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PCM.daily » PCM.daily's Management Game » [Cont-Man-Game] HC/C1 Results
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Tour of East Java - Stage 3

Final stage of the East Java Tour and it's yet another flat stage: a 110km criterium with a short climb.. some - like i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/trh_zpsd616c798.png Bellis - will definitely hope for this climb being decisive today. Others - like race-leader i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/var_zps06f2aa1f.png Guarnieri - will of course hope for another mass sprint finish.


And of course we have some riders hoping for a breakaway to succeed. 8 riders managed to build a group that is allowed to go, some of them are only 20" behind in GC:

i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/htc_zps6bfb639a.png Armee
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/bin_zps9ee3c16e.png Zeits
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/CT/spr_zps39a3252c.png Mundle
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/cis_zpsa215ca85.png Schelling
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/arm_zps60f3d6b6.png Sohrabi
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/CT/jkp_zpsd1d2e7e2.png Masuda
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/CT/reg_zpsf2e631b7.png Hagen
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/ubi_zps47ce5481.png Teunissen

So it's definitely a rather dangerous move with a couple of riders within reach for a good GC-result and three intermediate sprints today!


And like yesterday, all three sprints would go to those escapees.. let's have a look at a short summary of the results:

i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/arm_zps60f3d6b6.png Sohrabi26614
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/CT/spr_zps39a3252c.png Mundle4--4
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/cis_zpsa215ca85.png Schelling6-28
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/CT/jkp_zpsd1d2e7e2.png Masuda-448

Sohrabi is already far behind in GC, but riders like i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/CT/spr_zps39a3252c.png Mundle, i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/cis_zpsa215ca85.png Schelling, i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/CT/jkp_zpsd1d2e7e2.png Masuda and also i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/bin_zps9ee3c16e.png Zeits can hope for those bonus seconds to make them improve in GC. All of them are 20" behind in GC.


Now let's have a look at the action behind. And with now 50km to go, we can already say, that there will be some action today!

i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/var_zps06f2aa1f.png Vespa is leading the chase and it seems they're going fast enough to split the pack into pieces:

a group of 43 riders is already dropped! No GC-favorite though.


But there's another split just one lap later (44km remaining) and this time we've at least one big name dropped:

i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/trh_zpsd616c798.png Bellis finds himself back in this 31-men group, so the first peloton is already cut down to 30 riders!

Of course horrible news for Bellis, who might have underestimated the importance of a good position in the bunch today.

Other riders dropped: i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/sbp_zpsa477b496.png Van Hummel (GC's 13th), as well i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/bin_zps9ee3c16e.png Seledkov (GC's 5th)! The group is down by 1'10" on the first pack..


i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/var_zps06f2aa1f.png Vespa won't care too much, they keep pacing hard and there's yet another split!

16 riders remain in this group of top-favorites, which is still a minute behind the early escape..


Most prominent name being dropped in this split: i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/bps_zps2b426596.png Feillu, runner-up in the opening stage!

Let's have an overview of the splits here, with 30km remaining:

E1 (8)/ with i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/bin_zps9ee3c16e.png Zeits, i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/CT/spr_zps39a3252c.png Mundle, i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/CT/jkp_zpsd1d2e7e2.png Masuda, i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/cis_zpsa215ca85.png Schelling

E2 (16)/ with i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/var_zps06f2aa1f.png Guarnieri, i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/emt_zps170ae4bd.png Napolitano, i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/btc_zpse1fa0b09.png Roelandts, i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/hol_zpsfe2f7500.png Davis, i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/air_zps84b8db92.png Docker/Cav at 1.09

E3 (14)/ with i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/bps_zps2b426596.png Feillu, i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/trh_zpsd616c798.png Bellis, i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/air_zps84b8db92.png Vaitkus, i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/ubi_zps47ce5481.png Van Poppel, i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/sbp_zpsa477b496.png Van Hummel, i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/CT/reg_zpsf2e631b7.png Sutton at 2.10

What an unexpected drama here! It may be the tough weather conditions (33 degrees, rain), or is it just Vespa's high pace and the climb and tricky crit-course?


13km to go and the first chasing group with race-leader i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/var_zps06f2aa1f.png Guarnieri has caught the early escapees in the meantime, where some riders already got dropped.

Now we have 20 riders in the lead and several riders desperately trying to join them:

i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/trh_zpsd616c798.png Bellis, early escapee i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/bin_zps9ee3c16e.png Zeits and i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/mei_zpsbbaf4141.png Santambrogio, to mention the most promising chasers!


Final lap, 8km remaining: i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/hol_zpsfe2f7500.png Hollister's Proni now took over the pace-setting position in the leading group, trying to keep the race tough.

Also the remaining top-sprinters already sit behind this "train"..

..a 35" behind it's the mentioned chasing group trying to catch up..


