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The Politics Thread
Greetings from 2021. This thread is pretty funny, right? Pfft

Ah, the old talk about weird tumblr genders and sexualities to discredit real human sexualities and gender dysphoria. Also, you went from

Paul23 wrote:
Honestly, I don't give a fuck about LGBTQTTIB people

Paul23 wrote:
I also think that there are only 3 genders

pretty quickly :lol: EDIT: didn't realise you meant intersex Pfft

Look Paul, I disagree with you on things as you probably know, but I hope you don't count me among those who "attack" you, so let me say: if you don't want the backlash that may come with an unpopular in this context opinion (that you don't care about LGBT people), don't post it. Different people have different views. If Waghlon wants to lighten things up in this thread (whether or not you think it's in poor taste) I don't blame him, just don't take him seriously as part of your argument, or he's making you look like the joke.

Or maybe you need a safe space too BOOM #triggered Pfft

2021: Wow great moralising 14-year-old jandal, very cool! I'm sure the adults you interrupted really appreciated it
Edited by jandal7 on 05-07-2021 22:37
24/02/21 - kandesbunzler said “I don't drink famous people."
15/08/22 - SotD said "Your [jandal's] humour is overrated"
11/06/24 - knockout said "Winning is fine I guess. Truth be told this felt completely unimportant."

[ICL] Santos-Euskadi | [PT] i.imgur.com/c85NSl6.png Xero Racing

5x i.imgur.com/wM6Wok5.png x5
2x pcmdaily.com/images/mg/Awards2021/funniest21.png x2
2x i.imgur.com/TUidkLG.png x2
First of:

I don't changes my View in my comments.

I only think there are 3 genders. Man, woman and the "Mutation of having both genitalia".

I have no problem with lesbians, or gays.
I have a Problem with 70+ genders, with people who create a Gender based on their mood and that demand, that I Call them by their created pronouns.
No gay, I know is part of the LGBTQTTIB movement. I despise people who join that movement probably as much as they would hate me. And I just don't want every topic I talk about, getting belittled by jokes. If you don't want to discuss, don't weiter in this thread. If you're just here to Troll, you can honestly go fuck yourself. That's not against you jandal. I kinda like you.
Who do you think is just here to troll anyway?


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Avin Wargunnson
jseadog1 wrote:
Who do you think is just here to troll anyway?

Paul, because i cant imagine someone could be so lost for real, he has to be trolling...

Ok, on the more serious note (i would not want to make Paul mad, he could probably go on shooting rampage on borders or something like that). Lets face it and be serious if he wants to - you are a modern post-fascist Paul (dont mix it with nazi, that is time and area restricted form of radical fasicm). You dont value others opinions highly, you are using agressive tone and stand agressively behind your ideas and you are against liberal society, i think you are actually afraid of liberal society. You would feel better and more certain in an authoritarian state, with protective and strict leadership, against the outer influences. And you are touchy as much as man can be.

Like other people with similar political views these days, you tend to mix up things that have really nothing in common with each other, things that make you feel insecure becase you dont understand them. LBGT rights, immigrants, free speach, taxes,...your goal is to criticize and destroy, not build and open the consturctive debate about various things, without not needed emotions.

You are for free speech and honesty right? I can honestly say you, that i despise the people of this kind and if i should fear that future of Europe is in danger, it is not because muslim or any other immigrants, but because of people like you, who are ready to get radicalized and dangerous.

Btw. good job Waghlon. Wink
Edited by Avin Wargunnson on 07-12-2016 07:21
I'll be back
While I don't agree with many of Paul's opinions, you have to accept that his opinions are growing in popularity as a direct result of over liberalisation in many countries.

Being too liberal is just as dangerous as being too conservative. Letting everyone in and do whatever they want is just as bad as letting no one in and controlling everything they do. A balance is needed but a balance is not going to please everyone.
"Ringo is exactly right", Shonak - 8 September 2016
Of course there needs to be a balance, it almost always does.

But I heavily disagree that extreme liberalism and extreme conservatism (bordering fascism) is equally bad. One is the extreme of a mindset that strives for equal opportunities and solidarity, the other one of a mindset that prioritizes in-group favoritism and seclusion. Both have bad consequences (I also disagree that the consequences are equally bad), but the intentions matter in my opinion.

