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Implementing NC's in a DB

I've been editing alot of DB's in PCM 11 and I skipped PCM 12 so I'm kind of struggling with making a DB for PCM 13.

I've added alot of races to this point, mainly NC's as I like for most of the countries to have a chance to become national champion.

I must be doing something wrong though, I'll take the Kazach NC as an example this is what I see ingame for the ITT NC for kazachstan:

Into the DB: I've put the NC's of Kazachstan in the upper 2 rows to make it easy.
STA_race looks like this:



and STA_stage looks like this:


Now the CDX-file for ITT NC for Kazachstan is this:

I've been doing forum searches, checking tutorials, but all of them are for pcm12 or older and I never read something about NC's. So I wonder if I have to do something specific

Can anyone help?
Edited by timpiej on 19-12-2013 18:43
How have you named your .cds and .zces files?
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/npn.png[PCT] Novatek-Panarmenian.net
[ICL] Sugoi-Xanterra & Canada Dry Dev Team
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'But why were [...] they helped to get to space? To find answers, we must look at predictions not of science, but of science-fiction.'
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I forgot to add the info of the CDX, it's now added to the first post.
Why don't you copy and rename the .zces and .cds of Russia, see if that works?
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/npn.png[PCT] Novatek-Panarmenian.net
[ICL] Sugoi-Xanterra & Canada Dry Dev Team
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'But why were [...] they helped to get to space? To find answers, we must look at predictions not of science, but of science-fiction.'
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I have tried this, same result. Plouay and not even an ITT
And you are sure, you called the stage the same as in the db column "gene_sz_filename" ?
Yes, as you can see for yourself (first screenshot of STA_race and the one from the CDX-file).

Thanks for the help so far. Hope there's a solution coming soon because I finally want to play!
Edited by timpiej on 18-12-2013 19:23
Well, what the CDX file says, doesn't mena thet the ZCES and the CDS files are named correct. Have you tried playing the stage?
I have, and it's plouay and not a TT.

A screenshot from inside CM_stages: https://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/.../fecl.jpg/
So since it looks like that, the files are ok, so it should be something in the DB, no?
Most likely. Have you tried seeing if the stage works in the stage viewer (VIEWER not EDITOR Wink )
The Russian NC itself ? There's no problem there, that one works like a charm. I can play it no problem and it's not the plouay stage.
Edited by timpiej on 19-12-2013 19:50
And I've checkted the stageviewer just to be sure, and yep, it works: I can load the Russian NC in the viewer.

I have also tested if it could be the CDX-file in any way by using one that I used for the WC. It worked.

Another test revealed that if I changed the Norway NC ITT gene_sz_filename to natitt-kaz (without changing STA_stage or any other collumn in STA_race) it also gave plouay, which means it is not DB-related. Or is it?

Any ideas, anyone ?
Edited by timpiej on 20-12-2013 13:07
Have I forgotten something? All I need is STA_race and STA_stage right? Because the races are showing up and I've been copying the lines from other NC's but they are still plouayraces.
Edited by timpiej on 21-12-2013 14:22
Have you tried not using the CDX-file? Try to remove it from the folder, and see what happens.
I have found out what the problem was!
It was named natitt-kaz and the name should be natitt-kaz_2012 or whatever year.

Thanks for trying to help @Maddgren and @Selwink .

I'm off to a dark room with only a computer to play PCM for a couple of weeks now ;-)
Ahh, off course, didn't notice that Pfft
So messed up about editing eh, you get one little detail wrong and the whole thing is screwed Pfft
But you named the archive in cm_stages or the stage/race in the editor?
It was the CDX-file in CM_stages that was named wrong
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