Ok can somebody give me a hand with solving the bug in PCMDaily DB with the Hannes Convertor?
I will take it step by step:
* All you need to do, is download that pack and open it up. Once open you need to click the button on the top left (it looks a bit like a plug). This is where you will select your database, that you wish to edit. See above, I open the database needed voor convertion
* You will need to open up 3 tables for this process. They are STA_race, DYN_team and DYN_team_race (to open them both use Ctrl+click) As you can see the three tables are open!
* 1. Firstly we will need to find the race you wish to edit your team's inscription status in. To do this we need to open STA_race.
2. Locate the name of the race you want to edit your subscription to, and note the number in the column "IDrace", by writing it down or memory. I need to do the changes for Milan-San Remo so I need nr. 77
* 3. Now open up DYN_team, search for your team an note down the number in the column "IDteam".
My team is the Rabobank team so I need nr. 14
* 4. You can now close that table and open up DYN_team_race.
5. Search for the race, using the number you noted, by looking under the column "fkIDrace", and then locate your team's row using the team ID you noted down in step 3.
This is where I am stuck!! What to do next? Can somebody help me out?
Ok can someone tell me if I am doing it correctly?
Do I select the right database (see the first picture) or am I doing something else wrong? Can anybody help me out with the last step with the Hannes Convertor so I can play on from Milan San Remo 2010?
Edited by Dennuz on 17-05-2008 19:19
I think i solved the problem another way!
I removed two teamnumbers from the Sta_Race table! I saved it and in my database. Now I don't get kicked out and pass Milan San Remo with no problem.
I can't play it but that is no problem for me...