Just as there's a huge difference between right-wing extremist violence and left-wing anarchist violence. It matters if your violence is aimed towards minorities who are relatively powerless, or towards authorities who can forcefully and powerfully defend themselves.

Don't get me wrong, in both cases, both sides are bad. But far from being equally bad.
Paul23 wrote:
Tl;Dr: I'm basically Satan for you, I guess. And I couldn't care less at the Moment.

No one sees you as Satan I think, just as an uninformed racist kid. To be honest, it's not all that bad either. A lot of people go through extreme politic views in their teenage years. Some become hardcore commies, others could easily join the Hitlerjugend. There's this anger you have as a teenager, and as it disappears by growing up, you'll also find you'll become more moderate in your opinions.

Now if you still have these views when you're an adult, that would be worrying. So let's see in a few years Smile
Changed my sig, this was getting absurd.
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I agree that extreme conservatism is more aggressive by nature. But you seem to be comparing extreme conservatism to middle of the road liberalism. Extreme liberalism would be similar to the hippy movement of the 1960s/70s.

It would be impossible for a country to function with extreme liberalism which is what I mean by it being dangerous.

Extreme conservatism can be dangerous for the population of a country, however the country itself may thrive.
Extreme liberalism can be dangerous for the country as a whole, though the population may be quite happy.
"Ringo is exactly right", Shonak - 8 September 2016
ringo182 wrote:
Extreme conservatism can be dangerous for the population of a country, however the country itself may thrive.
Extreme liberalism can be dangerous for the country as a whole, though the population may be quite happy.

As part of the population, I'd much rather be happy Wink a country, an administration, should not be an end in itself. Same for the economy, btw. Shouldn't a happy population be the main goal?

Again, not saying that extreme liberalism is the way to achieve it. But you said it yourself, that is at least their purpose
cunego59 wrote:
ringo182 wrote:
Extreme conservatism can be dangerous for the population of a country, however the country itself may thrive.
Extreme liberalism can be dangerous for the country as a whole, though the population may be quite happy.

As part of the population, I'd much rather be happy Wink a country, an administration, should not be an end in itself. Same for the economy, btw. Shouldn't a happy population be the main goal?

Again, not saying that extreme liberalism is the way to achieve it. But you said it yourself, that is at least their purpose

You'd be happy until the trains stopped running or the Police didn't turn up or you were invaded by your slightly more right wing neighbours who didn't remove their defence programme for a state of the art hacky sack stadium Smile
Like I said, both extremes are not good in the long run. My point is that you can't keep ignoring/dismissing as racist the views of the population leaning more towards the right, otherwise their views will become more extreme. Many concerns over immigration are perfectly valid concerns.
"Ringo is exactly right", Shonak - 8 September 2016
Hey! I'd happily give up my security for a nice hacky-sack-stadium! Totally worth it!

But we're getting off-topic. You're right, there are lots of valid concerns. And there are lots of racist populist statements being thrown around. And it's important to see both for what they are.

Still, I'd rather take the risk to be a little too liberal (personally and as a society) than a little too conservative. I'll leave it at that.
Ollfardh wrote:
Paul23 wrote:
Tl;Dr: I'm basically Satan for you, I guess. And I couldn't care less at the Moment.

No one sees you as Satan I think, just as an uninformed racist kid. To be honest, it's not all that bad either. A lot of people go through extreme politic views in their teenage years. Some become hardcore commies, others could easily join the Hitlerjugend. There's this anger you have as a teenager, and as it disappears by growing up, you'll also find you'll become more moderate in your opinions.

Now if you still have these views when you're an adult, that would be worrying. So let's see in a few years Smile

First off, I'm an adult, I'm no teenager. I'm no child. Second off, I'm probably better informed, than the most people in this chat. I wouldn't talk me down, just because I don't match your opinion. I'm just plain conservative. I posted my main opinions in the last post. Please tell me, which of these are "radical views". I really want to know.

Ringo again has put it on spot:

"Being too liberal is just as dangerous as being too conservative. Letting everyone in and do whatever they want is just as bad as letting no one in and controlling everything they do. A balance is needed but a balance is not going to please everyone."

That's mostly everything I ever said, although Dippofix for example told everyone, that I would support Pegida, which I didn't. I'm not a radical right-winger. I'm more central-right. AfD is on the edge of being too right for me, but there is no other party, which represents conservatives in germany. The CDU goes more left with every day and they don't change anything to the better.
Avin Wargunnson wrote:
jseadog1 wrote:
Who do you think is just here to troll anyway?

