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Omloop Het Nieuwsblad
Omloop Het Nieuwsblad

Race Profile




Hello and Welcome to this year's Omloop Het Nieuwsblad. The weather conditions are perfect for a day of racing. There is a slight crosswind at the start line as the riders take their positions.

Let's get down to the racing...

Almost immediately, there is an attempt at a break by ten riders. The peloton does not let them get away, probably worried about the strength of the group. Eight from the group are reeled back, but pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ino.png Richardson and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/aeg.png Lovassy keep their distance. They are soon joined by pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/evo.png Stoltz, and eventually also by pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/eus.png de Troyer and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/lpu.png Peeters. This is the break of the day.


With 150 km to go, the break have just over 5 minutes to the peloton. There is a small increase in speed as pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/cdb.png Insausti, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/cdb.png Olereich, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ora.png Contreras and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ora.png Agnoli take up the pace-making.


The lower speed of the peloton allows the break to stretch their legs even further. The maximum lead they build up is around 6 and a half minutes. They safely negotiate the first cobbled section in this period.


Meanwhile, there is a crash in the peloton involving Gebrezgabihier (Project: Africa) and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/hrm.png Thauta. They are sadly distanced from the pack and never make it back.

Fast forward to 105 km left. pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/aeg.png Orue suffers the first puncture of the day as pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ora.png Orange, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/pnd.png Pendelton's and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ayu.png Ayubowan! take up the pace making. The pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/aeg.png Aegon rider did make it back to the peloton eventually.

It is pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ora.png Hivert setting the pace now with 90 km to go. The peloton increases in length as the pace picks up. pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/evo.png Evonik just showing themselves now but not helping much with pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/evo.png Stoltz still out in front. Him and the break have 4'25" to the pack.


The next riders affected by punctures are pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ubs.png Braico and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/cdb.png Ostergaard. The UBS rider never makes it back to the peloton but the latter is able to make it back.

With 50 km to go, the chase is well and truly hotting up. The break's advantage is down to just under 2 and a half minutes. pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/pnd.png Pendelton's, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/evo.png Evonik and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/lpu.png Lierse now doing the pace-making.


In the next 5 km, a total of 50 riders are dropped, including pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/vad.png Hoog, who tries to bring back the second group behind the peloton back. However, there have been no big name casualties so far.


With 40 km to go the break's lead is down to a mere 45 seconds.

Almost immediately, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ino.png Richardson takes up the pace-making in the break and pulls out the lead to 1'15".


With 33 km to go, the first attack comes from the peloton and it is pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ayu.png Baugnies. Almost simultaneously, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ino.png Richardson and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/lpu.png Peeters get distanced, as pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/aeg.png Lavassy, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/evo.png Stoltz and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/eus.png de Troyer accelerate.


(Baugnies and the peloton are visible in the background)

With 28 km to go, the break is back together. pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ayu.png Baugnies is the next rider on the road, 30 seconds behind. The peloton is a further 15 seconds back.

With 26 km to go, four riders are caught by the peloton. pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/eus.png de Troyer now leads the peloton by 23 seconds with pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/evo.png Stoltz 8 seconds behind him.


With 24 km to go, the break is finally caught. The peloton now holds 42 riders. The most recent riders to be dropped include pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/eus.png Vangenechten, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/npn.png Velits and
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/cdb.png Boonen.


Just under 20 km to, and a sudden accelration breaks up the pack. In the front group are pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/pnd.png Senechal, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ayu.png Baugnies and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/lpu.png Vanbilsen. pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/evo.png Van Avermaet and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ora.png Kamyshev try to chase them down over the cobbles.


With 15 km to go, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/evo.png Van Avermaet distances pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ora.png Kamyshev and catches up with the front group. Behind them, it's pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/itd.png Maes and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/wha.png Zepuntke are leading
the peloton onwards.


At the 12 km mark, the third group on the road has 16 riders, who are still chasing pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ora.png Kamyshev and the four man lead group. The riders in this group are:
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/cdb.png Nolf, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/cdb.png de Maar (both Carlsberg), pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ged.png Teunissen (Generali), pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/itd.png Kluge, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/itd.png Maes, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/itd.png Olereich (all Iberia), pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/npn.png Vermote, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/npn.png Vanbilsen (Novatek), pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/spy.png Stallaert (Spotify), pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/new.png Altur (Newton),pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/wha.png Zepuntke (Weisenhof), pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/sva.png Langeveld,pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/sva.png Boeckmans (Strava), pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ayu.png Chaturanga (Ayubowan!),pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/fes.png Jacobs (Festina) and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/evo.png Taubel (Evonik). It is Iberia and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/spy.png Stallaert doing most of the chasing for now.

pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ora.png Kamyshev is caught just as the front group crosses the 10 km to go mark. Their lead is now 35 seconds.

