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Tour de France - Stage 11

Horrible stage for all weak climbers. 1x Cat.1 & 2x Cat.HC. It might have been more interesting if the stage had finished on the Tourmalet but it`s going down for 3,5 kilometers towards the finish.
I mentioned the Tourmalet as last mountain, earlier we pass the Col du Marie Blanque and the Col d'Aubisque.


Only 3 breakaway riders today and as no rider has any KoM points so far it`s probably a safe day for Lopez Garcia.
56 points are rewarded today which would mean the shared 3rd place. But even if the GC riders take the points on the Tourmalet, they would not come close to the Santander rider.
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/vue.png Hivert
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/ing.png Rolland
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/vsa.png Medvedev
Rolland as 30th is best placed but already 37'13 behind race leader Phinney.


Can Phinney defend his lead once more? He slowly lost his comfortable lead after the ITT and is only 1'06 to Pluchkin.
His teammates will do everything to keep the maillot jaune in their team.


We jump to the top qucikly as nothing of note happened on this first and eventually steepest climb. Hivert taking the points ahead of Medvedev and Rolland with the Wikipedia train taking the remaining points.
Surprisingly Lopez Garcia and Wallays were both just behind Phinney but did not go for these points.

i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/vue.png Hivert16
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/vsa.png Medvedev12
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/ing.png Rolland10
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/wik.png Janse van Rensburg8
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/wik.png Talansky6
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/wik.png Phinney4
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/wik.png Pinot2

Also mentionable that i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/gde.png Rowe crashed on the climb and did not make it back. So being solo as last rider it will be a long ride for him against the time limit. It would be a big blow for Guarnieri`s sprint preperations in the upcoming stages.


Only 111 riders are left at the half of the first HC mountain in this years race. Most or all sprinters are dropped and need to fight.
Still 4 Wikipedia riders around Phinney with the gap being at 6min.

i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/vue.png Hivert6
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/ing.png Rolland4
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/vsa.png Medvedev2


It`s all about the stage win as they don`t spend any effort for the points. Medvedev takes this one.

i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/vsa.png Medvedev20
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/ing.png Rolland14
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/vue.png Hivert12
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/wik.png Bookwalter10
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/wik.png Talansky8
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/wik.png Janse van Rensburg6
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/wik.png Phinney5
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/fes.png Lecuisinier4
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/bampo.png Hacecký3
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/fes.png Spilak2
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/bampo.png Keinath1


After the first part on the descent it`s having a short ascent again. Time for some attacking by co-leaders, who might be used as support for their leader on the long Tourmalet.
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/btc.png Solis
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/vwm.png Anacona
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/pnd.png Siutsou
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/tcs.png Kolesnikov
But actually only first two made it successful while the others are caught again.
So Taaramae and Monsalve eventually get some support later.


The descent is behind us and from now on it`s going slightly uphill on small percentages before the real climb starts. Only 2'30 are left to the duo and another 1'20 to the 81 rider peloton including all GC riders.


23km left. So almost at the Tourmalet when i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/gde.png Scarponi '(23./+24'13) attacks. As one of the best descenders he was acutally expected to try it earlier together with Solis and Anacona. Again Siutsou and Kolesnikov try to follow but the pace is too high again.


It had a reason for the high pace. Already with 20km to go at the start of the climb some riders attack. It`s initiated by i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/fes.png Spilak, who wants to improve from his 4th at the moment.
Scarponi is caught but others are following immediately:
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/wik.png Phinney
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/bampo.png Pluchkin
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/vue.png Dekker
And a bit later also
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/btc.png Taaramäe
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/vsa.png Schleck
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/std.png Madrazo
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/ing.png Sicard
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/swi.png Amador
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/bac.png Intxausti
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/tcs.png Kritskiy
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/vwm.png Monsalve
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/trh.png Keizer
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/pnd.png Kohl
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/prp.png Fothen
all in the first positions of the peloton.
Others like
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/bac.png Úran
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/std.png Tenorio
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/pro.png Henao Montoya
were a bit behind and need to pass several riders first.


