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Tour de France - Stage 5

The first non flat stage this Tour. 6 1/2 climbs today and hence not only the GC riders and top puncheurs focus on it. Also the breakaway specialists and KoM hunters will enjoy it as there are lots of Cat.2 rated hills here.

Bakelants and Ponzi as best puncheurs might want the stage win though while the ones of Spilak in especially but also Phinney, Sicard, Taaramae hope to gain time on other GC riders.

Then there is Arnaud Demare, who wants to survive with the best and then have chances in a sprint finish! So lots of options today.


KoM leader Bernas takes the first points out of the peloton as no break was formed yet.
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros16/nns.png Bernas5
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros16/bec.png Sakalou3
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros16/gre.png Smit1

He then remains as sole leader and also takes the following Cat.3!
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros16/nns.png Bernas6
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros16/gre.png Mullen4
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros16/met.png Zmorka2

At this point several sprinters such as Degenkolb, Kristoff, Vantomme, Goss or Vesely are out of the peloton!
Also a group with pcmdaily.com/files/Micros16/vsa.png Suaza is! And unfortunately also the news that two riders have to abandon the race early:
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros16/btc.png Martin which is awful news for Bouygues and leader Taaramae before the TTT and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros16/pok_esp.png Gallego Martin which is not ideal for Pokerstars and the sprint preperation.


Meanwhile we have a duo in front as pcmdaily.com/files/Micros16/gre.png Mullen joined pcmdaily.com/files/Micros16/nns.png Bernas while RBC is working in the peloton for Phinney it seems!
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros16/gre.png Mullen10
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros16/nns.png Bernas8
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros16/rbc.png Morizot6
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros16/rbc.png Cataford4
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros16/tif.png Coppel2

With I-Gen highering the pace we see the first bigger names dropping out. Most interesting is pcmdaily.com/files/Micros16/gzl.png Monfort, who normally belongs to the better puncheurs here. Several teammates drop back to help him while Bernas takes the next Cat.2 sharing points equally with Mullen here.
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros16/nns.png Bernas10
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros16/gre.png Mullen8
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros16/rbc.png Morizot6
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros16/rbc.png Cataford4
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros16/tif.png Coppel2


Monfort just made it back into the peloton of now ~100 riders and also Bernas and Mullen are caught. Still 3 hills and 57km to go! This isearly.RBC really going for it today it seems.


It´s Pantano Gomez already working for Phinney and hence taking the big points this KoM ahead of Brown and Coppel. The Maillot Jaune this way collecting some nice big points today and also the two big favourites for the GC showing up in front.
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros16/rbc.png Pantano Gómez10
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros16/rbc.png Brown8
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros16/tif.png Coppel6
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros16/tif.png Spilak4
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros16/vsa_world.png Schleck2

Meanwhile riders who might have hoped to perform better today are dropped such as Frank Schleck or Matti Breschel.


Free bonus seconds? Interested? No. Nobody going for it and hence Lecuisinier takes them easily by chasing for Spilak now. Behind the RBC duo again.
87 riders left and 45km to go.


Penultimate climb and this was a shorter one. RBC did most of the work uphill but it`s again Lecuisinier being in front on top.
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros16/tif.png Lecuisinier10
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros16/rbc.png Kreuziger8
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros16/tif.png Coppel6
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros16/tif.png Novak4
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros16/vsa_world.png Schleck2

Pantano Gomez one of the most recent riders dropping back after his work.


17km and 77 riders still here but the last hill is the toughest. Very steep and also the pace is higher at this point. Kreuziger still working. Will Phinney attack soon?


Coppel, Schleck, Spilak, Dombrowsi, Lecuisinier, Taaramae, Bakelants, Kritskiy all in the first spots.


32 riders drop from the favourite group. Not a big surprise really as some of them are far from good puncheurs. The green shirt of Ben Swift is also in there, so he might even considered to sprint today!
Dropped with him are LL Sanchez, Monfort, Faiers, Kolesnikov and also pcmdaily.com/files/Micros16/bud.png Henao Montoya! He is a climber and not liking the short hills that much!


