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Tour de France - Stage 8
DH: People take the phones off of the hanger put your feet up, Le Tour has arrived in the mountains. Stage 8 of the race takes up to Station des Rousses and we are looking forward to seeing some attacking action today.


Kg: Examining the parcours today we have two 4th category climbs, a long 3rd Category Les Coombes climb before the mountain top finish up to Station des Rousses. Not the nastiest climb, but the fact that they finish on the top should encourage riders to give it a go.

Sm: I am looking forward to this and the next four stages gentlemen, today probably just a tasty little starter for the action in the alps. The feeling on the press floor is that Alberto Contador is due a good performance, a hilly climb may suit the punchy rider.

DH: Yes I agree Smowz, it is probably suiting a rider who gives it a fair kick. So many favourites to choose from, I suspect not a good one for Phinney, Kashechkin was good at the Tour de Suisse...

Kg: Or maybe Spilak winner of 'Le Dauphine' ... anyway lets run you through the early highlights. We had a break of just three riders today.

Three men brave the more hilly roads

Sm: It is a day where teams will want to keep their teams together I suspect.

Kg: The riders here were Brolin (Ikea), Mori (Sony) and Chavez (Cafe du Columbia), the Protour men dominated poor Brolin as they took the first two places in the sprint.

Mori - > Chavez - > Brolin

Kg: ...and dropped him on the first climb of the day.

Sm: For me the early climbs were slightly under categorised today, les Coombes in particular is quite long and tough.

Brolin dropped on first climb

Kg: Cafe du Columbia's Rubiano Chavez took both the maximums at the climbs to join the many riders on six KOM points.

Cafe du Columbia place another man forwards on the King of the Mountains

DH: The peleton were not letting this break have too much leeway, Philips (for Dekker) and Domina Vacanze (for Schleck) were pulling it back.

Kg: Yes, at 60km to the gap was just over five minutes. Noticing he need to up the gas Rubiano Chavez has pushed it high enough to drop Mori on the climb. Mori took the second sprint by the way...

Mori dropped on the bottom of Les Coombes

DH: That was a couple of minutes ago, the peleton are on this now and here we go - who is this attacking Smowz?

Sm: Wow, Spilak is putting in an impressive burst, the Slovenian is ready.

Spilak first major favourite to make his move, 3.5km from the top

DH: This is hitting them hard at the front, nobody is responding, Philips are riding a hard tempo though and at the back the Gruppeto forms.

Gruppeto forms

Sm: Boonan is there, I don't think the yellow jersey is there yet but he is some way back in the peleton.

DH: We are getting close to the top of this one and riders are now flooding out of the peleton. Contador... Phinney.. Gesink.. Popovich... Uran... Gomez Marchante.

Contador just about catches Spilak at the top

Kg: Chavez takes the maximum, that's 11 points in total one behind Knees now. Then Spilak, Contador and the Henao Montoya for the points. But will they push on?

DH: A couple of riders are I see a Kazach champions jersey, must be Kashechkin and a Carmuese rider.

Sm: Popovich, I think Daniel. Chavez has been caught too.

Kasheskin and Popovich push on descent

Sm: Plenty of interesting moves from the favourites, Kashechkin was really good on the key stage in this year's Tour de Suisse, whereas Popovich was a bit flat at the Dauphine.

DH: The Lipton rider does not see the value of this and is dropping back to the peleton - which is really motoring down this descent.

Popovich pushes on alone

DH: He can be an attacking rider Popovich but he is not much more than 30 seconds clear.

Kg: Destruction behind boys, the Maillot Jaune has been dumped according to race radio.

Bennati is dropped, a lot of Gazzeta climbers are around him

Sm: Looks like Gazzetta have no GC ambitions with their climbers, they are all back there with Bennati.

DH: Philips and Domina Vacanze are ramping this up on the approach to the last climb, they are looking to put riders out of the back.

Kg: Second place on GC, Coppel has gone too.

Coppel is next GC man to go - nice while it lasted for Auber

Sm: I see Pierre Rolland shepherding him, clearly he also has no GC ambitions.

DH: That should place yellow in the hand so Davey Zee.

Sm: Zabriskie? Well we will see if he is there at the end, it is very close behind him and Popovich is ahead... hellooo Vesuvio on the attack.

DH: Rigoberto Uran, the tricky little Columbian.

Uran burst clear at bottom of climb

DH: Kasheshkin is in the background here, with a Carmuese rider, is it Popovich?