The next 5 km sees the peloton slowly eat away at the leaders gap. With 5 km to go, it down to 26 seconds.


The catch is made with 2.5 km to go. The lead group now has 16 riders. They have 56 seconds to pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ayu.png Chaturanga, who is alone on the road.


Further back is the third group of four riders, another 54 seconds behind. The fourth group is 3'30" in arrears and has pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/eus.png de Troyer (Euskaltel), pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ged.png Theuns
(Generali), pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ers.png Okbamaniam (Eritel), pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ayu.png Madushanka (Ayubowan!), pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/cdb.png Lee (Carlsberg), pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/new.png Tsatevich (Newton), pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/pnd.png Abraha and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/pnd.png Fenn (Pendelton's).


There's 1.3 km to go, and we're back to the front group. pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ora.png Kamyshev is tired, his shoulders are drooping and it looks unlikely that he will be able to sprint for the win.


With 1.1 km to go, it is pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/sva.png Boeckmans (Strava), pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/new.png Altur (Newton) and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/pnd.png Senechal (Pendelton's) the first to sprint. But everyone is out of the saddle by the time 0.8 km are left. Boeckmans still out ahead and with a small gap.

With 0.4 km to go, it is pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/sva.png Boeckmans, followed by pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/evo.png Van Avermaet, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/pnd.png Senechal, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ayu.png Baugnies and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/new.png Altur.


With 0.2 km to go, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/new.png Altur fades while pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/spy.png Stallaert comes through strong. However, the gap to the first four is still maintained. pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/sva.png Boeckmans almost has this wrapped up.

And the Belgian holds on for a wonderful win! He led out early and held on. pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/evo.png Van Avermaet takes 2nd with pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/pnd.png Senechal 3rd. pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ayu.png Baugnies and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/spy.png Stallaert complete the top 5.


pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/lpu.png Vanbilsen, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/wha.png Zepuntke, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/new.png Altur, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/itd.png Kluge and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/itd.png Maes complete the top 10.

pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ayu.png Chaturanga comes in to finish a lonely 17th.


pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/sva.png Langeveld, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/npn.png Vermote and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/cdb.png de Maar round up the top 20. pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/fes.png Jacobs just misses out.

Sorry I could not take further screenshots in the final kilometer. I kept pressing play instead of taking the screenshots after setting the cameras and stuff!

