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PCM.daily » PCM.daily's Management Game » [Cont-Man-Game] HC/C1 Results
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Tour Down Under - Stage 5

Time for Willunga Hill! Two times the riders have to climb Willunga before they reach the finish. i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/ven.png Van Stayen so far was very dominant and was able to counter all attacks or even gained time with bonus seconds or gapping stronger puncheurs.
Today though will be his biggest test as it`s the longest and hardest climb. The likes of i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/bac.png Ulissi, i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/qst.png Froome, i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/jag.png Dowsett etc. are still dangerously close and surely are capable of doing better today. So it might be their last chance to win the GC or improve their position.


7 riders hope to surprise the favourites just like they did on stage 3.
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/kzi.png Santambrogio
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/bac.png Mancuso
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/amx.png Devolder
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/lvc.png Mandri
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/rse.png Walker
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/met.png Grygorenko
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/sbp.png Jensen
Some pretty solid puncheurs in there without too much time loss yet. In especially Mancuso is an interesting tactic as he is one of Ulissi`s top domestiques, who might become important later today.


Karcher and Allianz with huge interest in today stage. Both are doing the main work, while Venchi can wait a bit behind them. So what is their plan?
Karcher with McEvoy not too bad but definitely not one of the top favourites and Allianz with Talabardon, who is a huge outsider today and Roy, who did not find his form yet it seems.


Santambrogio easily takes the first sprint ahead of Walker and Jensen.


Higher pace behind now and responsible for it surprisingly Allianz with most of their squad working for their leader. It might have been smarter to let the other teams with better GC riders work instead, but at least a team who is trying something.


Also the second sprint is one for Santambrogio with Jensen and Walker following next.


After that sprint we saw a huge selection in that breakaway and it`s not really covered why it happened.
Devolder and Mandri are in pole position with Mancuso trying to bridge up.
Santambrogio, Walker and Jensen a bit behind while Grygorenko is almost caught already. 1'14 only for the peloton though.


Attack out of the peloton!
It`s i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/qst.png Serry and i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/ozc.png Jiao. Not the very best puncheurs yet but two riders, you mustn`t underestimate.
So also Quickstep sending one of their co-leaders highering the pressure on other teams like Venchi or Jaguar.


The top duo starts the first climb on Willunga Hill. Behind them the splitted breakaway and 1'30 to the peloton with the recent attackers somewhere in between.
Who is going to attack already on that first pass?


Except for Devolder, Mandri and Mancuso all are being caught again during the climb and now it`s time for the favourites to take over. i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/ken.png Ben Nasser attacks first with 1,1km left until the top. He is followed by i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/kzi.png Shushemoin.


Immediately other puncheurs follow them and within those the leader jersey of Van Stayen, who looks pretty fresh actually.
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/bac.png Ulissi
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/ven.png Van Stayen
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/ozc.png Visconti
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/qst.png Froome
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/hrc.png Trentin.
Last one though looks not powerful enough as he barely can create a gap.


Mandri is the first on top and takes the KoM here ahead of Devolder.
As Mancuso is caught as well now, the 3rd is a bit surprising as Shushemoin takes it. That said CSC in person of De le Fuente has caught all recent attackers again and so there was no gap any longer.


Well. Here clearly is a gap. Mandri attacked again and is going solo now with a huge gap. 1'40 again up to the peloton, that slowed down a little bit after catching all favourites.
But Mandri also is just +1'32 behind, so they can`t just let him go.


A huge split in the back of the peloton. Most sprinters can`t follow and also some better placed GC riders such as i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/abc.png Talabardon or i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/hrc.png Oelerich can`t follow. Also surprising but seeing his form so far not the biggest one i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/gzl.png Weening, who missed the split.


That said with 13km to go a group of still 74 riders led by Quickstep is trying to chase down Mandri, who has a 1'40 gap.


In the 2nd peloton Allianz is trying to come back and not giving up yet. Their top sprinter Richeze now is working for Talabardon trying to rejoin the first group. But as the pace in front is fast and the riders there look less exhausted it`s not looking too well.
At least Roy is still in front for the team that did so much work in the beginning.


All 3 top puncheurs from Quickstep, Bacardi and Jaguar send their teammates to the front with Mancuso still having enough energy to work after his breakaway appearance. Mandri`s gap is down to 50s with 4km to go. But the next climb will surely favour the favourites more than the soloist.


i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/qst.png Froome realizes that he has to go early if he wants to catch Mandri.
So right in the beginning of Willunga Hill he attacks.