And now with 1,3km to the top also Bpost struggles as pcmdaily.com/files/Micros16/bpv.png Wellens is behind the peloton! This is more surprising as he is not too bad on that terrain but obviously not having the legs today. He is with Monfort and Sanchez Gil now, who accelerated a bit and also Bennett after dropping back!


Full control by I-Gen making it impossible to attack.
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros16/tif.png Lecuisinier10
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros16/tif.png Coppel8
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros16/tif.png Spilak6
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros16/vsa_world.png Schleck4
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros16/btc.png Taaramäe2

We count 33 riders in the front group having a 1'30 gap to the Sanchez Gil, Monfort group and apparently Wellens another 30s behind!

Also pcmdaily.com/files/Micros16/ora.png Quintana struggling now making it a 32 rider group in front only.


3km and Lecusinier and Polanc prepare the final for their leaders.
All hte big GC riders up there just behind but also some quick riders such as Ignatiev, Bakelants, Ponzi, Demare, Arndt and wtf Bewley! So some really rode an anonymous stage but are now in the mix of a stage win. Though not all of them are that well placed as it`s GC riders > puncheurs > Bewley > Arndt in that order.


But it`s still Bewley. He is in ~20th position and he surely could have the speed. Demare as next best sprinter remaining just 2 spots ahead of him.
Ponzi on the left behind Bakelants a bit better placed and further up in front also Phinney has a decent sprint.


Flamme Rouge. Vasyliv in front with Coppel supposed to follow but he isn`t!
Lecuisinier also in the mix but Phinney already in the middle!


600m and now Bakelants and Ignatiev move up.
Coppel in big danger now as also Phinney is in range to get the GC lead today and is sitting behind Ignatiev close to the barrier though.

While Ponzi in the middle could still be in the mix, Demare is behind him and Bewley would need some magic to really sprint onto the podium today. Though his plan could also be to get the lead tomorrow!


Bakelants, then Ignatiev and Phinney.
Ponzi and Demare also going fast with lots of I-Gen in the mix.


But too late for Ponzi/Demare.
Bakelants keeps the gap and takes the win! Good compensation after losing Tony Martin today.

Ignatiev with a nice 2nd showing once more his strength on stages like this while Phinney takes 3rd and hence the GC lead due to the bonus seconds.

Ponzi in 4th ahead of Demare! Both probably would have liked to reach better on a stage like this.


Sanchez Gil and Monfort lead the 2nd group with a 45s gap. Goos, Kirsch, Barguil, Koch, Quintana and Anacona as also Abal in there!


Shit stage for Wellens! He is losing 2'48 in the end coming in with Thomas Faiers!

Bennett, Kolesnikov, Dees or Aru another minute behind.