Final Classification

1Kris BoeckmansStrava4h29'00
2Greg Van AvermaetEvonik - ELKOs.t.
3Florian SenechalPendleton'ss.t.
4Jérôme BaugniesAyubowan!s.t.
5Joeri StallaertSpotify - Haglöfss.t.
6Kenneth VanbilsenLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeams.t.
7Ruben ZepuntkeWiesenhof-Andritzs.t.
8Marcos AlturNewton Foundations.t.
9Roger KlugeIberia - Team Degenkolbs.t.
10Nikolas MaesIberia - Team Degenkolbs.t.
11Mike TeunissenGenerali - EDFs.t.
12Michel SibillaNovatek-Panarmenian.nets.t.
13Christoph TaubelEvonik - ELKOs.t.
14Arman KamyshevOrange Pro Cyclings.t.
15Frederik NolfCarlsberg - Danske Banks.t.
16Jan OelerichIberia - Team Degenkolbs.t.
17Sameera ChatarungaAyubowan!+ 1'25
18Sebastian LangeveldStrava+ 2'34
19Julien VermoteNovatek-Panarmenian.nets.t.
20Marc De MaarCarlsberg - Danske Banks.t.
21Pieter JacobsFestina - Dexias.t.
22Wei Cheng LeeCarlsberg - Danske Bank+ 3'43
23Alexey TsatevichNewton Foundations.t.
24Krishan MadushankaAyubowan!s.t.
25Tom DavidFestina - Dexias.t.
26Stijn JosephLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeams.t.
27Michael SchärTeam UBSs.t.
28Edward TheunsGenerali - EDFs.t.
29Mekseb DebesayEritel - Sonatrachs.t.
30Andrew FennPendleton'ss.t.
31Tesfom OkbamariamEritel - Sonatrachs.t.
32Tesfay AbrahaPendleton'ss.t.
33Gediminas BagdonasIberia - Team Degenkolbs.t.
34Isaac BolivarWiesenhof-Andritzs.t.
35Enrico FranzoiWiesenhof-Andritzs.t.
36Jasper BovenhuisAegon - Lavazzas.t.
37Tim De TroyerEuskaltels.t.
38Niki OstergaardCarlsberg - Danske Banks.t.
39Yannick StoltzEvonik - ELKOs.t.
40Matti BreschelCarlsberg - Danske Banks.t.
41Dries De BondtEuskaltels.t.
42Kristian SbaragliAegon - Lavazzas.t.
43Kevin PeetersLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeams.t.
44Marc PottsEvonik - ELKOs.t.
45Dmitri KozontchukStravas.t.
46Sven NooytensEvonik - ELKOs.t.
47Mirko SelvaggiStravas.t.
48Thomas Vedel KvistSpotify - Haglöfss.t.
49Tom BoonenCarlsberg - Danske Banks.t.
50Janis DakterisEvonik - ELKOs.t.
51Timothy DupontStravas.t.
52Olli KulppiValio - DeLavals.t.
53Julien TaramarcazFestina - Dexias.t.
54Ramon DomeneNewton Foundations.t.
55Jonas VangenechtenEuskaltels.t.
56Kevin EeckhoutNovatek-Panarmenian.nets.t.
57Martin VelitsNovatek-Panarmenian.nets.t.
58Krisztian LovassyAegon - Lavazzas.t.
59Jon Ander InsaustiIberia - Team Degenkolbs.t.
60Mauricio SanzEuskaltels.t.
61Fabien TaillefourGenerali - EDFs.t.
62Paul ArikoEritel - Sonatrachs.t.
63Nejc KosicIberia - Team Degenkolbs.t.
64Lukas SpenglerTeam UBSs.t.
65Salvatore PuccioOrange Pro Cycling+ 6'19
66Ian RichardsonIndosat Ooredoo - ANZs.t.
67Barry MarkusPendleton's+ 8'26
68Nihal SilvaAyubowan!s.t.
69Daniel RuizHugo Boss+ 8'54
70Remco BroersSpotify - Haglöfss.t.
71Luca BraidotEuskaltels.t.
72Fernando GaviriaLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeams.t.
73Steven TronetOrange Pro Cyclings.t.
74Louis VerhelstLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeams.t.
75Darshana PrasadAyubowan!s.t.
76Tim AriesenSpotify - Haglöfss.t.
77Sébastien TurgotEuskaltels.t.
78José Joaquin Rojas GilSpotify - Haglöfss.t.
79George AtkinsIberia - Team Degenkolbs.t.
80Cristian CominelliCarlsberg - Danske Banks.t.
81Jérémy RoyFestina - Dexias.t.
82Peeter TarvisNovatek-Panarmenian.nets.t.
83Nawuti LiphongyuFestina - Dexias.t.
84Jasper StuyvenLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeams.t.
85Valerio AgnoliOrange Pro Cyclings.t.
86Romain ZingleEuskaltels.t.
87Jonathan HivertOrange Pro Cyclings.t.
88Panagiotis VlatosFestina - Dexias.t.
89Indulis BekmanisEvonik - ELKOs.t.
90Michael Faerk ChristensenCarlsberg - Danske Banks.t.
91Bert De BackerStravas.t.
92Amith Udaya KumaraAyubowan!s.t.
