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[PCT] Podium Ambition - "Long Overdue & Rambling"
Foster was on my list too, but there wasn't any way he wouldn't end up with you Smile

Forbes obviously a fun talent, hopefully able to let you forget the Aitur nightmares in the future. Gonzales was on my radar as well, but had to set other targets first. I'm sure he'll enjoy riding in your colours Smile
@kandes - You're welcome to Foster... whoever he is....

@Nemo - Everyone enjoys riding in our incredible jersey!

The Great Big "An incline plane, wrapped helically around an axis" Post


Well, yes and no. Transfers has come to an end, and we'll get ahead of Predictions here. This squad is not going to survive in the PCT. That's ok, that's the plan. We were unable to scout any regional riders capable of contesting at this level, and we were very unwilling to sell out by going after other riders. So we've added yet more regional talents with low-to-middling CT skills (bar Forbes of course who's a decent PCT talent), and worked on how to make the team the best CT one it can be in 2025.

Also, we definitely screwed up transfers! Hidden beneath the shock Kipkemboi news was a late flurry of Stagiere additions. So... being so prepared for CT we actually forgot the PCT has a 20 rider minimum... and we had 18. So we added four local Stagieres to hit our required minimums. Didn't this mess up our cap and budget work? Erm... no, as you're about to see...

2024 Podium Ambition Squad
Christopher Lagane7070786670717165767770636576.234.100266 175,000
Alexandre Mayer6869777065727161727776607175.274.100262 100,000
Andrew Norbert7567717075777055777570697674.44.100266 75,000
Jay Major7450665774707470777862666474.394.100294 65,000
Akil Campbell7463687669686875687367667574.164.100284 85,000
Nathan Alexander7274737272717360616766687273.484.100263 60,000
Jonathan Croes6673737573727156626566697573.214.100273 50,000
Cristian Perez7363677673737269666875697672.974.100254 55,000
Hasani Hennis7067707671727569757669687672.894.100275 85,000
Joshua Gayral7465727170717271717275627172.894.100273 50,000
Kim Le Court7070766067706862646676706172.724.100284 50,000
Kristian Vanderpool6864647763646160606362627672.144.100293 70,000
Kaden Hopkins6860646771666555747563677371.063.13245 50,000
Jesus Roniel Marte6865706570706771666869666270.343.13234 70,000
Connor White7366687169716663696971727370.243.64255 50,000
Nathaniel Forbes6963676367656770666969666369.871.0226 160,000
James Morris Berroa6768676069667052656974796068.51.0224 50,000
Ricardo Delgado Gonzales6568675870666260676968666268.281.0235 50,000
Nicholas Narraway5868675468706954596768646367.491.0223 10,000
Karega Charles6758656567656564646570766666.181.0234 10,000
Gian Carlos Hernandez Moran6860616666656464676973686665.971.16235 10,000
Kevon Boyd6764596664696657606465686765.031.0234 10,000

Training spend! We were a Top10 team in terms of total training spend, without making a single sale - that ain't half bad. Lagane is the big beneficiary, moving to 78HL and 76SP. We toyed around for a long time with 79H, but ultimately we feel the split gives us better longer term options. Campbell moves to 75CB, which we believe can return some scoring benefits. Finally Hasani gets 70FL and now looks like a normal SP/TT rider with a green color FL stat.

As you'll see, those wages arn't exactly huge. We've got 910k in unused wage cap this season (I said I had cap set aside to sign Forbes!). A ton of that actually fed directly into training. Plus we're still paying the wages of 4 other riders out on Loan. We could have really made a splash in transfers without this mental regional focus of ours.

Not Last would be great, but i'll take just not being embarassed. We have picked Goals (to be revealed at a later date) that could still be acheivable despite this, making full use of our squads unique skill sets. That said it will be a long season without much to shout about. Luckily this AWARD WINNING HQ will continue to be a space for my insane rambling and dumb jokes, y'all can expect to enjoy that.

More Nationalities?
Courtesy of Nathaniel Forbes, Karega Charles and Kevon Boyd we have added yet more Nations into the MG Peloton - and consequently yet more entries into the National Championships. The Cayman Islands, Grenada and Dominica! Honestly i think our mission at this point is just to make the NC reports surrender and flee into the sunset.

