Game Crashes every time when I click the "Continue"-button on Race-days. Clicking "Continue" when there's no race, that works fine, no problem. But on race-days, the game crashes and exits to desktop with a blank error-messge.
This started at the beginning of my second season in career-mode. First season went fine, but then all of a sudden, once I come to January 2017, crash, crash, crash... Entering races/stages is impossible when I can't click continue without crash. I can go on holiday though (Simulating/fast-forward) to a chosen date and let the game simulate results. But I can't play..
I've been using the PCM Fast Editor a lot, but I have not been meddling with any advanced stuff. I've known what I've been doing, as I know these editors very well. I can't see what is wrong. First season went quite well and I'd hate to lose this save...
It's frustrating.
Anyone got any ideas as to what causes the problem, and how to fix it ? There has to be a small detail that causes it. If only I knew where to start looking for it. Then I could fix it.
On a side-note, Once I begun the 2017-season, 1st of January, A LOT of stages througout had been "corrupted", all looking the same - flat stage-profile, exactly the same, all being 123 km long. Like, let's say there was a 6-day stage-race, then maybe 5 or all of the stages were exactly the same - identical, the same flat stage (123km). No idea how this happened.
After a lot of time and effort I fixed it and changed most of the stages to have a bit of variation. It seems it has nothing to do With the crashes, but I mention it anyway. The game crashes even on race-days with stages I haven't touched/changed, like one-day classics, where the race-profile is always the same.
I've concluded that there very likely must be a Connection between the "corrupted" stages and the crashes on race-days. If I simulate results by going on holiday until a set date I can check the results after, and I've noticed that the stages are a numerical mess. For example; Stage 8 can become stage 1, and stage 4 become stage 8. The stages are being ridden in completely wrong order, but I've checked in the editor, and everything looks right. Then there's the fact that this here 123km flate stage profile suddenly showed up in MANY of the races, both stage-races and 1-day races.
Something about the stages and races.. confused as to how this happened, and why? How to fix ?
Is it possible that the recent update (I think updates come automatically when on Steam?) on the 13th of July have brought With it this bug that causes crash ?
Edited by krikkern on 16-07-2016 22:05
I've tried starting a New save to check, and there the game runs perfectly fine. No crashes and the stages can be played, and the stages come in the right order. No mess.
Which means there is nothing wrong With the files in various folders. It means something is wrong with my original save-game. Something have went wrong as I switched from season 1 (2016) to Season 2 (2017). But how and where and why ?
I still can't figure it out on my own. With no replies yet, I feel as though I'm talking to myself, but let me know if you have any thoughts, theories or solutions. Cheers.
I doubt that anybody can help with this specific problem. If you really want help, contact the official support.
But you could try to load a backup from the end of the previous season. Maybe the stages don't get corrupt.
The backups are in the weeklysave folder. The date is in the file name. Just copy the last one to the save game folder and load it in the game. then simulate to the new year and check the stages.