A lot of riders follow him immediately and within them also the race leader, who still is on a good way to defend his GC lead.
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/ken.png Ben Nasser
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/bac.png Ulissi
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/lvc.png Gautier
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/ven.png Van Stayen
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/bac.png Bilbao
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/met.png Rabon
Bacardi with two riders here surely are less exhausted due to Mancuso`s effort.
But to win the GC they first need to get rid of Van Stayen.


More riders follow, that have missed the first move.
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/mei.png Efimkin
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/ozc.png Visconti
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/mag.png Simon
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/sbp.png Hermans
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/csc.png Ventoso
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/fcb.png Betancourt

So who is mainly missing here? One name for sure. Last year`s winner i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/jag.png Dowsett is still in the peloton.
Also Mehr-Wenige, Haas, Vastaranta, McEvoy, Roy, Kump or Barrio are still behind. In case of Roy this is surprising seeing their early work. Barrio did not try anything at all yet. And the others probably aren`t strong enough to go with the best.


Mandri is caught by Froome, who has created a decent gap already. Van Stayen and co need to close this one. Still 1,2km to go.


Ulissi, Ben Nasser and Gautier all look stronger than the race leader. But Froome is above all. We are already in about that area, where Van Stayen`s GC lead is in huge danger. But still 700m for the Brit in front.


Froome not slowing down in his typical I don`t go out of the saddle and look on my bike computer every 0,5 seconds. But it`s working for him as the gap widens.
Behind him lots of splits and small groups. Every rider on his own now going up as fast as possible.


Big win for Froome and Quickstep, who get their first win in 2014 and a first sign of what to expect this season. Everything but promoting and several stage wins would be disappointing.


18s later Ulissi leads the next group containing Ben Nasser as 3rd and also Gautier as 4th.
But there surely is another gap to Van Stayen and actually Gautier can be happy to not get a gap as well!


Great ride though by Van Stayen, who comes over the line as 5th. Behind him a strong Rabon and Bilbao. But what about their time?
+38 so with bonus seconds this means a 18s lead by Froome in the GC over Van Stayen, who is the new 2nd.
18s. Also interesting as tomorrow there are -20s bonus for the stage winner and Van Stayen already has two of them.


Betancourt and Efimkin as next with +53s couldn`t totally follow the best. Behind Julien Simon with another great performance as 10th of the day 1'04 behind but staying in a good GC position. Also Visconti, Mandri, who actually takes the KoM jersey with his solo in the end and Ventoso also in that group while Hermans lost a little bit more.

But he still was ahead of Dowsett, who must be named as the biggest disappointment today not even having a top10 GC after today.
Vastaranta, Mehr-Wenige, Haas, McEvoy, Kump, Roy and some more within him today.

So the top10 got a huge mix up today and we have a new race leader for the first time. But tomorrow will be very interesting now as it can change again.

