attack, it is pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/mos.png Danacik


The peloton is about to pass under the 5km banner, there is still no trains up, with a mix of pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/spy.png Spotify and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/aeg.png Aegon domestics still chasing.

pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/mos.png Danacik’s attack did not work out, the four rider again together, with 43” to the peloton.

In the first rows just behind the chasers we can see pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/spy.png Stallaert, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/aeg.png Groenewegen, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/akm.png Enger, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/rbc.png Houle, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/evo.png Liepins, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/wha.png Stauff, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/hug.png Aberasturi.


Peloton has 4.2 km to the line, break got 36”
A little surprisingly pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/aeg.png Craddock have accelerated opening a 10-15 meter cap behind him.

It the same time two trains are forming, at the right ride, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/aeg.png Dumoulin in front of pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/aeg.png Lovassy, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/aeg.png Groenewegen, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/akm.png Enger, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/evo.png Liepins and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ayu.png Perera

At left, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/spy.png Abal, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/spy.png Jensen, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/spy.png Robov, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/spy.png Stallaert, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/wha.png Stauff and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/hug.png Aberasturi.
Pace approx. 63 km/h.

Not well placed a few minutes ago, behind this group pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/nem.png Ulanowski trying to catch up.

pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/rbc.png Houle well placed under the banner, did not get boxed, seemingly just not able to hang on.


A little less than 3 km to the line, the breakaway almost caught.

The peloton has caught up to pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/aeg.png Craddock who is now leading.

But just as pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/spy.png Abal swings off right to leave the Spotify train, also pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/aeg.png Lovassy swings off, leaving the pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/aeg.png Aegon train with some confusion.

At the back of the Spotify train, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/nem.png Ulanowski, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/vad.png Vastaranta, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/eus.png Fernandez and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/fes.png Santos has connected

pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/rbc.png Houle still disconnected but at least getting much closer.


2 km to the line.
But now what is this? pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/aeg.png Lovassy haven’t swung of, he passes the breakaway rider at a very high pace and starts his sprint, but pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/aeg.png Groenewegen did not expect this strange maneuver and is not connected, could easily be cought between the breakaway and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/spy.png Abal

At the left side pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/spy.png Robov have also started his sprint, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/spy.png Stallaert also a little too far behind not too bad. At his wheel still pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/wha.png Stauff

Further back in the middle of the road, 3-4 meter behind Stauff, we got pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/hug.png Aberasturi, then side by side pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/nem.png Ulanowski and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/akm.png Enger, behind him to the right pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/evo.png Liepins with pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/rbc.png Houle, to the left pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ayu.png Perera


1.5 km to the line.
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/aeg.png Lovassy now 200 meter in front of the next rider.

At the left side pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/wha.png Stauff have passed Stallaert sprinting with pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/nem.png Ulanowski at wheel.

In the middle of the road pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/spy.png Robov behind him pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/spy.png Abal, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/spy.png Stallaert and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/spy.png Jensen, almost side by side.

At the right side pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/vad.png Nurmi pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/fes.png Bayly and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/jay.png Gunman all from the breakaway has started sprinting. pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/aeg.png Groenewegen still seems blocked behind these riders and the Spotify riders, at his wheel pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/hug.png Aberasturi and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/evo.png Liepins

Even further back at left behind two Aegon domestics pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/vad.png Vastaranta, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/akm.png Enger, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ayu.png Perera, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/eus.png Fernandez and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/fes.png Santos

pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/rbc.png Houle again seems out of it alone at the right side.


First under the red kit is pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/aeg.png Lovassy, but now at the left side pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/wha.png Stauff and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/nem.png Ulanowski have come much closer, the big surprise result is not that likely anymore.

Behind them about 100 meter from Lovassy, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/vad.png Vastaranta has suddently passed everyone now leading med main cluster of sprinters at the left side.

At his right now pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/aeg.png Groenewegen have finally found a door forward, with pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/hug.png Aberasturi clued. pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/fes.png Bayly also close and a bit further back pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/evo.png Liepins

At the far left just a cycle length behind Vastaranta, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/spy.png Stallaert, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ayu.png Perera, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/akm.png Enger and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/fes.png Santos. pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/eus.png Fernandez faded just a bit.


The first rider has 700 meter left.

Now at left leading pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/wha.png Stauff has a tiny edge on pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/nem.png Ulanowski, at right side pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/aeg.png Lovassy almost at par with Ulanowski.

Behind them still a huge gap down to the next group of sprinters.
At the right side pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/aeg.png Groenewegen and on his left pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/hug.png Aberasturi with pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/evo.png Liepins now reconnected.