Sm: It cannot be Popovich he is still ahead it is Remi Di Gregario, Gomez Marchante is coming too looks like he is showing no ill effects to that crash the other day. I am surprised they got away the pace set by Philips is very fast here.

DH: Yeah, Thomas Lovkvist is looking very impressive here no one else is or can make a move.

Lovkvist rides a hard tempo for riders in the main group

DH: 5 to go here, Uran and his band of follows are leaving Popovich behind here. Gomez Marchante is pushing this on.

Three rider lead

DH: Carmuese duo of Di Gregario and Popovich behind about 25 seconds or so back then the peleton no more than 30 back.

Carmuese duo trying to keep it going

Sm: It is slowing slightly in the main group, yeah Spilak is going again - this is it.

Spilak goes hard with 4.5 to go

DH: He may have left it a bit late though, look a man in Orange that's Schleck.

Schleck tries to launch as well

Sm: We are really racing here, though some of the favourites I think are keeping their powder dry for the coming days.

DH: Up front Gomez Marchante is really hammering 2300m to go and Kash is losing touch, but Uran is holding fast.

Kash loses touch

Sm: The gap is looking to big to bridge, Uran must know that Gomez Marchante lost time the other day - yellow could be his.
DH: Andy Schleck is not giving up, he showed this sort of clawing back type of style in the Vuelta it ain't pretty but he is pressing away from Spilak and Popovich.

Schleck looking to gap Spilak and Popo

DH: Behind them, they are recognizing they are in the last 2km, they being Dekker, Fothen, Contador and a Vesuvio man.

Sm: Fothen is good at making late bursts, Valverde the winner of the Vuelta this year is brilliant at this too.

Kg: The Vesuvio man is Iglinski, Di Gregario in the picture is fading... he has done a good job for Popovich.

More favourites respond

DH: Wow we are in the last kilometer already and our two leaders are going for it. Uran has Yellow surely, no sign of Davey Zee today I am afraid, will he give the stage to Gomez Marchante.

Sm: Unlikely with bonifications.

Front two duke it out for the stage

DH: Kasheshkin is really rocking and rolling now, Contador and Fothen are homing in on him, Schleck too.

Sm: They are trying to eliminate the gaps and go for that 3rd places eight seconds too.

Conta and Fothen finishing fast

DH: Up front Uran takes it...

Glory for Uran - he will take Yellow too

DH: The Columbian wriggles away at the bottom of the climb, Gomez Marchante then did the bulk of the work to get a nice gap... Kasheshkin is just about going to hold off Markus Fothen for 3rd.

Kash takes the 3rd place prize

DH: Contador 5th, Dekker, Schleck, Spilak and Iglinski.

Kg: The second group looks like it concedes 41 seconds

Sm: Here is Phinney Daniel..

DH: Brave performance from the remarkable American, he finishes with Caruso and Gesink.

Phinney, Gesink and Caruso finish 20 seconds further back

Sm: Popovich is about twenty seconds further back with Taaramae, bit of a slow start for Ikea and Popo went too early for sure.

DH: Davey Zee, finishes with a large group times at 1.38 to Uran. Pedraza and Pluchkin are with him, not such a good day for them.

Sm: Time gaps are relatively small today though, the action really gets going tomorrow. Big day for Rigoberto Uran our new leader!