1Jan BakelantsBouygues Telecom3h50'24
2Mikhail IgnatievMetinvest-Dacias.t.
3Taylor PhinneyRBC Pro Cyclings.t.
4Simone PonziKenya Airways - Dimension Datas.t.
5Arnaud DemareTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
6Yuriy VasylivTeam I-Gen - Festinas.t.
7Andy SchleckVesuvio - Accumaluxs.t.
8Pierre-Henri LecuisinierTeam I-Gen - Festinas.t.
9Dominique NerzTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
10Jan PolancRBC Pro Cyclings.t.
11Rein TaaramäeBouygues Telecoms.t.
12Simon SpilakTeam I-Gen - Festinas.t.
13Jerome CoppelTeam I-Gen - Festinas.t.
14Joseph DombrowskiPendleton'ss.t.
15Sam BewleyBecherovka - Petrofs.t.
16Romain SicardOrange - KLM Cyclings.t.
17Sigurd NessetAker - MOTs.t.
18Denys KarnulinMetinvest-Dacias.t.
19Martijn KeizerAegon - Lavazzas.t.
20Timofey KritskiyTinkoff Sport Academys.t.
21Nikias ArndtTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
22Lars BoomAegon - Lavazzas.t.
23Leopold KönigBecherovka - Petrofs.t.
24Tsgabu Gebremaryam GrmayKenya Airways - Dimension Datas.t.
25Lorents Ola AasvoldAker - MOTs.t.
26Guillaume LevarletGrieg - Eftels.t.
27Ki Ho ChoiOrange - KLM Cyclings.t.
28Anthony DelaplaceBouygues Telecoms.t.
29David RoschPendleton'ss.t.
30Jakub NovakTeam I-Gen - Festinas.t.
31Nikita NovikovTinkoff Sport Academys.t.
32Roman KreuzigerRBC Pro Cyclings.t.
33Luis Leon Sanchez GilNetia - Norske Skog+ 45
34Maxime MonfortGazelles.t.
35Adam StachowiakNetia - Norske Skogs.t.
36Lawrence WarbasseMovistar - US Postals.t.
37Nathan HaasJayco'z Cycling Projects.t.
38Blaz FurdiGazelles.t.
39Alex Ariya DestriboisRed Bull - Huaweis.t.
40Michel KochEvonik - ELKOs.t.
41Pawel PoljanskiEvonik - ELKOs.t.
42Joey RosskopfRed Bull - Huaweis.t.
43Marc GoosVesuvio - Accumaluxs.t.
44Warren BarguilBouygues Telecoms.t.
45Alex KirschVesuvio - Accumaluxs.t.
46Michael MørkøvNetia - Norske Skogs.t.
47Jocelyn BarTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
48William ChiarelloMovistar - US Postals.t.
49Sebastian LanderTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
50Estifanos KebedeKenya Airways - Dimension Datas.t.
51Winner AnaconaValio - DeLavals.t.
52Petar PanayotovNetia - Norske Skogs.t.
53Clement ChevrierTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
54David AbalMovistar - US Postals.t.
55Nairo QuintanaOrange - KLM Cyclings.t.
56Steven KruijswijkBPost-Vlaanderen+ 2'20
57Thomas FaiersPokerstars.com+ 2'48
58Tim WellensBPost-Vlaanderens.t.
59Mathieu La LavandierBPost-Vlaanderens.t.
60George BennettAegon - Lavazza+ 3'31
61Ben SwiftAegon - Lavazzas.t.
62Chun Kai FengJayco'z Cycling Projects.t.
63Chris Anker SørensenValio - DeLavals.t.
64Bauke MollemaeBuddys.t.
65Sergei KolesnikovTinkoff Sport Academys.t.
66Tim DeesPendleton'ss.t.
67Alexandre GeniezOrange - KLM Cyclings.t.
68Fabio AruVesuvio - Accumaluxs.t.
69Florian MorizotRBC Pro Cyclings.t.
70Tanel KangertGazelles.t.
71Davide FormoloGazelle+ 5'16
72Aleksej KunshinTinkoff Sport Academys.t.
73Maurits LammertinkeBuddys.t.
74Johann van ZylRBC Pro Cyclings.t.
75Jakub DanacikBecherovka - Petrofs.t.
76Nathan BrownRBC Pro Cyclings.t.
77Sergio Luis Henao MontoyaeBuddys.t.
78Daniel VeselyBecherovka - Petrofs.t.
79Gerald CiolekTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
80Romain FeilluAker - MOTs.t.
81Olli KulppiEvonik - ELKOs.t.
82Kristjan KorenGazelles.t.
83Pawel BernasNetia - Norske Skogs.t.
84Brent BookwalterMovistar - US Postals.t.
85Jarlinson Pantano GómezRBC Pro Cyclings.t.
86Andrei SakalouBecherovka - Petrofs.t.
87Kris BoeckmansBPost-Vlaanderens.t.
88Vegard BreenAker - MOTs.t.
89Maxim BelkovTinkoff Sport Academys.t.
90Thomas De GendtGazelles.t.
91Daniel Ricardo DiazRed Bull - Huaweis.t.
92Niki TerpstraGazelle+ 6'50
93Geert Van der SandenAegon - Lavazzas.t.
94Matthieu LadagnousPendleton'ss.t.
95Alexandor CatafordRBC Pro Cyclings.t.
96Bob JungelsVesuvio - Accumaluxs.t.
