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GP Ouest France - Plouay

Sunny 33°C await 108 riders in Northwestern France for 9 laps of racing through the hilly countryside.
Nevertheless, the bookmakers first and foremost favour sprinters i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/vue_zps51fdf35e.pngKennaugh and i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/bps_zps2b426596.pngFeillu, but don't expect a lot of money in return when you bid on i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/prp_zps2240497e.pngVentoso either!


The latter part of the peloton isn't even moving when the first riders attack.
use the first slight descent to set off.


i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/btc_zpse1fa0b09.pngWarren Barguil decides not to appreciate the scenic landscape and goes into pursuit mode.


i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/vue_zps51fdf35e.pngVueling seems very happy with the current composition of the breakaway though and reels the Frenchman back in.
Meanwhile, the four riders at the front reach the most interesting part of the lap for the first time.


It doesn't seem like a difficult climb, but it is enough to nearly force a standstill in the peloton as riders even have to hit their brakes to level the speed difference.


The break's advantage hits 5 minutes as i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/luk_zps37d4ab7e.pngPopov has to call for the mechanics at the other end of the race.
No problem getting back in for him.


i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/emt_zps170ae4bd.pngFederico Rocchetti goes down by the river. Does he recover or is one of Evian's options for the day already done?
He joins i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/luk_zps37d4ab7e.pngPopov and makes it back, but the consequences of the crash can't be evaluated yet.


The peloton goes through the finish area for the fourth time 8:30 minutes down. Vueling knows it's time to speed up to ensure i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/vue_zps51fdf35e.pngKennaugh doesn't have to face a huge tempo increase later on.


i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/src_zps90f6d964.pngDuggan has a puncture (or did he actually just want to take a closer look at that nice girl there?), but joins the bunch again easily.


Next problem for a Sram rider as i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/src_zps90f6d964.pngSmukulis punctures with 60k to go. The break's advantage is down to 4 minutes thanks to Vueling and i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/prp_zps2240497e.pngPrio.


Not only does i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/src_zps90f6d964.pngSmukulis get back to the front, he is even involved in the first attempt to surprise the leaders as he attacks together with i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/tcs_zps625f9315.pngRybakov and i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/htc_zps6bfb639a.pngde Maar! Impressive performance by the Latvian.


For the first time in hours, the pack sees the breakaway again as the group ahead forced Bpost to take over the major amount of work from Vueling.
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/bps_zps2b426596.pngCousin leads the peloton 30 seconds behind the Smukulis group and 2 minutes behind the breakaway, where i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/mti_zps330e0e2d.pngPakthusov, by far the best puncheur, does not make any attempt to significantly increase the speed yet.


Just as I say that, he attacks! Two laps to go, and we are in for an exciting finish.


The remnants of the breakaway and the second group on the road merge soon after, decreasing the Ukrainian's advantage to 50 seconds with the bunch some 20 seconds further down.


Just as i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/mti_zps330e0e2d.pngPakthusov gets caught, i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/CT/cre_zps8fb855ae.pngKhviyuzau uses the rest of his energy to attack past.
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/htc_zps6bfb639a.pngDe Maar and i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/src_zps90f6d964.pngSmukulis join, as both can already feel the breath of everyone else in their necks. The attack goes nowhere though.


Said Metinvest rider is too exhausted from the day's efforts and is unattentive while going back into the field.
He goes down!


It's a huge pileup right behind the first positions of the bunch as bikes fly everywhere.


It's not only bikes though, as British champion i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/jag_zps1b91f70a.pngDowsett makes an impressive dive, only missing the river by a few metres! Therefore, the jury rates rather low:
1.5 2 0.5 1 1 0.5


The crash forces a massive split with less than 20 kilometres left to ride. Only 40-ish riders stay in the front group.
The biggest losers are
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/emt_zps170ae4bd.pngSonnery Rocchetti Puusepp
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/btc_zpse1fa0b09.pngLevarlet El Fares
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/rbc_zps9a8b3bfb.pngAnderson Houle
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/sbp_zpsa477b496.pngVan Hummel
and i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/htc_zps6bfb639a.pngArmee, who has to abandon the race.
Surprisingly few sprint favourites miss the split, but i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/emt_zps170ae4bd.pngEvian is basically out of the race now.


Unimpressed from the action behind, the first sprint train forms. i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/vue_zps51fdf35e.pngVan der Sande tries to lead i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/vue_zps51fdf35e.pngKennaugh (who just takes a pull), with i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/trh_zpsd616c798.pngGeschke, i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/tcs_zps625f9315.pngTrusov, i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/src_zps90f6d964.pngHaussler, i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/prp_zps2240497e.pngCaldeira and i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/sbp_zpsa477b496.pngKreder behind.
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/prp_zps2240497e.pngVentoso and i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/bps_zps2b426596.pngFeillu wait and position themselves a bit further to the right.


Meanwhile, i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/rbc_zps9a8b3bfb.pngSoupe loses contact together with a few helpers.


