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Tour de Pologne - Stage 3
[HC]Tour de Pologne

Stages 3/7 Jastrzębie-Zdrój – Ustroń 151,3 km

From Warszawa the team busses have driven about 360 km back south to Jastrzębie-Zdrój, In the 1860 developed as a health/spa resort but transforming into a larger city in the 1960 where mines in the area attracted a growing working class population. Today a city with about 90.000 people.

The stage will finish in Ustron, a town situated just 40 km south of where the stage begin, the town has several health and beauty institutions with therapeutic baths etc. The town has a population of about 15.000


The stage is short but definitely not easy, after a flat section of about 50 km, the rider will pass over “Zameczek” 5 times, with no flat section in between, a 7.8 km climb at 4.1% with a harder middle section, every time counting as a cat.1 climb.

The stage finish with a 21 km mostly downhill, before the final 4.1 km climb at 7.7% up to Ustroń, only suited for the very best punchers, also this count as a cat.1

It is clouded just like yesterday, could very well start to rain, but not as much wind.

Media favourites:


The Race

pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/mol.png Michely opens the race after 6 km, several other rider counters, but everyone are brought back.

A short uphill section after 14 km inspires the next attempt, initiated by pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/gre.png Vink, but also pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/mol.png Michely and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/eus.png Prades on this wheel.


Several teams is pulling the peloton forward, we see pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/fab.png Matysiak, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/new.png Sweeting, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ged.png Ghyselinck, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/kmm.png Park and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ged.png Boaro taking turns together.


With about 12 km to the top of the first climb another attack, it is pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ora.png Hivert and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/fab.png Pszczolarski, they both already has KoM points from previous stages, most likely wanting to improve in that contest.


The peloton do not react and the breakaway is also riding in a moderate pace, with about 4 km to the top they join the first group.

But they get no rest after just one more km pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/gre.png Vink attacks for the KoM.


The group is split into smaller fragments; pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/mol.png Michely is the strongest on this one, taking the KoM.


From the peloton pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ers.png Venter and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/new.png Sweeting attacks, to collect the remaining KoM points.

Result 1st KoM
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/mol.png Michely
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/gre.png Vink
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/fab.png Pszczolarski
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/eus.png Prades
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ora.png Hivert
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ers.png Venter
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/new.png Sweeting

Over the top Indosat Ooredoo – ANZ takes over the lead of the peloton, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ino.png Speirs,pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ino.png Ji and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ino.png Hamilton sitting in front.
86 km to the line, distance 3’46


It has started to rain hard.

Again it is pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/mol.png Michely taking the KoM, and again pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ers.png Venter and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/new.png Sweeting attacks, to collect the remaining KoM points.

Result 2nd KoM
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/mol.png Michely
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/gre.png Vink
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/fab.png Pszczolarski
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/eus.png Prades
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ora.png Hivert
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ers.png Venter
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/new.png Sweeting

The road are very wet and on the descent from the 2nd climb, we have a series of crashes, all in all 21 riders are down, 4 riders have to abandon with serious injuries
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/frs.png Enrico Barbin
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/kmm.png Florian Scheit
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/vma.png Maxim Belkov and
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/t3a.png Christopher Lawless are all out.

Amongst those that was down but continue we see pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/mol.png Vanoverschelde, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/min.png Milan, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/min.png Manarelli, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/bgc.png Paulinho, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/gre.png Skjerping, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/min.png Avila, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ers.png Van Heerden

The panic in the peloton has helped the breakaway they are now at 4’39, 68 km to go.


At the third KoM climb things change a little; pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/mol.png Michely is not able to keep up with a sudden acceleration from pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/gre.png Vink and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/fab.png Pszczolarski they take the KoM in that order.


Again pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ers.png Venter and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/new.png Sweeting attacks from the peloton.

pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/gre.png Vink
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/fab.png Pszczolarski
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/mol.png Michely
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/eus.png Prades
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ora.png Hivert
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ers.png Venter
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/new.png Sweeting

At the fourth KoM climb things are back to normal again, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/mol.png Michely wins in front of pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/gre.png Vink.


At this point pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ora.png Hivert has given up, falling back to the peloton, after sitting alone behind the first four for quite some time.

Result of the fourth KoM
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/mol.png Michely
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/eus.png Prades
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/gre.png Vink
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/fab.png Pszczolarski
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/new.png Sweeting
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ino.png Ji
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/cdb.png Mendes

On the way down from the fourth climb, Kraftwerk Man Machine is taking the front with pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/kmm.png Vachon and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/kmm.png Park setting a higher pace, the distance is melting rapidly.

30 km to go, distance 1’59.


pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/eus.png Prades attacks on the final climb to “Zameczek”, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/mol.png Michely grab his wheel but this time he hasn’t got the power left to pass.


pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/gre.png Vink is right behind them but pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/fab.png Pszczolarski seems done, he already lost 27 sec.