97Morgan KneiskyBouygues Telecoms.t.
98Alexander KristoffAker - MOTs.t.
99Frank SchleckVesuvio - Accumaluxs.t.
100Albert KirevaKenya Airways - Dimension Datas.t.
101Michael BorošBecherovka - Petrofs.t.
102Bjørn Tore HoemAker - MOTs.t.
103Altanzul AltansukhRed Bull - Huaweis.t.
104Adrian MaloriTinkoff Sport Academys.t.
105Philipp WalslebeneBuddys.t.
106Marcel KittelVesuvio - Accumalux+ 9'08
107Gabriel ChavanneEvonik - ELKO+ 9'49
108Marcel SiebergPokerstars.coms.t.
109Frederik FrisonAegon - Lavazzas.t.
110Matti BreschelValio - DeLavals.t.
111Joeri StallaertBPost-Vlaanderens.t.
112Emilien ViennetOrange - KLM Cyclings.t.
113John DegenkolbPokerstars.coms.t.
114Maxime BouetTeam I-Gen - Festinas.t.
115Jesse SergentKenya Airways - Dimension Datas.t.
116Marlen ZmorkaMetinvest-Dacias.t.
117Ricardo Van der VeldeeBuddys.t.
118Samuel HalmeValio - DeLavals.t.
119William MaesenBPost-Vlaanderens.t.
120George Alexandru StancueBuddys.t.
121Ryan MullenGrieg - Eftels.t.
122Kristian SbaragliAegon - Lavazzas.t.
123Petr IgnatenkoTinkoff Sport Academys.t.
124Andris VosekalnsEvonik - ELKOs.t.
125Jairo AgudeloGazelles.t.
126Michal GolasAker - MOTs.t.
127Robbie SquireMetinvest-Dacias.t.
128Thomas KoepAegon - Lavazzas.t.
129Erik MohsPokerstars.com+ 12'57
130Maxime VantommeNetia - Norske Skogs.t.
131Nur Amirul MarzukiEvonik - ELKOs.t.
132Andrea GuardiniMetinvest-Dacias.t.
133Adam BlytheTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
134Vojtech HaceckýMetinvest-Dacias.t.
135Sean DowneyPendleton'ss.t.
136Westley GoughBecherovka - Petrofs.t.
137Andrea ManfrediOrange - KLM Cyclings.t.
138King Lok CheungPendleton'ss.t.
139Romain BardetBPost-Vlaanderens.t.
140Tim KennaughPendleton'ss.t.
141Pawel FranczakNetia - Norske Skogs.t.
142Remco Te BrakeeBuddys.t.
143Anton VorobevTinkoff Sport Academys.t.
144Ahmad ArissolRed Bull - Huaweis.t.
145Michael Valgren AndersenOrange - KLM Cyclings.t.
146Denis KostyukControl Teams.t.
147Ben CurfsBPost-Vlaanderens.t.
148Jean-François CamierBouygues Telecoms.t.
149Konstantin SiutsouRed Bull - Huaweis.t.
150Wouter WippertJayco'z Cycling Project+ 15'41
151Lukasz WisniowskiGrieg - Eftel+ 16'31
152Matthew GossJayco'z Cycling Projects.t.
153Mikiel HabtomBecherovka - Petrof+ 17'28
154Alex WohlerJayco'z Cycling Projects.t.
155Roger KlugePokerstars.coms.t.
156Matti ManninenValio - DeLavals.t.
157Tyler BrandtMovistar - US Postals.t.
158Jacob SalconeJayco'z Cycling Projects.t.
159Jon Ander InsaustiPokerstars.coms.t.
160Mathieu BernaudeauTeam I-Gen - Festinas.t.
161Jaime SuazaVesuvio - Accumaluxs.t.
162Jordi SimonMovistar - US Postals.t.
163Óscar SolisBouygues Telecoms.t.
164Mujtaba HusseinKenya Airways - Dimension Datas.t.
165Joonas HenttalaValio - DeLavals.t.
166Ulugbek GalievRed Bull - Huaweis.t.
167Cameron MeyerKenya Airways - Dimension Data+ 19'39
168Oleksandr GolovashMetinvest-Dacias.t.
169Willie SmitGrieg - Eftels.t.
170Michael Faerk ChristensenGrieg - Eftels.t.
171Rasmus SteroboGrieg - Eftels.t.
172Floris GertseBuddys.t.
173Ken Sebastian VassdålGrieg - Eftels.t.
174Mikhail KochetkovOrange - KLM Cyclings.t.
175Tom CopelandPendleton'ss.t.
176Jukka VastarantaValio - DeLaval+ 22'39
177Indulis BekmanisEvonik - ELKO+ 24'56
178Daniel OssAker - MOTs.t.
179Arnaud GrandEvonik - ELKOs.t.
180James OramJayco'z Cycling Projects.t.
181Roman MaksimovMovistar - US Postal+ 25'37
182Steven BurkePokerstars.com+ 27'56
183Kristian SobotaNetia - Norske Skog+ 29'08
184Panagiotis VlatosTeam I-Gen - Festina+ 29'54
185Miles OlmanJayco'z Cycling Projects.t.
186Libin ChenRed Bull - Huawei+ 30'23
187Gökhan HastaValio - DeLaval+ 31'37
188Juan Pablo WilchesControl Teams.t.
189Micael IsidoroControl Teams.t.
190Michael HepburnMetinvest-Dacia+ 32'03
191Damien HowsonGrieg - Eftels.t.
192Christian MeierMovistar - US Postal+ 38'35
DNFTony MartinBouygues TelecomDNF
DNFJuan Abenhamar Gallego MartinPokerstars.comDNF

