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Chasing the Rainbow Stripes - Text based game
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Posted on 12-01-2025 05:29
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Chasing the Rainbow Stripes
2016 UCI World Championship

In July I wrote a choose-your-own-adventure story/game about the Tour de France and it was so fun I wanted to do it again, but this time it’s about the 2016 World Championships.

This is shorter than Le Grande Boucle, some 20 000 words instead of 33 000. Mostly, however, it’s due to the fact that I tried to add some more choices, and choices that matter, than in my previous story. I felt that it constrained the reader too much which made it feel like nothing the player did mattered in the way the story developed. There’s also two major story lines instead of just one, you can either choose to be a sprinter or a breakaway artist which completely changes the story and the way the race unfolds.

Here's the link: https://philome.la/PlutoLarsson/chasin...ripes/play


Let me know if there are any questions or bugs and I’ll sort it out. Hope you enjoy it!

La Grande Boucle - The Tour de France text based game
Chasing the Rainbow Stripes - World Championships text based game https://pcmdaily.com/forum/viewthread....d_id=46119
have to say that I enjoyed breakaway artist a lot more due to much more decision making...brilliant stuff though once again, thanks agamir!


Croatia14 wrote:
have to say that I enjoyed breakaway artist a lot more due to much more decision making...brilliant stuff though once again, thanks agamir!


Cheers! I agree that more interactivity makes for more fun gameplay, and if I keep writing these that's definitely something I'll do more of; good constructive feedback Smile

Regarding the bugs, you're completely right, must've messed up the "coding" part.
La Grande Boucle - The Tour de France text based game
Chasing the Rainbow Stripes - World Championships text based game https://pcmdaily.com/forum/viewthread....d_id=46119
Also, tips if you want to play all the different endings:


La Grande Boucle - The Tour de France text based game
Chasing the Rainbow Stripes - World Championships text based game https://pcmdaily.com/forum/viewthread....d_id=46119

Croatia14 wrote:

Haha, that is one of the weirdest things I've written. Grin Thought about making it only a 10% chance of getting that ending.
La Grande Boucle - The Tour de France text based game
Chasing the Rainbow Stripes - World Championships text based game https://pcmdaily.com/forum/viewthread....d_id=46119
still entertaining though...tried 3 times and got the same results every time though...
Croatia14 wrote:
still entertaining though...tried 3 times and got the same results every time though...

Hm, you can always go back and forth when you come to those "checkpoints", there's a random chance which path you get put on.
La Grande Boucle - The Tour de France text based game
Chasing the Rainbow Stripes - World Championships text based game https://pcmdaily.com/forum/viewthread....d_id=46119
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