In the corner the Spilak and Phinney group is just behind the former breakaway having caught Solis and Anacona.
Pluchkin comes solo a bit behind still in front of this 18 rider favourite group around most GC riders.
Those weaker placed though are in the next 33 rider group, which is led by Santander now for Tenorio, who does not have the best race.


Next to all those GC riders also some co-leaders and helpers made it into the favourite group as we see i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/bampo.png Keinath, i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/std.png Valls or i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/wik.png Pinot


The breakaway is caught by Phinney and Spilak. Also Pluchkin in this group now.
Behind Taaramae, Madrazo, Schleck and Sicard the strongest a bit behind the other GC riders.


i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/bampo.png Pluchkin now with the next attack. Still 12km climbing left and the gaps are already there. This will be a crucial stage for many if this continues.
Spilak and Phinney follow him while they were almost caught by the rest.


i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/pro.png Henao Montoya still injured it seems. He can`t follow the riders ahead and is only in ~45th position here again losing a lot of time. Top20 is maximum for him it seems if not less. This went really bad for Project 1t4i.


We haven`t seen a lot of i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/vsa.png Schleck so far but he just attacked to join i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/fes.png Spilak and i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/bampo.png Pluchkin in front as i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/wik.png Phinney was dropped at the same time.


The GC leader is in the next group really being in danger to lose the jersey today.
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/btc.png Taaramäe
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/std.png Madrazo
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/ing.png Sicard
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/swi.png Amador
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/bac.png Úran with him.
Last is a huge surprise as he was behind with Tenorio earlier but somehow managed to pass the other riders with ease and very quick. Tenorio actually is still behind the Dekker group (15 riders).


47s now for the trio but there are so many US fans here at the road side. This should really push Phinney. Also surprising that i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/std.png Madrazo has huge problems to follow those three on almost every mountain stage.


Tenorio still fighting to make it back to the other group at least. Also König and Scarponi in this group.
Normally there are 4 other Santander riders in there but none of them looking fit enough to support him. They did earlier today but are struggling to go any faster and the only one being able to go faster with Valls is one group ahead.


1km left to the top and unfortunate for this trio to get dropped by Fothen/Dekker/Kritskiy who do the higher pace ahead.
Monsalve, Keizer and Kohl can`t follow, while also Marquez has problems with Intxausti and Pinot still hanging behind them.


The trio in front will take huge time today and eventually make a big step for the podium. Phinney most likely will lose the GC lead today but is riding well to keep his chances for the podium. Madrazo really a disappointment here while Dekker, Kritskiy and Intxausti might not have their best day.
And no need to talk about Tenorio. What a waste of race days almost for him.


1'25 for the trio now with 3km to go and all downhill. Surely the stage win goes to one of them.

i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/bampo.png Pluchkin20
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/vsa.png Schleck14
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/fes.png Spilak12
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/std.png Madrazo10
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/swi.png Amador8
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/btc.png Taaramäe6
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/ing.png Sicard5
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/bac.png Úran4
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/wik.png Phinney3
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/vue.png Dekker2
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/prp.png Fothen1


Pluchkin and Phinney with a great fight for every second for the yellow jersey. So he is leading out to keep the pace high instead of going all-in for the stage.
This is good news obviously for Schleck and Spilak behind him.


Schleck goes around him while Spilak can`t sprint faster it seems.


And it`s another win for Andy Schleck. It was close but one wheel ahead.
Pluchkin comes in 2nd taking some more bonus seconds as well with Spilak as 3rd. All 3 should be happy to have created a gap to Phinney, Amador and Madrazo in especially and at the moment the next are not even around the corner.


It was not seen how, but apparently Madrazo has created a gap in the sprint or descent to take 4th with a nice gap. Bad for him that officials call him the same time as the next riders: Phinney, Amador, Sicard, Taaramae and Uran.
Due to Madrazo though the gap is only at 1'03, which means it was only the bonus seconds that move Pluchkin into the GC lead with 9s ahead of Phinney. Spilak follows with 54s while Amador and Schleck are around 2min with Taaramae, Madrazo and Sicard all are above 4min.


