I've done a lot of research about this question but I didn't get the right answer for this. Does anyone know if it's possible to convert a custon made DB from PCM 2015 to PCM 2016? Actually, I just need the stats, cyclists and teams from my old DB to PCM 2016. I tried to copy them with excel editor but that didn't work for some reason.
Please, if there's anyone who would like to help me, i'll appreciate it.
When copying in Excel you have to make sure that all the values in columns with "fkID" have a matching parent* and that there are no duplicates in these columns.
(*Example: In DYN_cyclist there is a column fkIDteam which is a link to the column IDteam in DYN_team, so every number needs to be in both columns.)
Also you cannot copy the whole sheets, you can only copy the content, and because the columns (and column order) has changed from PCM 2015 to PCM 2016 maybe it would be best to copy column by column.
If you have the same number of teams in your custom DB, then you could start with copying the teams only. For example you could sort both tables by IDteam (your data and the data from PCM 2016). Now you copy column by column and after each column you create an test DB and try it out in PCM 2016. You can skip columns which are linked to tables you don't want to migrate (for example material if that is in DYN_team).