At the left side at level with Liepins, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/vad.png Vastaranta and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ayu.png Perera. Behind them pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/spy.png Stallaert, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/akm.png Enger and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/fes.png Santos

At the bottom pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/fes.png Bayly and outside the picture pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/eus.png Fernandez still losing ground.


500 meters left
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/wha.png Stauff has a tiny edge on pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/nem.png Ulanowski still leading, but losing some momentum, the riders behind coming closer and closer.

Next is pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/aeg.png Lovassy, but fading very fast now some 20 km/h slower than, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/aeg.png Groenewegen and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/hug.png Aberasturi now passing him, with pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/evo.png Liepins right at wheel.

At the left side pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ayu.png Perera pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/spy.png Stallaert, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/akm.png Enger and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/fes.png Santos losing a little to Liepins.

pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/vad.png Vastaranta now fading fast, behind him a huge gap down to the next group.


200 meters left, 5 riders almost on line now
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/aeg.png Groenewegen, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/hug.png Aberasturi pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/evo.png Liepins, at the right ride of the road, have been incredibly fast over the last 500 meters, if they all can keep this up, should be between them.

But it is still pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/wha.png Stauff leading and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/nem.png Ulanowski coming from his wheel may have the last boost?

Behind them pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/spy.png Stallaert, now in front of pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ayu.png Perera then pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/akm.png Enger and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/fes.png Santos.

Further back we can also see pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/nem.png Pluchkin and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/vsa.png A. Schleck sprinting against each other, must be just some kind of territorial pissing.


pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/aeg.png Groenewegen takes a narrow win in San Fernando, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/evo.png Liepins a photo finish 2nd in front of pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/hug.png Aberasturi

This was Groenewegen 2nd win in this year’s Vuelta


Just as close pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/wha.png Stauff 4th in front of pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/spy.png Stallaert 5th, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/nem.png Ulanowski 6th and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/akm.png Enger 7th.


pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ayu.png Perera 8th, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/fes.png Santos 9th and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/nem.png Pluchkin round of top 10.


The only significant chance to the classifications is that Dylan Groenewegen now got 50 points, clearly the best amongst the sprinters, but some distance to Andy Schleck’s 81.