Paul, because i cant imagine someone could be so lost for real, he has to be trolling...

Ok, on the more serious note (i would not want to make Paul mad, he could probably go on shooting rampage on borders or something like that). Lets face it and be serious if he wants to - you are a modern post-fascist Paul (dont mix it with nazi, that is time and area restricted form of radical fasicm). You dont value others opinions highly, you are using agressive tone and stand agressively behind your ideas and you are against liberal society, i think you are actually afraid of liberal society. You would feel better and more certain in an authoritarian state, with protective and strict leadership, against the outer influences. And you are touchy as much as man can be.

Like other people with similar political views these days, you tend to mix up things that have really nothing in common with each other, things that make you feel insecure because you dont understand them. LBGT rights, immigrants, free speach, taxes,...your goal is to criticize and destroy, not build and open the consturctive debate about various things, without not needed emotions.

You are for free speech and honesty right? I can honestly say you, that i despise the people of this kind and if i should fear that future of Europe is in danger, it is not because muslim or any other immigrants, but because of people like you, who are ready to get radicalized and dangerous.

Btw. good job Waghlon. Wink

I honestly don't know what to say about this.

I'm not trolling. I honestly think that you're trolling.
I won't go on a shooting rampage, because I'm against violence. I would only let police or soldiers use the ultima ratio with weapons, but it seems like latin is too much for you. It means, that you only use the weapon as a last resort. I don't want to see people dead. But if someone is patroling a border, he could get in the bad position, of "you or me", when the opposition will try with brute force to get past.

A fascist is a person with a violent tone? Ok, i note that to myself, that my tone makes me a fascist. I don't value other opinions highly? How do you rate my opinion? Do you rate it highly in saying, that you think that I troll? I don't think so. We have different opinions. I always accepted that. I always said so, but people didn't care, because saying, that I'm a fascist is way easier, than arguing without actual facts. I'm actually as afraid of a liberal society, as you are afraid of an authoritarian one. I see, how our german liberals are. They are way more aggressive, than our neo-nazis. They don't want to create borders, but more "borders of thought", were you get labeled as islamophobic, xenophobic, fascist and so on, when you are slipping out of their self-made boundaries.

Like other people with similar political views these days, you tend to mix up things that have really nothing in common with each other, things that make you feel insecure because you dont understand them. LBGT rights, immigrants, free speach, taxes,...your goal is to criticize and destroy, not build and open the consturctive debate about various things, without not needed emotions.

I mixed up things, simply because I gave you a wide-spread look into my opinions, all over the board. I don't feel insecure about them. No, the opposite is the case. I have nothing against gays and lesbians, but against 70+ genders, which were created, because sick minds, had nothing better to do. No, my goal is not to destroy. My goal is to bring our society forward. I can't achieve that on my own, so I have to argue with people. Also I critizise thing, that I don't like. Everyone is invited to have a debate with me, all the time. LGTB rights...I'm a conservative. Surely I'm against gay-marriage. Marriage for me is between man and woman. I can totally understand if you think otherwise. This is not really important to me however. I can live with lesbians, gays, transsexuals and bisexuals. They're fine, but LGTB get's weirder with every day. I don't agree on queers, intertrans agender and those other genders which are part of that movement. The more normal gays, lesbians and transsexuals are not part of that LGBT movement. Hence I am for their rights, but not for the rights of the LGBT movement.

Where do I want to destroy free speech? I'm totally for it, hence I'm against safe spaces. Everyone should voice their free speech as long as you're not breaking any laws.

The end part makes no sense. I would never hurt a person. I would never and go demonstrate on the streets, because I'm not radical.

But atleast we agree, that we despise each other. I also think the same about you, as you think about me.

Also you again have to provoke with the last sentence. Grow up. I thought you were a father...shouldn't you be behaving like an adult?
Paul23 wrote:
I see, how our german liberals are. They are way more aggressive, than our neo-nazis. They don't want to create borders, but more "borders of thought", were you get labeled as islamophobic, xenophobic, fascist and so on, when you are slipping out of their self-made boundaries.

Even if you'd accept the premise that liberals are more aggressive, I'd rather have someone aggressively calling me racist, than a little less aggressively setting refugee shelters on fire.