1Taylor PhinneyRBC Pro Cycling16h52'57
2Jerome CoppelTeam I-Gen - Festina+ 4
3Sam BewleyBecherovka - Petrof+ 9
4Martijn KeizerAegon - Lavazza+ 10
5Timofey KritskiyTinkoff Sport Academy+ 18
6Lars BoomAegon - Lavazza+ 19
7Pierre-Henri LecuisinierTeam I-Gen - Festina+ 21
8Leopold KönigBecherovka - Petrof+ 24
9Jan BakelantsBouygues Telecom+ 26
10Rein TaaramäeBouygues Telecom+ 28
11Simon SpilakTeam I-Gen - Festina+ 35
12Andy SchleckVesuvio - Accumalux+ 38
13Joseph DombrowskiPendleton's+ 40
14Dominique NerzTeam Puma - SAP+ 41
15Denys KarnulinMetinvest-Dacia+ 46
16David AbalMovistar - US Postal+ 1'08
17Marc GoosVesuvio - Accumalux+ 1'11
18Luis Leon Sanchez GilNetia - Norske Skog+ 1'18
19Nairo QuintanaOrange - KLM Cycling+ 1'35
20Jocelyn BarTeam Puma - SAP+ 1'47
21Mikhail IgnatievMetinvest-Dacias.t.
22Sebastian LanderTeam Puma - SAP+ 1'50
23Romain SicardOrange - KLM Cycling+ 2'03
24Jakub NovakTeam I-Gen - Festina+ 2'11
25Roman KreuzigerRBC Pro Cycling+ 2'12
26Sigurd NessetAker - MOT+ 2'18
27Jan PolancRBC Pro Cyclings.t.
28Nikita NovikovTinkoff Sport Academy+ 2'26
29Simone PonziKenya Airways - Dimension Data+ 2'27
30Yuriy VasylivTeam I-Gen - Festina+ 2'29
31David RoschPendleton'ss.t.
32Ki Ho ChoiOrange - KLM Cycling+ 2'31
33Tsgabu Gebremaryam GrmayKenya Airways - Dimension Data+ 2'34
34Guillaume LevarletGrieg - Eftel+ 2'36
35Anthony DelaplaceBouygues Telecom+ 2'39
36Lorents Ola AasvoldAker - MOT+ 2'42
37Arnaud DemareTeam Puma - SAP+ 2'48
38Nikias ArndtTeam Puma - SAP+ 2'53
39Lawrence WarbasseMovistar - US Postal+ 2'59
40Alex KirschVesuvio - Accumalux+ 3'08
41Joey RosskopfRed Bull - Huawei+ 3'10
42Maxime MonfortGazelle+ 3'11
43Michael MørkøvNetia - Norske Skog+ 3'13
44William ChiarelloMovistar - US Postal+ 3'14
45Warren BarguilBouygues Telecom+ 3'15
46Michel KochEvonik - ELKOs.t.
47Petar PanayotovNetia - Norske Skogs.t.
48Blaz FurdiGazelles.t.
49Thomas FaiersPokerstars.com+ 3'18
50Alex Ariya DestriboisRed Bull - Huaweis.t.
51Pawel PoljanskiEvonik - ELKOs.t.
52Estifanos KebedeKenya Airways - Dimension Data+ 3'20
53Adam StachowiakNetia - Norske Skog+ 3'21
54Winner AnaconaValio - DeLaval+ 3'22
55Nathan HaasJayco'z Cycling Project+ 3'23
56Tim WellensBPost-Vlaanderen+ 3'26
57Clement ChevrierTeam Puma - SAP+ 3'35
58Ben SwiftAegon - Lavazza+ 3'53
59George BennettAegon - Lavazza+ 4'19
60Steven KruijswijkBPost-Vlaanderen+ 4'46
61Mathieu La LavandierBPost-Vlaanderen+ 5'30
62Tanel KangertGazelle+ 5'43
63Alexandre GeniezOrange - KLM Cycling+ 5'47
64Chun Kai FengJayco'z Cycling Project+ 5'48
65Jakub DanacikBecherovka - Petrof+ 5'49
66Tim DeesPendleton's+ 5'50
67Florian MorizotRBC Pro Cycling+ 5'52
68Sergei KolesnikovTinkoff Sport Academy+ 5'54
69Bauke MollemaeBuddy+ 5'56
70Johann van ZylRBC Pro Cycling+ 5'57
71Sergio Luis Henao MontoyaeBuddys.t.
72Gerald CiolekTeam Puma - SAP+ 6'05
73Fabio AruVesuvio - Accumalux+ 6'07
74Chris Anker SørensenValio - DeLaval+ 6'13
75Kris BoeckmansBPost-Vlaanderen+ 6'19
76Daniel VeselyBecherovka - Petrof+ 6'27
77Brent BookwalterMovistar - US Postal+ 7'19
78Kristjan KorenGazelle+ 7'21
79Alexander KristoffAker - MOT+ 7'25
80Nathan BrownRBC Pro Cycling+ 7'28
81Thomas De GendtGazelles.t.
82Daniel Ricardo DiazRed Bull - Huawei+ 7'31
83Maxim BelkovTinkoff Sport Academy+ 7'36
84Pawel BernasNetia - Norske Skog+ 7'39
85Aleksej KunshinTinkoff Sport Academy+ 7'46
86Vegard BreenAker - MOT+ 7'47
87Maurits LammertinkeBuddy+ 7'48
88Davide FormoloGazelle+ 7'51
89Geert Van der SandenAegon - Lavazza+ 7'58
90Olli KulppiEvonik - ELKOs.t.
91Andrei SakalouBecherovka - Petrof+ 7'59
92Jarlinson Pantano GómezRBC Pro Cycling+ 8'06
93Adrian MaloriTinkoff Sport Academy+ 8'54
94Morgan KneiskyBouygues Telecom+ 9'00
95Alexandor CatafordRBC Pro Cyclings.t.
96Philipp WalslebeneBuddy+ 9'02
97Bob JungelsVesuvio - Accumalux+ 9'03
98Albert KirevaKenya Airways - Dimension Data+ 9'04
99Niki TerpstraGazelle+ 9'08
100Matthieu LadagnousPendleton's+ 9'13
