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Google translation of Sobranos explanation of how skills works
PIA = fixed some effort determines the speed of the cyclist on whether plans (I think that affects between 0% and then the effect gradually decreases up to 3% to -3%)

COL = fixed some effort determines the speed of the cyclist's uphill and its effect is governed by the ratio COL / MON editor that you can see

MON = acts in the same way to the hill

DIS = fixed some effort determines the speed of the cyclist down (similar to the slope, probably in a line with a slope of -3% less than the speed is adjusted only downhill)

GRI = reduces the rate of consumption of the yellow bar

Res = fixed some effort determines the speed of the cyclist after 200km routes (its effect is much heavier as you go over 200km)

= ACC reduces the speed of consumption of the red bar

PAV = the same effort determines the speed of the cyclist in the cobblestones

CRO = is active only in the time trial stages with the same effort and determines the speed of the rider (not sure if it is also active in the uphill time trial in which the ratio active cmq COL / MON)

REC = determines the amount of green bar that regenerates after a stage of a stage race

Bar = RED begins to consume from SR = 186bpm (effort about 85), the rate of consumption is higher, the more it exceeds the threshold SR (SogliaRossa), SR depends on the amount of residual yellow bar, if the yellow bar is about a 1 / 3 the threshold is lowered to 182bpm.
From mid-yellow residual SR decreases more and more gradually.

Bar = YELLOW starts eating it from SG = 167bpm (effort about 60) the threshold SG is not affected by the residual of the other bars

Bar = GREEN begins to consume from SV = 145bpm

status of form affects the speed with the same effort, the same goes for the shape daily ...

p.s. advice not to get lost in hundreds of questions that describe different situations. With the effects described here have all the tools required to find the answer yourself.

FTR = is disabled cyclists led by the human player, and determines the propensity to attack cyclists controlled by the AA

Green bar (add) = the amount of residual green bar determines the speed with the same effort

question: "simple, but you said that the resistance would influence the consumption of all the bars?"
answer: the effect on the resistance reading you understand that it affects the speed with the same effort, then to keep the wheel with the rider has to raise low-res effort exceeding the thresholds SV, SG and SR.
This was an example of a useless questionSmile: biggrin:
nice work i can add:

sogliarossa= red threshold Smile

be carefull when in italian you read resistence it is Endurance for english language
Edited by sobrano on 23-07-2011 19:22
So it means that:

plain - is the skill that are important from -3% to +3%. The higher skill means faster rider.

Mountain/Hill - is the skills that are important when??? Riding uphill surely, but more specific?

Downhill - is the skill that are important from -3%

Endurance - is the skills that are important when riding stages over 200 km. The rider gets faster from 200 km.

Resistance - reduces the consumption of the yellow bar

Acceleration - reduces the consumption of the red bar. Dont effect the speed only the lenght of the attac.

Cobblestone - is important when riding cobblestone.

Recovery - determines the amount of green bar from stage to stage in a stage race.

And left is something that i dont know what means:

GRI? CRO?and the heartbeat explanation?

lasseolsen wrote:
So it means that:

plain - is the skill that are important from -3% to +3%. The higher skill means faster rider.

Mountain/Hill - is the skills that are important when??? Riding uphill surely, but more specific?

Downhill - is the skill that are important from -3%

Endurance - is the skills that are important when riding stages over 200 km. The rider gets faster from 200 km.

Resistance - reduces the consumption of the yellow bar

Acceleration - reduces the consumption of the red bar. Dont effect the speed only the lenght of the attac.

Cobblestone - is important when riding cobblestone.

Recovery - determines the amount of green bar from stage to stage in a stage race.

And left is something that i dont know what means:

GRI? CRO?and the heartbeat explanation?

mon and hill stats work togheter with PL up to 3% on a slope >3% work only hil/mon rate (i tested it with past pcm editions)
CRO=Time trial
Edited by sobrano on 23-07-2011 19:26
Kumaza explanation of how mon/hill skill works is:

"It depends on the mountain/hill coefficient of the stage. A guy with 77MO will always be better than a 75MO if the stage is classified as pure mountain (1 in MO/HIL coeff.).

That coefficient works like this:
0-> The only stat that matters in ALL climbs of the stage is HIL
0.5->0.5*MO+0.5*HIL and so on
1-> only MO matters in all the climbs"
Sobrano about heartbeat and green bar consumption:
"the level of red, yellow and green bar depends only from heart rhythm (ppm)
consumption of:
green bar start at 145ppm
yellow bar 167
red bar about 185
more exceeds the threshold, the more fuel rods quickly

the red bar threshold drop with continuty to 182ppm if your yellow bar is reduced to 1/3"
I always thought that endurance affects how fast the green bar goes down. That's not the case? It really only affects the riders after 200 km?
It seems to be the case.
FTR does something else too. It affects how likely it is that the rider will have a "green moment" when he attacks.