Paul23 wrote:
I have nothing against gays and lesbians, but against 70+ genders, which were created, because sick minds, had nothing better to do. No, my goal is not to destroy. [...] but LGTB get's weirder with every day. I don't agree on queers, intertrans agender and those other genders which are part of that movement. The more normal gays, lesbians and transsexuals are not part of that LGBT movement. Hence I am for their rights, but not for the rights of the LGBT movement.

I appreciate that you're okay with homosexuals. I completely understand that you're weirded out by the amount of different identities, I am too at times. But how do they do you any harm? Why can't the be what they want to be? Because they're offended when you don't address them properly? Then they're maybe a sensitive asshole, but there're many of them in any given group. Live and let live!

Also, you can be very certain that a majority of gays and lesbians will advocate very strongly for the rights of other sexual minorities, hence being part of "the movement". Also, making a distinction between homosexual and queer doesn't really show the knowledge you claim to have, at least on this subject. Queer is a general term that includes homosexuals.
cunego59 wrote:
Paul23 wrote:
I see, how our german liberals are. They are way more aggressive, than our neo-nazis. They don't want to create borders, but more "borders of thought", were you get labeled as islamophobic, xenophobic, fascist and so on, when you are slipping out of their self-made boundaries.

Even if you'd accept the premise that liberals are more aggressive, I'd rather have someone aggressively calling me racist, than a little less aggressively setting refugee shelters on fire.

Paul23 wrote:
I have nothing against gays and lesbians, but against 70+ genders, which were created, because sick minds, had nothing better to do. No, my goal is not to destroy. [...] but LGTB get's weirder with every day. I don't agree on queers, intertrans agender and those other genders which are part of that movement. The more normal gays, lesbians and transsexuals are not part of that LGBT movement. Hence I am for their rights, but not for the rights of the LGBT movement.

I appreciate that you're okay with homosexuals. I completely understand that you're weirded out by the amount of different identities, I am too at times. But how do they do you any harm? Why can't the be what they want to be? Because they're offended when you don't address them properly? Then they're maybe a sensitive asshole, but there're many of them in any given group. Live and let live!

Also, you can be very certain that a majority of gays and lesbians will advocate very strongly for the rights of other sexual minorities, hence being part of "the movement". Also, making a distinction between homosexual and queer doesn't really show the knowledge you claim to have, at least on this subject. Queer is a general term that includes homosexuals.

Because the only thing, radical leftists do, is calling you racist? In which world do you live?

I know that "homoexuals" are also part of the queers, but most homosexuals I know, don't want to be part of that movement, because that movement contains of safe spacers, who get offended, when you "guess their gender wrong".

For me, these 70+ genders are just the start of the problem. What's next? Germany currently thinks about building genderneutral toilets. And just at that point, it starts to effect me as a taxpayer. But even worse, is that they simply get triggered, by everything. A few months back, I wrote a letter in our university. It started with "Jungs und Mädels" (Boys and Girls). I got E-Mails on how ignorant of a person I am, forgetting their gender or their kin. I had to rewrite that text. The salutation was longer than the rest of the text.
Paul23 wrote:
I can live with lesbians, gays, transsexuals and bisexuals. They're fine, but LGTB get's weirder with every day. I don't agree on queers, intertrans agender and those other genders which are part of that movement. The more normal gays, lesbians and transsexuals are not part of that LGBT movement. Hence I am for their rights, but not for the rights of the LGBT movement.

LGBT is literally lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (I get that some have left this movement because they disagree, much like how many people supporting African-American rights have left Black Lives Matter because certain uncondoned (which can't be done with LGBT) wings of the movement go to extremes).

I apologise if this is a mistake, but my point earlier was it's a common anti-LGBT movement tactic to horde them (all the genders and sexualities, who as someone above said do you no harm) together to make the ones that are human "programmed" sexualities and people who suffer gender dysphoria look silly. The word rights here means human rights I guess? These people who do nothing but disagree with you and maybe weird you out get their human rights degraded.

Though maybe I don't have a place in your debate, as I come from New Zealand which seems the opposite of German politics, where according to you there is only the extremist liberals and extremist conservatives.

Also with a quick gloss over AfD's English wiki page, what are your views on the roles of women?

2021 edit: Wow suprisingly well put together point by your standards young jandal, and fantastic baiting at the end
Edited by jandal7 on 05-07-2021 22:40
24/02/21 - kandesbunzler said “I don't drink famous people."
15/08/22 - SotD said "Your [jandal's] humour is overrated"
11/06/24 - knockout said "Winning is fine I guess. Truth be told this felt completely unimportant."