1Dylan GroenewegenAegon - Lavazza3h52'02
2Emils LiepinsEvonik - ELKOs.t.
3Jon AberasturiHugo Bosss.t.
4Andreas StauffWiesenhof-Andritzs.t.
5Joeri StallaertSpotify - Haglöfss.t.
6Maciej UlanowskiNemiroff - ABBYYs.t.
7Sondre Holst EngerAker - MOTs.t.
8Madushanka PereraAyubowan!s.t.
9Emerson SantosFestina - Dexias.t.
10Aleksandr PluchkinNemiroff - ABBYYs.t.
11Oleksandr GolovashNemiroff - ABBYYs.t.
12Andy SchleckVesuvio - Accumaluxs.t.
13Jukka VastarantaValio - DeLavals.t.
14Krisztian LovassyAegon - Lavazzas.t.
15Rasmus GuldhammerAker - MOTs.t.
16Taylor GunmanJayco - Cobra9s.t.
17Jakub DanacikMoser - Sygics.t.
18Delio FernandezEuskaltels.t.
19Andrea Dal ColTinkoff Sport Academys.t.
20Tiago MachadoPorto - Prios.t.
21Timofey KritskiyTinkoff Sport Academys.t.
22Joseph DombrowskiPendleton'ss.t.
23Marc GoosVesuvio - Accumaluxs.t.
24Angel MadrazoGazelles.t.
25Patrick GretschGazelles.t.
26David AbalSpotify - Haglöfss.t.
27Kristian Haugaard JensenSpotify - Haglöfss.t.
28Peter VelitsMoser - Sygics.t.
29Sean DowneyPendleton'ss.t.
30Daniel TurekMoser - Sygics.t.
31Cameron BaylyFestina - Dexias.t.
32Sep VanmarckeVesuvio - Accumaluxs.t.
33Nikias ArndtTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
34Rafael SilvaHugo Bosss.t.
35Yonathan MonsalveAyubowan!s.t.
36Martijn KeizerAegon - Lavazzas.t.
37Ian BibbyGazelles.t.
38Jack HaigJayco - Cobra9s.t.
39Glenn O'SheaJayco - Cobra9s.t.
40Angelo TulikStravas.t.
41Joshua EdmondsonPendleton'ss.t.
42Roy GoldsteinPorto - Prios.t.
43Daan OlivierAegon - Lavazzas.t.
44Marcel KittelVesuvio - Accumaluxs.t.
45Damien HowsoneBuddys.t.
46Aleksej KunshinTinkoff Sport Academys.t.
47Momchil RobovSpotify - Haglöfss.t.
48Jonathan CastroviejoeBuddys.t.
49BjOrn Tore HoemAker - MOTs.t.
50Dylan Van BaarleTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
51Hugo HouleRBC Pro Cyclings.t.
52Dan McLayRBC Pro Cyclings.t.
53Gianluca BrambillaeBuddys.t.
54Havard BlikraSpotify - Haglöfss.t.
55Sameera ChatarungaAyubowan!s.t.
56Roope NurmiValio - DeLavals.t.
57Fredrik Strand GaltaAker - MOTs.t.
58Tom DumoulinAegon - Lavazzas.t.
59Jurgen Van den BroeckEuskaltels.t.
60Georg PreidlerWiesenhof-Andritzs.t.
61Thomas KoepAegon - Lavazzas.t.
62Lawson CraddockAegon - Lavazzas.t.
63Brendan CantyJayco - Cobra9s.t.
64Jan HirtMoser - Sygics.t.
65José Joaquin Rojas GilSpotify - Haglöfss.t.
66Jonas BjelkmarkSpotify - Haglöfss.t.
67James OramJayco - Cobra9s.t.
68Christophe LaporteRBC Pro Cyclings.t.
69Antoine DuchesneRBC Pro Cyclings.t.
70Matej VysnaMoser - Sygics.t.
71Leopold KönigVesuvio - Accumaluxs.t.
72Kaspars SergisEvonik - ELKOs.t.
73Jaroslav KulhavyMoser - Sygics.t.
74Micael IsidoroControl Teams.t.
75Yevgeni NepomnyachsniyNemiroff - ABBYYs.t.
76Jonathan BellisAyubowan!s.t.
77Tobias LudvigssonSpotify - Haglöfss.t.
78Trent LoweJayco - Cobra9s.t.
79Steven KruijswijkGazelles.t.
80Christian MagerTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
81Andris VosekalnsEvonik - ELKOs.t.
82Tim DeclerqTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
83Antonio PedreroIberia - Team Degenkolbs.t.
84Juan Pablo MagallanesControl Teams.t.
85Patrick KonradGazelles.t.
86Alex WohlerJayco - Cobra9s.t.
87Alex KirschVesuvio - Accumaluxs.t.
88Patrick BevinTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
89Tim KennaughPendleton'ss.t.
90Maurits LammertinkeBuddys.t.
91Colin StüssiTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
92Nikita NovikovTinkoff Sport Academys.t.
93Ricardo Van der VeldeeBuddys.t.
94Clemens FankhauserStravas.t.
95Taylor TollesonHugo Bosss.t.
96Mike Aaron EggerWiesenhof-Andritzs.t.
97Krists NeilandsEvonik - ELKOs.t.
98Kristjan KorenGazelles.t.
99Michel KochEvonik - ELKOs.t.
100Thomas De GendtGazelles.t.
101Dries De BondtEuskaltels.t.
102Aberlardo AblenadoHugo Bosss.t.
103Thomas BonninRBC Pro Cyclings.t.
104Daniel SchornWiesenhof-Andritzs.t.
105David RoschPendleton'ss.t.
106Laurent DidierStravas.t.
107Christoph TaubelEvonik - ELKOs.t.
108Edoardo ZardiniEuskaltels.t.
109Gilles HeymesVesuvio - Accumaluxs.t.
110Marlen ZmorkaPorto - Prios.t.
111Petr IgnatenkoTinkoff Sport Academys.t.
112Krishan MadushankaAyubowan!s.t.
113Heiner Rodrigo Parra BustamenteMoser - Sygics.t.
114Eduard PradesEuskaltels.t.
115Gediminas BagdonasIberia - Team Degenkolbs.t.
116Steven LammertinkeBuddys.t.
117Bert De BackerStravas.t.
118Dmitri KozontchukStravas.t.
119Milos BorisavljevicWiesenhof-Andritzs.t.
120Bernhard KohlPendleton'ss.t.
121Frederico FigueiredoPorto - Prios.t.
122Ignas KonovalovasNemiroff - ABBYYs.t.
123Robin CarpenterRBC Pro Cyclings.t.
124Nelson OliveiraPorto - Prios.t.
125James PiccoliFestina - Dexias.t.
126Coen VermeltfoorteBuddys.t.
127Tim DeesPendleton'ss.t.
128Vegard Stake LaengenAker - MOTs.t.
129Sakari LehtinenValio - DeLavals.t.
130Christian EgidioPorto - Prios.t.
131Sujith SilvaAyubowan!s.t.
132Johann van ZylRBC Pro Cyclings.t.
133Christoph MaiWiesenhof-Andritzs.t.
134Marios AthanasiadesNemiroff - ABBYYs.t.
135Mykhaylo KononenkoNemiroff - ABBYYs.t.
136Anton VorobevTinkoff Sport Academys.t.
137Clement ChevrierTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
138Miguel Angel LopezEvonik - ELKOs.t.
139Pieter JacobsFestina - Dexias.t.
140Murilo AffonsoFestina - Dexias.t.
141Gorka IzagirreEuskaltels.t.
142Jesús HerradaHugo Bosss.t.
143Adrian MaloriTinkoff Sport Academys.t.
144Ajay Pandit ChhetriStravas.t.
145Pierre-Henri LecuisinierFestina - Dexias.t.
146Frank SchleckVesuvio - Accumaluxs.t.
147Andreas VangstadAker - MOTs.t.
148Jan OelerichIberia - Team Degenkolbs.t.
149Bruno SilvaPorto - Prios.t.
150Sigurd NessetAker - MOTs.t.
151Yannick StoltzEvonik - ELKOs.t.
152Hermann PernsteinerWiesenhof-Andritzs.t.
153Tom CopelandPendleton'ss.t.
154Dylan TeunsAker - MOTs.t.
155Tushantha RajapakshageAyubowan!s.t.
156Darren YoungNemiroff - ABBYYs.t.
157Ruben FernandezEuskaltels.t.
158Zachary HughesRBC Pro Cyclings.t.
159Kiril YatsevichTinkoff Sport Academys.t.
160Frederik FrisonAegon - Lavazzas.t.
161Conor DunneTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
162José HerradaeBuddys.t.
163Carlos BarberoHugo Bosss.t.
164Joonas HenttalaValio - DeLavals.t.
165Enrico FranzoiWiesenhof-Andritzs.t.
166Jacob SalconeJayco - Cobra9s.t.
167Samuel HalmeValio - DeLavals.t.
168Marcus Faglum KarlssonValio - DeLavals.t.
169Nejc KosicIberia - Team Degenkolbs.t.
170Bauke MollemaEuskaltels.t.
171Jan BrockhoffIberia - Team Degenkolbs.t.
172Joni KanervaValio - DeLavals.t.
173Nawuti LiphongyuFestina - Dexias.t.
174Steven BurkeIberia - Team Degenkolbs.t.
175Gökhan HastaValio - DeLavals.t.
176Rodrigo NascimentoPorto - Prios.t.
177Kevin PredatschAyubowan!s.t.
178Marc SolerIberia - Team Degenkolbs.t.
179Miguel Angel BenitoHugo Bosss.t.
180Denis KostyukControl Teams.t.
181Mirko SelvaggiStravas.t.
182Victor CampenaertsGazelles.t.
183Daniel RuizHugo Bosss.t.
184Mektel EyobStravas.t.
185Jakub NovakFestina - Dexia+ 3'00