Same "shit" happened here. All those gaps weren`t rewarded unfortunately and so the dropped group around Kohl and even Tenorio far behind is getting the same time: +2'25. Very unlucky.

The next group around Keinath, König lost 5'08 though as they had quite a gap, while Henao Montoya comes in 42nd with 8'28 dropping him to 21st in the GC.

And also we have a long list of abandons as the double HC climb was just too tough. And some big names/sprinters are forced to leave the race. While most sprinters actually made it in time by just a tiny bit it`s stage winner i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/pok.png Boonen being one of the OTL riders including his full sprint train as also the full Good Energy sprint train. Here the full OTL list:

DNFAnders LundAker-MOT
DNFMathieu BernaudeauFestina-Canal+
DNFLuke RoweGood Energy
DNFAdam BlytheGood Energy
DNFDennis Van WindenING - Pro Cycling Team
DNFMartyn IrvineLotto - Australia Post
DNFNick IngelsPokerstars.com
DNFTom BoonenPokerstars.com
DNFWim De VochtPokerstars.com
DNFMark DzamastagicPokerstars.com
DNFDaniel AlloncaPrio - Porto
DNFTom Van AsbroeckQuickstep
DNFGiacomo NizzoloRothaus - Aegon
DNFLucas SchädlichRothaus - Aegon
DNFFrederik FrisonRothaus - Aegon
DNFDimitri ChampionSwisscom - UBS
DNFZakkari DempsterTeam B&O
DNFDion BeukeboomTeam Bpost - Vlaanderen
DNFRick FlensTeam Bpost - Vlaanderen
DNFMichiel Van AelbroeckTeam Bpost - Vlaanderen
DNFSven VandousselaereTeam Bpost - Vlaanderen
DNFNiels ScheunemannTeam Vueling Airlines
DNFEmilien ViennetTeam Vueling Airlines
DNFMarcel KittelVesuvio - Accumalux
DNFNacer BouhanniVolksWagen-Mapei
DNFIvan KovalevVolksWagen-Mapei