EDIT: I was told by a member of Cya staff so you can trust me
Edited by issoisso on 23-07-2011 20:24
The preceding post is ISSO 9001 certified


"I love him, I think he's great. He's transformed the sport in so many ways. Every person in cycling has benefitted from Lance Armstrong, perhaps not financially but in some sense" - Bradley Wiggins on Lance Armstrong
cunego59 wrote:
I always thought that endurance affects how fast the green bar goes down. That's not the case? It really only affects the riders after 200 km?

I always thought that endurance affects how fast the green bar goes down= that was true up to pcm 2009

It really only affects the riders after 200 km?= it is true from 2006 , and today it is still true
issoisso wrote:
FTR does something else too. It affects how likely it is that the rider will have a "green moment" when he attacks.

this was true only in pcm 2006, from 2007 i never show that again
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So fighter skill dosent have an influence?
on human players?
No. fighter skill is for nothing. Chance for the green moment is greater when gel is working.
lasseolsen wrote:
So fighter skill dosent have an influence?

dosent have influence for human
tellico wrote:
No. fighter skill is for nothing. Chance for the green moment is greater when gel is working.

i tested gel too and i didnt see anything about green moment.
I do not understand why all these false rumors running about this game.
many people write as them think that the game work and not as the game really work, this just creates a lot of confusion

my gel test:
gel make you save a little portion of red bar, gel seems work as acc value
and gel is active not when little green battery is lighting, but the gel is active when the little battery icon is yellow/red coloured

after 27 attacks i had 0 green lighting so i have not element to confirm/deny rumors about green lighting.

p.s. I invite everyone to write only when you are confident (we can also make mistakes tests) but we should not write anything without first testing.

Edited by sobrano on 24-07-2011 07:29
So the gel prolong the red bar. But is it only in a attac or is it prolonging the red bar anyway?
lasseolsen wrote:
So the gel prolong the red bar. But is it only in a attac or is it prolonging the red bar anyway?

i tested it with attack and with effort changing from 7 to 99 and it still work.
it works as acc value
English summary of sobrano’s findings and other points raised here…
This topic, and a few other raising comparable points fascinated me, so I've decided to make a summary of what's been presented by sobrano and others. Perhaps it's interesting to share with other, to save them the work of compiling this information themselves...

The key is to watch the heart rate. The HR, and only the HR, determines if and how quickly the energy bars will decrease.

HR < 145
No effect on energy bars

HR 145 – 166
Only green bar decreases

HR 167 – 184
Green and yellow bar decrease

HR > 184
All three bars decrease

Plain / Hill / Mountain / Downhill / Cobblestone / TT / Prologue

Different mixes of these stats are active depending three factors: whether it is a time trial or a regular race, whether the terrain is cobbles or road and the steepness of the terrain.

The active stat determines the speed a rider has during a certain effort and NOT directly his heartbeat, hence how fast the green bar decreases. Of course, these two things are related, as to maintain a certain speed, riders with a lower active stat will need more effort, hence a higher heartbeat and subsequently a faster decrease of the energy bar(s).
This subtle difference means that when riding in a group (peloton, group breakaways) a rider with a higher active stat should be able to put in an equal share of work with a lower effort setting compared to the other riders, resulting in a lower heartbeat and longer preservation of his energy bars.

As said, the active stat depends on the steepness of the terrain, for which these mixes hold true.

< -3%

-3% to 0%
Downhill and Plain, with importance of each depending on how steep the descent is


0% to 3%
Plain and a mix of Hill and Mountain, with factors of Hill and Mountain depending on the MO/HIL coefficient that is only to be seen using an editor and can be estimated based on the profile picture of the stage, presumed that the DB has not been edited, in which case the profile picture may not truly represent the set coefficient.
The importance of plain and the mixed Hill/Mountain stat depends on how steep the climb is

Over 3%
Mix of Hill and Mountain, with factors of each as described above

For cobbled sections the cobblestone stat replaces the plain stat.

For time trials, a mix of TT and prologue stat replaces the plain stat. The importance of either of these two factors depends on the length of the time trial.

< 5 km

5 – 10 km
80% prologue and 20% TT

10-15 km
60% prologue and 40% TT

15-20 km
40% prologue and 60% TT

20-25 km
20% prologue and 80% TT

Over 25 km

Only comes into effect after a certain amount of kilometers has been done, estimated to be around 200. Has the effect that riders with high endurance suddenly ride faster at the same effort/HR. Riders with lower endurance will have to adapt by increasing their effort, thereby increasing their HR and as a result will see their energy bars decrease faster.

Reduces the consumption of the yellow bar

Only comes into effect in stage races. Determines how much the efforts put in a day earlier, in other words how empty the green bar was when the rider crossed the finish line, affect the green bar to start the next day with.

Determines the rate at which the red bar decreases during attacks and sprints. Does NOT determine the increase in speed, or the real life meaning of the word acceleration, during attacks or sprints. By influencing the rate of decrease of the red bar it also means that riders with a higher acceleration stat are able to make longer attacks and sprint from further out.

Only active for AI controlled riders. Affect the amount of attacks made during the race.
Nice work docsanderGrin
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