1Andy SchleckVesuvio - Accumalux20h32'35
2Angel MadrazoGazelle+ 1'32
3Aleksandr PluchkinNemiroff - ABBYY+ 2'43
4Joseph DombrowskiPendleton's+ 3'16
5Tiago MachadoPorto - Prio+ 3'21
6David AbalSpotify - Haglöfs+ 4'26
7Timofey KritskiyTinkoff Sport Academy+ 5'08
8Yonathan MonsalveAyubowan!+ 6'20
9Georg PreidlerWiesenhof-Andritz+ 6'52
10Peter VelitsMoser - Sygic+ 7'17
11Fredrik Strand GaltaAker - MOT+ 7'41
12Gianluca BrambillaeBuddy+ 7'43
13Pierre-Henri LecuisinierFestina - Dexia+ 7'52
14Daan OlivierAegon - Lavazza+ 8'10
15Rasmus GuldhammerAker - MOT+ 8'16
16Nikias ArndtTeam Puma - SAP+ 8'25
17Martijn KeizerAegon - Lavazza+ 9'20
18Andris VosekalnsEvonik - ELKO+ 9'36
19Marc GoosVesuvio - Accumalux+ 10'03
20Jack HaigJayco - Cobra9+ 10'36
21Matej VysnaMoser - Sygic+ 10'45
22Jaroslav KulhavyMoser - Sygic+ 10'49
23Sigurd NessetAker - MOT+ 10'50
24Jurgen Van den BroeckEuskaltel+ 11'43
25Jan HirtMoser - Sygic+ 12'25
26Ian BibbyGazelle+ 12'30
27Aleksej KunshinTinkoff Sport Academy+ 12'36
28Leopold KönigVesuvio - Accumalux+ 13'07
29Steven KruijswijkGazelle+ 14'08
30Vegard Stake LaengenAker - MOT+ 14'36
31Yevgeni NepomnyachsniyNemiroff - ABBYY+ 14'40
32Edoardo ZardiniEuskaltel+ 15'11
33Alex KirschVesuvio - Accumalux+ 15'24
34BjOrn Tore HoemAker - MOT+ 16'21
35Havard BlikraSpotify - Haglöfs+ 16'54
36Hermann PernsteinerWiesenhof-Andritz+ 17'41
37Petr IgnatenkoTinkoff Sport Academy+ 17'56
38Ricardo Van der VeldeeBuddy+ 17'57
39Thomas BonninRBC Pro Cycling+ 18'00
40Aberlardo AblenadoHugo Boss+ 18'11
41Mykhaylo KononenkoNemiroff - ABBYY+ 18'24
42Patrick BevinTeam Puma - SAP+ 18'33
43Tobias LudvigssonSpotify - Haglöfs+ 18'40
44Heiner Rodrigo Parra BustamenteMoser - Sygic+ 18'49
45Trent LoweJayco - Cobra9+ 19'08
46Michel KochEvonik - ELKO+ 19'10
47Christian MagerTeam Puma - SAP+ 19'18
48Frederico FigueiredoPorto - Prio+ 19'28
49Nelson OliveiraPorto - Prio+ 19'33
50Nawuti LiphongyuFestina - Dexia+ 20'03
51Joshua EdmondsonPendleton's+ 20'32
52Dylan TeunsAker - MOT+ 20'34
53David RoschPendleton's+ 21'22
54Patrick KonradGazelle+ 21'27
55Brendan CantyJayco - Cobra9+ 21'59
56Mike Aaron EggerWiesenhof-Andritz+ 22'10
57Gorka IzagirreEuskaltel+ 22'20
58Miguel Angel LopezEvonik - ELKO+ 22'52
59Kristian Haugaard JensenSpotify - Haglöfs+ 23'34
60Conor DunneTeam Puma - SAP+ 23'44
61Tim KennaughPendleton's+ 23'45
62Antonio PedreroIberia - Team Degenkolb+ 24'00
63Tom CopelandPendleton's+ 24'07
64Christoph MaiWiesenhof-Andritz+ 24'30
65Clement ChevrierTeam Puma - SAP+ 24'31
66Momchil RobovSpotify - Haglöfs+ 24'55
67Delio FernandezEuskaltel+ 25'44
68Gilles HeymesVesuvio - Accumalux+ 26'49
69Bruno SilvaPorto - Prio+ 27'31
70Tim DeesPendleton's+ 28'10
71Jakub DanacikMoser - Sygic+ 28'24
72Kaspars SergisEvonik - ELKO+ 28'34
73Laurent DidierStrava+ 28'37
74Sakari LehtinenValio - DeLaval+ 28'40
75Thomas KoepAegon - Lavazza+ 28'48
76Kristjan KorenGazelle+ 29'06
77Bernhard KohlPendleton's+ 29'16
78Jonas BjelkmarkSpotify - Haglöfs+ 29'39
79Cameron BaylyFestina - Dexia+ 29'40
80Zachary HughesRBC Pro Cycling+ 30'26
81Jesús HerradaHugo Boss+ 31'03
82Jonathan CastroviejoeBuddy+ 31'18
83Ignas KonovalovasNemiroff - ABBYY+ 32'14
84Hugo HouleRBC Pro Cycling+ 33'32
85Robin CarpenterRBC Pro Cycling+ 34'42
86Murilo AffonsoFestina - Dexia+ 34'44
87Johann van ZylRBC Pro Cycling+ 34'54
88Marcus Faglum KarlssonValio - DeLaval+ 35'06
89Eduard PradesEuskaltel+ 35'18
90Frank SchleckVesuvio - Accumalux+ 35'30
91Andreas VangstadAker - MOT+ 35'38
92Antoine DuchesneRBC Pro Cycling+ 35'57
93Gökhan HastaValio - DeLaval+ 36'10
94Lawson CraddockAegon - Lavazza+ 36'20
95Ajay Pandit ChhetriStrava+ 36'33