1Andy SchleckVesuvio - Accumalux4h45'19
2Aleksandr PluchkinTeam B&Os.t.
3Simon SpilakFestina-Canal+s.t.
4Angel MadrazoSantander+ 1'03
5Taylor PhinneyWikipedias.t.
6Andrei AmadorSwisscom - UBSs.t.
7Romain SicardING - Pro Cycling Teams.t.
8Rein TaaramäeBouygues Telecoms.t.
9Rigoberto ÚranBacardi Limiteds.t.
10Thomas DekkerTeam Vueling Airlines+ 2'25
11Timofey KritskiyTinkoff Credit Systems Banks.t.
12Thibaut PinotWikipedias.t.
13Florentino MarquezQuicksteps.t.
14Markus FothenPrio - Portos.t.
15Beñat IntxaustiBacardi Limiteds.t.
16Bernhard KohlPendleton'ss.t.
17Yonathan MonsalveVolksWagen-Mapeis.t.
18Martijn KeizerRothaus - Aegons.t.
19Justo TenorioSantanders.t.
20Nico KeinathTeam B&O+ 5'08
21Óscar SolisBouygues Telecoms.t.
22Paolo ScarponiGood Energys.t.
23Rafael VallsSantanders.t.
24Leopold KönigBecherovka - Kiwibanks.t.
25José HerradaSantanders.t.
26Sergei KolesnikovTinkoff Credit Systems Banks.t.
27Martin HaceckýTeam B&Os.t.
28Sergio PardillaBacardi Limiteds.t.
29Konstantin SiutsouPendleton'ss.t.
30David López GarciaSantanders.t.
31Jaime SuazaVesuvio - Accumaluxs.t.
32Andrew TalanskyWikipedias.t.
33Vadim RatiyFestina-Canal+s.t.
34Winner AnaconaVolksWagen-Mapei+ 5'41
35Tim KennaughPendleton's+ 6'24
36Jonathan HivertTeam Vueling Airliness.t.
37Dmitri MedvedevVesuvio - Accumaluxs.t.
38Rafael SerranoSantanders.t.
39Juan Carlos Rienda SeguraSantanders.t.
40Daniel TeklehaimanotBouygues Telecom+ 8'28
41Aleksej KunshinTinkoff Credit Systems Banks.t.
42Sergio Luis Henao MontoyaProject 1t4is.t.
43Chen ShikaiVesuvio - Accumaluxs.t.
44Pierre RollandING - Pro Cycling Team+ 9'57
45Alex KirschVesuvio - Accumalux+ 11'36
46Matthias FrankSwisscom - UBSs.t.
47Daniel NavarroBacardi Limiteds.t.
48Gregory BrenesVolksWagen-Mapeis.t.
49Jean-François CamierBouygues Telecom+ 12'20
50Julien BerardQuickstep+ 12'49
51Steve MorabitoSimply Red Bulls.t.
52Sébastien IvarsLotto - Australia Posts.t.
53Lorents Ola AasvoldAker-MOTs.t.
54Andrei GrivkoTeam B&Os.t.
55Maxim BelkovTinkoff Credit Systems Banks.t.
56Matthias BrändleVolksWagen-Mapeis.t.
57Shaun LewisLotto - Australia Posts.t.
58Jude LibertLotto - Australia Posts.t.
59Petr IgnatenkoTinkoff Credit Systems Banks.t.
60Tom CopelandPendleton'ss.t.
61Jose GoncalvesSwisscom - UBSs.t.
62Lars BoomRothaus - Aegons.t.
63Florian MorizotSimply Red Bull+ 14'14
64Alexandre GeniezTeam Vueling Airliness.t.
65Branislav SamoilevSimply Red Bulls.t.
66Brent BookwalterWikipedias.t.
67Nairo QuintanaTeam Vueling Airliness.t.
68Rafael ReisPrio - Portos.t.
69Pierre-Henri LecuisinierFestina-Canal+s.t.
70Thomas LebasTeam Vueling Airliness.t.
71Guillaume LevarletAker-MOT+ 15'05
72Jakub NovakBecherovka - Kiwibanks.t.
73Bruno SilvaPrio - Porto+ 16'25
74Fredrik KessiakoffSimply Red Bulls.t.
75Nelson OliveiraPrio - Portos.t.
76Thomas KoepRothaus - Aegons.t.
77Christophe RiblonSwisscom - UBSs.t.
78Thomas FreiSwisscom - UBS+ 16'54
79Jakob FuglsangTeam Vueling Airlines+ 18'39
80Chris FroomeQuicksteps.t.
81Jakub KratochvilaBecherovka - Kiwibanks.t.
82Matteo RabottiniGood Energys.t.
