just discovered this game a week ago and really love it! i started to edit my own database and "create" my own team a few days ago and so far everything just works fine, thanks to the great editors by hannes! thank you!
only problem i have is having way too many protected drivers on the team now.
thus my question:
can anybody tell me, which column in which table i have to change to edit driver ranks?
sure it does! i have 28 drivers total.
3 captains, 3 "support drivers" (don't know what to call them in english), and 18 (!) "protected drivers"! (from avg 70-74)
they all are pissed of as soon as they have to do helping jobs during the race; some even when they "only" are "free drivers" durign a race.
thus, there is no way to keep them all happy during the whole season!
help, if you know how!
I *do* know where to change the three captains (in xyz_team), but that't not my problem ;-)
1. open up STA_cyclist_statut choose which one you want the riders to be
i'm not to good at translating them but
LEADER_ABSOLUTE is obviously absolute leader
JEUNE_TALENT is young talent
EQUIPIER_LUXE is luxury talent
EQUIPER is a teamate
COUREUR_PROTEGE i would guess is protected rider
it is the number on the left in the IDcyclist_statut column that you will ne, so say you want to make them all teamates you would write down (or just remember) the number 8
2. now open DYN_cyclist
3. look across for fkIDstatut it isn't too far along
4. put the number you want them as i there
5. save using both buttons making sure to click the table name before ok.