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The Politics Thread
Avin Wargunnson wrote:
I am not sure who informed him that well, if it was aliens, NWO, or secret services, but he knows too much for me to handle. Smile

Guys, sombody willing to support me with some questions on a presentation I have to give? I know that there are some americans out here Smile

1. Have there been any constructive climate plans in national (not regional) politics from before Obama besides the 2002 plan of reducing green house gasses by 18% until 2012 which was failed madly?

2. Can you give me a hint on why there are so many climate sceptical guys in America besides the strong oil lobby and the economy plan of Bush?

3. What happened between ACESA (and Clean Energy Jobs and American Power act) and the Clean Power Plan?
The Rider
Croatia14 wrote:

2. Can you give me a hint on why there are so many climate sceptical guys in America besides the strong oil lobby and the economy plan of Bush?

I think that is the main answer there .See this article by George Monbiot: https://www.monbio...n-machine.

The fact is that these unscrupulous people pride profits over humanity. they pride their profits over the environment. The two things, I believe, everyone with any ethical principles whatsoever should adamantly stand for more than anything else. (For it is better to love than to hate, and we have one planet to live on - a biosphere which we can't screw up).

Global temperature records are being broken all the time, artic ice is at worrying low levels, just look at what is happening to the great barrier reef this year. Climate change is the biggest issue effecting all of us, the far-rights reply? They deny the exist of climate change and fund misinformation tanks. They even block efforts for renewable energy. It is sheer unsustainable madness from awful selfish people who seemingly have no idea of ethical principles. These people should be shunned, but thanks to misinformation tanks, populist rhetoric and preying on peoples' fears they have gained a mainstream platform.

It is up to people who believe in things, who believe in a sustainable future, who care for the environment (and everything in it) which is crucial for live on this planet to thrive: it is up to them/to us to resist the efforts of these crude people.

So, yeah, that is the main reason. If you are after another reason though, I would go looking down the human psychology route, ie: why would a rational being believe someone with no scientific background who says that climate change is fake over the whole scientific community and the empirical data they possess?

That's my take on it anyway, hope I have given you something!, Croatia. Wink
Avin Wargunnson wrote:
Guys we should just stop, Paul is obviously too well informed for all of us, we cant see ourselves as serious discussion partners for him.

I am not sure who informed him that well, if it was aliens, NWO, or secret services, but he knows too much for me to handle. Smile

But i hope one day, i will be also chosen as the special being, who can handle the thruth about immigration, economics and all the genders of known universe. Not for me, but for my son, as now i am too unserious to even be a father as i have read, i want him to be raised in the right (far right) way, only proper way.

Now you're trolling. I just would suggest reading CAREFULLY through my posts, not skipping half of it. I never said, that I know all the truth, but that you probably don't know all of it either, so we could've had a discussion. But it seems, that a discussion with you is not possible.

You try to discredit people with other opinions, try to mock them, make fun of them and don't actually discuss stuff, because you probably ran out of arguments.
It does seem that liberal people are only liberal with other liberal minded people. As soon as they meet someone with less liberal opinions they suddenly become very unliberal.

It does tend to be people who consider themselves liberal who resort to name calling and mockery on this forum. Very ironic.

Surely the whole point of liberalism is to allow people to express their opinions without belittling, mocking and even bullying them. You can't say everyone is free to express themselves, except Paul who is a racist neo-nazi. As I said, I don't agree with many if his opinions, but he is entitled to them.
"Ringo is exactly right", Shonak - 8 September 2016
Avin Wargunnson
Liberalism does not mean that you are allowed to say anything you want and excpect that you will be agreed with, because it is your opinion. You can obviously think and say what you want, but it is my same right to call you an idiot because of content of your words.

One of the best way to deal with conservative idiots is through use of humour and trolling, it is even more funny because those people usually react like madman to the humour and mockery of their words. They think you are forced to have a serious conversation with them, but you are not, i can do what i want with your opinion like it, despise it, stuff it in your ass or laught at it.

Btw. i have never called Paul a neo-nazi or nazi ot whatever, only a fascist. Smile
I'll be back
Forever the Best
Some opinions don't deserve respect. I am talking about most of the people in Turkey in this post.

