Just got this game after steam sale (also got '13). Simple question - how do I form a paceline? Is it possible? I can protect one guy but I can't seem to get the entire team to protect him. I did sky with wiggo and froome, and while they did well (Contador won the stage, bet he doped), i couldn't get them to work together to win.
Also - water bottles. When they are out, is that it for the riders? I seem to have an issue where the riders will be doing really well, then they run out of water and the peleton catches up to them, passed them, then they get water. This doesn't happen in real life, if they are ahead of the peleton they can get water from neutral bikes. Also domestiques usually bring water/food to the protected guy. Does PCM have this concept?
welcome to our forum, i hope you will check in frequently.
Second, your problem.
you can say one rider, that he should get water for his team mates in the group...it's the "bottle symbol" in the rider menu(the menu, when you click on one of your riders)
You can also form a "paceline" or better said a "lead-out train" setting one rider on the "dot"(that is the symbol with the circle and the arrow) and click the next rider with left click and select the guy that is on the dot with right click and choose the symbol with the two riders and the arrow between them...
just do this with around 3-4 guys...
if the front guy runs out of energy, you could put his effort on 0(for a short time) and put the next rider on the dot
Important...you can just do this technique during the last 20(?) kms!
If you want to protect a rider with another one(f.e. Froome with wiggins) you have to select wiggins and then you have to right click froome and choose the symbol with the bubble and....wait i have a picture...i know its a very high resulution, so your pc is maybe not capable dealing with it.
The best equivalent for the Skytrain for an entire stage is to have your first domestique ride at endless relay. Behind him you place your second domestique, at normal relay, same effort. Do the same with all your riders, and have your two best climbers protected by your 4th and 5th. As soon as your first domestique burns, you use your second with the endless relay. Eventually you'll end up with 3-5 riders left. In case of 3, you protect your leader with your 2nd climber and have your 3rd pace. If you have 5, protect your leader with the 4th climber and the 2nd best with the 5th climber. As soon as you have 2 riders left, you should dot with your leader, while protected by the 2nd rider. This should be the closest way of imitating the train. To perfectionize it I recommend playing around a bit with the efforts in single races.