My friend I have a big problem.When I try to change something with hannes conventer,save everything what I want and whe pcm load a new database,the game crushes!I see a message "A PCM 2007 stopped working" or a such message.I can't change dyn_cyclist,staff,nothing...PLease help me!I try with hannes editor 2007 but also not working.Pcm stopped again when I load a ne database.A new database is with the same name,everything I did right,when I load new database with the editors,I see the changes,but pcm stopped and crushed when loads a new database.Please help me!!!
I want to change a cyclist rider type.I used a hannes editor,I want to make a best riders younger,but I could not.When I started pcm my ryders type changed.Example-Tom Bonen becomes a climber,Zabriski-sprinter and etc,Sella-northern classic...I play with Ceramica Panaria second season.I want to change and a stuff.When I started the career There was only 5 mythical trainers.I appointed all of them,when their contract expired and renewed (1.1.2008) 2 mythical trainers became "international".Now I have only 3 mythical trainers,but 2 of them can't clear number of training riders from last year.And when I select to train a cyclist (only one) the pcm counts the trainer training 7 cyclist...and the worki is not excelente-good or very good.If I want to byu new trainers there isn't mythical!What can I do?!?Please help me.My database is original pcm07,not installed patch.I don't want to install patch,cause I don't want to debug young rider-over 80 FTR atribut.