96Nikita NovikovTinkoff Sport Academy+ 37'01
97James PiccoliFestina - Dexia+ 38'27
98Christian EgidioPorto - Prio+ 40'30
99Colin StüssiTeam Puma - SAP+ 41'12
100Angelo TulikStrava+ 41'13
101Mirko SelvaggiStrava+ 41'18
102Sondre Holst EngerAker - MOT+ 43'12
103Jacob SalconeJayco - Cobra9+ 43'18
104Maurits LammertinkeBuddy+ 44'41
105Dmitri KozontchukStravas.t.
106José HerradaeBuddy+ 44'46
107Tim DeclerqTeam Puma - SAP+ 45'40
108Carlos BarberoHugo Boss+ 45'42
109Marc SolerIberia - Team Degenkolb+ 45'55
110Thomas De GendtGazelle+ 46'50
111Taylor TollesonHugo Boss+ 47'18
112Dries De BondtEuskaltel+ 47'27
113Sean DowneyPendleton's+ 47'34
114Taylor GunmanJayco - Cobra9+ 47'50
115Krisztian LovassyAegon - Lavazza+ 49'16
116Clemens FankhauserStrava+ 49'25
117Coen VermeltfoorteBuddy+ 49'59
118Jan BrockhoffIberia - Team Degenkolb+ 50'09
119Rafael SilvaHugo Boss+ 50'35
120Rodrigo NascimentoPorto - Prio+ 51'55
121Yannick StoltzEvonik - ELKO+ 52'12
122Daniel TurekMoser - Sygic+ 52'13
123Dylan GroenewegenAegon - Lavazza+ 52'39
124Milos BorisavljevicWiesenhof-Andritz+ 52'41
125Emerson SantosFestina - Dexia+ 52'47
126Miguel Angel BenitoHugo Boss+ 52'49
127Christophe LaporteRBC Pro Cycling+ 53'08
128Bauke MollemaEuskaltel+ 53'19
129Joeri StallaertSpotify - Haglöfs+ 54'30
130Jukka VastarantaValio - DeLaval+ 54'31
131Jan OelerichIberia - Team Degenkolb+ 55'17
132Joonas HenttalaValio - DeLaval+ 55'30
133Gediminas BagdonasIberia - Team Degenkolb+ 56'55
134Marios AthanasiadesNemiroff - ABBYY+ 57'11
135Alex WohlerJayco - Cobra9+ 57'31
136Sujith SilvaAyubowan!+ 58'34
137Damien HowsoneBuddy+ 1h00'14
138Adrian MaloriTinkoff Sport Academy+ 1h01'23
139Steven LammertinkeBuddy+ 1h01'41
140Jon AberasturiHugo Boss+ 1h01'42
141Tushantha RajapakshageAyubowan!+ 1h02'07
142Emils LiepinsEvonik - ELKO+ 1h02'34
143Dylan Van BaarleTeam Puma - SAP+ 1h02'40
144Tom DumoulinAegon - Lavazza+ 1h02'55
145Sep VanmarckeVesuvio - Accumalux+ 1h03'06
146Jakub NovakFestina - Dexia+ 1h03'18
147Jonathan BellisAyubowan!+ 1h04'24
148Anton VorobevTinkoff Sport Academy+ 1h04'34
149Juan Pablo MagallanesControl Team+ 1h05'06
150Ruben FernandezEuskaltel+ 1h06'07
151Roope NurmiValio - DeLaval+ 1h06'50
152Andrea Dal ColTinkoff Sport Academy+ 1h06'51
153Daniel SchornWiesenhof-Andritz+ 1h07'17
154Denis KostyukControl Team+ 1h07'43
155Kiril YatsevichTinkoff Sport Academy+ 1h07'44
156Joni KanervaValio - DeLaval+ 1h08'29
157Andreas StauffWiesenhof-Andritz+ 1h08'32
158Marlen ZmorkaPorto - Prio+ 1h08'37
159Frederik FrisonAegon - Lavazza+ 1h09'06
160Christoph TaubelEvonik - ELKO+ 1h09'30
161Micael IsidoroControl Team+ 1h09'54
162Marcel KittelVesuvio - Accumalux+ 1h09'58
163Sameera ChatarungaAyubowan!+ 1h11'19
164Oleksandr GolovashNemiroff - ABBYY+ 1h12'49
165Victor CampenaertsGazelle+ 1h13'57
166Krishan MadushankaAyubowan!+ 1h14'22
167Krists NeilandsEvonik - ELKO+ 1h14'33
168Madushanka PereraAyubowan!+ 1h14'46
169Maciej UlanowskiNemiroff - ABBYY+ 1h17'25
170Dan McLayRBC Pro Cycling+ 1h17'39
171José Joaquin Rojas GilSpotify - Haglöfs+ 1h18'08
172Darren YoungNemiroff - ABBYY+ 1h18'42
173Enrico FranzoiWiesenhof-Andritz+ 1h20'09
174Pieter JacobsFestina - Dexia+ 1h20'33
175James OramJayco - Cobra9+ 1h22'15
176Patrick GretschGazelle+ 1h23'17
177Roy GoldsteinPorto - Prio+ 1h24'25
178Glenn O'SheaJayco - Cobra9+ 1h25'44
179Nejc KosicIberia - Team Degenkolb+ 1h27'59
180Mektel EyobStrava+ 1h30'48
181Bert De BackerStrava+ 1h38'07
182Steven BurkeIberia - Team Degenkolb+ 1h39'47
183Kevin PredatschAyubowan!+ 1h39'55
184Daniel RuizHugo Boss+ 1h46'38
185Samuel HalmeValio - DeLaval+ 1h49'57