The trio just manages to share the intermediate sprint before they are eaten by the peloton.

Result of the last KoM
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/eus.png Prades
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/mol.png Michely
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/gre.png Vink
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/fab.png Pszczolarski
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/new.png Henao
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ino.png Khalilikhosroshani
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/kmm.png Kreder

The break is over but the pace do not settle down, there is a huge fight for position with shifting riders and teams taking the lead, pace is over 50 km/h on the slightly downhill.

5.5 km to go
Just as the false flat starts with 1.4 km to the actual final climb a daring attempt, it is acceleration from pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/new.png Van Garderen.


The acceleration came on a section of only 1,5-2%, thereby pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/new.png Van Garderen was not able to shake of anyone. Over the next 2.7 km, he is leading the group while the slope is constantly increasing, but the pace is moderate with 93 riders still hanging on to the peloton.

2.8 km to the top, 8.3% slope
This is the positioning in front. pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/new.png Van Garderen, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/kmm.png Flügel, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ino.png Anuar Aziz, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ged.png Tanovitchii, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/fab.png Froome, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/cdb.png Hansen, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ged.png Lavery, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/cdb.png Juul-Jensen, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/vad.png Gautier, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ged.png Ulissi, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/bgc.png Vogt.

The absence of pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/mol.png MOL - OMV Petrom and Orange Pro Cycling pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ora.png is obvious, they got top punchers further back in the group.


2.2 km to the top, 5.4% slope
The pace is slowly but steadily increasing, chunks of riders have started to lose contact, race leader pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/cdb.png Juul-Jensen 32” seconds behind the front.

We get the next attack from the front, it is pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ino.png Anuar Aziz. Four rider immediately react pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/new.png Van Garderen in front of pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/kmm.png Flügel, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/fab.png Froome and a little further back pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/vad.png Gautier.


1.6 km to the top, 11.4% slope

pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ino.png Anuar Aziz alone in front

At 14”
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/kmm.png Flügel, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/new.png Van Garderen, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/fab.png Froome and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/vad.png Gautier

At 31”
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/bgc.png Vogt, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ged.png Ulissi, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/mol.png Di Maggio, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ged.png Lavery, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/hrm.png Levarlet, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ora.png Schreurs, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ged.png Tanovitchii, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/npn.png Klemme and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ers.png Teklit

At 48”
A group of 23 riders with pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/cdb.png Juul-Jensen, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/min.png Betancourt and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/t3a.png Yates.


Under the red kit, 10.1% slope
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ino.png Anuar Aziz first, maybe losing a little momentum as pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/kmm.png Flügel and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/fab.png Froome is now just 10” behind.

At 20”
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ged.png Ulissi, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ora.png Schreurs and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/hrm.png Levarlet has bridged to pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/new.png Van Garderen and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/vad.png Gautier

27 riders at 49”


500 meter to the line. 3.4% slope

The climb is now flatting out, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ino.png Anuar Aziz has 9” to pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/kmm.png Flügel and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/fab.png Froome.

At 27”
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/vad.png Gautier and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ora.png Schreurs

At 37”
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ged.png Ulissi, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/hrm.png Levarlet and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/new.png Van Garderen

At 48”, 24 riders including the race leader.


pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ino.png Mohamed Shawal Anuar Aziz wins in Ustroń,


Losing 11” pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/kmm.png Flügel a cycle length in front of pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/fab.png Froome, takes over the race lead with 36” to pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ged.png Ulissi and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ino.png Anuar Aziz, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/kmm.png Flügel also take the point lead


At 31” pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ora.png Schreurs fourth in front of pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/vad.png Gautier who rounds of top 5.

At 43” pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/new.png Van Garderen, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/hrm.png Levarlet and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ged.png Ulissi

Race leader pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/cdb.png Juul-Jensen lost 2’41, falling back to CG 21st.

In the KoM, coming into the stage without points pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/mol.png Kim Michely took a clear lead with 8 points down to pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/gre.png Vink

In the youth competition most rider lost time to pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/t3a.png Simon Yates increasing his lead, but not pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/bgc.png Vogt he is now 2nd at 36”