101Bjørn Tore HoemAker - MOT+ 9'20
102Michael BorošBecherovka - Petrofs.t.
103Marcel KittelVesuvio - Accumalux+ 9'25
104Frank SchleckVesuvio - Accumalux+ 9'26
105Altanzul AltansukhRed Bull - Huawei+ 9'47
106John DegenkolbPokerstars.com+ 10'16
107Marcel SiebergPokerstars.com+ 10'42
108Matti BreschelValio - DeLaval+ 10'46
109Kristian SbaragliAegon - Lavazza+ 10'51
110Joeri StallaertBPost-Vlaanderen+ 11'04
111Marlen ZmorkaMetinvest-Dacia+ 11'39
112Emilien ViennetOrange - KLM Cycling+ 11'44
113Romain FeilluAker - MOT+ 11'47
114Jesse SergentKenya Airways - Dimension Data+ 11'48
115Gabriel ChavanneEvonik - ELKO+ 11'51
116Maxime BouetTeam I-Gen - Festina+ 11'56
117Frederik FrisonAegon - Lavazza+ 11'57
118Ryan MullenGrieg - Eftel+ 12'06
119Ricardo Van der VeldeeBuddy+ 12'11
120Jairo AgudeloGazelle+ 12'15
121Petr IgnatenkoTinkoff Sport Academy+ 12'17
122Samuel HalmeValio - DeLaval+ 12'19
123George Alexandru StancueBuddy+ 12'21
124Michal GolasAker - MOT+ 12'27
125William MaesenBPost-Vlaanderen+ 12'29
126Andris VosekalnsEvonik - ELKO+ 12'31
127Robbie SquireMetinvest-Dacia+ 12'34
128Anton VorobevTinkoff Sport Academy+ 13'16
129Westley GoughBecherovka - Petrof+ 13'26
130Erik MohsPokerstars.com+ 13'29
131Remco Te BrakeeBuddy+ 13'31
132King Lok CheungPendleton's+ 13'39
133Maxime VantommeNetia - Norske Skog+ 13'51
134Andrea GuardiniMetinvest-Dacia+ 14'04
135Michael Valgren AndersenOrange - KLM Cycling+ 15'01
136Sean DowneyPendleton's+ 15'07
137Vojtech HaceckýMetinvest-Dacia+ 15'10
138Ben CurfsBPost-Vlaanderen+ 15'21
139Ahmad ArissolRed Bull - Huaweis.t.
140Adam BlytheTeam Puma - SAP+ 15'22
141Pawel FranczakNetia - Norske Skog+ 15'23
142Andrea ManfrediOrange - KLM Cycling+ 15'34
143Romain BardetBPost-Vlaanderen+ 15'37
144Nur Amirul MarzukiEvonik - ELKOs.t.
145Denis KostyukControl Team+ 15'49
146Matthew GossJayco'z Cycling Project+ 17'15
147Mathieu BernaudeauTeam I-Gen - Festina+ 17'52
148Wouter WippertJayco'z Cycling Project+ 17'57
149Roger KlugePokerstars.com+ 18'00
150Mikiel HabtomBecherovka - Petrof+ 18'20
151Thomas KoepAegon - Lavazza+ 18'33
152Lukasz WisniowskiGrieg - Eftel+ 18'41
153Jordi SimonMovistar - US Postal+ 18'47
154Mujtaba HusseinKenya Airways - Dimension Data+ 19'39
155Jacob SalconeJayco'z Cycling Project+ 19'40
156Tyler BrandtMovistar - US Postal+ 19'44
157Alex WohlerJayco'z Cycling Project+ 19'49
158Matti ManninenValio - DeLaval+ 19'52
159Jaime SuazaVesuvio - Accumaluxs.t.
160Joonas HenttalaValio - DeLaval+ 20'05
161Jon Ander InsaustiPokerstars.com+ 20'07
162Cameron MeyerKenya Airways - Dimension Data+ 20'08
163Oleksandr GolovashMetinvest-Dacia+ 20'12
164Óscar SolisBouygues Telecom+ 20'16
165Jean-François CamierBouygues Telecom+ 20'27
166Ulugbek GalievRed Bull - Huaweis.t.
167Konstantin SiutsouRed Bull - Huawei+ 21'20
168Rasmus SteroboGrieg - Eftel+ 21'44
169Michael Faerk ChristensenGrieg - Eftel+ 21'47
170Ken Sebastian VassdålGrieg - Eftel+ 22'00
171Floris GertseBuddy+ 22'02
172Tom CopelandPendleton's+ 22'03
173Willie SmitGrieg - Eftel+ 22'08
174Mikhail KochetkovOrange - KLM Cycling+ 22'31
175Tim KennaughPendleton's+ 24'09
176Jukka VastarantaValio - DeLaval+ 25'09
177Roman MaksimovMovistar - US Postal+ 26'07
178James OramJayco'z Cycling Project+ 27'11
179Indulis BekmanisEvonik - ELKO+ 27'16
180Daniel OssAker - MOT+ 27'21
181Arnaud GrandEvonik - ELKO+ 27'33
182Steven BurkePokerstars.com+ 28'25
183Panagiotis VlatosTeam I-Gen - Festina+ 30'23
184Libin ChenRed Bull - Huawei+ 31'12
185Kristian SobotaNetia - Norske Skog+ 31'41
186Miles OlmanJayco'z Cycling Project+ 31'59
187Michael HepburnMetinvest-Dacia+ 33'59
188Damien HowsonGrieg - Eftel+ 34'05
189Gökhan HastaValio - DeLaval+ 34'12
190Juan Pablo WilchesControl Team+ 37'56
191Micael IsidoroControl Team+ 40'20
192Christian MeierMovistar - US Postal+ 40'50
DNFTony MartinBouygues TelecomDNF
DNFJuan Abenhamar Gallego MartinPokerstars.comDNF

