Wanted to add some regions to a custom DB and since it's the first time I'm editing STA_regions, I have some questions:
#1 gene_strID_name - What does this actually mean?
#2 Bonus? - Is there any bonus for riders from a specific region in races in this region? Not sure if races can be linked to a specific region though. Or is it just the nation that matters for races? Just wondering if there's any additional bonus for riders like the nationality bonus (if that still exists).
#3 max number - Guess there's no maximum number of regions to be add, right?
And an off-topic question:
#4 Editing Track DB - Came to wonder if it's possible to add more track teams? As far as I get it, track riders can only ride for nations, which is fine, but I'm wondering how to edit those nations? Is it the same shirts and stuff as for the road teams? Or is there an track-related team-stuff?
1. Full name of the region/country - should be added in the STA_localized_string of Local.cdb
2. Yes, as far as I know, there's a regional bonus for riders. So for example, if a rider from Alsace passes a stage in Alsace, he should perform a little better. I have not tested this, though, so this is just theory and how I believe Cyanide wanted it to work - but as know, there's a step from theory to practice
3. Not any known limits.
4. As you say, the teams are the national teams which you will find in DYN_national_team. In theory, we can only have 25 of these as otherwise, the game will crash at the World's in road race (due to a general limit of 25 participating teams in a race). However, if it's specifically for a track DB which will not be used for career / road playing, it should be possible to add as many national teams as you like. I've never tried this, so again - in theory