1Andy SchleckVesuvio - Accumalux81
2Aleksandr PluchkinNemiroff - ABBYY59
3Dylan GroenewegenAegon - Lavazza50
4Angel MadrazoGazelle41
5Yonathan MonsalveAyubowan!39
6Joseph DombrowskiPendleton's31
7Timofey KritskiyTinkoff Sport Academy31
8Sondre Holst EngerAker - MOT29
9Emils LiepinsEvonik - ELKO28
10Jon AberasturiHugo Boss26
11Pierre-Henri LecuisinierFestina - Dexia25
12Andreas StauffWiesenhof-Andritz25
13Georg PreidlerWiesenhof-Andritz23
14Jonathan BellisAyubowan!20
15Maciej UlanowskiNemiroff - ABBYY20
16Tiago MachadoPorto - Prio19
17Emerson SantosFestina - Dexia19
18David AbalSpotify - Haglöfs18
19Gianluca BrambillaeBuddy17
20Hugo HouleRBC Pro Cycling16
21Peter VelitsMoser - Sygic15
22Nikias ArndtTeam Puma - SAP15
23Rasmus GuldhammerAker - MOT14
24Dmitri KozontchukStrava14
25Eduard PradesEuskaltel12
26Ajay Pandit ChhetriStrava12
27Maurits LammertinkeBuddy12
28Joeri StallaertSpotify - Haglöfs12
29Jakub DanacikMoser - Sygic8
30Cameron BaylyFestina - Dexia8
31Antoine DuchesneRBC Pro Cycling8
32Roope NurmiValio - DeLaval8
33Madushanka PereraAyubowan!8
34Fredrik Strand GaltaAker - MOT7
35Daan OlivierAegon - Lavazza7
36Edoardo ZardiniEuskaltel6
37Coen VermeltfoorteBuddy6
38Jan HirtMoser - Sygic5
39Oleksandr GolovashNemiroff - ABBYY5
40Marc GoosVesuvio - Accumalux4
41Murilo AffonsoFestina - Dexia4
42Tim DeclerqTeam Puma - SAP4
43Taylor GunmanJayco - Cobra94
44Matej VysnaMoser - Sygic3
45Jukka VastarantaValio - DeLaval3
46David RoschPendleton's2
47Carlos BarberoHugo Boss2
48Krisztian LovassyAegon - Lavazza2
49Krishan MadushankaAyubowan!2
50Sigurd NessetAker - MOT1

