Open Bar Questions
CrueTrue |
Posted on 04-06-2008 15:32
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Although the Open Bar will be held at the Cyanide forum, we have been asked to start a thread where you can ask your questions before the Open Bar. Based on your questions, we will make a FAQ, so we can avoid having a lot of the same (and basic) questions. So, ask whatever you want, and on Wednesday the list will be forwarded. |
Thomas |
Posted on 04-06-2008 15:41
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What's your reaction on the new game Cycling Evolution 2008? |
jakke77 |
Posted on 04-06-2008 15:47
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Is the skin the same as last year? |
Ad Bot |
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Valor |
Posted on 04-06-2008 15:48
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I'd like to know what would be the training (bonuses, trainers, fitness, etc.) like |
issoisso |
Posted on 04-06-2008 15:55
Tour de France Champion
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I'd like to know if the effects of the Fighter and Acceleration stats have been put back in after they were taken out last year.
I'd also like to know if there are any new effects that the stats have that are new to this version. |
Osmose |
Posted on 04-06-2008 15:59
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is there any change to sponsors goals?
Nélson Évora, national hero!
kadel |
Posted on 04-06-2008 16:01
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Will I be able to run PCM 2008 on a laptop with 1,6 GHz Dual Core, 2gb memory and Nvidia Geforce 8400M GS? |
wackojackohighcliffe |
Posted on 04-06-2008 16:13
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1 texture per rider?
will small national teams eg. Japan be allowed to race the worlds?
Which licenses haven't you got?
AaB-ern |
Posted on 04-06-2008 16:14
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kadel wrote:
Will I be able to run PCM 2008 on a laptop with 1,6 GHz Dual Core, 2gb memory and Nvidia Geforce 8400M GS?
According to the minimum requirements, you can't.
Have a look here:
CrueTrue |
Posted on 04-06-2008 16:19
Tour de France Champion
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I have a 1,7 GHz Dual Care, 1 GB of memory and a worse graphic card, and I can run it. |
Smoothie |
Posted on 04-06-2008 16:21
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Are they using Spiuk helmets, different types of helmets?
Are they using different models of bike, as in 1 rider has a different model to another? |
kadel |
Posted on 04-06-2008 16:24
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CrueTrue wrote:
I have a 1,7 GHz Dual Care, 1 GB of memory and a worse graphic card, and I can run it.
How well can you run it? |
Karl_rab |
Posted on 04-06-2008 16:26
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With the scouting system and the world rankings for the youth, can you select an individual rider, say the number 1 world youth rankings and just have him scout that rider, or do you have to do it on a more country based system e.g top ten in spain. Maybe give more detail?
T-Photon |
Posted on 04-06-2008 16:27
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1. Will One Texture/Rider be present in PCM08? if yes does it include different faces?
2. Will there be mass crashes on cobble stages?
3. Will there be mass crashes on flat stages in "dangerous" sprint finishes
4. Will there be punctures/crashes in TT and TTT?
5. Can a rider explode in the mountains? like in previous editions with the red bar filling up.
6. Does a rider use much energy when riding downhill like in 07?
7. Will the new effort bar make helpers more helpful? like if you sit with 3 riders in the favurite group and actually can make use of 2 extra riders compared to other favourites.
8. How many bottles will a rider drink on a mediumlong stage (estimate an average)?
9. Is it possible to set up a "torpedo" with your whole team (strong team only of course) on a mountain stage and split the peloton in to lots of small groups? (like in PCM06)
10. Does the acceleration stat work this year?
Edited by T-Photon on 04-06-2008 16:30
issoisso |
Posted on 04-06-2008 16:32
Tour de France Champion
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Smoothie wrote:
Are they using Spiuk helmets, different types of helmets?
Are they using different models of bike, as in 1 rider has a different model to another?
above all, I'd like to know if that's possible to costumize. It would be great to be able to model different bikes for teams and especially for different riders. |
Karl_rab |
Posted on 04-06-2008 16:37
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with the energy bars, is it possible to do get minor edges on breakaways, making them more likely to succeed, also hom many gels do you get?
K-A |
Posted on 04-06-2008 16:46
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Do you know anything about when the demo will be released.. ? |
Karl_rab |
Posted on 04-06-2008 16:50
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or if there will be a demo Before the release date?
kadel |
Posted on 04-06-2008 16:50
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Will helmets be grey like in the trailers and screenshots or will they be part of the team kit? |
Johan92 |
Posted on 04-06-2008 17:08
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Will there be chancges in the database?