1Chris FroomeQuickstep3h19'11
2Diego UlissiBacardi Limited+ 18
3Hassen Ben NasserTeam Kenya Airwayss.t.
4Cyril GautierLa Vie Claires.t.
5Michael Van StayenVenchi - Ferranti+ 38
6Frantisek RabonMetinvest-Emiratess.t.
7Pello BilbaoBacardi Limiteds.t.
8Carlos BetancourtFCB - Polska+ 53
9Aleksandr EfimkinMeiji - Cannondales.t.
10Julien SimonMagna - Ryanair+ 1'04
11Giovanni ViscontiOz Cycling Projects.t.
12René MandriLa Vie Claires.t.
13Francisco VentosoTeam CSC-Orbeas.t.
14Ben HermansSwedbank - PEAB+ 1'23
15Alex DowsettJaguar - Eritel+ 1'33
16Jukka VastarantaMagna - Ryanairs.t.
17Dietmar Mehr-WenigeAMEXpcs.t.
18Nathan HaasRisa - Ergons.t.
19Jonathan McEvoyKarcher-Adira Racings.t.
20Marc De MaarQuicksteps.t.
21Marko KumpAMEXpcs.t.
22Jérémy RoyAllianz-BMW Cycling Teams.t.
23David De la FuenteTeam CSC-Orbeas.t.
24Alessandro ProniLa Vie Claires.t.
25Pieter SerryQuickstep+ 2'05
26Andoni BlazquezQuicksteps.t.
27Alexandre ShushemoinKazzinc Procyclings.t.
28Sergio BarrioTeam CSC-Orbeas.t.
29Matteo TrentinTeam Hornbachs.t.
30Tomohiro KinoshitaMeiji - Cannondales.t.
31Markus EibeggerMagna - Ryanairs.t.
32Perikles IliasMagna - Ryanairs.t.
33Joaquin Rodriguez OliverTeam CSC-Orbeas.t.
34Mark O'BrienOz Cycling Projects.t.
35Daniel HoelgaardTeam CSC-Orbeas.t.
36Vasili KiryenkaBelarusBank Pro Cyclings.t.
37Gracjan LejmanFCB - Polskas.t.
38Fabian WegmannTeam Kenya Airwayss.t.
39Charalampas KastrantasGazelles.t.
40Zico WaeytensQuicksteps.t.
41Pablo MudarraVenchi - Ferrantis.t.
42Michel KrederSwedbank - PEABs.t.
43Salvatore MancusoBacardi Limiteds.t.
44Yukihiro DoiMeiji - Cannondales.t.
45Francesco GavazziTeam Hornbachs.t.
46Pavel KochetkovMagna - Ryanairs.t.
47Andrei KunitskiBelarusBank Pro Cyclings.t.
48Mathieu PergetBacardi Limiteds.t.
49Mattia PozzoKazzinc Procyclings.t.
50Marcel AreggerVenchi - Ferrantis.t.
51Jiri HudecekKazzinc Procyclings.t.
52Evaldas SiskeviciusKazzinc Procyclings.t.
53Federico RocchettiKarcher-Adira Racings.t.
54Essaid AbelouacheJaguar - Eritels.t.
55Francesco FailliKappa-ENIs.t.
56Daniel OssGazelles.t.
57Kristian Haugaard JensenSwedbank - PEABs.t.
58Simon GerransOz Cycling Projects.t.
59Matti BreschelAMEXpcs.t.
60Pengda JiaoOz Cycling Projects.t.
61William WalkerRisa - Ergons.t.
62Laurent DidierFCB - Polskas.t.
63Mauro SantambrogioKazzinc Procyclings.t.
64Francisco Anton MartinTeam CSC-Orbeas.t.
65Aidis KruopisBacardi Limiteds.t.
66Eduard GrosuMetinvest-Emiratess.t.
67Allan DavisKarcher-Adira Racings.t.
68Jorge AzanzaKarcher-Adira Racings.t.
69Mouhssine LahsainiJaguar - Eritels.t.
70Tom Jelte SlagterLa Vie Claires.t.
71Andrii BratashcukMetinvest-Emiratess.t.
72Johann van ZylTeam Kenya Airwayss.t.
73Stijn DevolderAMEXpcs.t.
74Greg Van AvermaetVenchi - Ferrantis.t.
75Louis VervaekeVenchi - Ferranti+ 3'38
76Yves LampaertAllianz-BMW Cycling Team+ 5'39
77Maximiliano RichezeAllianz-BMW Cycling Teams.t.
78Matthew GossOz Cycling Projects.t.
79Yannick TalabardonAllianz-BMW Cycling Teams.t.
80Oleksandr GrygorenkoMetinvest-Emiratess.t.
81Jan HirtAllianz-BMW Cycling Teams.t.
82Gert DockxVenchi - Ferrantis.t.
83Johannes FrohlingerKarcher-Adira Racings.t.
84Harry KraftAllianz-BMW Cycling Teams.t.
85Lachlan MortonJaguar - Eritels.t.