[ICL] Santos-Euskadi | [PT] i.imgur.com/c85NSl6.png Xero Racing

5x i.imgur.com/wM6Wok5.png x5
2x pcmdaily.com/images/mg/Awards2021/funniest21.png x2
2x i.imgur.com/TUidkLG.png x2
Paul23 wrote:
wackojackohighcliffe wrote:
Paul23 wrote:
Waghlon wrote:
Paul23 wrote:
I can only speak for Germany, hence here's a map of all documented criminal acts of immigrants in 2016 in Germany and Austria.(and some swiss ones as well)


And here's a map of crimes commited by Germans who immigrated to other countries:


Funny how that gets upvoted. Shows the intellect of those users.

"Immigrants do shit."


-moron logic

This is not about Hitler, this is not about nazis, this is about the current situation. If you honestly complain about Hitler now, you're not better than those morons, who argue for islam, when they say, that christianity did crusades.

You know what? I think Waghlon might even have been making a joke. Highly out of character in all fairness.

I know that Waghlon made a Joke....a Joke about a topic, which should be taken seriously. It's pretty Boring now, that every Post "against" me gets upvotes. He could've written: "Paul, you're a cunt." And would've gotten upvotes. Don't get me wrong. I don't care about the upvotes itself, but it just Shows alot about daily, when Posts against me get upvotes, no matter what they are about. It almost seems like people are uniting against Facts. Pfft

"Oh No! He says things I don't want to hear. Lalalalalalalala. I can't hear you. Let's give everyone who makes fun of his Posts or who's against him upvotes, to voice my opinion. I'm so progressive!"

Ringo got everything on Point during his last Posts. Nobody cares about his Posts though, BECAUSE WAGHLON MADE A NAZI JOKE! Why not Name this thread: "The Politics Thread, but only if it's conform with my opinion"...?

We could also create Safe spaces for the offended LGBTQTTIB people, so that they and all their quadrillion genders can live in harmony with the feminists and the radical leftist and refugees, they adore so much.

Honestly, I don't give a fuck about LGBTQTTIB people, about feminazis, about radical of any sort and about refugees that create trouble.
I also think that there are only 3 genders, that 3rd Wave feminism is cancer, that the Islam is a Dangerous ideology and that probably too many refugees don't flee at all. I also think that Hitler wasn't stupid or that he did some good things as well. I also like combustion engines, fast Cars and free speech. I dislike Safe spaces, because I think that they help our society to become retarded. Well, it actually is already. I also think that taxes should be equal and raised/lowered onto 25% for everyone. I also think that equality is important between men and women. I also like to be a Gentleman towards women, but I would probably Hit a woman, if she Hits first, because equality. I like the concept of sovereign states with clear borders. I like the German culture. I think that every country should control their borders, if needed, with weapons after the ultima Ratio. And yes, if that's needed they should also shoot children and women. I think that Trump is better than Hillary and I'm pro-choice. Also I'm for the death penalty. My rant is hereby done.

Tl;Dr: I'm basically Satan for you, I guess. And I couldn't care less at the Moment.

Nah, I have some time, I read it. It was a fun meltdown. Well work-shopped. I especially liked the bit where you said you don't care about upvotes and then went on about upvotes for a couple of paragraphs. Oh and the latin.
wackojackohighcliffe wrote:
Paul23 wrote:
wackojackohighcliffe wrote:
Paul23 wrote:
Waghlon wrote:
Paul23 wrote:
I can only speak for Germany, hence here's a map of all documented criminal acts of immigrants in 2016 in Germany and Austria.(and some swiss ones as well)


And here's a map of crimes commited by Germans who immigrated to other countries:


Funny how that gets upvoted. Shows the intellect of those users.

"Immigrants do shit."


-moron logic

This is not about Hitler, this is not about nazis, this is about the current situation. If you honestly complain about Hitler now, you're not better than those morons, who argue for islam, when they say, that christianity did crusades.

You know what? I think Waghlon might even have been making a joke. Highly out of character in all fairness.