1Sam BewleyBecherovka - Petrof52
2Ben SwiftAegon - Lavazza51
3John DegenkolbPokerstars.com46
4Gerald CiolekTeam Puma - SAP44
5Taylor PhinneyRBC Pro Cycling37
6Erik MohsPokerstars.com34
7Roman MaksimovMovistar - US Postal34
8Matthew GossJayco'z Cycling Project33
9Jerome CoppelTeam I-Gen - Festina29
10Mikhail IgnatievMetinvest-Dacia28

1Pawel BernasNetia - Norske Skog39
2Jerome CoppelTeam I-Gen - Festina24
3Ryan MullenGrieg - Eftel22
4Pierre-Henri LecuisinierTeam I-Gen - Festina20
5Florian MorizotRBC Pro Cycling12
6Simon SpilakTeam I-Gen - Festina10
7Andy SchleckVesuvio - Accumalux10
8Jarlinson Pantano GómezRBC Pro Cycling10
9Marlen ZmorkaMetinvest-Dacia8
10Alexandor CatafordRBC Pro Cycling8

1Pierre-Henri LecuisinierTeam I-Gen - Festina16h53'18 (1)
2Joseph DombrowskiPendleton's+ 19 (2)
3Sebastian LanderTeam Puma - SAP+ 1'29 (3)
4Sigurd NessetAker - MOT+ 1'57 (4)
5Jan PolancRBC Pro Cycling+ 1'57 (5)
6Yuriy VasylivTeam I-Gen - Festina+ 2'08 (6)
7Ki Ho ChoiOrange - KLM Cycling+ 2'10 (7)
8Tsgabu Gebremaryam GrmayKenya Airways - Dimension Data+ 2'13 (8)
9Arnaud DemareTeam Puma - SAP+ 2'27 (9)
10Nikias ArndtTeam Puma - SAP+ 2'32 (10)