1Mohamed Shawal Anuar AzizIndosat Ooredoo - ANZ3h43'10
2Aleksandar FlügelKraftwerk Man Machine+ 11
3Chris FroomeFablok - Bank BGZs.t.
4Maurice SchreursOrange Pro Cycling+ 31
5Cyril GautierValio - DeLavals.t.
6Tejay Van GarderenNewton Foundation+ 43
7Guillaume LevarletHaute Route - Mavics.t.
8Diego UlissiGenerali - EDFs.t.
9Mario VogtBerg Cycles+ 52
10Domenik KlemmeNovatek-Panarmenian.net+ 1'00
11Tesfar TeklitEritel - Sonatrachs.t.
12Cesare Di MaggioMOL-OMV Petroms.t.
13Carlos BetancourtMinionss.t.
14Rui CostaBerg Cycless.t.
15Matej MohoricIsostar - Adriatics.t.
16Blel KadriNovatek-Panarmenian.nets.t.
17Marcello PavarinFerrero - Samruk+ 1'14
18Philip LaveryGenerali - EDFs.t.
19Gasore HategekaEritel - Sonatrachs.t.
20Damiano CarusoEuskaltel+ 1'23
21Simon YatesPodium Ambitions.t.
22Sergio BarrioMOL-OMV Petroms.t.
23Andrea PaliniFerrero - Samruks.t.
24Nicolas EdetOrange Pro Cycling+ 1'37
25Nick KinneyMinions+ 1'42
26Romain ZingleEuskaltel+ 1'47
27Christopher De SouzaEuskaltels.t.
28Andrea PasqualonNovatek-Panarmenian.nets.t.
29Olivier Le GacEuskaltel+ 2'16
30Jesper HansenCarlsberg - Danske Bank+ 2'26
31Bjorn SelanderMinions+ 2'33
32Christopher Juul-JensenCarlsberg - Danske Bank+ 2'41
33Nicolae TanovitchiiGenerali - EDFs.t.
34Ivan RovnyMOL-OMV Petrom+ 2'47
35Pedro Miguel PaulinhoBerg Cycless.t.
36Maximillian SchachmannBerg Cycles+ 2'59
37Ingvar OmarssonValio - DeLaval+ 3'08
38Matthias KrizekFerrero - Samruk+ 3'17
39Stefan SchumacherCarlsberg - Danske Banks.t.
40Sascha ModoloFerrero - Samruks.t.
41Wesley KrederKraftwerk Man Machines.t.
42David VeilleuxCarlsberg - Danske Banks.t.
43Alexandre ShushemoinFerrero - Samruk+ 3'45
44Essaid AbelouacheHaute Route - Mavics.t.
45Adrian HonkiszNetia - Vónins.t.
46Dietmar Mehr-WenigeKraftwerk Man Machines.t.
47Thurakit BoonratanathanakornSPAR - Shimano - SCGs.t.
48Frantisek RabonNovatek-Panarmenian.net+ 3'59
49Pawel BernasNetia - Vónins.t.
50Luis Leon Sanchez GilNetia - Vónins.t.
51Gyung Gu JangSPAR - Shimano - SCGs.t.
52Ran MargaliotFablok - Bank BGZs.t.
53Janier Alexis AcevedoNewton Foundations.t.
54Philip LindauValio - DeLaval+ 4'18
55Delio FernandezEuskaltel+ 4'23
56Jose Vicente ToribioFerrero - Samruks.t.
57Alberto ContadorCarlsberg - Danske Banks.t.
58Jose MendesCarlsberg - Danske Banks.t.
59Dan CravenEritel - Sonatrach+ 4'36
60Behnam KhalilikhosroshaniIndosat Ooredoo - ANZs.t.
61Calvin WatsonGrieg - Eftels.t.
62Abdelkader BelmokhtarIndosat Ooredoo - ANZs.t.
63Kim MichelyMOL-OMV Petroms.t.
64Eduard PradesEuskaltels.t.
65Luis Miguel MansillaIsostar - Adriatics.t.
66Michael VinkGrieg - Eftels.t.
67Ramunas NavardauskasIsostar - Adriatics.t.
68Diego MilanMinionss.t.
69Jorge AbreuNewton Foundations.t.
70Kristoffer SkjerpingGrieg - Eftels.t.
71Jonathan McEvoyBerg Cycless.t.
72Rhys GillettGrieg - Eftels.t.
73Stanislau BazhkouIsostar - Adriatics.t.
74Thiago Duarte NardinPodium Ambitions.t.
75Marius PetracheVMP - Argon 18s.t.
76Cyrile ThieryGenerali - EDFs.t.
77Jiri HudecekNovatek-Panarmenian.nets.t.
78Jaco VenterEritel - Sonatrachs.t.
79Peilun WuSPAR - Shimano - SCGs.t.
80Mohamed Er RafaiHaute Route - Mavics.t.
81Cheng JiIndosat Ooredoo - ANZs.t.
82Arvin MoazemiSPAR - Shimano - SCGs.t.
83Sebastian HenaoNewton Foundations.t.
84Nabil BazEritel - Sonatrach+ 5'31
85Ricardo VilelaBerg Cycless.t.
86Alexandre GeniezOrange Pro Cyclings.t.
87Florian VachonKraftwerk Man Machines.t.
88Sang Hong ParkKraftwerk Man Machines.t.
89Wojciech PszczolarskiFablok - Bank BGZs.t.
90Kamil ZielinskiFablok - Bank BGZs.t.
91Bartlomiej MatysiakFablok - Bank BGZs.t.
92Janvier HadiEritel - Sonatrachs.t.
93Caleb EwanPodium Ambitions.t.
94Robert SweetingNewton Foundation+ 6'07
95Carter JonesNewton Foundation+ 8'38
96Elia FavilliMOL-OMV Petroms.t.
97Sakari LehtinenValio - DeLavals.t.
98Xavier QuevedoIsostar - Adriatics.t.
99Jan StöhrVMP - Argon 18s.t.
100Mikel NieveVMP - Argon 18s.t.
101Francisco Anton MartinEuskaltel+ 9'13
102Chris HamiltonIndosat Ooredoo - ANZs.t.
103Jonathan HivertOrange Pro Cyclings.t.
104Paavo PaajanenValio - DeLavals.t.
105René MandriFerrero - Samruks.t.
106Michael OlssonGrieg - Eftel+ 9'42
107Kirill PozdnyakovNovatek-Panarmenian.nets.t.
108Kévin RezaEuskaltel+ 10'11
109Artem OvechkinGenerali - EDFs.t.
110Oleg BerdosVMP - Argon 18s.t.
111Sarawut SirironnachaiSPAR - Shimano - SCGs.t.
112Daniel Alexander JaramilloIsostar - Adriatics.t.
113Mitch DockerPodium Ambitions.t.
114Sindre SkjOstad LunkeGrieg - Eftels.t.
115Thomas LebasOrange Pro Cyclings.t.
116Aleksey RybalkinMOL-OMV Petroms.t.
117Alfredo BalloniBerg Cycles+ 10'45
118Mark CavendishKraftwerk Man Machines.t.
119Manuele BoaroGenerali - EDFs.t.
120Marcus Faglum KarlssonValio - DeLavals.t.
121Martin SchoffmannCarlsberg - Danske Bank+ 11'14
122Adam StachowiakNetia - Vónins.t.
123Isaac SpeirsIndosat Ooredoo - ANZ+ 11'22
124Matteo FabbroSPAR - Shimano - SCGs.t.
125Jan GhyselinckGenerali - EDFs.t.
126Metkel KiflayEritel - Sonatrach+ 11'31
127Martyn IrvineKraftwerk Man Machine+ 11'53
128Zoltan SiposMOL-OMV Petrom+ 13'30
129Peeter TarvisNovatek-Panarmenian.nets.t.
130Jaka BostnerIsostar - Adriatic+ 13'57
131Jakob FuglsangVMP - Argon 18s.t.
132Dobrin LilovskiPodium Ambitions.t.
133Mwangi SamwelHaute Route - Mavics.t.
134Kim Le CourtPodium Ambition+ 14'47
135Mads PedersenNetia - Vónins.t.
136Giorgi NareklishviliFablok - Bank BGZs.t.
137Aleksandr SerebriakovNovatek-Panarmenian.net+ 15'19
138Jake KeoughNewton Foundation+ 16'07
139Paul Junior MarogaHaute Route - Mavics.t.
140Juraj SaganFablok - Bank BGZ+ 18'14
141Guillaume MartinOrange Pro Cyclings.t.
142Samuel CaldeiraGrieg - Eftels.t.
143Ahmed AlbourdainyMinionss.t.
144Adel BarbariHaute Route - Mavics.t.
145Juan Pablo MagallanesControl Team+ 18'28
146Anthony LavoineFablok - Bank BGZs.t.
147Emiliano ContrerasOrange Pro Cyclings.t.
148Roman MaksimovNewton Foundation+ 18'44
149Sonny ColbrelliIndosat Ooredoo - ANZs.t.
150Micael IsidoroControl Teams.t.
151Essa KhalifaValio - DeLaval+ 20'08
152Borislav IvanovPodium Ambitions.t.
153Danilo KupfernagelBerg Cycless.t.
154Polychronis TzortzakisHaute Route - Mavics.t.
155Stanislav ZaralievVMP - Argon 18s.t.
156Pawel FranczakNetia - Vónins.t.
157Denis KostyukControl Team+ 20'23
158Jay MajorMinionss.t.
159Abdalla Ben YoucefHaute Route - Mavics.t.
160Edwin AvilaMinionss.t.
161Carlos Alexandre ManarelliMinions+ 20'52
162Moreno MoserIndosat Ooredoo - ANZs.t.
163Kristian SobotaNetia - Vónin+ 21'08
164Iliyan KolevNetia - Vónins.t.
165Ahmad Haidar AnuawarSPAR - Shimano - SCG+ 23'36
166Clive EbejerVMP - Argon 18+ 24'40
167Rémy Di GregorioOrange Pro Cyclings.t.
168Pavel PotockiIsostar - Adriatic+ 25'36
169Juan Van HeerdenEritel - Sonatrachs.t.
170Samuel HalmeValio - DeLavals.t.
171Christian RanneriesCarlsberg - Danske Bank+ 26'25
172Truls Engen KorsaethGrieg - Eftel+ 28'19
173Kobe VanoverscheldeMOL-OMV Petrom+ 30'52
200Enrico BarbinFerrero - SamrukDNF
200Florian ScheitKraftwerk Man MachineDNF
200Maxim BelkovVMP - Argon 18DNF
200Christopher LawlessPodium AmbitionDNF

