I'm new this year in Armada mode, so I'm a little bit lost in several aspects of coin management in the game. I have hit the 66% bonus in some of the teams at "My collection" page. I have been saving some coins and now I've got 10.000 coins in my account to spend.
The question is: what should I do? My options are buying two gold packs or buying one legendary 95-99 pack
I have opened two gold packs before. The first one contained Lars Boom, while the second gave me a Kristoff card. I have heard they can give up to two gold riders per pack, but I was no lucky. And I have seen in some "pack opening" videos that Legendary packs almost always give two gold riders, or one gold and one legend.
Taking into account that legends can be passed through games, I think that the best idea is saving 10000 and opening red packs instead of saving 5000 for gold packs. But I wanted to ask you before doing so
And a bonus question: what should I do with the gold coins? I got 15 of them, one per level up. Should I try to get 100 of them and open a legendary ultimate pack; should I buy gold packs whenever I hit 30, or should I buy an extra team slot for 5 of them?
Uhm, well, it's your own choice. Legend packs are obviously risky, I've been very lucky with them(2 legends out of 3 packs I believe) but there are also people only getting 1 out of 8.
Having a legend is pretty cool, but you'll need some pack luck, obviously.
Just take into account 10k legend packs are practically the same as gold packs, just with the ''rare'' legend chance.
Gold coins(Cyans)?
Hmm. I like to buy team slots for them, saves me a lot of hassle pre-game, lowering the chance of wrong selections for me.
Well, the third time's the charm. After opening a first Pinot/Aru Legendary Pack and a second Froome/Tony Martin, the third one gave me my first legend in PCM Armada: Abraham Olano. And Gilbert. Not bad at all
I'll let you the stats of my brand new Olano here (the name and the picture were edited with Photoshop, as I couldn't find a way to edit them in the game itself )
I'm pretty happy right now, it was a good idea to aim for the red packs
Edited by Sage on 13-07-2015 20:10
Wow, Sage, at least you had luck! You deserved it, because 20k coins are too many coins... As you already know, I prefer my style, but yours is cool as well, and you can see the proof above!