1Rigoberto ÚranVesuvio-Accumalux4h02'05
2José Angel Gomez MarchanteCafé de Colombias.t.
3Andrei KashechkinLipton Ice Tea+ 41
4Markus FothenPearl Adidass.t.
5Alberto ContadorFestina - Coronas.t.
6Thomas DekkerPhilips - TDCs.t.
7Andy SchleckDomina Vacanzes.t.
8Simon SpilakWarner Brothers - Carrefours.t.
9Maxim IglinskiVesuvio-Accumaluxs.t.
10Taylor PhinneyWikipedia+ 1'07
11Gianpaolo CarusoLafarges.t.
12Robert GesinkJack Wolfskins.t.
13Robert KiserlovskiTeam Starbucks-RadioShack+ 1'21
14Sérgio PaulinhoBbox - Bouygoues Télécoms.t.
15Sergio Luis Henao MontoyaTeam Nespressos.t.
16Jaroslav PopovychCarmeuse Cyclisme+ 1'31
17Linus GerdemannPhilips - TDCs.t.
18Rein TaaramäeTeam IKEA - Bianchis.t.
19Sandy CasarCarmeuse Cyclisme+ 1'38
20Thomas LövkvistPhilips - TDCs.t.
21Mikel AstarlozaBbox - Bouygoues Télécoms.t.
22David ZabriskieWikipedias.t.
23Francisco ManceboJack Wolfskins.t.
24Vadim RatiyLipton Ice Teas.t.
25José Antonio PecharromanPhilips - TDCs.t.
26Mauricio ArdilaFestina - Coronas.t.
27Petar PanayotovPearl Adidass.t.
28Walter PedrazaSony Ericssons.t.
29Óscar SolisCarmeuse Cyclismes.t.
30Robin van der HugenhabenJack Wolfskins.t.
31Matthieu SprickWikipedias.t.
32Angel MadrazoFestina - Coronas.t.
33Jose AlarconTeam IKEA - Bianchis.t.
34Sébastien IvarsWikipedias.t.
35Aleksandr PluchkinTeam B&Os.t.
36Paúl TorresEnergie - Diesels.t.
37Martin HaceckýTeam B&Os.t.
38Carl NaiboDomina Vacanzes.t.
39Sergio PardillaLafarges.t.
40Luis Fernández OliveiraSony Ericsson+ 2'00
41Dmitri MedvedevVesuvio-Accumalux+ 2'04
42Ricardo MestreTeam B&Os.t.
43Trent LoweTeam Starbucks-RadioShack+ 2'08
44Rémy Di GregorioCarmeuse Cyclismes.t.
45Denis MenchovLafarge+ 2'12
46Jackson RodríguezPearl Adidass.t.
47Julio Alberto Perez CuapioEnergie - Diesels.t.
48Arnold JeannessonLafarge+ 2'16
49Guillaume LevarletPearl Adidass.t.
50Jonas BjelkmarkTeam IKEA - Bianchis.t.
51André VitalEnergie - Diesel+ 2'20
52João CabreiraVesuvio-Accumaluxs.t.
53Yannick TalabardonWarner Brothers - Carrefours.t.
54Santiago Perez FernandezWarner Brothers - Carrefour+ 2'28
55Branislav SamoilevPearl Adidass.t.
56Carlos BarredoWarner Brothers - Carrefours.t.
57Phillip ThuauxLafarges.t.
58Mauricio SolerEnergie - Diesels.t.
59José Antonio RedondoWarner Brothers - Carrefour+ 2'36
60Matea KvasinaVesuvio-Accumaluxs.t.
61Max Öste-MacdonaldSony Ericssons.t.
62Domenik KlemmeTeam B&Os.t.
63Johann TschoppTeam Starbucks-RadioShacks.t.
64José Carlos Rodrigues SilvaEnergie - Diesel+ 2'44
65Marconi DuránTeam Nespressos.t.
66Andreas KlödenCafé de Colombias.t.
67Thomas VoecklerBbox - Bouygoues Télécoms.t.
68Egoi Martínez de EstebanPhilips - TDC+ 2'52
69Markus EibeggerDomina Vacanzes.t.
70Francesco BellottiPhilips - TDCs.t.
71Jakob FuglsangPhilips - TDC+ 3'00
72César Rojas VillegasEnergie - Diesels.t.
73Cyril GautierLafarges.t.
74Viatcheslav DyadichkinTeam Starbucks-RadioShacks.t.
75David NavarroTeam 1+ 3'08
76Christoph MaiWikipedias.t.
77Philip DeignanCafé de Colombias.t.
78Ryan EastmanWikipedias.t.
79Nico KeinathTeam B&O+ 3'16
80Christian MeierWikipedias.t.
81Diego CalderónDomina Vacanzes.t.
82Sid TaberlayDomina Vacanzes.t.
83Gabriel BrizuelaLipton Ice Tea+ 3'24
84Thomas BontenackelsLipton Ice Tea+ 3'40
85Rudi Van HoutsWarner Brothers - Carrefours.t.
86Francisco MatamorosLipton Ice Teas.t.
87Chris BartonWikipedias.t.
88Francis MoureyFestina - Coronas.t.
89Blaise SonneryFestina - Coronas.t.
90Laurens Ten DamJack Wolfskin+ 3'48
91Mitch DockerLafarges.t.
92Aleksandar FlügelTeam IKEA - Bianchi+ 4'20
93Wout PoelsJack Wolfskin+ 4'28
94David ClaereboutVesuvio-Accumaluxs.t.
95Thomas FreiDomina Vacanze+ 4'36
96Jakub DanacikSony Ericssons.t.
97Jocelin MailletTeam Nespresso+ 4'44
98Bauke MollemaBbox - Bouygoues Télécoms.t.
99Stefan CohnenPhilips - TDCs.t.
100Miguel Angel Rubiano ChavezCafé de Colombia+ 4'52
101Jean-François CamierCarmeuse Cyclisme+ 5'00