86Calvin WatsonRisa - Ergons.t.
87Jure KocjanBacardi Limiteds.t.
88Jan PolancAllianz-BMW Cycling Teams.t.
89Aleksandr DyachenkoCompal-Meridas.t.
90Enrico GasparottoTeam Kenya Airwayss.t.
91Marcio PortelaKarcher-Adira Racings.t.
92Pieter WeeningGazelles.t.
93Pedro Miguel PaulinhoKarcher-Adira Racings.t.
94Tarik ChaoufiTeam Kenya Airwayss.t.
95Kristijan DurasekRBC Pro Cyclings.t.
96Santo AnzaKappa-ENIs.t.
97Thurakit BoonratanathanakornMagna - Ryanairs.t.
98Hugo HouleRBC Pro Cyclings.t.
99Redouane ChaabaneTeam Kenya Airwayss.t.
100Michele ScarponiKappa-ENIs.t.
101Christiaan KriekGazelles.t.
102Mohammad Saufi Mat SenanCompal-Meridas.t.
103Andrea PagotoKappa-ENIs.t.
104Wes SulzbergerOz Cycling Projects.t.
105Yukiya ArashiroMeiji - Cannondales.t.
106Nicolae TanovitchiiMetinvest-Emiratess.t.
107Przemyslaw NiemiecBelarusBank Pro Cyclings.t.
108Danilo NapolitanoMeiji - Cannondales.t.
109Markus EichlerTeam Hornbachs.t.
110Suleiman KangangiTeam Kenya Airwayss.t.
111Eliot LietaerKappa-ENIs.t.
112Nolan HoffmanMetinvest-Emiratess.t.
113Paavo PaajanenSwedbank - PEABs.t.
114Jorge AbreuFCB - Polskas.t.
115Kamil GradekFCB - Polskas.t.
116Bjørn Tore HoemRisa - Ergons.t.
117Adam PhelanOz Cycling Projects.t.
118Sascha ModoloMeiji - Cannondales.t.
119Patrick NaudRBC Pro Cyclings.t.
120Boy Van PoppelTeam Hornbachs.t.
121Marcos AlturTeam CSC-Orbeas.t.
122Mitch DockerRBC Pro Cyclings.t.
123Carlos BarberoFCB - Polskas.t.
124Andrea ZordanGazelles.t.
125Bernhard EiselAMEXpcs.t.
126Volodymyr DzhusMetinvest-Emiratess.t.
127Daniil FominykhCompal-Meridas.t.
128Maani AltanzulLa Vie Claires.t.
129Alexandor CatafordRBC Pro Cyclings.t.
130Mark CavendishBelarusBank Pro Cyclings.t.
131Guillaume BlotKappa-ENIs.t.
132Marco MinnardGazelles.t.
133Theo ReinhardtAMEXpcs.t.
134Fredrik LudvigssonSwedbank - PEABs.t.
135Pavel PotockiQuicksteps.t.
136Kosuke MakinoCompal-Meridas.t.
137Jan HopmanTeam Hornbachs.t.
138Siarhei PapokBelarusBank Pro Cyclings.t.
139Jan OelerichTeam Hornbachs.t.
140Bobbie TrakselTeam Hornbachs.t.
141Heinrich HausslerLa Vie Claires.t.
142Jonas AhlstrandSwedbank - PEABs.t.
143Alexandr NepomnyachsniyKazzinc Procyclings.t.
144Wei Cheng LeeKazzinc Procyclings.t.
145Bryan CoquardQuicksteps.t.
146Daniel TurekBacardi Limiteds.t.
147Adam PierzgaFCB - Polskas.t.
148Øystein Stake LaengenRisa - Ergons.t.
149Davide ViganòKappa-ENIs.t.
150Mathieu DrujonMagna - Ryanairs.t.
151Olivier KaisenVenchi - Ferrantis.t.
152Jani TeweldeJaguar - Eritels.t.
153Yauheni HutarovichBelarusBank Pro Cyclings.t.
154Till DrobischJaguar - Eritels.t.
155Dainius KairelisControl Teams.t.
156Kenji ItamiMeiji - Cannondales.t.
157Paride GrilloAMEXpcs.t.
158Christopher SuttonRisa - Ergons.t.
159Romain VanderbiestRBC Pro Cyclings.t.
160Sung Baek ParkCompal-Meridas.t.
161Nejc KosicGazelle+ 8'32
162Charles MatteRBC Pro Cyclings.t.
163Anuar MananCompal-Meridas.t.
164Jonas Aaen JørgensenRisa - Ergons.t.
165Tomasz ZywerControl Teams.t.
166Ivor BruinControl Teams.t.
167Ahmad Haidar AnuawarCompal-Meridas.t.
168Truls Engen KorsaethSwedbank - PEAB+ 10'11
169Simon ClarkeBelarusBank Pro Cycling+ 10'57
170Mustafa CarsiLa Vie Claires.t.
171Emile BintunimanaJaguar - Eritel+ 12'06