83Jelle VanendertProject 1t4is.t.
84David ZabriskieING - Pro Cycling Team+ 19'05
85Frederik WilmanTeam B&O+ 19'26
86Dmitri GrabovskiBacardi Limiteds.t.
87Tony GallopinBouygues Telecoms.t.
88Anthony DelaplaceBouygues Telecom+ 20'43
89Roman KreuzigerBecherovka - Kiwibank+ 21'08
90Reinhardt Janse van RensburgWikipedia+ 22'36
91Kevin De WeertPokerstars.coms.t.
92Tony MartinBouygues Telecoms.t.
93Dominique CornuTeam Bpost - Vlaanderens.t.
94Marc De MaarQuicksteps.t.
95Johan Fredrik ZieslerAker-MOT+ 24'12
96Bauke MollemaProject 1t4is.t.
97Joost PosthumaProject 1t4is.t.
98Andrea PaliniGood Energys.t.
99Jurgen Van GoolenPendleton'ss.t.
100Philipp WalslebenProject 1t4i+ 24'48
101Matthieu SprickWikipedias.t.
102Diego UlissiBacardi Limiteds.t.
103Jerome CoppelSimply Red Bull+ 26'14
104Pello BilbaoBacardi Limiteds.t.
105Yoann PaillotFestina-Canal++ 26'49
106Anthony RouxRothaus - Aegons.t.
107Thomas De GendtVesuvio - Accumaluxs.t.
108Yoann OffredoBacardi Limiteds.t.
109Dadi SuryadiPokerstars.com+ 29'13
110Mads ChristensenPokerstars.coms.t.
111Kiel ReijnenPrio - Portos.t.
112Jelle WallaysPokerstars.coms.t.
113Ramon SinkeldamProject 1t4is.t.
114Stef ClementING - Pro Cycling Team+ 30'53
115Leigh HowardBecherovka - Kiwibank+ 34'48
116Jesse SergentBecherovka - Kiwibank+ 35'13
117Wesley KrederProject 1t4is.t.
118Arnaud DemareFestina-Canal+s.t.
119Maxime BouetING - Pro Cycling Teams.t.
120Anton VorobevTinkoff Credit Systems Banks.t.
121Richie PorteVesuvio - Accumaluxs.t.
122Pavel BruttTinkoff Credit Systems Banks.t.
123Tom DiggleGood Energy+ 37'08
124Samuel PökäläAker-MOTs.t.
125Luke DurbridgeWikipedia+ 38'25
126Artem OvechkinTinkoff Credit Systems Bank+ 40'05
127Benoît VaugrenardSimply Red Bulls.t.
128Steele Von HoffLotto - Australia Posts.t.
129Domingos GonçalvesPrio - Portos.t.
130Matthieu LadagnousPendleton'ss.t.
131Sondre Holst EngerAker-MOTs.t.
132Jacob FiedlerING - Pro Cycling Teams.t.
133André SteensenTeam B&Os.t.
134Welle JallaysTeam Bpost - Vlaanderens.t.
135Bradley WigginsPendleton'ss.t.
136Javier AramendíaLotto - Australia Posts.t.
137Jacopo GuarnieriGood Energy+ 40'39
138Daniel VeselyBecherovka - Kiwibanks.t.
139Damien HowsonAker-MOTs.t.
140Sean DowneyPendleton'ss.t.
141Georgos TzortzakisFestina-Canal+s.t.
142Westley GoughBecherovka - Kiwibanks.t.
143Elia VivianiSimply Red Bulls.t.
144Adrian MaloriGood Energys.t.
145Maciej BodnarSimply Red Bulls.t.
146Michael Faerk ChristensenTeam B&Os.t.
147Alfredo BalloniPrio - Portos.t.
148Juan Van HeerdenAker-MOT+ 42'56
149Lars CroketLotto - Australia Posts.t.
150Tom DumoulinRothaus - Aegons.t.
151Kristof VandewalleTeam Bpost - Vlaanderens.t.
152Phan Age HaugardVolksWagen-Mapeis.t.
153Hugues MottinBouygues Telecoms.t.
154Mario Gonzalez SalasSantander+ 43'32
155Stelly RobertWikipedias.t.
156William BonnetTeam Bpost - Vlaanderen+ 45'46
157Maxime VantommeQuicksteps.t.
158Koen De KortProject 1t4is.t.
159Daniele BennatiLotto - Australia Posts.t.
160Jérôme BaugniesQuicksteps.t.
161Dainius KairelisControl Teams.t.