102Tony GallopinCarmeuse Cyclisme+ 5'16
103Manuele MoriSony Ericsson+ 5'40
104Xabier ZandioTeam 1s.t.
105Wilmer VasquezLa Gazzetta dello Sport+ 12'52
106Jairo AgudeloLa Gazzetta dello Sport+ 13'00
107Marco OsellaLa Gazzetta dello Sports.t.
108Pierre RollandAuber 93 - Looks.t.
109Thurakit BoonratanathanakornTeam 1s.t.
110Sebastian BatchelorTeam 1+ 13'08
111Florian MorizotAuber 93 - Looks.t.
112Anthony CharteauTeam 1s.t.
113Kim MichelyTeam 1s.t.
114Jean MespoulèdeAuber 93 - Looks.t.
115Tom CrielTeam Starbucks-RadioShacks.t.
116Christophe Le MévelAuber 93 - Looks.t.
117Nolan HoffmanTeam Nespressos.t.
118Ciaran KellyVesuvio-Accumalux+ 13'16
119Maurizio BiondoEnergie - Diesels.t.
120Björn SchröderDomina Vacanzes.t.
121Jerome CoppelAuber 93 - Look+ 13'24
122Matej MugerliLa Gazzetta dello Sports.t.
123Raúl Granjel CabreraSony Ericssons.t.
124Yoann OffredoPearl Adidas+ 13'32
125Romain VanderbiestPearl Adidass.t.
126Sergio MarinangeliLa Gazzetta dello Sport+ 13'40
127Mauro SantambrogioLa Gazzetta dello Sport+ 13'48
128Maxime BouetAuber 93 - Looks.t.
129Christian KneesCafé de Colombias.t.
130Benoît VaugrenardJack Wolfskins.t.
131Rémi PauriolDomina Vacanze+ 13'56
132Steven KruijswijkTeam B&O+ 14'04
133Cesare Di MaggioLipton Ice Teas.t.
134Morgan KneiskyCarmeuse Cyclismes.t.
135Dennis Van WindenLa Gazzetta dello Sports.t.
136Michael Faerk ChristensenTeam B&O+ 14'12
137Gustav LarssonTeam IKEA - Bianchis.t.
138Fabio CiccareseTeam Starbucks-RadioShack+ 14'20
139Michael Van StayenJack Wolfskins.t.
140David MoncoutiéTeam 1s.t.
141Michel KrederJack Wolfskins.t.
142Tom BoonenWarner Brothers - Carrefours.t.
143Daniele BennatiLa Gazzetta dello Sports.t.
144Honorio MachadoCafé de Colombias.t.
145Martin ReimerPhilips - TDCs.t.
146Claudio CorioniEnergie - Diesels.t.
147Nicolas BrolinTeam IKEA - Bianchi+ 14'28
148Danny PateWikipedias.t.
149Laurent DidierBbox - Bouygoues Télécoms.t.
150Christophe KernAuber 93 - Looks.t.
151Clément LhotellerieCarmeuse Cyclismes.t.
152Jérome GiauxTeam IKEA - Bianchis.t.
153Thomas Vedel KvistFestina - Coronas.t.
154Juan-Antonio FlechaWarner Brothers - Carrefours.t.
155Gianluca ColettaWarner Brothers - Carrefours.t.
156Horacio GallardoCafé de Colombias.t.
157Geert SteursTeam Nespressos.t.
158Sebastien EinsleVesuvio-Accumaluxs.t.
159Leif HosteBbox - Bouygoues Télécom+ 14'36
160Anthony LavoineFestina - Coronas.t.
161Jonathon ThireAuber 93 - Looks.t.
162Mauro RichezePearl Adidass.t.
163William BonnetLafarges.t.
164Nick NuyensDomina Vacanzes.t.
165Denis GalimzyanovVesuvio-Accumalux+ 14'44
166Florian StalderBbox - Bouygoues Télécoms.t.
167André SteensenTeam B&Os.t.
168Cameron MeyerSony Ericssons.t.
169Karsten KroonBbox - Bouygoues Télécoms.t.
170Hugues MottinTeam Nespressos.t.
171Jaime Alberto CastañedaCafé de Colombias.t.
172Mathieu DrujonAuber 93 - Looks.t.
173Juan Esteban ArangoCafé de Colombia+ 14'52
174Saulo LayTeam Nespressos.t.
175Ivano Lo CiceroTeam Nespressos.t.
176Viktor RenängSony Ericssons.t.
177Mathieu BernaudeauFestina - Coronas.t.
178Fabien TaillefourLafarges.t.
179André GreipelBbox - Bouygoues Télécoms.t.
180Steven CaethovenCarmeuse Cyclisme+ 15'00
181Cyril DesselTeam 1s.t.
182Matti BreschelTeam Starbucks-RadioShacks.t.
183Rick FlensLa Gazzetta dello Sports.t.
184Óscar AvelinoLipton Ice Teas.t.
185Lucas SchädlichFestina - Coronas.t.
186Mark RenshawTeam Starbucks-RadioShacks.t.
187Gregor GazvodaLipton Ice Teas.t.
188Kobe VanoverscheldeTeam B&O+ 15'08
189Danilo KupfernagelTeam IKEA - Bianchis.t.
190Michel SibillaTeam Nespressos.t.
191Francisco Javier EcharriEnergie - Diesels.t.
192Marcel SiebergJack Wolfskin+ 15'16
193Fabien BacquetTeam Starbucks-RadioShack+ 15'24
194Freddy JohanssonSony Ericssons.t.
195Remy BourdouxheLipton Ice Tea+ 22'04
196Mattias WestlingTeam IKEA - Bianchis.t.
197Adrien NiyonshutiTeam 1+ 22'12
198Pieter WeeningPearl Adidas+ 28'12