1Aleksandar FlügelKraftwerk Man Machine13h14'09
2Diego UlissiGenerali - EDF+ 36
3Mohamed Shawal Anuar AzizIndosat Ooredoo - ANZs.t.
4Chris FroomeFablok - Bank BGZ+ 59
5Simon YatesPodium Ambition+ 1'12
6Philip LaveryGenerali - EDF+ 1'15
7Cyril GautierValio - DeLaval+ 1'27
8Maurice SchreursOrange Pro Cyclings.t.
9Tejay Van GarderenNewton Foundation+ 1'39
10Guillaume LevarletHaute Route - Mavics.t.
11Mario VogtBerg Cycles+ 1'48
12Rui CostaBerg Cycles+ 1'56
13Domenik KlemmeNovatek-Panarmenian.nets.t.
14Cesare Di MaggioMOL-OMV Petroms.t.
15Matej MohoricIsostar - Adriatics.t.
16Tesfar TeklitEritel - Sonatrachs.t.
17Carlos BetancourtMinionss.t.
18Gasore HategekaEritel - Sonatrach+ 2'10
19Damiano CarusoEuskaltel+ 2'19
20Andrea PaliniFerrero - Samruks.t.
21Christopher Juul-JensenCarlsberg - Danske Bank+ 2'22
22Nick KinneyMinions+ 2'38
23Romain ZingleEuskaltel+ 2'43
24Ingvar OmarssonValio - DeLaval+ 3'09
25Olivier Le GacEuskaltel+ 3'12
26Jesper HansenCarlsberg - Danske Bank+ 3'22
27Nicolae TanovitchiiGenerali - EDF+ 3'37
28Ivan RovnyMOL-OMV Petrom+ 3'43
29Maximillian SchachmannBerg Cycles+ 3'55
30Sascha ModoloFerrero - Samruk+ 4'13
31Matthias KrizekFerrero - Samruks.t.
32David VeilleuxCarlsberg - Danske Banks.t.
33Wesley KrederKraftwerk Man Machines.t.
34Stefan SchumacherCarlsberg - Danske Banks.t.
35Calvin WatsonGrieg - Eftel+ 4'37
36Alexandre ShushemoinFerrero - Samruk+ 4'41
37Dietmar Mehr-WenigeKraftwerk Man Machines.t.
38Luis Leon Sanchez GilNetia - Vónin+ 4'55
39Delio FernandezEuskaltel+ 5'19
40Jose Vicente ToribioFerrero - Samruks.t.
41Alberto ContadorCarlsberg - Danske Banks.t.
42Jaco VenterEritel - Sonatrach+ 5'30
43Jorge AbreuNewton Foundation+ 5'32
44Blel KadriNovatek-Panarmenian.nets.t.
45Cyrile ThieryGenerali - EDFs.t.
46Arvin MoazemiSPAR - Shimano - SCGs.t.
47Luis Miguel MansillaIsostar - Adriatics.t.
48Jonathan McEvoyBerg Cycless.t.
49Dan CravenEritel - Sonatrachs.t.
50Marcello PavarinFerrero - Samruk+ 5'46
51Sergio BarrioMOL-OMV Petrom+ 5'55
52Caleb EwanPodium Ambition+ 6'07
53Nicolas EdetOrange Pro Cycling+ 6'09
54Andrea PasqualonNovatek-Panarmenian.net+ 6'19
55Christopher De SouzaEuskaltels.t.
56Sang Hong ParkKraftwerk Man Machine+ 6'27
57Janvier HadiEritel - Sonatrachs.t.
58Florian VachonKraftwerk Man Machines.t.
59Robert SweetingNewton Foundation+ 7'03
60Bjorn SelanderMinions+ 7'05
61Pedro Miguel PaulinhoBerg Cycles+ 7'19
62Thurakit BoonratanathanakornSPAR - Shimano - SCG+ 8'17
63Essaid AbelouacheHaute Route - Mavics.t.
64Adrian HonkiszNetia - Vónins.t.
65Frantisek RabonNovatek-Panarmenian.net+ 8'19
66Ran MargaliotFablok - Bank BGZ+ 8'31
67Gyung Gu JangSPAR - Shimano - SCGs.t.
68Janier Alexis AcevedoNewton Foundations.t.
69Pawel BernasNetia - Vónins.t.
70Philip LindauValio - DeLaval+ 8'50
71Jose MendesCarlsberg - Danske Bank+ 8'55
72Kim MichelyMOL-OMV Petrom+ 9'02
73Michael VinkGrieg - Eftel+ 9'04
74Eduard PradesEuskaltel+ 9'06
75Thiago Duarte NardinPodium Ambition+ 9'08
76Mohamed Er RafaiHaute Route - Mavics.t.
77Behnam KhalilikhosroshaniIndosat Ooredoo - ANZs.t.
78Sebastian HenaoNewton Foundations.t.
79Rhys GillettGrieg - Eftels.t.
80Cheng JiIndosat Ooredoo - ANZs.t.
81Ramunas NavardauskasIsostar - Adriatics.t.
82Kristoffer SkjerpingGrieg - Eftels.t.
83Diego MilanMinionss.t.
84Stanislau BazhkouIsostar - Adriatics.t.
85Wojciech PszczolarskiFablok - Bank BGZ+ 10'03
86Bartlomiej MatysiakFablok - Bank BGZs.t.
87Kamil ZielinskiFablok - Bank BGZs.t.
88Ricardo VilelaBerg Cycless.t.
89Jonathan HivertOrange Pro Cycling+ 10'05
90Francisco Anton MartinEuskaltel+ 10'09
