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[Sticky] How to build a Database with all features
How to build Databases with all features

I will explain in this tut one after the other how to build a DB with new riders, teams, scouts, training camps, real life doping messages, races, stages, etc...

But we will start from the very beginning. First of the tools you need or may need:

Hannes Converter 2007
PCM Kicker NG GOLD 2007
Microsoft Access (not really but it helps a lot if you have copy paste stuff to do)
Database Compresser/Uncompresser
Photoshop (or any other picture software which allows you to add alpha channels to your pics)

Ok now we know what we need. Next i explain the basics of the database.

In the database you find all relevant information the games engine needs. But lets look at how the db is build. Once you have opened the db with Hannes or PCM you see many tables and names. First i explain you what the different tables are for.

DYN_Tables: Dynamic Tables. The information thats stored inside here can change during the gameplay and your career. Thats why these tables are called dynamic, they contain data that is dynamic. Dynamic Tables use data that is generated by the game, random, or defined in static tables. Some dynamic tables are completly blank they will get filled by the game after u have started a career or stage race.

STA_Tables: Static Tables. Information that is stored there doesn't change anymore. fe. the races are stored in a static table. when you start a career all races will be loaded from the sta_race table in the game. now these races don't change nomore nor there data, thats why they are stored in a "stable" table. Sometimes a static table is all it needs and you find all info in here and not in a dynamic table.

GAM_Tables: Game Tables. This is also a dynamic table (cause you can change some stuff here when u change your games options) which is very gameplay relevant. here you can edit stuff like one texture per rider or your games options etc. ...

Sys_Tables: System Tables. Static table which also contains a lot of Info for the system of the game, fe how the menu is build, the starting year of your game (now 2007).

I hope you understood by now the difference between these tables. You can edit and add stuff to all kind of tables, dyn, sta, gam or sys. Just keep in mind that stuff in static tables doesn't change anymore.

Next thing is we have two kinds of databases (actually 4 but i dunno if all are used), The officialrelease.cdb in your database folder and the local.cdb in pcm2007/user home/ app data/ local.cdb.

These databases are kinda like sta and dyn tables. The officialrelease.cdb is the dynamic database, here you can change many stuff and many stuff gets changed by the game itself. Thereas the local.cdb contains data which is relevant for the officialrelease.cdb and the data in the local.cdb doesn't change. Also keep in mind local.cdb contains far less tables than the official release cdb. And some tables which are in local.cdb and in officialrealease.cdb (fe. races and stages) must have the exact same data. Others like fe. dyn_cyclist differ in the data they contain in local and official release cdb.

And to make it all a little more complicated, you can't edit the local.cdb with hannes. All changes to local.cdb have to be made with pcm kicker otherwise, well it wont work. This is because the local.cdb is compressed and needs to be uncompressed before we can edit it. Unfortunatly Hannes conv. cant handle this so we use the kicker which is even better for this.

so keep in mind the data in the dynamic tables relies on the data in the static and system and game tables. sometimes everything is declared only in static tables cause the info wouldn't change in the gameplay.

k now first lets concentrate on the officialrelease.cdb. In this DB most changes are made. The local.cdb only needs to be overworked in some cases (adding new races, stages, pictures and countrys, and to add rules how to generate riders for new scout zones) which will be explained later.

So open the hannes editor and click on the button on the top left corner and show the app the way to the officialrelease.cdb (always make backups before changes). now you should see all tables. choose now dyn_cyclist and dyn_cyclist_contract and dyn_team to open (hold ctrl while selecting). click ok now you see your three tables. double click on dyn_cyclist and open it. now copy any rider you want. if you sort the first columns now by number your copied cyclist is the last one in the list. Change the name to Miguel Indurain fe. and overwork the stats. now look at all the columns in dyncyclist and look for cyclist idxchange nr. now open dyn cyclist contract and again copy now any line you want. the last one in the list is again the copied one. look at the xchangeidnr thats now new also and paste that number into the column in dyn_cyclist for your new rider. Now open dyn_team and copy any team you want. give the team a new name and look for the column team abbrevation (short name for you team, if you want your team to have jerseys you must give it a two abbrevation names here which prolly should be the same but that's up to you and then later create a new folder inside pcm whit the same name as your team abbrevation, and all shirts are called like your team abbrevation, you will see what i mean if you look at other teams and how there shirts are labeled) . now lets say we create team banesto and your abbrevation would be ban. you will also notice that the team you now created has a team_id. remember that nr. and search in dyn_cyclist for the column team_id and now change the team_id of your new rider to the team_id of team banesto which we created. k now hit save on all three tables. now click on the button next to the one with that you opened the database. tell the app you want to overwrite officialrelease.cdb and the select the tables you want to have changed in officialrelease.cdb (dyn_cyclist, dyn_cyclist_contract, dyn_team). good now open pcm and check if theres a new team with one rider.

