Having used all previous PCM stage Editors i was excited at the potential the PCM 2010 stage editor was being hyped up to be. I must say that there are many features that i enjoy with this years version yet it comes down to one single feature that would have me rate this editor out of 10 being a 2 and that is being forced into using the various types of GPS format files that are required to make anything that resembles a reasonable stage profile. I have made many profiles with this editor (PCM2010) and putting aside the graphics and multi loops the 09 and 08 produce a climb profile far more realistic than the current editor.
Do not think i don't see some huge improvements with the 2010 SE and a appreciate them but not being able to make custom stage profiles for a lack of a better explanation is a massive negative with this editor, that is unless there is a secret button somewhere i have not seen.
If the past i made the profile with excel and then converted that to .XML to be opened in the stage editor, very accurate profiles can be made this way but most of all the profile could be changed to give a more realistic out come. The profiles on some of this years (PCM2010) climbs have many descents in parts of them and as i am sure alot here have done the same i have raced up alot of the mountain climbs that have no small descents in parts yet the game does.
This could be fixed if you were allowed to change the numeral % of the climb as in previous years. I know this can be done in the different views in this years editor but it can be awkward. I have had no responses to question i pose for Cyanide to ask the builder of the game in regards to other issues over the years (Not complaining,just stating why i am asking here) so i am asking anyone here that knows if this will be modified or if there is a secret that i do not know about.