Everybody I have ever talked to about the subject says exactly the same thing. And believe me, you haven't seen the coolest boss yet... And you won't until I finish my MBA.
Edited by p3druh on 07-10-2008 22:15
Talk about weird: I'm at an office I've never been in before, in a city I've never been in before. The first time I use their internet connection to access PPDB's website, I get a message saying my IP is banned for hostile behaviour. WTF
issoisso wrote:
Talk about weird: I'm at an office I've never been in before, in a city I've never been in before. The first time I use their internet connection to access PPDB's website, I get a message saying my IP is banned for hostile behaviour. WTF
Somebody's been there before then.
I don't know if you're in Portugal or not at the moment, but when I checked ip on Cyanide's board I sometimes had different Portugese people who had never met each other who got the same ip (at a different time), one of your compatriots' behaviour is probably what you're paying for.
Back in the Dongs PCM.Daily apartment, someone have sabotaged my room and wall of flatscreen TV's with Barack Obama on. As a punishment i broke Doddy's room and nicked Smoothie's bed.
My question is:
Why does everyone who has ever been through the procedure says that it hurts like hell afterwards and yet I haven't felt the slightest form of pain since the surgery?
All I have is an allergic reaction to the anaesthetic or the antibiotics (trying to figure out which right now)...