1Andy SchleckVesuvio - Accumalux56
2Aleksandr PluchkinNemiroff - ABBYY34
3Angel MadrazoGazelle30
4David RoschPendleton's26
5Joseph DombrowskiPendleton's22
6Alex KirschVesuvio - Accumalux22
7Eduard PradesEuskaltel18
8Ajay Pandit ChhetriStrava16
9Dmitri KozontchukStrava15
10Yonathan MonsalveAyubowan!14
11Antoine DuchesneRBC Pro Cycling14
12David AbalSpotify - Haglöfs12
13Steven KruijswijkGazelle10
14Marc GoosVesuvio - Accumalux8
15Krishan MadushankaAyubowan!7
16Tiago MachadoPorto - Prio6
17Timofey KritskiyTinkoff Sport Academy6
18Roope NurmiValio - DeLaval6
19Maurits LammertinkeBuddy5
20Peter VelitsMoser - Sygic4
21Marios AthanasiadesNemiroff - ABBYY4
22Georg PreidlerWiesenhof-Andritz2
23Bruno SilvaPorto - Prio2
24Murilo AffonsoFestina - Dexia2
25Frank SchleckVesuvio - Accumalux2

1Vesuvio - Accumalux61h31'43 (1)
2Aker - MOT+ 1'23 (2)
3Moser - Sygic+ 1'40 (3)
4Gazelle+ 4'12 (4)
5Tinkoff Sport Academy+ 9'37 (5)
6Nemiroff - ABBYY+ 11'36 (6)
7Spotify - Haglöfs+ 14'40 (7)
8Pendleton's+ 15'19 (8)
9Porto - Prio+ 16'43 (9)
10Wiesenhof-Andritz+ 16'51 (10)
11Team Puma - SAP+ 20'22 (11)
12Aegon - Lavazza+ 21'48 (12)
13Euskaltel+ 23'18 (13)
14Festina - Dexia+ 26'05 (14)
15Evonik - ELKO+ 26'57 (15)
16Jayco - Cobra9+ 28'05 (16)
17eBuddy+ 32'38 (17)
18RBC Pro Cycling+ 51'57 (18)
19Hugo Boss+ 1h05'34 (19)
20Valio - DeLaval+ 1h09'11 (20)
21Strava+ 1h19'30 (21)
22Iberia - Team Degenkolb+ 1h28'26 (22)
23Ayubowan!+ 1h30'17 (23)