It's there now but team banesto still has the sponsor logo of the old team, it still might have the wrong home country and maybe you don't like the budget of your team nor its season goals or that the contract of your rider ends so soon. guess we gonna have to change that too. more to follow ...

ok so now open hannes again, and open the tables dyn_team, dyn_cyclist and dyn_contract_cyclist again. lets first open the team table. search for a column there called financial initial amount. you find two colums named that or nearly the same. change the number there to the yearly budget that satiefys you. now notice that your team has a country id in one of the columns. you need to change that if you want to change the origin of your team. you find a full country list in the sta table sta_country (here u add countrys later btw.). just look fe for the id no for spain (1) and make team banesto spain. look for a column where you can add the email addy of your team and change that to banesto. thats all for now team goals will get changed later in a different table. now save the table.

good now open the dyn_contract_cyclist table. since we only added one player so far its the last one in the list if you sort it by dyn_cyclist_xchange_id. you will notice there a column called igene_contract end and one called start. start is obviously the start of your contract with the rider end the end date. instead of normal time you will see the unix timestamp. use this website here to convert the data: https://www.online...x_time.htm

once you have your favorite time set save the table and open dyn_cyclist again and scroll down to your rider. now take some time and read all the columns there. you will find the birthday, month and year of your rider to edit. you find that he also has a countryid so you can determine from which country he originates. you will find all his stats there (character_mountain 82 equals mountain stat of 82) so you can adjust them, just remember 85 is the maximum no he can reach in one of his attitudes. and the more you change you might change the drivers ability from stage races to climber. you find columns in dyncyclist for your rider if he is or was a national or world champ. you can determine his retirement age (column is called ageofdecline or so), his size his rank in the uci, his level (1 to 4), his raced days during a season can be found here as well as his moral and his fatigue level, his contract state (free, ending, wants to sign a new one). so take your time and look at all the columns cause i just assume that most of your edits will be done in the cyclist table. and dont wonder if many columns have a 0 in it the data here will be filled by the game later. and remember much of the columns used in the dynamic table are declared in static tables or dynamic tables fe countryid in sta_country, teamid in dyn_team, tgaid in sta_tga and so on. just keep lurkin a bit arround the tables that hannes offers you and you will find many things yourself, i'm sure bout that. so after your done browsing all the columns and making your changes save that table too. now save a cdb and replace 3 tables you just edited.

remember that we made a team jersey abbrevation for banesto called ban? now its the time to create a folder at this place called ban: C:\Programme\Cyanide\Pro Cycling Manager 2007\CM_Textures\cycliste\team\ban. inside the folder you place the trikot for your team and call it ban_maillot. the same for other stuff (ban_cadre, ban_jambiere, ...).
then go to this folder: C:\Programme\Cyanide\Pro Cycling Manager 2007\Gui\team\logo open one of the pictures there and look at the pictures properties (size and so on). now make a new pic of you sponsor logo for banesto and put it inside the folder and just call it ban.
now open C:\Programme\Cyanide\Pro Cycling Manager 2007\Gui\team_shirt and place your minimaillot for banesto here and call it ban_minimaillot.

TIP: you find thousands of shirts and minimaillots spread arround here and at the official cyanide forum. its always worth browsing the french section to find cool shirts and graphics.

now put your cdb in your pcm folder and start the game. your team should now have a new budget and logo, and you should be able to see a minimaillot. if your ingame your team will now wear banesto shirts (i just assume u did what i wrote and created or dl a shirt) if you put all the pics in the folders i told u and named them like i told you. also your rider now should have a contract to the day you want it to end and he should have all the relevant data edited by you (birthday, stats and so on).

still he has no or the picture of someone else. so stay tuned for more on this tut. and meanwhile you can add more riders to your team, maybe indurain feels lonely at banesto.
Edited by Digitizer on 24-09-2007 17:27
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That's a really really great way to teach this hard part of editing. Congratz B)
i will update the first post after the weekend again. sorry no time before. expect that it will take up to 4 weeks till this tut is completed so check out this thread regurlaly
Hi Digitizer, congratulations for your work, but when you will update the tutorial?
hi digitizer wonder if you could help me, i'm having trouble trying to make my new team jersey's show up ingame. all the minimaillots, logo's etc.. work except ingame every jersey is an old cofidis.
what am i doing wrong Grin
thanks for any help
Have you put the jersey into the DYN_TGA table?
Is the jersey a .tga 32 bit and the correct size?
Wyman wrote:
hi digitizer wonder if you could help me, i'm having trouble trying to make my new team jersey's show up ingame. all the minimaillots, logo's etc.. work except ingame every jersey is an old cofidis.
what am i doing wrong Grin
thanks for any help

Clean the cache folder...
You have to delete the cache everytime you make a big change in the gameWink
i didn't read his whole postShockops:
forgot to clean the cache folder Shockops: first time doing a database lol, thanks for the responses Grin
i cant find my cache folder Grin clicked windows search and everything and its not there. Angry

never mind found it now, forgot to uncheck the box hidden files Grin
Edited by Wyman on 31-12-2007 12:00
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