93Laurens SweeckSpotify - Haglöfss.t.
94Jakub SkalaGenerali - EDFs.t.
95Kari BrynjolfssonValio - DeLavals.t.
96Wout Van AertLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeam+ 10'47
97Nur Amirul MarzukiStravas.t.
98Krists NeilandsEvonik - ELKOs.t.
99German Anibal OrueAegon - Lavazzas.t.
100Amadou BakariHaute Route - Mavics.t.
101Michael MatthewsCompal-Merida+ 11'45
102Andres Ignacio PereyraPendleton'ss.t.
103Ahmad ArissolValio - DeLavals.t.
104Ashen TharukaAyubowan!s.t.
105Bakhtiyar KozhatayevCompal-Meridas.t.
106Angelo TulikStravas.t.
107Roope NurmiValio - DeLavals.t.
108Gijs Van HoeckeEuskaltels.t.
109Geoffroy NgandambaHaute Route - Mavics.t.
110Clenne Morvan MoulinguiHaute Route - Mavics.t.
111Rudy BarbierHaute Route - Mavics.t.
112Romain Le RouxIndosat Ooredoo - ANZs.t.
113Metkel KiflayEritel - Sonatrachs.t.
114Ki Ho ChoiCompal-Meridas.t.
115Daniel SchornWiesenhof-Andritzs.t.
116Jukka VastarantaValio - DeLavals.t.
117Josef CernyLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeams.t.
118Zhihui JiangNovatek-Panarmenian.nets.t.
119Ismail AyouneHaute Route - Mavics.t.
120Anthony TurgisAyubowan!s.t.
121Bassirou KonteHaute Route - Mavics.t.
122Taco van der HoornAegon - Lavazzas.t.
123Manuel StockerFestina - Dexias.t.
124Willi WillwohlWiesenhof-Andritzs.t.
125King Lok CheungPendleton'ss.t.
126Tom ScullyCompal-Meridas.t.
127Tesfar TeklitEritel - Sonatrachs.t.
128Freddy JohanssonSpotify - Haglöfss.t.
129Dylan PageTeam UBSs.t.
130Atsushi OkaCompal-Meridas.t.
131Jan GhyselinckGenerali - EDFs.t.
132Phil BauhausAegon - Lavazza+ 14'26
133Janvier HadiEritel - Sonatrachs.t.
134Anass Ait El AbdiaHaute Route - Mavics.t.
135Nabil BazEritel - Sonatrachs.t.
136Mike Aaron EggerWiesenhof-Andritzs.t.
137Abdelkader BelmokhtarIndosat Ooredoo - ANZs.t.
138Samuel PökäläValio - DeLavals.t.
139Sten StenersenSpotify - Haglöfss.t.
140Artem OvechkinGenerali - EDFs.t.
141Dion BeukeboomGenerali - EDFs.t.
142Sebastian HenaoNewton Foundations.t.
143Guillaume MartinOrange Pro Cyclings.t.
144Ruslan TleubayevCompal-Merida+ 15'52
145Morne Van NiekerkCompal-Meridas.t.
146Gregor MuhlbergerWiesenhof-Andritz+ 17'11
147Alexandr BraicoTeam UBSs.t.
148Nicolae TanovitchiiGenerali - EDFs.t.
149Emiliano ContrerasOrange Pro Cyclings.t.
150Peerapol ChawchiangkuangIndosat Ooredoo - ANZs.t.
151Carter JonesNewton Foundations.t.
152Pim LigthartHugo Bosss.t.
153Gustav HöögValio - DeLavals.t.
154Kleber SilvaPendleton'ss.t.
155Georgios BouglasFestina - Dexias.t.
156Neil Van der PloegOrange Pro Cyclings.t.
157Daniel EatonNewton Foundations.t.
158Pierre LatourIberia - Team Degenkolbs.t.
159Andrea Enrico MaccagliTeam UBSs.t.
160Christoph MaiWiesenhof-Andritzs.t.
161Francesco GavazziNovatek-Panarmenian.nets.t.
162Hossein NateghiIndosat Ooredoo - ANZ+ 18'39
163Segundo NavarreteHugo Bosss.t.
164Chien Liang ChenCompal-Meridas.t.
165Miguel Minguez AyalaHugo Bosss.t.
166Martin WeissAegon - Lavazzas.t.
167Aberlardo AblenadoHugo Bosss.t.
168Aggrey SebrightNewton Foundations.t.
169Mario Gonzalez SalasHugo Bosss.t.
170Carlos VeronaNewton Foundation+ 20'06
171Jesús HerradaHugo Boss+ 20'56
172Pablo MudarraHugo Bosss.t.
173Yousef Mirza BanihammadIndosat Ooredoo - ANZs.t.
174Thomas FreiTeam UBSs.t.
175Essa KhalifaValio - DeLavals.t.
176Muhammet Eyüp KaragobekIndosat Ooredoo - ANZ+ 22'15
177Jude LibertIndosat Ooredoo - ANZs.t.
178Rafaâ ChtiouiTeam UBSs.t.
179Faycal HamzaEritel - Sonatrachs.t.
180Felix GrossschartnerNovatek-Panarmenian.nets.t.
181Théry SchirTeam UBSs.t.
182Giulio CicconeAegon - Lavazza+ 25'50
183Matala SebokaProject: Africas.t.
DNFCedric ThaoutaHaute Route - Mavic
DNFAmanuel GebrezgabihierProject: Africa

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