Okay the huge accelerations right after those movements are a little freaky but the part about him and his unnatural move of accelerating while sitting down is not unnatural.
Wiggins is funny....in a sad, sad way. He claims to not have touched alcohol for 8 months now. "Living like a monk", he says.
From his twitter:
Finished 4th today??? more beer and less bike riding seems to be the new recipe for success!
Braveheart doo done and dusted, great dinner and a great cause. Hungover like a MOFO
Free beer tonight from the best Curry house in the North West, The Elephant in Euxton, cheers boys!
On train with @cathwiggins heading to Braveheart doo tonight, Got a bag of Stella and a bottle of red, the day starts here!
My good mate Andy Hawes and I have got the pink elephants
All tweets from the last 8 months
Edited by issoisso on 30-05-2010 20:00
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"I love him, I think he's great. He's transformed the sport in so many ways. Every person in cycling has benefitted from Lance Armstrong, perhaps not financially but in some sense" - Bradley Wiggins on Lance Armstrong
issoisso wrote:
Wiggins is funny....in a sad, sad way. He claims to not have touched alcohol for 8 months now. "Living like a monk", he says.
From his twitter:
Finished 4th today??? more beer and less bike riding seems to be the new recipe for success!
Braveheart doo done and dusted, great dinner and a great cause. Hungover like a MOFO
Free beer tonight from the best Curry house in the North West, The Elephant in Euxton, cheers boys!
On train with @cathwiggins heading to Braveheart doo tonight, Got a bag of Stella and a bottle of red, the day starts here!
My good mate Andy Hawes and I have got the pink elephants
All tweets from the last 8 months
how much time do you have?
but nice work
Not my work
Only someone who hates Wiggins would go to the trouble
The preceding post is ISSO 9001 certified
"I love him, I think he's great. He's transformed the sport in so many ways. Every person in cycling has benefitted from Lance Armstrong, perhaps not financially but in some sense" - Bradley Wiggins on Lance Armstrong
Interesting vid. Although the Cancellara accusations are somewhat stupid.
Really very interesting video.
First, I thought engine on a bike was some joke, but it seems really serious.
Cancellara is just changing the gears in both of the examples. He his riding on Sram Red, which only requires a little tap on the shifter to gear up. Both of the times he just changes to a heavier gear to get the effect out his pedaling strokes to get away.
And I doubt that there is any riders riding on bikes with engines because the other riders would hear it if they used it.
Biathlon wrote:
If it was Lance or Conta everybody would yelled: doping doping..
A lot of people did.
Which is no surprise, given the teams Cancellara's ridden for and the doping doctor he's worked with.
The preceding post is ISSO 9001 certified
"I love him, I think he's great. He's transformed the sport in so many ways. Every person in cycling has benefitted from Lance Armstrong, perhaps not financially but in some sense" - Bradley Wiggins on Lance Armstrong
Interesting vid. Although the Cancellara accusations are somewhat stupid.
Really very interesting video.
First, I thought engine on a bike was some joke, but it seems really serious.
Cancellara is just changing the gears in both of the examples. He his riding on Sram Red, which only requires a little tap on the shifter to gear up. Both of the times he just changes to a heavier gear to get the effect out his pedaling strokes to get away.
And I doubt that there is any riders riding on bikes with engines because the other riders would hear it if they used it.
I wasn't replying on the Cancellara part, but rather more on the first part of the video, which is actually impressing.
What's wrong with cyclists drinking alcohol, i drink alcohol and do around 10-14hours a week training, but i only have max 6 a night every other week or once a week.
1) Alcohol isn't good for your liver, especially when you abuse it.
2) There are quite a lot of calories in alcohol, so it's a bit like eating French fries, or chocolate cakes, etc.
3) Generally speaking, cyclists are quite retarded, so being drunk doesn't help much looking intelligent.
4) In wine and/or beer there are a couple of good things for your health too, just don't abuse it.