91Mitch DockerPodium Ambition+ 11'07
92Artem OvechkinGenerali - EDFs.t.
93Mark CavendishKraftwerk Man Machine+ 11'29
94Manuele BoaroGenerali - EDF+ 11'37
95Martin SchoffmannCarlsberg - Danske Bank+ 12'10
96Isaac SpeirsIndosat Ooredoo - ANZ+ 12'18
97Jan GhyselinckGenerali - EDFs.t.
98Metkel KiflayEritel - Sonatrach+ 12'27
99Marius PetracheVMP - Argon 18+ 12'44
100Peilun WuSPAR - Shimano - SCGs.t.
101Abdelkader BelmokhtarIndosat Ooredoo - ANZs.t.
102Martyn IrvineKraftwerk Man Machine+ 12'49
103Elia FavilliMOL-OMV Petrom+ 13'10
104Sakari LehtinenValio - DeLavals.t.
105Carter JonesNewton Foundations.t.
106Nabil BazEritel - Sonatrach+ 13'39
107René MandriFerrero - Samruk+ 13'45
108Chris HamiltonIndosat Ooredoo - ANZs.t.
109Kirill PozdnyakovNovatek-Panarmenian.net+ 14'14
110Michael OlssonGrieg - Eftels.t.
111Oleg BerdosVMP - Argon 18+ 14'43
112Sarawut SirironnachaiSPAR - Shimano - SCGs.t.
113Thomas LebasOrange Pro Cyclings.t.
114Kévin RezaEuskaltels.t.
115Jiri HudecekNovatek-Panarmenian.net+ 15'08
116Marcus Faglum KarlssonValio - DeLaval+ 15'17
117Alfredo BalloniBerg Cycless.t.
118Adam StachowiakNetia - Vónin+ 15'38
119Alexandre GeniezOrange Pro Cycling+ 16'03
120Aleksandr SerebriakovNovatek-Panarmenian.net+ 16'15
121Xavier QuevedoIsostar - Adriatic+ 16'41
122Jake KeoughNewton Foundation+ 17'03
123Mikel NieveVMP - Argon 18+ 17'31
124Peeter TarvisNovatek-Panarmenian.net+ 18'02
125Zoltan SiposMOL-OMV Petroms.t.
126Paavo PaajanenValio - DeLaval+ 18'06
127Daniel Alexander JaramilloIsostar - Adriatic+ 18'19
128Aleksey RybalkinMOL-OMV Petroms.t.
129Mwangi SamwelHaute Route - Mavic+ 18'23
130Jaka BostnerIsostar - Adriatic+ 18'29
131Dobrin LilovskiPodium Ambitions.t.
132Sindre SkjOstad LunkeGrieg - Eftel+ 19'04
133Jan StöhrVMP - Argon 18+ 19'10
134Samuel CaldeiraGrieg - Eftels.t.
135Giorgi NareklishviliFablok - Bank BGZ+ 19'19
136Mads PedersenNetia - Vónins.t.
137Anthony LavoineFablok - Bank BGZ+ 19'24
138Emiliano ContrerasOrange Pro Cyclings.t.
139Roman MaksimovNewton Foundation+ 19'40
140Danilo KupfernagelBerg Cycles+ 20'56
141Borislav IvanovPodium Ambition+ 21'04
142Abdalla Ben YoucefHaute Route - Mavic+ 21'19
143Edwin AvilaMinionss.t.
144Moreno MoserIndosat Ooredoo - ANZ+ 21'48
145Carlos Alexandre ManarelliMinionss.t.
146Matteo FabbroSPAR - Shimano - SCG+ 21'54
147Kristian SobotaNetia - Vónin+ 22'04
148Juraj SaganFablok - Bank BGZ+ 22'46
149Adel BarbariHaute Route - Mavics.t.
150Ahmed AlbourdainyMinionss.t.
151Sonny ColbrelliIndosat Ooredoo - ANZ+ 23'16
152Kim Le CourtPodium Ambition+ 23'40
153Pawel FranczakNetia - Vónin+ 24'40
154Polychronis TzortzakisHaute Route - Mavics.t.
155Jay MajorMinions+ 24'55
156Jakob FuglsangVMP - Argon 18+ 25'17
157Iliyan KolevNetia - Vónin+ 25'40
158Juan Van HeerdenEritel - Sonatrach+ 26'32
159Juan Pablo MagallanesControl Team+ 26'36
160Paul Junior MarogaHaute Route - Mavic+ 26'39
161Christian RanneriesCarlsberg - Danske Bank+ 27'21
162Denis KostyukControl Team+ 28'31
163Rémy Di GregorioOrange Pro Cycling+ 29'12
164Truls Engen KorsaethGrieg - Eftel+ 29'15
165Guillaume MartinOrange Pro Cycling+ 29'34
166Samuel HalmeValio - DeLaval+ 30'08
167Pavel PotockiIsostar - Adriatics.t.
168Essa KhalifaValio - DeLaval+ 31'28
169Stanislav ZaralievVMP - Argon 18s.t.
170Kobe VanoverscheldeMOL-OMV Petrom+ 31'48
171Micael IsidoroControl Team+ 32'43
172Ahmad Haidar AnuawarSPAR - Shimano - SCG+ 34'26
173Clive EbejerVMP - Argon 18+ 36'00
200Enrico BarbinFerrero - SamrukDNF
200Florian ScheitKraftwerk Man MachineDNF
200Maxim BelkovVMP - Argon 18DNF
200Christopher LawlessPodium AmbitionDNF