We go up the Côte de Ty Marrec for the last time today, and Sram takes the lead. No i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/src_zps90f6d964.pngHaussler in sight though!
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/bps_zps2b426596.pngFeillu is actually the only sprinter visible in this shot as one of the two Bpost riders on the right side of your screen.


i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/trh_zpsd616c798.pngGeschke right in front of us leads the rest of the favourites, albeit already a bit far back.
The camera then focuses on i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/vue_zps51fdf35e.pngKennaugh and i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/prp_zps2240497e.pngVentoso. The Spaniard doesn't look too interested! Is he aware that this is the last lap?


Over the hill we go, and surprisingly without a further attack, especially considering we have guys like Hoogerland leading the group.
Behind i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/htc_zps6bfb639a.pngBaugnies, the sprinters line up.

i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/prp_zps2240497e.pngVentoso is slightly to the right of that train.

Noone seems to want to go first here as we already approach the final corner with the finish banner already in sight! i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/trh_zpsd616c798.pngGeschke had enough and accelerates, as he knows it'd be difficult getting through everyone else in front later on with only 1.6k to go.


i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/trh_zpsd616c798.pngGeschke indeed takes the inner line, with i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/sbp_zpsa477b496.pngHoogerland, i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/htc_zps6bfb639a.pngde Maar, i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/tcs_zps625f9315.pngRybakov and i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/src_zps90f6d964.pngEichler still ahead.
Most of them seem to wait for their designated sprinter to pass though.


i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/trh_zpsd616c798.pngGeschke takes the lead, and only i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/sbp_zpsa477b496.pngKreder, i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/vue_zps51fdf35e.pngKennaugh and i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/src_zps90f6d964.pngHaussler can follow him!


500 metres to go. i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/src_zps90f6d964.pngHaussler cannot hold the Brit's wheel anymore, who looks to go around i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/sbp_zpsa477b496.pngKreder on the right. Kreder himself tries to pass i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/trh_zpsd616c798.pngGeschke.


Only a few metres left, and it will be incredibly close between those three!


i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/vue_zps51fdf35e.pngPeter Kennaugh wins the GP Plouay! i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/sbp_zpsa477b496.pngKreder takes second by the slightest of margins. Can a three-way sprint finish be any closer?


i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/src_zps90f6d964.pngHaussler takes fourth right behind the trio as Kennaugh cheers.


i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/src_zps90f6d964.pngEichler takes 5th to make it a good team result for Sram. i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/mti_zps330e0e2d.pngVitoria finishes right behind for an impressive 6th place for the Metinvest rider.
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/sbp_zpsa477b496.pngHoogerland gets the best result for a pure puncheur in 7th, with a slightly disappointing i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/bps_zps2b426596.pngFeillu and Tinkoff duo i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/tcs_zps625f9315.pngKozontchuk and i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/tcs_zps625f9315.pngKolobnev rounding out the Top 10. i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/prp_zps2240497e.pngVentoso finishes an atrocious 15th just ahead of team mate i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/prp_zps2240497e.pngCaldeira.


