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Fitness For Dummies
Hi guys
I have used cfmos's fitness calculator to put together a training schedule without doing the maths. Hope you get something out of it.

The ideal technique is to get the rider from 0 (or wherever he starts) to 40 at 60%. Use training camps to get there as quickly as possible. Without training camps it will take approximately 1 day for each point (0 to 40 will take 43 days)

When training level gets to 40, increase training % to 90% until training fitness gets above 60. This will take 25 days without training camps and as little as 11 days with the use of training camps (will only use 7 days in camp). This is dependent on the number of points allocated to sport management as more points allocated makes your training camps more effective...I think!

When training level goes above 60 set training percentage to 50%. This will hold the training fitness at 60 and will mean your rider is as close to peak fitness as he can be without fatigue. If you wanted to you could set it to 60 and his fitness will increase but it won't stop at 65 and once you get over that you will be fatigueing your rider so I think sitting on 60 is a good comprimise.

When you need the rider to peak you need to allow 32 days from this point (less if you can use training camps although they are only available in January and February).

To get your rider ready to peak you need to set him at 90% over 8 days to get from 60 to 65. This will cost 0.5 fatigue.

To get your rider from 65 to 70.6 will take another 8 days at 90% and will cost 78 fatigue.

To get your rider from 70.6 to 80 (peak training fitness) will take another 16 days at 100% and this will cost 742.13 fatigue.

So all together your rider will have used 820 fatigue to get to his peak training fitness. Your rider can hold this level for 17 days before he will exceed 2500 points (the point at which you loose some training potential). At this point your rider will need to be set to 0% training effort. His fatigue will not decrease straight away but it will never exceed 2500. It will take 8 days to stop his fatigue increasing (training level under 65) and it will take another 76 days to get your riders fatigue to zero. I would definately suggest your rider should peak for significantly less time than that if you intend to use him again in the season because you will see the process from 17th day of peak down to zero and back up again is 184 days...not very practical!

You should start the whole process again at this point (if not before). From zero to peak fitness without trainng camps will take approximately 100 days altogether if you get there being as efficient in regards to fatigue as is possible (ie. The way that is detailed above). The skill is in deciding what comprimise you will use to get the most out of your rider when you need him. I haven't worked that one out yet!

Thanks to cfmos for all the data and his fitness calculator that enabled me to put this fitness for dummies guide together. I can confirm that all the information in cfmos’s calculator is still accurate for PCM 2007.

this is a very helpfull guide for me!!!
Brilliant guide Wink
Instead of always changing the training level %, is it possible to leave it at 60%, and get your guy into form using races? For example, leaving contador at 60%, and getting him to a TF of lets say 80-85 before the tour, by riding a few races in april and may, and the dauphine in june?

Would there be any downfall to this method, other than the amount of days raced?
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Posted on 30-12-2024 15:55
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if you leave him at 60%, he will start to get tired once he has 65 fitness. I used to do that before I read cfmos's guide and my riders were only able to peak once a season this way.
I will set this topic as a sticky. Very useful for other members. Kinda like a summary of cmfos' brilliant article.
Tom canning
i have a problem some fo my riders are 100% fatigued how do i get it down. Help
put training at 0, and wait about 80 days. Or if they have raced over say 80 days, just keep them maxed as they are pretty useless until next year anyway.
Tom canning
wow that will take ages what a stupid thing for me to do
Well, you should really learn to control it better then Wink
Tom canning
weell done for statting the obvious crutrue amd for rubbing it inWink
Nice CrueTrue jab, Canning has obviously been taking from my playbook Grin
Tom canning
thx deadpool we make a team
It's official. I'm getting bullied out of this website, meaning that I now have to close it Pfft
Tom canning
u do that
Tom canning wrote:
i have a problem some fo my riders are 100% fatigued how do i get it down. Help

Use hannes converter. addy wrote an article about it.
found this guide yesterday and it is really good. I have some questions, when your rider is peaked do you still continue to have the training set at 100? and what level do you set it at after 14 days when the form start to go down?
Try to read the "full" fitness guide: https://www.pcmdaily.com/readarticle.p...ticle_id=9
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