1Rigoberto ÚranVesuvio-Accumalux30h51'23
2Markus FothenPearl Adidas+ 54
3Simon SpilakWarner Brothers - Carrefour+ 1'03
4Thomas DekkerPhilips - TDC+ 1'04
5Alberto ContadorFestina - Coronas.t.
6Andrei KashechkinLipton Ice Tea+ 1'05
7Andy SchleckDomina Vacanze+ 1'16
8Maxim IglinskiVesuvio-Accumalux+ 1'23
9Robert GesinkJack Wolfskins.t.
10David ZabriskieWikipedia+ 1'36
11Gianpaolo CarusoLafarge+ 1'49
12Aleksandr PluchkinTeam B&O+ 1'52
13Rein TaaramäeTeam IKEA - Bianchi+ 1'55
14Jaroslav PopovychCarmeuse Cyclisme+ 1'57
15Robert KiserlovskiTeam Starbucks-RadioShack+ 2'04
16Linus GerdemannPhilips - TDC+ 2'06
17Mikel AstarlozaBbox - Bouygoues Télécom+ 2'11
18Thomas LövkvistPhilips - TDC+ 2'15
19Walter PedrazaSony Ericsson+ 2'16
20Sandy CasarCarmeuse Cyclisme+ 2'21
21Sergio PardillaLafarge+ 2'24
22Martin HaceckýTeam B&O+ 2'27
23Petar PanayotovPearl Adidass.t.
24Carl NaiboDomina Vacanzes.t.
25Jose AlarconTeam IKEA - Bianchi+ 2'30
26Denis MenchovLafarge+ 2'48
27Ricardo MestreTeam B&O+ 2'49
28Jonas BjelkmarkTeam IKEA - Bianchis.t.
29Trent LoweTeam Starbucks-RadioShack+ 2'54
30José Angel Gomez MarchanteCafé de Colombia+ 2'59
31Branislav SamoilevPearl Adidas+ 3'00
32Julio Alberto Perez CuapioEnergie - Diesel+ 3'03
33Guillaume LevarletPearl Adidas+ 3'06
34Carlos BarredoWarner Brothers - Carrefour+ 3'10
35Arnold JeannessonLafarges.t.
36Rémy Di GregorioCarmeuse Cyclisme+ 3'13
37Matea KvasinaVesuvio-Accumalux+ 3'15
38Mauricio SolerEnergie - Diesel+ 3'22
39André VitalEnergie - Diesel+ 3'24
40Andreas KlödenCafé de Colombias.t.
41João CabreiraVesuvio-Accumaluxs.t.
42Domenik KlemmeTeam B&O+ 3'26
43Yannick TalabardonWarner Brothers - Carrefour+ 3'30
44Egoi Martínez de EstebanPhilips - TDCs.t.
45Markus EibeggerDomina Vacanze+ 3'37
46Thomas VoecklerBbox - Bouygoues Télécom+ 3'44
47Johann TschoppTeam Starbucks-RadioShack+ 3'48
48Taylor PhinneyWikipedia+ 3'49
49Nico KeinathTeam B&O+ 3'50
50Philip DeignanCafé de Colombia+ 4'04
51Francesco BellottiPhilips - TDC+ 4'12
52Francisco ManceboJack Wolfskin+ 4'27
53Sérgio PaulinhoBbox - Bouygoues Télécom+ 4'28
54Sébastien IvarsWikipedia+ 4'35
55Mitch DockerLafarge+ 4'37
56Blaise SonneryFestina - Coronas.t.
57Sergio Luis Henao MontoyaTeam Nespressos.t.
58Vadim RatiyLipton Ice Tea+ 4'44
59Robin van der HugenhabenJack Wolfskin+ 4'47
60Angel MadrazoFestina - Coronas.t.
61Matthieu SprickWikipedia+ 4'48
62Francis MoureyFestina - Corona+ 4'51
63Jakub DanacikSony Ericsson+ 5'08
64Luis Fernández OliveiraSony Ericssons.t.
65Aleksandar FlügelTeam IKEA - Bianchi+ 5'17
66José Antonio RedondoWarner Brothers - Carrefour+ 5'59
67Christian MeierWikipedia+ 6'21
68Ryan EastmanWikipedia+ 6'26
69Thomas BontenackelsLipton Ice Tea+ 6'31
70Gabriel BrizuelaLipton Ice Tea+ 6'40
71Manuele MoriSony Ericsson+ 6'42
72Laurens Ten DamJack Wolfskin+ 6'48
73Paúl TorresEnergie - Diesel+ 7'05
74Mauricio ArdilaFestina - Corona+ 7'15
75José Carlos Rodrigues SilvaEnergie - Diesel+ 7'16
76Bauke MollemaBbox - Bouygoues Télécom+ 8'01
77Tony GallopinCarmeuse Cyclismes.t.
78Jackson RodríguezPearl Adidas+ 8'02
79Jakob FuglsangPhilips - TDC+ 8'10
80Diego CalderónDomina Vacanze+ 8'48
81Cyril GautierLafarge+ 8'52
82Viatcheslav DyadichkinTeam Starbucks-RadioShack+ 9'01
83José Antonio PecharromanPhilips - TDC+ 9'08
84Francisco MatamorosLipton Ice Tea+ 9'13
85Rudi Van HoutsWarner Brothers - Carrefour+ 9'25
86Dmitri MedvedevVesuvio-Accumalux+ 9'51
87Óscar SolisCarmeuse Cyclisme+ 9'57
88Stefan CohnenPhilips - TDC+ 10'45
89David NavarroTeam 1s.t.
90Marconi DuránTeam Nespresso+ 10'56
91Christoph MaiWikipedia+ 11'22
92Xabier ZandioTeam 1+ 11'38
93Chris BartonWikipedia+ 11'47
94Pierre RollandAuber 93 - Look+ 13'14
95Jerome CoppelAuber 93 - Look+ 13'21
96Jairo AgudeloLa Gazzetta dello Sport+ 13'32
97Tom CrielTeam Starbucks-RadioShack+ 13'48
98Thomas FreiDomina Vacanze+ 13'55
99Nolan HoffmanTeam Nespresso+ 13'57
100Romain VanderbiestPearl Adidas+ 14'00
101Raúl Granjel CabreraSony Ericsson+ 14'04
102Maxime BouetAuber 93 - Look+ 14'05
103Yoann OffredoPearl Adidass.t.
