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Dekker leaves Rabobank
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Posted on 21-09-2024 18:29
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Ruben wrote:
the volkskrant made an article, based on 'outside sources'

Rabobank denied this news. The blood values were never suspicious. Even the UCI said so. They were not like Gusev for instance, but more like pointing out an ilness.

They didn't fire him and won't fire him, they are speaking with him, because they have an argument since the Tour selection. That's all there is to it. The blood values was appearently never a reason to leave him out of the Tour, Knebel said so himself just minutes ago

Seems like Volkskrant just did some bad german like journalism.

The same Knebel that "always denies everything", like you said a couple of posts ago?
It is in code....Smile
Yeah, he denies that he fires Dekker. So.

And the UCI said themselves the blood values are NOT SUSPICIOUS. Is it so hard to read people.

Fuck off and die Grin
I repeat:

""Dekker kan gewoon aan wedstrijden deelnemen en er is geen reden de renner te schorsen of te ontslaan. Dat een renner over variabele waarden beschikt, kan wijzen op het gebruik van verboden middelen. Maar er kunnen ook andere oorzaken zijn. Bij Dekker is niets verdachts aan het licht gebracht.""

"Variable blood values can be a sign of doping, but there are also other things which can cause those (ilness etc). With Dekker there was nothing suspicious that popped up"
As long as Dekker hasn't been tested positive, he is still clean. People that say people are doped for sure when nothing has been proven are what's bringing down the sport more than the people who have doped themselves. People moan about how much of a bad image cycling has, when it's cycling fans themselves who are accusing riders without any hard evidence and giving it a bad name.

I hate cycling fans sometimes, they are allways so pessimistic...

And no, I don't like Dekker, I don't dislike him either, I have no opinion either way. I simply hate cycling "fans" that continually accuse riders of wrong-doing without water-tight evidence.

Dekker hasn't tested positive, his values are just a bit wobbly, this could be down to numerous things. Doping is one of them, but since doping isn't the only reason for this, until there is any water-tight evidence, Dekker is clean; has done nothing wrong; and pessimistic cycling fans should shut the fuck up

aaaaaaaaannnnnnnnndddd doneWink
Edited by Addy291 on 28-07-2008 13:04
Dekker's manager, Martijn Berkhout told Cyclingnews that Dekker would release a statement later on Monday. Berkhout showed himself confused by the situation. "The only reaction I can give is the fact that the Rabobank-management has not contacted Thomas Dekker in person since the Tour de Suisse," Berkhout told Cyclingnews. "So Thomas knows nothing. Nobody informed him, and now they come with this very strange article."

Martijn Berkhout Banana my 'boss' makes his bid for glory on cyclingnews
The thing that makes cycling look bad is that it only really gets attention when someone's doped. In Sweden the newspaper's never write about cycling, even when Contador won the Giro they only wrote a couple of lines about it. But when someone's doped they write much much more. Athletics also has a LOT of doping, but the difference is that that sport gets so much of attention when it's not about doping. The best 100m sprinters are doped all the time (Marion Jones,Tim Montgomery,Justin Gatlin) but still noone talks about Athletics as a sport filled with doping.

But that's just Sweden, don't know how it is in other countries
I agree Zimao, it is not the fans fault it is the medias fault, the BBC decides on the final day of the TDF to release this UCI Keirin bribe article. The BBC's coverage of cycling is minimal yet they take the time tp publish this story on Sastre's big day.
Zimao91 wrote:
The thing that makes cycling look bad is that it only really gets attention when someone's doped. In Sweden the newspaper's never write about cycling, even when Contador won the Giro they only wrote a couple of lines about it. But when someone's doped they write much much more. Athletics also has a LOT of doping, but the difference is that that sport gets so much of attention when it's not about doping. The best 100m sprinters are doped all the time (Marion Jones,Tim Montgomery,Justin Gatlin) but still noone talks about Athletics as a sport filled with doping.

