Implementing NC's in a DB
timpiej |
Posted on 18-12-2013 17:02

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I've been editing alot of DB's in PCM 11 and I skipped PCM 12 so I'm kind of struggling with making a DB for PCM 13.
I've added alot of races to this point, mainly NC's as I like for most of the countries to have a chance to become national champion.
I must be doing something wrong though, I'll take the Kazach NC as an example this is what I see ingame for the ITT NC for kazachstan:
Into the DB: I've put the NC's of Kazachstan in the upper 2 rows to make it easy.
STA_race looks like this:
and STA_stage looks like this:
Now the CDX-file for ITT NC for Kazachstan is this:
I've been doing forum searches, checking tutorials, but all of them are for pcm12 or older and I never read something about NC's. So I wonder if I have to do something specific
Can anyone help?
Edited by timpiej on 19-12-2013 18:43
Selwink |
Posted on 18-12-2013 17:04

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How have you named your .cds and .zces files?
timpiej |
Posted on 18-12-2013 17:07

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I forgot to add the info of the CDX, it's now added to the first post. |
Selwink |
Posted on 18-12-2013 17:09

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Why don't you copy and rename the .zces and .cds of Russia, see if that works?
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timpiej |
Posted on 18-12-2013 17:12

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I have tried this, same result. Plouay and not even an ITT |
Maddrengen |
Posted on 18-12-2013 18:56

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And you are sure, you called the stage the same as in the db column "gene_sz_filename" ?
timpiej |
Posted on 18-12-2013 19:22

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Yes, as you can see for yourself (first screenshot of STA_race and the one from the CDX-file).
Thanks for the help so far. Hope there's a solution coming soon because I finally want to play!
Edited by timpiej on 18-12-2013 19:23
Maddrengen |
Posted on 18-12-2013 19:24

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Well, what the CDX file says, doesn't mena thet the ZCES and the CDS files are named correct. Have you tried playing the stage?
timpiej |
Posted on 18-12-2013 19:32

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I have, and it's plouay and not a TT.
A screenshot from inside CM_stages: |
timpiej |
Posted on 18-12-2013 20:31

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So since it looks like that, the files are ok, so it should be something in the DB, no? |
Maddrengen |
Posted on 19-12-2013 06:48

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Most likely. Have you tried seeing if the stage works in the stage viewer (VIEWER not EDITOR )
timpiej |
Posted on 19-12-2013 10:51

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The Russian NC itself ? There's no problem there, that one works like a charm. I can play it no problem and it's not the plouay stage.
Edited by timpiej on 19-12-2013 19:50
timpiej |
Posted on 19-12-2013 19:53

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And I've checkted the stageviewer just to be sure, and yep, it works: I can load the Russian NC in the viewer.
I have also tested if it could be the CDX-file in any way by using one that I used for the WC. It worked.
Another test revealed that if I changed the Norway NC ITT gene_sz_filename to natitt-kaz (without changing STA_stage or any other collumn in STA_race) it also gave plouay, which means it is not DB-related. Or is it?
Any ideas, anyone ?
Edited by timpiej on 20-12-2013 13:07
timpiej |
Posted on 21-12-2013 14:16

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Have I forgotten something? All I need is STA_race and STA_stage right? Because the races are showing up and I've been copying the lines from other NC's but they are still plouayraces.
Edited by timpiej on 21-12-2013 14:22
Maddrengen |
Posted on 21-12-2013 18:01

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Have you tried not using the CDX-file? Try to remove it from the folder, and see what happens.
timpiej |
Posted on 22-12-2013 10:06

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I have found out what the problem was!
It was named natitt-kaz and the name should be natitt-kaz_2012 or whatever year.
Thanks for trying to help @Maddgren and @Selwink .
I'm off to a dark room with only a computer to play PCM for a couple of weeks now ;-) |
Maddrengen |
Posted on 22-12-2013 10:44

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Ahh, off course, didn't notice that
timpiej |
Posted on 22-12-2013 10:50

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So messed up about editing eh, you get one little detail wrong and the whole thing is screwed  |
kadtagenero |
Posted on 22-12-2013 13:34


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But you named the archive in cm_stages or the stage/race in the editor?
timpiej |
Posted on 22-12-2013 15:12

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It was the CDX-file in CM_stages that was named wrong |