104Daniele BennatiLa Gazzetta dello Sport+ 14'07
105Maurizio BiondoEnergie - Diesels.t.
106Dennis Van WindenLa Gazzetta dello Sport+ 14'18
107Phillip ThuauxLafarge+ 14'20
108Tom BoonenWarner Brothers - Carrefour+ 14'21
109Anthony CharteauTeam 1s.t.
110Christophe Le MévelAuber 93 - Look+ 14'25
111Matej MugerliLa Gazzetta dello Sport+ 14'28
112Michael Faerk ChristensenTeam B&O+ 14'35
113Mauro SantambrogioLa Gazzetta dello Sport+ 14'37
114Steven KruijswijkTeam B&O+ 14'43
115Morgan KneiskyCarmeuse Cyclisme+ 14'45
116William BonnetLafarge+ 14'49
117Sergio MarinangeliLa Gazzetta dello Sport+ 14'53
118André SteensenTeam B&O+ 14'57
119Rémi PauriolDomina Vacanze+ 14'58
120Leif HosteBbox - Bouygoues Télécom+ 15'06
121Cesare Di MaggioLipton Ice Tea+ 15'10
122Martin ReimerPhilips - TDC+ 15'13
123Clément LhotellerieCarmeuse Cyclismes.t.
124Honorio MachadoCafé de Colombia+ 15'14
125Jérome GiauxTeam IKEA - Bianchi+ 15'20
126Michel KrederJack Wolfskins.t.
127Rick FlensLa Gazzetta dello Sport+ 15'23
128Jaime Alberto CastañedaCafé de Colombia+ 15'26
129Claudio CorioniEnergie - Diesel+ 15'27
130Nick NuyensDomina Vacanze+ 15'28
131Juan-Antonio FlechaWarner Brothers - Carrefour+ 15'30
132Geert SteursTeam Nespresso+ 15'32
133André GreipelBbox - Bouygoues Télécom+ 15'35
134Anthony LavoineFestina - Corona+ 15'38
135Mathieu DrujonAuber 93 - Looks.t.
136Miguel Angel Rubiano ChavezCafé de Colombia+ 15'42
137Matti BreschelTeam Starbucks-RadioShack+ 16'04
138Ivano Lo CiceroTeam Nespresso+ 16'05
139Marcel SiebergJack Wolfskins.t.
140Thurakit BoonratanathanakornTeam 1+ 16'07
141Óscar AvelinoLipton Ice Tea+ 16'14
142Kobe VanoverscheldeTeam B&O+ 16'19
143Michael Van StayenJack Wolfskin+ 16'29
144Benoît VaugrenardJack Wolfskin+ 16'44
145Mathieu BernaudeauFestina - Corona+ 17'00
146Fabio CiccareseTeam Starbucks-RadioShack+ 17'21
147Wout PoelsJack Wolfskins.t.
148Gianluca ColettaWarner Brothers - Carrefour+ 17'58
149Sebastien EinsleVesuvio-Accumalux+ 18'06
150Marco OsellaLa Gazzetta dello Sport+ 18'20
151Wilmer VasquezLa Gazzetta dello Sport+ 18'23
152Karsten KroonBbox - Bouygoues Télécom+ 18'24
153Mark RenshawTeam Starbucks-RadioShack+ 18'25
154Florian MorizotAuber 93 - Look+ 18'39
155Ciaran KellyVesuvio-Accumalux+ 18'45
156Santiago Perez FernandezWarner Brothers - Carrefour+ 18'46
157Thomas Vedel KvistFestina - Corona+ 19'41
158Saulo LayTeam Nespresso+ 20'13
159Jocelin MailletTeam Nespresso+ 20'29
160Cameron MeyerSony Ericsson+ 21'21
161Max Öste-MacdonaldSony Ericsson+ 22'24
162Michel SibillaTeam Nespresso+ 23'14
163Christophe KernAuber 93 - Look+ 24'36
164Mauro RichezePearl Adidas+ 25'31
165Christian KneesCafé de Colombia+ 25'53
166Gustav LarssonTeam IKEA - Bianchi+ 26'04
167Horacio GallardoCafé de Colombia+ 26'11
168Lucas SchädlichFestina - Corona+ 26'27
169Hugues MottinTeam Nespresso+ 26'29
170Juan Esteban ArangoCafé de Colombia+ 26'39
171Laurent DidierBbox - Bouygoues Télécom+ 27'03
172Danny PateWikipedia+ 27'30
173Danilo KupfernagelTeam IKEA - Bianchi+ 27'42
174Fabien BacquetTeam Starbucks-RadioShack+ 28'43
175Steven CaethovenCarmeuse Cyclisme+ 29'30
176Kim MichelyTeam 1+ 29'49
177Björn SchröderDomina Vacanze+ 29'56
178Francisco Javier EcharriEnergie - Diesel+ 30'26
179Viktor RenängSony Ericsson+ 30'57
180David ClaereboutVesuvio-Accumalux+ 31'26
181Nicolas BrolinTeam IKEA - Bianchi+ 31'29
182Pieter WeeningPearl Adidas+ 31'43
183Mattias WestlingTeam IKEA - Bianchi+ 31'50
184Florian StalderBbox - Bouygoues Télécom+ 33'02
185Cyril DesselTeam 1+ 33'43
186Jonathon ThireAuber 93 - Look+ 34'49
187Denis GalimzyanovVesuvio-Accumalux+ 36'11
188César Rojas VillegasEnergie - Diesel+ 36'44
189Jean MespoulèdeAuber 93 - Look+ 37'59
190Fabien TaillefourLafarge+ 38'52
191Freddy JohanssonSony Ericsson+ 39'59
192Adrien NiyonshutiTeam 1+ 40'08
193Sebastian BatchelorTeam 1+ 41'36
194Sid TaberlayDomina Vacanze+ 43'45
195Jean-François CamierCarmeuse Cyclisme+ 43'46
196David MoncoutiéTeam 1+ 44'26
197Gregor GazvodaLipton Ice Tea+ 48'25
198Remy BourdouxheLipton Ice Tea+ 1h03'40