Out On Loan
At MOL Cycling Team

GIFs (pronounced gif)


You couldn’t do much worse then Spark did last season in the PCT :lol: keen to see how the team goes! I like the squad and hopefully they surprise and stay in the PCT. Lagane is a monster and will be insane with more training!

Good luck with the season!
Ulrich Ulriksen
Second Jak on Lagane, love his stat combo. Forbes was a nice pickup, arguable they best new world talent available, and pretty cheap in the end, but you couldn't know that.

Congrats on adding more countries, good practice for the sporcle name the flag test. Rumor has it the ToA is looking at a Caribbean Grand Depart for 2025.
Man Game: McCormick Pro Cycling
Leaving 910k out of your transfer plans is decidedly out of this world bonkers. I left 150k and considered interning myself in a hospice Pfft Kudos for going that way! Thought about sending you a PM about Orosco, but then I didnt really want to lose him.

Loving Lagane as well, congrats! I just hope be doesnt get too much in Stannard's way.
Manager of pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2024/Micros/eve.png Everesting pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2024/Micros/eve.png
Great to see such an amount invested in Lagane. It’s the only way to push such a project one above. You doing it without any foreign sales objects is impressive. Also a doom sentance, but still very cool! And it must feel somewhat intruiging to know that your setup actually is somewhere in between division. So there’s not far from here to actually being a steady PCT setup. A few more developments, and maybe 2 years more of training and I could see you staying up next time.
@Jakstar - I've my own terrible PCT seasons, this one has some potential for good results. Lagane may need to leave to really acheive his not-quite-Demare potential *hint for next offseason*

@UU - 160k was cheaper than expected, really thought he'd be closer to 200k, so thank you everyone for giving up! I can do the flags, i'm just making it hard for reporters having to remeber the difference between the Dominican Republic and Dominica and Aruba and Anguilla Pfft

@Gustav - I really had no-one to spend my cap on because i really don't want to go outside of focus (exception for long overdue promotion pushes). It's nuts but i don't care about relegation, the CT is where this project can flourish and impact races (for now).

@SotD - I'm far too deep into this stupid joke of a project now! I'm wedded to the very painful grind of making a good Caribbean team. We're currently between divisions, but if we can get our handull of 77 climbers together with Forbes and Hopkins, and hold onto Mayer/Lagane then we can think about PCT stability. So you know, only another 4 years away...
TheManxMissile wrote:

We're currently between divisions, but if we can get our handull of 77 climbers together with Forbes and Hopkins, and hold onto Mayer/Lagane then we can think about PCT stability. So you know, only another 4 years away...

Yet still be far the coolest project in MG (sorry Sotd close 2nd)

Feel the MG gods giving you a good stage racer would make this team PCT but having to develop essentially all your domestiques (who else is going to grab a rider from the region that maxes at 74 is holding you back more then anything. Best of luck for the season
I absolutely love your team. But, then again, I loved it from the beginning. The Caribbean is in good hands with you and I love your dedication to the region. I certainly hope you will not have such a painful season as you expect and I am keeping my fingers crossed for survival in the PCT. I am also secretly dreaming of seeing one day this Caribbean team and a particularly Central American one in the PT one day. Smile
Good luck in the new season!
@jt - With exception of Major it's an all home-grown team, talk about long term projects! Chipping away at things, although it would have been nice to 'uncover' a more PCT ready rider.

@DW - PT, i don't know if we'll ever make the PT, it's taken enough time to be CT competitive. But hey, when you pass us on the way up i'll have plenty of cheers to send with you!

The Great Big "Pre-Season Hype" Post

Couldn't think of a fancy title for this one. Race Planning was a little bit of a pain but we got there, making something of a balance between continued development and making some effort to avoid relegation. Whilst there are no official predictions yet, we know this team will do very very well to not finish last. But enroute to that, there are a few races we could sprint something of a surprise in!

PCT Team Standings Top 20 In Progress
Chrono d'Arenberg Win In Progress
GP Lugano Top 5 In Progress
Baltic Chain Tour Stage Win In Progress
Grand Prix Cycliste Win In Progress

We went fairly conservative on the Goals. We've had past successes on the CB/TT races, and the current squad offers a couple of options in those events, so goals in Arenberg and Baltic Chain make sense. Lugao and Cycliste who knows, Lagane should feature but at the higher level up there's nothing we can assume. We probably won't score 4/5 goals again, but we have solid aims to finish the year 2/5 and possibly bag goal points from 4/5.