The terrorists and their supporters(most of the people in Turkey) say 'We will kill all seculars' etc. and people expect me to respect them? No I am not doing it, sorry.
Avin Wargunnson
Btw. i am not even very liberal person, i am pretty conservative one, i thought people here know it by now. But being conservative does not mean what Paul stands here for.
I'll be back
Avin Wargunnson wrote:
Liberalism does not mean that you are allowed to say anything you want and excpect that you will be agreed with, because it is your opinion. You can obviously think and say what you want, but it is my same right to call you an idiot because of content of your words.

One of the best way to deal with conservative idiots is through use of humour and trolling, it is even more funny because those people usually react like madman to the humour and mockery of their words. They think you are forced to have a serious conversation with them, but you are not, i can do what i want with your opinion like it, despise it, stuff it in your ass or laught at it.

Btw. i have never called Paul a neo-nazi or nazi ot whatever, only a fascist. Smile

Name calling goes beyond free speech, but I guess, that you don't care.

Also I would still suggest, that you learn to read properly, before you make fun of people. You don't have to like my opinion, but do you honestly think, that mockery lets you look good? The thing is that I always respected your opinion, whilst you didn't respected mine. Well, it seems that ringo is right. People like you, mostly are very unliberal, when it comes to other opinions.
Thanks to ringo. I also don't agree with many of your opinions, but I accept and respect them as well.

Also Avin, when I'm not a conservative, what am I then? A racist? A fascist? If you think so, please bring at least proof for that. If you call me that, please do it on proof. But it still seems, like you're not interested in proof, facts or serious debates at all.
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Avin Wargunnson
Paul23 wrote:
Avin Wargunnson wrote:
Liberalism does not mean that you are allowed to say anything you want and excpect that you will be agreed with, because it is your opinion. You can obviously think and say what you want, but it is my same right to call you an idiot because of content of your words.

One of the best way to deal with conservative idiots is through use of humour and trolling, it is even more funny because those people usually react like madman to the humour and mockery of their words. They think you are forced to have a serious conversation with them, but you are not, i can do what i want with your opinion like it, despise it, stuff it in your ass or laught at it.

Btw. i have never called Paul a neo-nazi or nazi ot whatever, only a fascist. Smile

Name calling goes beyond free speech, but I guess, that you don't care.

Also I would still suggest, that you learn to read properly, before you make fun of people. You don't have to like my opinion, but do you honestly think, that mockery lets you look good? The thing is that I always respected your opinion, whilst you didn't respected mine. Well, it seems that ringo is right. People like you, mostly are very unliberal, when it comes to other opinions.
Thanks to ringo. I also don't agree with many of your opinions, but I accept and respect them as well.

Also Avin, when I'm not a conservative, what am I then? A racist? A fascist? If you think so, please bring at least proof for that. If you call me that, please do it on proof. But it still seems, like you're not interested in proof, facts or serious debates at all.

I actually dont care how i look to anybody on the internet, you think i would still be on Daily acting like i usually am if i could not deal with "not looking good", whatever that means?

But i am good looking man, if that is what you mean. Cool
I'll be back
Avin Wargunnson wrote:

But i am good looking man, if that is what you mean. Cool

That is a despicable lie!!!
"Ringo is exactly right", Shonak - 8 September 2016
Avin Wargunnson wrote:
But i am good looking man, if that is what you mean. Cool

Avin is really Peter Sagan. Confirmed 100%
Avin Wargunnson wrote:
Paul23 wrote:
Avin Wargunnson wrote:
Liberalism does not mean that you are allowed to say anything you want and excpect that you will be agreed with, because it is your opinion. You can obviously think and say what you want, but it is my same right to call you an idiot because of content of your words.

One of the best way to deal with conservative idiots is through use of humour and trolling, it is even more funny because those people usually react like madman to the humour and mockery of their words. They think you are forced to have a serious conversation with them, but you are not, i can do what i want with your opinion like it, despise it, stuff it in your ass or laught at it.

Btw. i have never called Paul a neo-nazi or nazi ot whatever, only a fascist. Smile

Name calling goes beyond free speech, but I guess, that you don't care.

Also I would still suggest, that you learn to read properly, before you make fun of people. You don't have to like my opinion, but do you honestly think, that mockery lets you look good? The thing is that I always respected your opinion, whilst you didn't respected mine. Well, it seems that ringo is right. People like you, mostly are very unliberal, when it comes to other opinions.
Thanks to ringo. I also don't agree with many of your opinions, but I accept and respect them as well.