1Aleksandar FlügelKraftwerk Man Machine35
2Diego UlissiGenerali - EDF32
3Christopher Juul-JensenCarlsberg - Danske Bank27
4Simon YatesPodium Ambition26
5Caleb EwanPodium Ambition25
6Mohamed Shawal Anuar AzizIndosat Ooredoo - ANZ25
7Mark CavendishKraftwerk Man Machine20
8Danilo KupfernagelBerg Cycles16
9Chris FroomeFablok - Bank BGZ16
10Tejay Van GarderenNewton Foundation15
11Cyril GautierValio - DeLaval14
12Maurice SchreursOrange Pro Cycling14
13Roman MaksimovNewton Foundation14
14Wesley KrederKraftwerk Man Machine12
15Frantisek RabonNovatek-Panarmenian.net12
16Ingvar OmarssonValio - DeLaval10
17Mitch DockerPodium Ambition10
18Philip LaveryGenerali - EDF9
19Juan Van HeerdenEritel - Sonatrach9
20Guillaume LevarletHaute Route - Mavic9
21Calvin WatsonGrieg - Eftel8
22Adam StachowiakNetia - Vónin8
23Sascha ModoloFerrero - Samruk7
24Mario VogtBerg Cycles7
25Wojciech PszczolarskiFablok - Bank BGZ7
26Domenik KlemmeNovatek-Panarmenian.net6
27Mwangi SamwelHaute Route - Mavic6
28Blel KadriNovatek-Panarmenian.net6
29Kim MichelyMOL-OMV Petrom6
30Tesfar TeklitEritel - Sonatrach5
31Thurakit BoonratanathanakornSPAR - Shimano - SCG5
32Jonathan HivertOrange Pro Cycling4
33Manuele BoaroGenerali - EDF4
34Cesare Di MaggioMOL-OMV Petrom4
35Moreno MoserIndosat Ooredoo - ANZ4
36Rémy Di GregorioOrange Pro Cycling4
37Michael VinkGrieg - Eftel4
38Carlos BetancourtMinions3
39Thiago Duarte NardinPodium Ambition3
40Jaco VenterEritel - Sonatrach2
41Rui CostaBerg Cycles2
42Eduard PradesEuskaltel2
43Jorge AbreuNewton Foundation1
44Matej MohoricIsostar - Adriatic1