1Daniele BennatiLa Gazzetta dello Sport106
2Michael Van StayenJack Wolfskin82
3Tom BoonenWarner Brothers - Carrefour80
4Claudio CorioniEnergie - Diesel68
5Romain VanderbiestPearl Adidas66
6Raúl Granjel CabreraSony Ericsson48
7André GreipelBbox - Bouygoues Télécom44
8Anthony LavoineFestina - Corona38
9Jerome CoppelAuber 93 - Look34
10Geert SteursTeam Nespresso32
11Nolan HoffmanTeam Nespresso31
12Juan Esteban ArangoCafé de Colombia30
13Jaime Alberto CastañedaCafé de Colombia29
14Ivano Lo CiceroTeam Nespresso27
15Steven CaethovenCarmeuse Cyclisme25
16Jérome GiauxTeam IKEA - Bianchi24
17Sergio MarinangeliLa Gazzetta dello Sport23
18Markus FothenPearl Adidas21
19Rigoberto ÚranVesuvio-Accumalux21
20Óscar AvelinoLipton Ice Tea21

1Rigoberto ÚranVesuvio-Accumalux20
2José Angel Gomez MarchanteCafé de Colombia19
3Andrei KashechkinLipton Ice Tea16
4Markus FothenPearl Adidas14
5Alberto ContadorFestina - Corona14
6Christian KneesCafé de Colombia12
7Thomas DekkerPhilips - TDC10
8Miguel Angel Rubiano ChavezCafé de Colombia10
9Laurens Ten DamJack Wolfskin6
10Robin van der HugenhabenJack Wolfskin6
11Laurent DidierBbox - Bouygoues Télécom6
12Francisco Javier EcharriEnergie - Diesel6

