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PCM.daily » Pro Cycling Manager 2021 » PCM 21: General
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Such a shame they stopped making good games
Just to make a very quick comparison of FIFA vs PCM. On steam you have 106 665 reviews for FIFA 23 and PCM 23 ….. 137. This is 1/10th of 1% gamers compare to FIFA. I would imagine the budget to be in the same ballparkSmile
Pat B
Patb095 wrote:
Just to make a very quick comparison of FIFA vs PCM. On steam you have 106 665 reviews for FIFA 23 and PCM 23 ….. 137. This is 1/10th of 1% gamers compare to FIFA. I would imagine the budget to be in the same ballparkSmile

I'm only comparing FIFA to PCM progression-wise. The AI in 2004 was: all teams vs player, in 2023 the AI is... guess what? All teams vs player.
People can tell you tactics that will make you win any race you can have. It's not because it looks differently in 3D races that it is different in code...
I know you can't compare FIFA and PCM community-wise (FIFA is an EA game btw, so most players are on EA's platform, not steam) and obviously the budget is different, the price is also different (atm PCM is € 40 euro's, FIFA € 70), not to mention the fact that people who have bought the game for a while now know that PCM is going to be buggy when released and July/August will barely bring updates because cyanide is on vacation.
I would want to say the game has improved, because I love cycling (virtual and physically) but Cyanide is in it for the money, they started making niche games but instead of building a decent game every year it's more of the same in a different layout. They used to make rugby games (not NFL) but stopped it because it didn't make enough money, that seems logical but the Playstation game is the same as the desktop when it comes to the racing, question is why they sell both the games differently and it costs the same. PCM is a community game, go look at the Downloads-section here for many versions of the game, we needed sponsorkits, official logo's of the game, teams, riders, etc. (Thanks to Jacky Durand, the PCM Daily team, the PCM Focus team back in the day, Le Groupetto, etc.
It's as much of a community game as PES was (they also didn't have the rights (I'm not sure about now, I'm not much of a football gamer)), but at least eFootball is free now.
Read again, on this forum, about any version of the game. It's not just me saying barely anything changed. The majority of the PCM Daily community is. We can use stuff from databases from years ago in the recent version of the game (shirt dimensions for example), if a lot had changed, it wouldn't be compatible because shirts/bikes would look strange. But they don't.
I don't need you to believe me, I don't need you to convince me, it's just facts. And if you disagree then that's fine too.
I've been playing PCM 07, PCM 12, PCM 18, PCM 19 and now PCM 22, so I know that "THE CODING" in the in race hase not change.

Cycling game is very unique as you have more than 2 team fighting against each other but rather 20 team. I think this is getting alot more complex in "CODING" to balance out everything and create a game that dosen't need NASA type supercalculator of computer.

I'm not sure that a FIFA or NHL or any other game are having a diffrent coding every year. They are just adding a bit of new move there and ther and that's it. It look worst in cycling game because of the nature of the sport. Even racing game are also very basic coding and there's only 20 cars in it compare to 200 rider that have a shi t load of diffrents propreties, do you realise how complex a cycling race is? It is so complex that most people that are watching it on TV don't understand anything about it. Plus to be able to play this game you need this knowledge.

I think it is very easy to sit a bitch about the product.

I'm not defending them either but I wouldn't think they are just a bunch of lazy bum that don't care.

If you look at TDF game, (I"ve only see the video) it look like a diffrent coding, they may incorporate these in the manager later on. THey probably created TDF game to get more revenu and reach a larger crowd.

If they were only looking at profit they would drop PCM Manager and just put everything in the TDF game, don't you think?

Rome hasn't been build in a day.
Edited by Patb095 on 31-07-2023 05:21
Pat B
Patb095 wrote:
I've been playing PCM 07, PCM 12, PCM 18, PCM 19 and now PCM 22, so I know that "THE CODING" in the in race hase not change.

Cycling game is very unique as you have more than 2 team fighting against each other but rather 20 team. I think this is getting alot more complex in "CODING" to balance out everything and create a game that dosen't need NASA type supercalculator of computer.

I'm not sure that a FIFA or NHL or any other game are having a diffrent coding every year. They are just adding a bit of new move there and ther and that's it. It look worst in cycling game because of the nature of the sport. Even racing game are also very basic coding and there's only 20 cars in it compare to 200 rider that have a shi t load of diffrents propreties, do you realise how complex a cycling race is? It is so complex that most people that are watching it on TV don't understand anything about it. Plus to be able to play this game you need this knowledge.

I think it is very easy to sit a bitch about the product.

I'm not defending them either but I wouldn't think they are just a bunch of lazy bum that don't care.

If you look at TDF game, (I"ve only see the video) it look like a diffrent coding, they may incorporate these in the manager later on. THey probably created TDF game to get more revenu and reach a larger crowd.

If they were only looking at profit they would drop PCM Manager and just put everything in the TDF game, don't you think?

Rome hasn't been build in a day.

Since you act like you know a lot about coding but not the difference between the TDF and PCM game I'll just say this: TDF is for console (hence why you can't play it with mouse and keyboard, it even says that if you try to buy it on Steam) and PCM is a PC-game. Do you really think they will use more extensive coding on a console game compared to a PC-game? Just like graphics PC's are made to handle those complex things compared to consoles.
The only reason the TDF game exists is to satisfy the console market. The PCM game is more extensive in every aspect of it. It's like Fifa vs the football manager games around. Only TDF has less features than Fifa and PCM has less than the football manager games (yes I know, budget differences, but still not less true because of it).

I've played this game when it was still called 'Cycling Manager' instead of 'Pro Cycling Manager'. So I know how the game works and I know how cycling works as I'm a trainer in the sport.

Again I will suggest you take a look around on this forum, in every 'general' part of every version of the game there's suggestions, that have been sent to Cyanide (and that's just what we know of from this forum, not from the rest of the community). Over the years it's safe to say Cyanide hasn't done much with it. Yes I know how complex it is, and saying you want something in a game doesn't make it easy it implement it, but if they had tried to implement more of these suggestions and even failed and maybe rolled it back next year people wouldn't complain that it's more of the same every year.
Just so you know I’ve been on this forum since 2009 and I have read every bit of it. I see alot of guys that like this game and a little bit but loud people that are complaining and are never satisfy about any change or improvement proposed.

Just remember that this is just a computer game and no matter what they do to mimic the real life, it will never be as close as real life.

And just so you know I’m in a board of management of a junior cycling team as well.

Like you said we disagree and that’s fine.
Pat B
I have already played PCM 12 and PCM 19 and personally, I admit that despite the fact that many people do not like this game, I really appreciated the changes. I hope there are still people like me in this forum
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