1Chris FroomeQuickstep15h19'51
2Michael Van StayenVenchi - Ferranti+ 18
3Diego UlissiBacardi Limited+ 26
4Hassen Ben NasserTeam Kenya Airways+ 30
5Cyril GautierLa Vie Claire+ 38
6Julien SimonMagna - Ryanair+ 51
7Frantisek RabonMetinvest-Emirates+ 58
8Francisco VentosoTeam CSC-Orbea+ 1'12
9Carlos BetancourtFCB - Polska+ 1'13
10Pello BilbaoBacardi Limited+ 1'50
11Marko KumpAMEXpc+ 1'53
12Alex DowsettJaguar - Eritels.t.
13Jukka VastarantaMagna - Ryanairs.t.
14Alessandro ProniLa Vie Claires.t.
15Jonathan McEvoyKarcher-Adira Racings.t.
16Aleksandr EfimkinMeiji - Cannondale+ 2'05
17Giovanni ViscontiOz Cycling Project+ 2'16
18René MandriLa Vie Claires.t.
19Mouhssine LahsainiJaguar - Eritel+ 2'23
20Ben HermansSwedbank - PEAB+ 2'35
21Marc De MaarQuickstep+ 2'37
22Jérémy RoyAllianz-BMW Cycling Team+ 2'45
23Nathan HaasRisa - Ergons.t.
24David De la FuenteTeam CSC-Orbeas.t.
25Francesco FailliKappa-ENI+ 2'49
26Mauro SantambrogioKazzinc Procycling+ 3'05
27Jorge AzanzaKarcher-Adira Racing+ 3'07
28Jiri HudecekKazzinc Procycling+ 3'09
29Aidis KruopisBacardi Limited+ 3'11
30William WalkerRisa - Ergon+ 3'13
31Kristian Haugaard JensenSwedbank - PEABs.t.
32Michel KrederSwedbank - PEAB+ 3'17
33Zico WaeytensQuicksteps.t.
34Salvatore MancusoBacardi Limiteds.t.
35Sergio BarrioTeam CSC-Orbeas.t.
36Allan DavisKarcher-Adira Racings.t.
37Fabian WegmannTeam Kenya Airwayss.t.
38Greg Van AvermaetVenchi - Ferrantis.t.
39Andoni BlazquezQuicksteps.t.
40Marcel AreggerVenchi - Ferrantis.t.
41Pieter SerryQuicksteps.t.
42Essaid AbelouacheJaguar - Eritels.t.
43Matteo TrentinTeam Hornbachs.t.
44Yukihiro DoiMeiji - Cannondales.t.
45Daniel HoelgaardTeam CSC-Orbeas.t.
46Francisco Anton MartinTeam CSC-Orbeas.t.
47Evaldas SiskeviciusKazzinc Procyclings.t.
48Mathieu PergetBacardi Limiteds.t.
49Alexandre ShushemoinKazzinc Procyclings.t.
50Pengda JiaoOz Cycling Projects.t.
51Simon GerransOz Cycling Projects.t.
52Perikles IliasMagna - Ryanairs.t.
53Eduard GrosuMetinvest-Emiratess.t.
54Andrii BratashcukMetinvest-Emiratess.t.
55Joaquin Rodriguez OliverTeam CSC-Orbeas.t.
56Federico RocchettiKarcher-Adira Racings.t.
57Mattia PozzoKazzinc Procyclings.t.
58Vasili KiryenkaBelarusBank Pro Cycling+ 4'36
59Mark O'BrienOz Cycling Projects.t.
60Laurent DidierFCB - Polska+ 4'56
61Dietmar Mehr-WenigeAMEXpc+ 5'19
62Johann van ZylTeam Kenya Airways+ 5'21
63Tom Jelte SlagterLa Vie Claire+ 5'41
64Pavel KochetkovMagna - Ryanair+ 5'43
65Francesco GavazziTeam Hornbach+ 5'51
66Tomohiro KinoshitaMeiji - Cannondales.t.
67Daniel OssGazelles.t.
68Pablo MudarraVenchi - Ferrantis.t.
69Gracjan LejmanFCB - Polskas.t.
70Andrei KunitskiBelarusBank Pro Cyclings.t.
71Markus EibeggerMagna - Ryanairs.t.
72Stijn DevolderAMEXpcs.t.
73Yannick TalabardonAllianz-BMW Cycling Team+ 5'57
74Jan OelerichTeam Hornbach+ 6'27
75Matthew GossOz Cycling Project+ 6'31
76Gert DockxVenchi - Ferranti+ 6'37
77Oleksandr GrygorenkoMetinvest-Emirates+ 6'47
78Danilo NapolitanoMeiji - Cannondale+ 6'49
79Lachlan MortonJaguar - Eritel+ 6'51
80Jure KocjanBacardi Limiteds.t.
81Calvin WatsonRisa - Ergons.t.
82Johannes FrohlingerKarcher-Adira Racings.t.
83Matti BreschelAMEXpc+ 7'30
84Marco MinnardGazelle+ 7'40
85Maximiliano RichezeAllianz-BMW Cycling Team+ 8'10
86Enrico GasparottoTeam Kenya Airwayss.t.