1Aleksandr PluchkinTeam B&O43h22'50
2Taylor PhinneyWikipedia+ 9
3Simon SpilakFestina-Canal++ 54
4Andrei AmadorSwisscom - UBS+ 1'40
5Andy SchleckVesuvio - Accumalux+ 2'20
6Rein TaaramäeBouygues Telecom+ 4'11
7Angel MadrazoSantander+ 4'22
8Romain SicardING - Pro Cycling Team+ 4'45
9Thomas DekkerTeam Vueling Airlines+ 5'27
10Timofey KritskiyTinkoff Credit Systems Bank+ 6'47
11Rigoberto ÚranBacardi Limited+ 7'04
12Beñat IntxaustiBacardi Limited+ 9'09
13Markus FothenPrio - Porto+ 9'34
14Justo TenorioSantander+ 9'47
15Florentino MarquezQuickstep+ 13'17
16Martijn KeizerRothaus - Aegon+ 15'04
17Bernhard KohlPendleton's+ 15'13
18Yonathan MonsalveVolksWagen-Mapei+ 15'58
19Sergei KolesnikovTinkoff Credit Systems Bank+ 22'15
20Leopold KönigBecherovka - Kiwibank+ 22'23
21Sergio Luis Henao MontoyaProject 1t4i+ 27'41
22Konstantin SiutsouPendleton's+ 28'00
23Paolo ScarponiGood Energy+ 28'27
24Nico KeinathTeam B&O+ 33'24
25Rafael VallsSantander+ 34'51
26Vadim RatiyFestina-Canal++ 37'41
27Andrew TalanskyWikipedia+ 38'58
28Daniel TeklehaimanotBouygues Telecom+ 39'20
29Thibaut PinotWikipedia+ 40'32
30Martin HaceckýTeam B&O+ 41'44
31Sergio PardillaBacardi Limited+ 42'27
32Lars BoomRothaus - Aegon+ 43'18
33Tim KennaughPendleton's+ 44'04
34José HerradaSantander+ 44'18
35David López GarciaSantander+ 44'29
36Aleksej KunshinTinkoff Credit Systems Bank+ 45'07
37Jonathan HivertTeam Vueling Airlines+ 46'02
38Pierre RollandING - Pro Cycling Team+ 46'10
39Jaime SuazaVesuvio - Accumalux+ 47'59
40Maxim BelkovTinkoff Credit Systems Bank+ 49'42
41Óscar SolisBouygues Telecom+ 50'19
42Winner AnaconaVolksWagen-Mapei+ 50'23
43Matthias FrankSwisscom - UBS+ 50'48
44Alex KirschVesuvio - Accumaluxs.t.
45Chen ShikaiVesuvio - Accumalux+ 50'56
46Andrei GrivkoTeam B&O+ 51'46
47Dmitri MedvedevVesuvio - Accumalux+ 52'24
48Sébastien IvarsLotto - Australia Post+ 52'54
49Branislav SamoilevSimply Red Bull+ 53'09
50Rafael SerranoSantander+ 53'22
51Pierre-Henri LecuisinierFestina-Canal++ 54'01
52Juan Carlos Rienda SeguraSantander+ 54'05
53Julien BerardQuickstep+ 56'03
54Jelle VanendertProject 1t4i+ 56'05
55Daniel NavarroBacardi Limited+ 57'25
56Shaun LewisLotto - Australia Post+ 1h00'21
57Matteo RabottiniGood Energy+ 1h01'05
58Jose GoncalvesSwisscom - UBS+ 1h04'31
59Petr IgnatenkoTinkoff Credit Systems Bank+ 1h04'36
60Jean-François CamierBouygues Telecom+ 1h04'39
61Guillaume LevarletAker-MOT+ 1h04'55
62Gregory BrenesVolksWagen-Mapei+ 1h04'57
63Florian MorizotSimply Red Bull+ 1h05'33
64Steve MorabitoSimply Red Bull+ 1h05'47
65Jude LibertLotto - Australia Post+ 1h05'52
66Jakub KratochvilaBecherovka - Kiwibank+ 1h06'11
67Fredrik KessiakoffSimply Red Bull+ 1h06'48
68Lorents Ola AasvoldAker-MOT+ 1h07'23
69Thomas LebasTeam Vueling Airlines+ 1h07'49
70Alexandre GeniezTeam Vueling Airlines+ 1h07'50
71Brent BookwalterWikipedia+ 1h07'58
72Jakub NovakBecherovka - Kiwibank+ 1h08'08
73Rafael ReisPrio - Porto+ 1h09'15
74Tom CopelandPendleton's+ 1h09'43
75David ZabriskieING - Pro Cycling Team+ 1h10'13
76Dmitri GrabovskiBacardi Limited+ 1h10'37
77Chris FroomeQuickstep+ 1h12'19
78Bruno SilvaPrio - Porto+ 1h12'48
79Matthias BrändleVolksWagen-Mapei+ 1h14'08
80Nairo QuintanaTeam Vueling Airlines+ 1h15'59
81Nelson OliveiraPrio - Porto+ 1h17'38
82Tony MartinBouygues Telecom+ 1h18'55
83Marc De MaarQuickstep+ 1h20'22