1Peter KennaughTeam Vueling Airlines6h09'17
2Michel KrederSwedbank-PEABs.t.
3Simon GeschkeRothaus - Aegons.t.
4Heinrich HausslerSram-Riboxx Cycling Teams.t.
5Markus EichlerSram-Riboxx Cycling Teams.t.
6David VitoriaMetinvest-Emiratess.t.
7Johnny HoogerlandSwedbank-PEABs.t.
8Romain FeilluTeam BPosts.t.
9Dmitri KozontchukTinkoff Bank - Rosneft OJSCs.t.
10Aleksandr KolobnevTinkoff Bank - Rosneft OJSCs.t.
11Jérôme BaugniesHTC Nieuwsblads.t.
12Marc De MaarHTC Nieuwsblads.t.
13Alexander RybakovTinkoff Bank - Rosneft OJSCs.t.
14Jérémy RoyAlstom-RBCs.t.
15Francisco VentosoPrio - Portos.t.
16Samuel CaldeiraPrio - Portos.t.
17Nikolai TrusovTinkoff Bank - Rosneft OJSCs.t.
18Xavier ZabaloRothaus - Aegons.t.
19Aleksandr MironovLukOil-Rostelekoms.t.
20Gatis SmukulisSram-Riboxx Cycling Teams.t.
21Jerome CousinTeam BPosts.t.
22Tosh Van der SandeTeam Vueling Airliness.t.
23Enrico BarbinHTC Nieuwsblads.t.
24Iljo KeisseSram-Riboxx Cycling Teams.t.
25Blel KadriTeam Vueling Airliness.t.
26Evgeni PopovLukOil-Rostelekoms.t.
27Joeri StallaertTeam BPosts.t.
28Francis De GreefTeam BPosts.t.
29Bruno BorgesPrio - Portos.t.
30Tim DeclerqTeam BPost+ 2'14
31Niels ScheunemannTeam Vueling Airliness.t.
32Moreno MoserMetinvest-Emiratess.t.
33Mathieu La LavandierTeam BPosts.t.
34Geoffrey SoupeAlstom-RBCs.t.
35Dominique RollinAlstom-RBCs.t.
36Ricardo FerreiraPrio - Portos.t.
37Glenn LikhayaSwedbank-PEABs.t.
38Kanstantsin KhviyuzauTeam Credexbank+ 3'43
39Jerome MainardEvian-MIATs.t.
40Youcef ReguiguiJaguar - Eritels.t.
41Yauhen SobalLukOil-Rostelekom+ 5'00
42Ryan AndersonAlstom-RBCs.t.
43Alex DowsettJaguar - Eritels.t.
44Hugo HouleAlstom-RBCs.t.
45Eros CapecchiMetinvest-Emiratess.t.
46Lars Ytting BakTeam Vueling Airliness.t.
47Aurélien PasseronRothaus - Aegons.t.
48Valentin IglinskiRothaus - Aegons.t.
49Paul VossRothaus - Aegons.t.
50Guillaume LevarletBouygues Telecoms.t.
51Warren BarguilBouygues Telecoms.t.
52Manuel OrtegaJapanese - Korean Cycling Projects.t.
53Federico RocchettiEvian-MIATs.t.
54Cédric PineauAlstom-RBCs.t.
55Oleg ChuzhdaTeam Credexbanks.t.
56Artem OvechkinTinkoff Bank - Rosneft OJSCs.t.
57Timothy DugganSram-Riboxx Cycling Teams.t.
58Jos PronkSwedbank-PEABs.t.
59Lionel CoutinhoPrio - Portos.t.
60Jesus TenderoRothaus - Aegons.t.
61Joon Yong SeoJapanese - Korean Cycling Projects.t.
62Kenny Van HummelSwedbank-PEABs.t.
63Mikhail TimochineLukOil-Rostelekoms.t.
64Christoff Van HeerdenRothaus - Aegons.t.
65Aleksandr SerovLukOil-Rostelekoms.t.
66Blaz BogatajLukOil-Rostelekoms.t.
67Adrien PetitEvian-MIATs.t.
68Huub DuynSram-Riboxx Cycling Teams.t.
69Julien El FaresBouygues Telecoms.t.
70Martin PuuseppEvian-MIATs.t.
71Arman KamyshevTeam Vueling Airliness.t.
72Danilo Di LucaJapanese - Korean Cycling Projects.t.
73Anders LundSwedbank-PEABs.t.
74Souheil KhederiJaguar - Eritels.t.
75Pavel KorzhTinkoff Bank - Rosneft OJSCs.t.
76Gyung Gu JangJapanese - Korean Cycling Projects.t.
77Stanislau BazhkouTeam Credexbanks.t.
78Kenneth VanbilsenHTC Nieuwsblads.t.
79Robert RetschkeTeam Credexbanks.t.
80Stefano LocatelliBouygues Telecoms.t.
81Joeri AdamsBouygues Telecoms.t.
82Maani AltanzulEvian-MIATs.t.
83Artjom TimofeevTinkoff Bank - Rosneft OJSCs.t.
84Issiaka CisseJaguar - Eritels.t.
85Ian BoswellHTC Nieuwsblads.t.
86Bart WellensLukOil-Rostelekoms.t.
87Natnael BerhaneJaguar - Eritels.t.
88Lawrence WarbasseSram-Riboxx Cycling Teams.t.
89Patrick LaneHTC Nieuwsblads.t.
90Maxime La LavandierTeam BPosts.t.
91Luis AfonsoPrio - Portos.t.
92Bryan CoquardEvian-MIATs.t.
93Adrian HonkiszTeam Credexbanks.t.
94Sho HatsuyamaJapanese - Korean Cycling Projects.t.
95Alexei TsikhanauTeam Credexbanks.t.
96Christopher De SouzaAlstom-RBCs.t.
97Davide MartinelliMetinvest-Emiratess.t.
98Ilia KoshevoyTeam Credexbanks.t.
99Antonio CarvalhoPrio - Portos.t.
100Blaise SonneryEvian-MIATs.t.
101Dries BeatseBouygues Telecoms.t.
102Elias AfewerkiJaguar - Eritels.t.
103Oleksandr GrygorenkoMetinvest-Emiratess.t.
104Tomohiro HayakawaJapanese - Korean Cycling Projects.t.
105Christian BertilssonSwedbank-PEAB+ 7'07
106Kenji ItamiJapanese - Korean Cycling Projects.t.
107Salvatore PuccioTeam Vueling Airliness.t.
108Anatoliy PakthusovMetinvest-Emiratess.t.
109Marlen ZmorkaMetinvest-Emirates+ 8'10
110Charles AnguiletJaguar - Eritels.t.
111Jean-François CamierBouygues Telecoms.t.

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