87Aleksandr DyachenkoCompal-Meridas.t.
88Yves LampaertAllianz-BMW Cycling Teams.t.
89Marcio PortelaKarcher-Adira Racings.t.
90Pedro Miguel PaulinhoKarcher-Adira Racing+ 8'30
91Charalampas KastrantasGazelle+ 8'39
92Yukiya ArashiroMeiji - Cannondale+ 8'55
93Santo AnzaKappa-ENIs.t.
94Louis VervaekeVenchi - Ferranti+ 9'03
95Heinrich HausslerLa Vie Claire+ 9'13
96Fredrik LudvigssonSwedbank - PEAB+ 9'21
97Hugo HouleRBC Pro Cycling+ 9'25
98Kristijan DurasekRBC Pro Cyclings.t.
99Andrea PagotoKappa-ENIs.t.
100Pieter WeeningGazelles.t.
101Redouane ChaabaneTeam Kenya Airwayss.t.
102Przemyslaw NiemiecBelarusBank Pro Cyclings.t.
103Christiaan KriekGazelles.t.
104Michele ScarponiKappa-ENIs.t.
105Wes SulzbergerOz Cycling Projects.t.
106Paavo PaajanenSwedbank - PEABs.t.
107Tarik ChaoufiTeam Kenya Airwayss.t.
108Pavel PotockiQuicksteps.t.
109Marcos AlturTeam CSC-Orbeas.t.
110Suleiman KangangiTeam Kenya Airways+ 10'34
111Alexandr NepomnyachsniyKazzinc Procycling+ 10'45
112Nolan HoffmanMetinvest-Emirates+ 10'56
113Paride GrilloAMEXpc+ 11'04
114Boy Van PoppelTeam Hornbachs.t.
115Sascha ModoloMeiji - Cannondales.t.
116Mitch DockerRBC Pro Cyclings.t.
117Theo ReinhardtAMEXpcs.t.
118Eliot LietaerKappa-ENIs.t.
119Jorge AbreuFCB - Polskas.t.
120Adam PhelanOz Cycling Projects.t.
121Patrick NaudRBC Pro Cyclings.t.
122Thurakit BoonratanathanakornMagna - Ryanairs.t.
123Carlos BarberoFCB - Polskas.t.
124Mohammad Saufi Mat SenanCompal-Meridas.t.
125Markus EichlerTeam Hornbachs.t.
126Maani AltanzulLa Vie Claires.t.
127Christopher SuttonRisa - Ergon+ 11'30
128Jan HirtAllianz-BMW Cycling Team+ 12'00
129Siarhei PapokBelarusBank Pro Cyclings.t.
130Bryan CoquardQuicksteps.t.
131Bernhard EiselAMEXpcs.t.
132Kosuke MakinoCompal-Meridas.t.
133Mathieu DrujonMagna - Ryanair+ 12'29
134Jan HopmanTeam Hornbachs.t.
135Andrea ZordanGazelles.t.
136Kamil GradekFCB - Polskas.t.
137Wei Cheng LeeKazzinc Procyclings.t.
138Daniel TurekBacardi Limiteds.t.
139Till DrobischJaguar - Eritels.t.
140Jonas AhlstrandSwedbank - PEAB+ 13'14
141Jani TeweldeJaguar - Eritel+ 13'49
142Mark CavendishBelarusBank Pro Cycling+ 14'08
143Romain VanderbiestRBC Pro Cycling+ 14'30
144Harry KraftAllianz-BMW Cycling Team+ 14'38
145Øystein Stake LaengenRisa - Ergons.t.
146Yauheni HutarovichBelarusBank Pro Cycling+ 14'39
147Bobbie TrakselTeam Hornbachs.t.
148Volodymyr DzhusMetinvest-Emiratess.t.
149Alexandor CatafordRBC Pro Cyclings.t.
150Guillaume BlotKappa-ENIs.t.
151Adam PierzgaFCB - Polska+ 15'33
152Bjørn Tore HoemRisa - Ergon+ 16'41
153Kenji ItamiMeiji - Cannondale+ 16'42
154Olivier KaisenVenchi - Ferrantis.t.
155Sung Baek ParkCompal-Merida+ 16'48
156Daniil FominykhCompal-Meridas.t.
157Davide ViganòKappa-ENI+ 17'43
158Jan PolancAllianz-BMW Cycling Team+ 18'50
159Jonas Aaen JørgensenRisa - Ergon+ 19'05
160Anuar MananCompal-Merida+ 23'53
161Nicolae TanovitchiiMetinvest-Emirates+ 25'06
162Nejc KosicGazelle+ 25'42
163Charles MatteRBC Pro Cycling+ 27'03
164Simon ClarkeBelarusBank Pro Cycling+ 27'31
165Dainius KairelisControl Team+ 29'21
166Truls Engen KorsaethSwedbank - PEAB+ 30'02
167Ahmad Haidar AnuawarCompal-Merida+ 32'26
168Mustafa CarsiLa Vie Claire+ 34'51
169Tomasz ZywerControl Team+ 36'55
170Ivor BruinControl Teams.t.
171Emile BintunimanaJaguar - Eritel+ 50'55