1Kim MichelyMOL-OMV Petrom70
2Michael VinkGrieg - Eftel62
3Wojciech PszczolarskiFablok - Bank BGZ56
4Eduard PradesEuskaltel52
5Jaco VenterEritel - Sonatrach46
6Mwangi SamwelHaute Route - Mavic40
7Manuele BoaroGenerali - EDF34
8Ricardo VilelaBerg Cycles30
9Robert SweetingNewton Foundation28
10Jonathan HivertOrange Pro Cycling24
11Mohamed Shawal Anuar AzizIndosat Ooredoo - ANZ16
12Simon YatesPodium Ambition12
13Aleksandar FlügelKraftwerk Man Machine12
14Philip LaveryGenerali - EDF12
15Calvin WatsonGrieg - Eftel10
16Chris FroomeFablok - Bank BGZ10
17Carter JonesNewton Foundation10
18Maurice SchreursOrange Pro Cycling8
19Cyril GautierValio - DeLaval6
20Sebastian HenaoNewton Foundation6
21Tejay Van GarderenNewton Foundation4
22Frantisek RabonNovatek-Panarmenian.net4
23Behnam KhalilikhosroshaniIndosat Ooredoo - ANZ4
24Cheng JiIndosat Ooredoo - ANZ4
25Anthony LavoineFablok - Bank BGZ2
26Jake KeoughNewton Foundation2
27Jan GhyselinckGenerali - EDF2
28Wesley KrederKraftwerk Man Machine2
29Guillaume LevarletHaute Route - Mavic2
30Stefan SchumacherCarlsberg - Danske Bank2
31Adam StachowiakNetia - Vónin2
32Jose MendesCarlsberg - Danske Bank2