NameTeamGeneral Time
Rigoberto ÚranVesuvio-Accumalux30h51'23 (1)
Simon SpilakWarner Brothers - Carrefour+ 1'03 (2)
Robert GesinkJack Wolfskin+ 1'23 (3)
Aleksandr PluchkinTeam B&O+ 1'52 (4)
Rein TaaramäeTeam IKEA - Bianchi+ 1'55 (5)
Robert KiserlovskiTeam Starbucks-RadioShack+ 2'04 (6)
Martin HaceckýTeam B&O+ 2'27 (7)
Petar PanayotovPearl Adidas+ 2'27 (8)
Jose AlarconTeam IKEA - Bianchi+ 2'30 (9)
Jonas BjelkmarkTeam IKEA - Bianchi+ 2'49 (10)
Arnold JeannessonLafarge+ 3'10 (11)
Domenik KlemmeTeam B&O+ 3'26 (12)
Taylor PhinneyWikipedia+ 3'49 (13)
Nico KeinathTeam B&O+ 3'50 (14)
Sébastien IvarsWikipedia+ 4'35 (15)
Mitch DockerLafarge+ 4'37 (16)
Sergio Luis Henao MontoyaTeam Nespresso+ 4'37 (17)
Vadim RatiyLipton Ice Tea+ 4'44 (18)
Angel MadrazoFestina - Corona+ 4'47 (19)
Jakub DanacikSony Ericsson+ 5'08 (20)

TeamGeneral Time
Vesuvio-Accumalux92h38'35 (1)
Festina - Corona+ 48 (2)
Philips - TDC+ 59 (3)
Pearl Adidas+ 1'23 (4)
Jack Wolfskin+ 1'28 (5)
Team B&O+ 1'56 (6)
Lafarge+ 2'02 (7)
Carmeuse Cyclisme+ 2'09 (8)
Team IKEA - Bianchi+ 2'18 (9)
Domina Vacanze+ 2'44 (10)
Lipton Ice Tea+ 2'46 (11)
Warner Brothers - Carrefour+ 2'48 (12)
Bbox - Bouygoues Télécom+ 2'54 (13)
Sony Ericsson+ 3'16 (14)
Café de Colombia+ 3'34 (15)
Team Starbucks-RadioShack+ 3'48 (16)
Energie - Diesel+ 4'20 (17)
Wikipedia+ 5'34 (18)
Team Nespresso+ 6'33 (19)
Control+ 24'49 (20)
Auber 93 - Look+ 35'24 (21)
La Gazzetta dello Sport+ 35'35 (22)

Edited by Roman on 17-10-2016 04:51

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