1Fredrik Strand GaltaAker - MOT20h40'16 (1)
2Pierre-Henri LecuisinierFestina - Dexia+ 11 (2)
3Daan OlivierAegon - Lavazza+ 29 (3)
4Andris VosekalnsEvonik - ELKO+ 1'55 (4)
5Jack HaigJayco - Cobra9+ 2'55 (5)
6Alex KirschVesuvio - Accumalux+ 7'43 (6)
7Christian MagerTeam Puma - SAP+ 11'37 (7)
8Joshua EdmondsonPendleton's+ 12'51 (8)
9Dylan TeunsAker - MOT+ 12'53 (9)
10Brendan CantyJayco - Cobra9+ 14'18 (10)
11Mike Aaron EggerWiesenhof-Andritz+ 14'29 (11)
12Miguel Angel LopezEvonik - ELKO+ 15'11 (12)
13Conor DunneTeam Puma - SAP+ 16'03 (13)
14Clement ChevrierTeam Puma - SAP+ 16'50 (14)
15Momchil RobovSpotify - Haglöfs+ 17'14 (15)
16Gilles HeymesVesuvio - Accumalux+ 19'08 (16)
17Kaspars SergisEvonik - ELKO+ 20'53 (17)
18Sakari LehtinenValio - DeLaval+ 20'59 (18)
19Robin CarpenterRBC Pro Cycling+ 27'01 (19)
20Marcus Faglum KarlssonValio - DeLaval+ 27'25 (20)
21Andreas VangstadAker - MOT+ 27'57 (21)
22Lawson CraddockAegon - Lavazza+ 28'39 (22)
23Colin StüssiTeam Puma - SAP+ 33'31 (23)
24Sondre Holst EngerAker - MOT+ 35'31 (24)
25Marc SolerIberia - Team Degenkolb+ 38'14 (25)
26Jan BrockhoffIberia - Team Degenkolb+ 42'28 (26)
27Daniel TurekMoser - Sygic+ 44'32 (27)
28Dylan GroenewegenAegon - Lavazza+ 44'58 (28)
29Milos BorisavljevicWiesenhof-Andritz+ 45'00 (29)
30Miguel Angel BenitoHugo Boss+ 45'08 (30)
31Christophe LaporteRBC Pro Cycling+ 45'27 (31)
32Alex WohlerJayco - Cobra9+ 49'50 (32)
33Damien HowsoneBuddy+ 52'33 (33)
34Steven LammertinkeBuddy+ 54'00 (34)
35Tushantha RajapakshageAyubowan!+ 54'26 (35)
36Emils LiepinsEvonik - ELKO+ 54'53 (36)
37Dylan Van BaarleTeam Puma - SAP+ 54'59 (37)
38Roope NurmiValio - DeLaval+ 59'09 (38)
39Joni KanervaValio - DeLaval+ 1h00'48 (39)
40Marlen ZmorkaPorto - Prio+ 1h00'56 (40)
41Frederik FrisonAegon - Lavazza+ 1h01'25 (41)
42Sameera ChatarungaAyubowan!+ 1h03'38 (42)
43Krishan MadushankaAyubowan!+ 1h06'41 (43)
44Krists NeilandsEvonik - ELKO+ 1h06'52 (44)
45Madushanka PereraAyubowan!+ 1h07'05 (45)
46Dan McLayRBC Pro Cycling+ 1h09'58 (46)
47James OramJayco - Cobra9+ 1h14'34 (47)
48Roy GoldsteinPorto - Prio+ 1h16'44 (48)
49Mektel EyobStrava+ 1h23'07 (49)
50Kevin PredatschAyubowan!+ 1h32'14 (50)

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