Nothing else to add for now, beyond the lure of a genuine Caribbean holiday grows stronger every day, more so as the nights draw in and the rains return. I wonder if there was some sort of sponsor that could help out....


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The Great Big "Lesson 1: Be Yourself" Post

The season kicked off and is already rattling through at a pace! As normal for a TMM team we've been out in action early, always making our way to far flung lands for the early season sunny days (and the Isle of Man in February, can't have our riders thinking it's all holidays). This also means we learn a ton about the squad very quickly and can establish a strong sense of realism for the season.

This time around, seems our pre-season thoughts (and those of the predictors) were pretty spot on. Lagane took a GC Podium at the Tour Down Under, proving he is better than Demare - no notes, we will not revistit this statement of fact again. Jesus Roniel Marte has confirmed he's a sizable intorvert, and continues to breakaway at the drop of a hat. Guadeloupe is a race we're destined to never do anything in. And our TTT unit is good but missing a genuine leader.

Nothing new in any of that. January rankings flatter to deceive based on Lagane, and even then it wasn't exactly encouraging. We're very much on course to hit out pre-season target of finishing rock bottom! And frankly, we're still loving it. There's enough on display from Lagane & Marte to give us a reason to keep riding, knowing we are capable of a random shock result. Whilst having no sudden surges of "but we might just survive!". Ideal.

Wouldn't change a think. This team is not failing, it's not broken. We're just on our own path and slowly developing. Frankly i'm still stunned that A) this team exists, and B) we even made it to the PCT. Which is why the lesson is nothing to do with how to plan your leaders, or unearth the best stat combo for your talent. It's "Be yourself" and enjoy that. Stick around for more affirmations and absurd positivity - plus the usaual odd gif selection.



*for real, why did you all vote this as an award winning HQ!*
The Great Big "Long Overdue Update/Rambling" Post

We did not hold up our end of the "MG's Best Team HQ 2024" Award. One in-season post is a real let down! I mean, that one post was a banger for sure, but not good enough.

Especially as we have had things we should be shouting about! For example: Jesus Roniel Marte continues to be the second coming of Jens Voight, i.e. the breakaway king. Four Breakaways so far through the season lead the team in that count, and in the Tour de Romandie he converted that headstrong effort into an excellent Stage Win!

Speaking of Fours, four breakaways for Marte, leading to our Fourth Stage Win - see, we're still full of quality writing! Not totally surprisingly, it was Lagane that delivered Win #1 of the year in the Tour of South Africa. Newly max'd Perez tagged up Win #2 in the Tour of Norway, whilst Norbert proved his credentials to win in the Tour de Pologne for #3. Lagane, not to be outdone, tagged up win #5 in Pais Vasco.

Five Stage Wins! In one season! This is huge for Podium Ambition, something we've not done in a long time. Ok the rankings have us pretty firmly rooted bottom of the division, but we continue to flash real potential. This inculdes the likes of Akil Campbell finishing 2nd on the Baltic Chain Tour cobbled-prologue, to bag 4/5 Goal Points for us. All sounds pretty positive and good.

Yet, we weren't posting. On one hand, our teams computer systems (my laptop) were out of commisions for Novermber & December. On the other, the personal motivation to keep this project running have been running real low in that time. Love the stage wins, love the upstart attempts to shake the PCT apple cart. But still, another struggling season is really starting to take its toll. We see just how far we are from even contending against relegation, and it's tough y'all. Really not sure I can face another three years of chipping away to reach even the low bar of "genuinely contest against PCT relegation".

Does this mean T3A is going to disband at the end of the season? It's too early to tell. Relegating is fine, that's expected from this year. It's just tough to keep winding up the engines for engagement, posting, and contributions at a worthwhile level. I couldn't run a MG team any other way at this point, it's this idiotic insanity project or nothing. There's some soul searching happening behind the scenes.

Until we get there, it's a sweeping apology to the Reporters and MGUCI if we've missed commenting on all our races! And to the other managers for not contributing as much as we normally would to the overall game interactions. For now, we'll keep chugging along, reliant on gifs to brighen the mood!



There have been some nice wins for you this season. I'll always cheer for the pirates, so hopefully they'll be back next season!

Ulrich Ulriksen
Some really cool riders being developed but "really cool" and "enough points to survive in PCT" are not synonymous, so understand your frustration. Hopefully you decide to keep at it.
Man Game: McCormick Pro Cycling
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