1Michael Van StayenVenchi - Ferranti76
2Chris FroomeQuickstep40
3Francisco VentosoTeam CSC-Orbea34
4Cyril GautierLa Vie Claire33
5Matthew GossOz Cycling Project32
6Diego UlissiBacardi Limited31
7Francesco FailliKappa-ENI30
8Romain VanderbiestRBC Pro Cycling28
9Jan OelerichTeam Hornbach26
10Gert DockxVenchi - Ferranti26

1René MandriLa Vie Claire18
2Marko KumpAMEXpc16
3Chris FroomeQuickstep16
4Diego UlissiBacardi Limited14
5Pello BilbaoBacardi Limited14
6Charalampas KastrantasGazelle14
7Michael Van StayenVenchi - Ferranti12
8Stijn DevolderAMEXpc12
9Hassen Ben NasserTeam Kenya Airways10
10Jorge AzanzaKarcher-Adira Racing10

1Carlos BetancourtFCB - Polska15h21'04 (1)
2Pello BilbaoBacardi Limited+ 37 (2)
3Jonathan McEvoyKarcher-Adira Racing+ 40 (3)
4Nathan HaasRisa - Ergon+ 1'32 (4)
5Kristian Haugaard JensenSwedbank - PEAB+ 2'00 (5)
6Zico WaeytensQuickstep+ 2'04 (6)
7Marcel AreggerVenchi - Ferranti+ 2'04 (7)
8Matteo TrentinTeam Hornbach+ 2'04 (8)
9Daniel HoelgaardTeam CSC-Orbea+ 2'04 (9)
10Eduard GrosuMetinvest-Emirates+ 2'04 (10)

1La Vie Claire46h04'20 (1)
2Bacardi Limited+ 58 (2)
3Magna - Ryanair+ 1'14 (3)
4Quickstep+ 1'35 (4)
5Team CSC-Orbea+ 2'39 (5)
6Metinvest-Emirates+ 2'45 (6)
7Venchi - Ferranti+ 2'45 (7)
8Jaguar - Eritel+ 2'48 (8)
9Karcher-Adira Racing+ 3'40 (9)
10Team Kenya Airways+ 3'44 (10)
11Meiji - Cannondale+ 3'52 (11)
12Oz Cycling Project+ 4'03 (12)
13Swedbank - PEAB+ 4'22 (13)
14Kazzinc Procycling+ 5'04 (14)
15FCB - Polska+ 7'13 (15)
16Risa - Ergon+ 8'06 (16)
17AMEXpc+ 8'16 (17)
18Team Hornbach+ 11'06 (18)
19Allianz-BMW Cycling Team+ 12'07 (19)
20Gazelle+ 14'55 (20)
21BelarusBank Pro Cycling+ 15'05 (21)
22Kappa-ENI+ 16'44 (22)
23RBC Pro Cycling+ 25'07 (23)
24Compal-Merida+ 26'27 (24)

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