84Frederik WilmanTeam B&O+ 1h22'18
85Thomas KoepRothaus - Aegon+ 1h22'54
86Christophe RiblonSwisscom - UBS+ 1h23'42
87Andrea PaliniGood Energy+ 1h23'59
88Reinhardt Janse van RensburgWikipedia+ 1h24'22
89Kevin De WeertPokerstars.com+ 1h25'28
90Jakob FuglsangTeam Vueling Airlines+ 1h25'59
91Diego UlissiBacardi Limited+ 1h26'03
92Thomas FreiSwisscom - UBS+ 1h26'05
93Tony GallopinBouygues Telecom+ 1h26'16
94Joost PosthumaProject 1t4i+ 1h26'44
95Matthieu SprickWikipedia+ 1h26'49
96Dominique CornuTeam Bpost - Vlaanderen+ 1h26'55
97Jelle WallaysPokerstars.com+ 1h29'08
98Johan Fredrik ZieslerAker-MOT+ 1h29'41
99Stef ClementING - Pro Cycling Team+ 1h29'57
100Mads ChristensenPokerstars.com+ 1h30'20
101Thomas De GendtVesuvio - Accumalux+ 1h32'13
102Roman KreuzigerBecherovka - Kiwibank+ 1h33'36
103Anthony DelaplaceBouygues Telecom+ 1h34'17
104Jurgen Van GoolenPendleton's+ 1h37'11
105Dadi SuryadiPokerstars.com+ 1h37'17
106Jerome CoppelSimply Red Bull+ 1h39'09
107Anthony RouxRothaus - Aegons.t.
108Bauke MollemaProject 1t4i+ 1h40'13
109Tom DiggleGood Energy+ 1h41'14
110Philipp WalslebenProject 1t4i+ 1h41'57
111Yoann PaillotFestina-Canal++ 1h42'17
112Ramon SinkeldamProject 1t4i+ 1h42'25
113Pello BilbaoBacardi Limited+ 1h43'08
114Kiel ReijnenPrio - Porto+ 1h43'19
115Pavel BruttTinkoff Credit Systems Bank+ 1h44'21
116Yoann OffredoBacardi Limited+ 1h44'38
117Leigh HowardBecherovka - Kiwibank+ 1h46'25
118Maxime BouetING - Pro Cycling Team+ 1h49'48
119Wesley KrederProject 1t4i+ 1h50'56
120Adrian MaloriGood Energy+ 1h52'04
121Arnaud DemareFestina-Canal++ 1h54'00
122Sondre Holst EngerAker-MOT+ 1h56'32
123Samuel PökäläAker-MOT+ 1h56'59
124Jesse SergentBecherovka - Kiwibank+ 1h57'37
125Steele Von HoffLotto - Australia Post+ 1h58'28
126Anton VorobevTinkoff Credit Systems Bank+ 1h58'48
127Richie PorteVesuvio - Accumalux+ 1h59'13
128Matthieu LadagnousPendleton's+ 2h00'01
129Georgos TzortzakisFestina-Canal++ 2h00'06
130Javier AramendíaLotto - Australia Post+ 2h03'10
131Michael Faerk ChristensenTeam B&O+ 2h04'12
132Welle JallaysTeam Bpost - Vlaanderen+ 2h06'02
133Daniel VeselyBecherovka - Kiwibank+ 2h07'24
134Jacopo GuarnieriGood Energy+ 2h07'29
135Westley GoughBecherovka - Kiwibank+ 2h08'17
136Jacob FiedlerING - Pro Cycling Team+ 2h09'15
137Benoît VaugrenardSimply Red Bull+ 2h09'25
138Elia VivianiSimply Red Bull+ 2h10'07
139André SteensenTeam B&O+ 2h13'24
140Maxime VantommeQuickstep+ 2h15'49
141Jérôme BaugniesQuickstep+ 2h16'03
142Domingos GonçalvesPrio - Porto+ 2h16'16
143Sean DowneyPendleton's+ 2h17'08
144Juan Van HeerdenAker-MOT+ 2h17'25
145Daniele BennatiLotto - Australia Post+ 2h17'49
146Maciej BodnarSimply Red Bull+ 2h18'48
147Alfredo BalloniPrio - Porto+ 2h20'49
148Artem OvechkinTinkoff Credit Systems Bank+ 2h22'00
149Bradley WigginsPendleton's+ 2h22'25
150William BonnetTeam Bpost - Vlaanderen+ 2h23'29
151Luke DurbridgeWikipedia+ 2h25'05
152Lars CroketLotto - Australia Post+ 2h25'36
153Kristof VandewalleTeam Bpost - Vlaanderen+ 2h28'32
154Phan Age HaugardVolksWagen-Mapei+ 2h30'01
155Koen De KortProject 1t4i+ 2h32'42
156Hugues MottinBouygues Telecom+ 2h33'06
157Tom DumoulinRothaus - Aegon+ 2h33'08
158Damien HowsonAker-MOT+ 2h35'17
159Dainius KairelisControl Team+ 2h41'50
160Mario Gonzalez SalasSantander+ 2h48'48
161Stelly RobertWikipedia+ 2h52'17