1Team I-Gen - Festina50h39'42 (1)
2Bouygues Telecom+ 37 (2)
3Team Puma - SAP+ 1'32 (3)
4Vesuvio - Accumalux+ 1'51 (4)
5RBC Pro Cycling+ 1'55 (5)
6Movistar - US Postal+ 2'36 (6)
7Kenya Airways - Dimension Data+ 2'49 (7)
8Aegon - Lavazza+ 3'33 (8)
9Orange - KLM Cycling+ 4'14 (9)
10Netia - Norske Skog+ 5'07 (10)
11Tinkoff Sport Academy+ 5'25 (11)
12Becherovka - Petrof+ 5'51 (12)
13Pendleton's+ 5'59 (13)
14Aker - MOT+ 7'59 (14)
15BPost-Vlaanderen+ 9'05 (15)
16Metinvest-Dacia+ 9'37 (16)
17Gazelle+ 10'39 (17)
18Red Bull - Huawei+ 11'15 (18)
19Evonik - ELKO+ 12'47 (19)
20eBuddy+ 16'36 (20)
21Valio - DeLaval+ 18'54 (21)
22Pokerstars.com+ 23'06 (22)
23Jayco'z Cycling Project+ 24'00 (23)
24Grieg - Eftel+ 31'44 (24)
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