I know that Waghlon made a Joke....a Joke about a topic, which should be taken seriously. It's pretty Boring now, that every Post "against" me gets upvotes. He could've written: "Paul, you're a cunt." And would've gotten upvotes. Don't get me wrong. I don't care about the upvotes itself, but it just Shows alot about daily, when Posts against me get upvotes, no matter what they are about. It almost seems like people are uniting against Facts. Pfft

"Oh No! He says things I don't want to hear. Lalalalalalalala. I can't hear you. Let's give everyone who makes fun of his Posts or who's against him upvotes, to voice my opinion. I'm so progressive!"

Ringo got everything on Point during his last Posts. Nobody cares about his Posts though, BECAUSE WAGHLON MADE A NAZI JOKE! Why not Name this thread: "The Politics Thread, but only if it's conform with my opinion"...?

We could also create Safe spaces for the offended LGBTQTTIB people, so that they and all their quadrillion genders can live in harmony with the feminists and the radical leftist and refugees, they adore so much.

Honestly, I don't give a fuck about LGBTQTTIB people, about feminazis, about radical of any sort and about refugees that create trouble.
I also think that there are only 3 genders, that 3rd Wave feminism is cancer, that the Islam is a Dangerous ideology and that probably too many refugees don't flee at all. I also think that Hitler wasn't stupid or that he did some good things as well. I also like combustion engines, fast Cars and free speech. I dislike Safe spaces, because I think that they help our society to become retarded. Well, it actually is already. I also think that taxes should be equal and raised/lowered onto 25% for everyone. I also think that equality is important between men and women. I also like to be a Gentleman towards women, but I would probably Hit a woman, if she Hits first, because equality. I like the concept of sovereign states with clear borders. I like the German culture. I think that every country should control their borders, if needed, with weapons after the ultima Ratio. And yes, if that's needed they should also shoot children and women. I think that Trump is better than Hillary and I'm pro-choice. Also I'm for the death penalty. My rant is hereby done.

Tl;Dr: I'm basically Satan for you, I guess. And I couldn't care less at the Moment.

Nah, I have some time, I read it. It was a fun meltdown. Well work-shopped. I especially liked the bit where you said you don't care about upvotes and then went on about upvotes for a couple of paragraphs. Oh and the latin.

Ok, so you didn't get it at all. Please read again and try to understand.
jandal7 wrote:
Paul23 wrote:
I can live with lesbians, gays, transsexuals and bisexuals. They're fine, but LGTB get's weirder with every day. I don't agree on queers, intertrans agender and those other genders which are part of that movement. The more normal gays, lesbians and transsexuals are not part of that LGBT movement. Hence I am for their rights, but not for the rights of the LGBT movement.

LGBT is literally lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (I get that some have left this movement because they disagree, much like how many people supporting African-American rights have left Black Lives Matter because certain uncondoned (which can't be done with LGBT) wings of the movement go to extremes).

I apologise if this is a mistake, but my point earlier was it's a common anti-LGBT movement tactic to horde them (all the genders and sexualities, who as someone above said do you no harm) together to make the ones that are human "programmed" sexualities and people who suffer gender dysphoria look silly. The word rights here means human rights I guess? These people who do nothing but disagree with you and maybe weird you out get their human rights degraded.

Though maybe I don't have a place in your debate, as I come from New Zealand which seems the opposite of German politics, where according to you there is only the extremist liberals and extremist conservatives.

Also with a quick gloss over AfD's English wiki page, what are your views on the roles of women?

LGBT was used by Avin(i think), so I just went with that. I'm mostly against the gender fluid bs.
I don't degrade their human rights, but you simply can't create a gender, because you feel that way and then try to force others to accept it. I don't run around, claiming that I'm a toaster either. Also gender fluids can change their gender, according to their feelings. If you agree with that, fine, but I don't agree on that. For me their gender is either man or woman(and the 3rd thingy).

About the role of the woman. That's one of the points, i don't really agree with the AfD. I want an equal rights position(what we have now). If the woman wants, she can be a housewive or a boss in a company. I don't care. I don't wanna force a woman into any position.
Avin Wargunnson
Guys we should just stop, Paul is obviously too well informed for all of us, we cant see ourselves as serious discussion partners for him.

I am not sure who informed him that well, if it was aliens, NWO, or secret services, but he knows too much for me to handle. Smile

But i hope one day, i will be also chosen as the special being, who can handle the thruth about immigration, economics and all the genders of known universe. Not for me, but for my son, as now i am too unserious to even be a father as i have read, i want him to be raised in the right (far right) way, only proper way.
I'll be back
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