Also Avin, when I'm not a conservative, what am I then? A racist? A fascist? If you think so, please bring at least proof for that. If you call me that, please do it on proof. But it still seems, like you're not interested in proof, facts or serious debates at all.

I actually dont care how i look to anybody on the internet, you think i would still be on Daily acting like i usually am if i could not deal with "not looking good", whatever that means?

But i am good looking man, if that is what you mean. Cool

And again, you didn't go after the important bits of my text...
Paul23 wrote:

Now you're trolling.

Yeah. No shit Grin Why don't you leave it at that? The way you're reacting makes you every troll's dream!

Chose your battles. Maybe the most important rule in internet discussions Wink
Paul23 wrote:
And again, you didn't go after the important bits of my text...

Come on fella, none of it's important.

In regards to ringo, who I rarely agree with but generally can debate with, I don't think taking the piss is outside the boundaries of liberalism, particularly when it's so clearly warranted.
Edited by wackojackohighcliffe on 08-12-2016 17:32
cunego59 wrote:
Paul23 wrote:

Now you're trolling.

Yeah. No shit Grin Why don't you leave it at that? The way you're reacting makes you every troll's dream!

Chose your battles. Maybe the most important rule in internet discussions Wink

The most important rule is that if ar first you say something stupid, just argue and argue until everyone gets bored of arguing with you. Then you win by default. That's my usual tactic on this site anyway.
"Ringo is exactly right", Shonak - 8 September 2016
ringo182 wrote:
cunego59 wrote:
Paul23 wrote:

Now you're trolling.

Yeah. No shit Grin Why don't you leave it at that? The way you're reacting makes you every troll's dream!

Chose your battles. Maybe the most important rule in internet discussions Wink

The most important rule is that if ar first you say something stupid, just argue and argue until everyone gets bored of arguing with you. Then you win by default. That's my usual tactic on this site anyway.

Wait is someone actually acknowledging they post something stupid in an internet discussion? What weird part of the Internet have I stumbled into?
The Rider wrote:
Croatia14 wrote:

2. Can you give me a hint on why there are so many climate sceptical guys in America besides the strong oil lobby and the economy plan of Bush?

I think that is the main answer there .See this article by George Monbiot: https://www.monbio...n-machine.

The fact is that these unscrupulous people pride profits over humanity. they pride their profits over the environment. The two things, I believe, everyone with any ethical principles whatsoever should adamantly stand for more than anything else. (For it is better to love than to hate, and we have one planet to live on - a biosphere which we can't screw up).

Global temperature records are being broken all the time, artic ice is at worrying low levels, just look at what is happening to the great barrier reef this year. Climate change is the biggest issue effecting all of us, the far-rights reply? They deny the exist of climate change and fund misinformation tanks. They even block efforts for renewable energy. It is sheer unsustainable madness from awful selfish people who seemingly have no idea of ethical principles. These people should be shunned, but thanks to misinformation tanks, populist rhetoric and preying on peoples' fears they have gained a mainstream platform.

It is up to people who believe in things, who believe in a sustainable future, who care for the environment (and everything in it) which is crucial for live on this planet to thrive: it is up to them/to us to resist the efforts of these crude people.

So, yeah, that is the main reason. If you are after another reason though, I would go looking down the human psychology route, ie: why would a rational being believe someone with no scientific background who says that climate change is fake over the whole scientific community and the empirical data they possess?

That's my take on it anyway, hope I have given you something!, Croatia. Wink

Thanks for the answer! And that article is a great read indeed Smile Thought about the psychological pattern of 21st century human as well, but not really sure if that is a big factor compared to lobbyism. Cheers again. Smile
I don't understand how people don't believe in climate change here. There has been no snow here in Pennsylvania yet this year and when I started college 3 years ago we had snow a month ago and it never stopped.

It is in the upper 40's Fahrenheit here right now and it's usually lower 20's. Im sure baseball, NTTHRASH, and other Americans here could agree with this.

Trump is an idiot for not believing in it


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jseadog1 wrote:
I don't understand how people don't believe in climate change here. There has been no snow here in Pennsylvania yet this year and when I started college 3 years ago we had snow a month ago and it never stopped.

It is in the upper 40's Fahrenheit here right now and it's usually lower 20's. Im sure baseball, NTTHRASH, and other Americans here could agree with this.

Trump is an idiot for not believing in it

Trump said, that he believes in it, though.
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