1Taylor PhinneyWikipedia113
2Aleksandr PluchkinTeam B&O96
3Simon SpilakFestina-Canal+95
4Jacopo GuarnieriGood Energy81
5Andy SchleckVesuvio - Accumalux77
6Daniele BennatiLotto - Australia Post71
7Andrei AmadorSwisscom - UBS66
8Thomas DekkerTeam Vueling Airlines61
9Rein TaaramäeBouygues Telecom60
10Maxime VantommeQuickstep55

1David López GarciaSantander67
2Lars BoomRothaus - Aegon57
3Jakub KratochvilaBecherovka - Kiwibank56
4Thomas LebasTeam Vueling Airlines51
5Jelle VanendertProject 1t4i49
6Daniel TeklehaimanotBouygues Telecom44
7Andy SchleckVesuvio - Accumalux38
8Aleksandr PluchkinTeam B&O37
9Simon SpilakFestina-Canal+35
10Branislav SamoilevSimply Red Bull34

1Taylor PhinneyWikipedia43h22'59 (1)
2Justo TenorioSantander+ 9'38 (2)
3Yonathan MonsalveVolksWagen-Mapei+ 15'49 (3)
4Paolo ScarponiGood Energy+ 28'18 (4)
5Thibaut PinotWikipedia+ 40'23 (5)
6Tim KennaughPendleton's+ 43'55 (6)
7Alex KirschVesuvio - Accumalux+ 50'39 (7)
8Chen ShikaiVesuvio - Accumalux+ 50'47 (8)
9Pierre-Henri LecuisinierFestina-Canal++ 53'52 (9)
10Jose GoncalvesSwisscom - UBS+ 1h04'22 (10)

1Santander129h35'57 (1)
2Bacardi Limited+ 10'15 (2)
3Tinkoff Credit Systems Bank+ 20'34 (3)
4Wikipedia+ 24'40 (4)
5Team B&O+ 25'09 (5)
6Bouygues Telecom+ 25'35 (6)
7Vesuvio - Accumalux+ 31'38 (7)
8Pendleton's+ 35'36 (8)
9Festina-Canal++ 44'01 (9)
10VolksWagen-Mapei+ 58'31 (10)
11Team Vueling Airlines+ 1h01'18 (11)
12Swisscom - UBS+ 1h02'15 (12)
13ING - Pro Cycling Team+ 1h08'40 (13)
14Rothaus - Aegon+ 1h19'36 (14)
15Prio - Porto+ 1h23'35 (15)
16Quickstep+ 1h27'00 (16)
17Becherovka - Kiwibank+ 1h32'23 (17)
18Lotto - Australia Post+ 1h46'40 (18)
19Project 1t4i+ 1h49'14 (19)
20Good Energy+ 1h52'14 (20)
21Simply Red Bull+ 2h02'50 (21)
22Aker-MOT+ 2h21'35 (22)
23Pokerstars.com+ 3h31'03 (23)
24Team Bpost - Vlaanderen+ 4h51'50 (24)
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