But that's just Sweden, don't know how it is in other countries

In America, the general sports news sources (ESPN) do regular reports on it, but its buried, and all of them mention doping, and always leave a little cloud of suspicion around the event
Actually Cycling should be looked on as an example, because in cycling they are trying to clean it up.
If children have the ability to ignore all odds and percentages, then maybe we can all learn from them. When you think about it, what other choice is there but to hope? We have two options, medically and emotionally: give up, or Fight Like Hell.
-Lance Armstrong
Deadpool wrote:
and all of them mention doping, and always leave a little cloud of suspicion around the event

And what are a lot of cycling fans doing to counter-act this?

Oh yeah, doing the exact same thing...
Addy291 wrote:
Deadpool wrote:
and all of them mention doping, and always leave a little cloud of suspicion around the event

And what are a lot of cycling fans doing to counter-act this?

Oh yeah, doing the exact same thing...

I know, but hey, whatever, check this out for an example: https://sports.espn.go.com/oly/tdf2008...id=3507058
This is not a follow-up, this was actually the lead story when the tour ended.
"doping ouster clouds pomp"

I have no idea what that meansPfft But I get your point, but I still don't see what is too much different between the media and cycling fans other than cycling fans know more about cycling itself.

Both sets talk about doping constantly, both take good things and then mention illegal substances.

For example, the headline you gave and when Kohl won the KOM jersey someone immediatley opened up a thread asking how much longer until he got caught doping.

I don't see a huge difference, in the media doping is talked about less and there are less accusations than by cycling fans but this is because it gets little coverage by the media. Some cycling fans, in my opinion, are worse than the media. But both are pessimistic...

Note: some, not all, cycling fansWink
Edited by Addy291 on 28-07-2008 13:38
Guys like Peipoli and Ricco do not exactly instill confidence in cycling fans.
Crazy_Ivan wrote:
Guys like Peipoli and Ricco do not exactly instill confidence in cycling fans.

and your point is what?

Out of thousand upon thousand cyclists you mention 2 people that have doped/been caught doping. Yes I know there are a lot more than the 2 you mention, and there will be some that haven't been caught. My point is that not all cyclist dope, and I hate the fact that people accuse riders with no water-tight evidence at all, this brings down the name of the cyclist and cycling as a sport, that even the fans are accusing riders because they are doing well.

No-one has accused Cav of doping, why? I don't know and I don't care. The fact is some people single out riders and accuse them.

What are the advantages of being pessimistic about whether riders are clean or not? I don't see why people have to be like that and can't just enjoy the cycling, if someone gets caught, fine, he will be banned. If someone hasn't produced a positive test then why bring down their name by accusing them? Being pessimistic takes the fun out of it as every few stages you will look at someone who performed well and think, "he's doped".

I know some people can't help being pessimistic, but I still don't see why they do still do it, publically.
The point is that you really enjoy a stage, you watch guys like Piepoli and Ricco power up those mountains and set the TDF alight, and savour what has been an excellent stage win only to find out days a later it was all a "mirage", it is deflating for fans, it must be deflating for guys like Efimkin who miss out on the glory of a stage win through one mans selfishness. The positive side to it is that I can see a tour one day where we witness every stage win and get to enjoy it without the worry that we are witnessing a con.
Edited by Crazy_Ivan on 28-07-2008 13:55
I'm not talking about proven doped riders...

I'm just having a go at people who accuse riders of doping with no water-tight evidence like there is against Piepoli and Ricco (confession and positive test)

This aint really the place though, so I will try and leave it alone. This was just my opinionsWink
Bovendien geeft Dr Mégret aan dat de middelen om doping te detecteren betrouwbaar moeten zijn en dat niet enkel doping de oorzaak kan zijn van afwijkende waarden, maar ook gezondheidsproblemen. "Deze methode mist daarom de kracht om operationeel te zijn."

Dr Megret of AFLD about the varying blood values a month ago "Varying blood levels don't mean doping only, they can also mean health issues. That's why this method is not powerful enough to be operational"

Dekker said he was sick in the weeks before Switzerland. So.. 1+1=2?
Thanks for the translation.
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