1Generali - EDF39h48'03 (1)
2Berg Cycles+ 1'51 (2)
3Euskaltel+ 2'09 (3)
4Ferrero - Samruk+ 2'11 (4)
5MOL-OMV Petrom+ 2'22 (5)
6Minions+ 2'27 (6)
7Kraftwerk Man Machine+ 3'30 (7)
8Eritel - Sonatrach+ 4'02 (8)
9Novatek-Panarmenian.net+ 4'35 (9)
10Carlsberg - Danske Bank+ 4'41 (10)
11Orange Pro Cycling+ 4'51 (11)
12Indosat Ooredoo - ANZ+ 6'24 (12)
13Newton Foundation+ 6'30 (13)
14Podium Ambition+ 7'47 (14)
15Valio - DeLaval+ 7'50 (15)
16Haute Route - Mavic+ 9'52 (16)
17Grieg - Eftel+ 10'05 (17)
18Fablok - Bank BGZ+ 10'29 (18)
19Isostar - Adriatic+ 11'00 (19)
20Netia - Vónin+ 12'31 (20)
21SPAR - Shimano - SCG+ 13'08 (21)
22VMP - Argon 18+ 33'28 (22)
23Control Team+ 1h22'14 (23)

1Simon YatesPodium Ambition13h15'21 (1)
2Mario VogtBerg Cycles+ 36 (2)
3Matej MohoricIsostar - Adriatic+ 44 (3)
4Olivier Le GacEuskaltel+ 2'00 (4)
5Nicolae TanovitchiiGenerali - EDF+ 2'25 (5)
6Maximillian SchachmannBerg Cycles+ 2'43 (6)
7Calvin WatsonGrieg - Eftel+ 3'25 (7)
8Caleb EwanPodium Ambition+ 4'55 (8)
9Janvier HadiEritel - Sonatrach+ 5'15 (9)
10Sebastian HenaoNewton Foundation+ 7'56 (10)
11Kristoffer SkjerpingGrieg - Eftel+ 7'56 (11)
12Sakari LehtinenValio - DeLaval+ 11'58 (12)
13Chris HamiltonIndosat Ooredoo - ANZ+ 12'33 (13)
14Sarawut SirironnachaiSPAR - Shimano - SCG+ 13'31 (14)
15Marcus Faglum KarlssonValio - DeLaval+ 14'05 (15)
16Peeter TarvisNovatek-Panarmenian.net+ 16'50 (16)
17Aleksey RybalkinMOL-OMV Petrom+ 17'07 (17)
18Dobrin LilovskiPodium Ambition+ 17'17 (18)
19Sindre SkjOstad LunkeGrieg - Eftel+ 17'52 (19)
20Giorgi NareklishviliFablok - Bank BGZ+ 18'07 (20)
21Mads PedersenNetia - Vónin+ 18'07 (21)
22Emiliano ContrerasOrange Pro Cycling+ 18'12 (22)
23Matteo FabbroSPAR - Shimano - SCG+ 20'42 (23)
24Adel BarbariHaute Route - Mavic+ 21'34 (24)
25Kim Le CourtPodium Ambition+ 22'28 (25)
26Jay MajorMinions+ 23'43 (26)
27Iliyan KolevNetia - Vónin+ 24'28 (27)
28Paul Junior MarogaHaute Route - Mavic+ 25'27 (28)
29Truls Engen KorsaethGrieg - Eftel+ 28'03 (29)
30Guillaume MartinOrange Pro Cycling+ 28'22 (30)
31Pavel PotockiIsostar - Adriatic+ 28'56 (31)
32Essa KhalifaValio - DeLaval+ 30'16 (32)

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