And yes, i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/trh_zpsd616c798.png Bellis, i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/bin_zps9ee3c16e.png Zeits (and also Seledkov) managed to re-join the leading group! Very good news for especially Bellis, who's manager might have given up this race a few minutes ago..

So.. with only the bunch sprint ahead, let's have a last look at who managed to stay in the first group today:

E1 (16)

i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/hol_zpsfe2f7500.png Davis, Proni
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/var_zps06f2aa1f.png Guarnieri, Pagoto
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/emt_zps170ae4bd.png Napolitano
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/air_zps84b8db92.png Docker, Cavendish
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/btc_zpse1fa0b09.png Roelandts
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/trh_zpsd616c798.png Bellis
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/htc_zps6bfb639a.png Armee
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/bin_zps9ee3c16e.png Zeits, Seledkov
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/arm_zps60f3d6b6.png Pranata, Sohrabi
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/CT/jkp_zpsd1d2e7e2.png Masuda
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/cis_zpsa215ca85.png Schelling, Taborre
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/mei_zpsbbaf4141.png Santambrogio

So bonus seconds will be crucial for the overall win here: race-leader Guarnieri faces some tough competition in guys like Docker (2nd within same time), Roelandts (3rd, + 0.08), Napo (8th, + 0.12) or Davis (9th, + 0.12)!


(Sorry for the lack of screens in this final sprint! Unfortunately, the leading group found itself "inside" the dropped bigger peloton, making it impossible to catch a useful shot of these crucial moments.. So I only tried to get the Top-3 at least..)

i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/hol_zpsfe2f7500.png Allan Davis takes it easily! A dominating sprint and he proves once again, that he's a top-sprinter in the PCT!

But who's grabbing the remainig bonus seconds?

i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/emt_zps170ae4bd.png Napolitano crosses the line as 2nd, just ahead of race-leader i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/var_zps06f2aa1f.png Guarnieri, who desperately tried to defend his lead here..

i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/btc_zpse1fa0b09.png Roelandts 4th and earlier-dropped i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/trh_zpsd616c798.png Bellis complete the final stage's Top-5, failing to score valuable bonus seconds though.


The overall win goes to... i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/hol_zpsfe2f7500.png Allan Davis! He finishes this race with the same time as 2nd i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/var_zps06f2aa1f.png Guarnieri, but thanks to better individual stage-finishes (3-6-1 vs 1-10-3), the Aussie veteran takes the yellow on this final thrilling day!

i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/emt_zps170ae4bd.png Napolitano ends up 3rd: no stage-win, but some well needed points. Same goes for stage-winner i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/air_zps84b8db92.png Docker as 4th, ahead of i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/btc_zpse1fa0b09.png Roelandts. So at least five sprinters delivered here.

The remaining Top-10 goes to escapees and their bonus seconds: i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/bin_zps9ee3c16e.png Seledkov (6th) and Zeits (8th), i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/cis_zpsa215ca85.png Taborre (7th) and Schelling (10th) - two teams definitely took advantage of those breaks.

Same did i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/CT/jkp_zpsd1d2e7e2.png Masuda as 9th.. a bit disappointing: i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PCT/trh_zpsd616c798.png Bellis, finishing 11th. But with this final stage almost ending with a huge disaster, he may take this points.

Final Results Stage 3/

1Allan DavisHollister Pro Cycling2h59'37
2Danilo NapolitanoEvian-MIATs.t.
3Jacopo GuarnieriVespa-Aprilia Racings.t.
4Jurgen RoelandtsBouygues Telecoms.t.
5Jonathan BellisRothaus - Aegons.t.
6Mitch DockerairBaltic - Enduras.t.
7Sander ArmeeHTC Nieuwsblads.t.
8Andrey ZeitsTeam Bintangs.t.
9Jimmy PranataPFG-Armavias.t.
10Mark CavendishairBaltic - Enduras.t.
11Nariyuki MasudaJapanese - Korean Cycling Projects.t.
12Fabio TaborreCisco Cycling Teams.t.
13Alessandro ProniHollister Pro Cyclings.t.
14Mahdi SohrabiPFG-Armavias.t.
15Patrick SchellingCisco Cycling Teams.t.
16Andrea PagotoVespa-Aprilia Racings.t.
17Mauro SantambrogioMeiji - Cannondales.t.
18Ivan SeledkovTeam Bintangs.t.
19Michel KrederSwedbank-PEAB+ 1'14
20Ralf MatzkaPFG-Armavias.t.
21Krister HagenRisa - Ergon Cycling Teams.t.
22Mike TeunissenTeam UPC - Boehringer-Ingelheim+ 1'59
23Kasper KlostergaardSwedbank-PEABs.t.
24David GarbelliVespa-Aprilia Racings.t.
25Benedikt MundleSauber Petronas Racings.t.
26Blaise SonneryEvian-MIAT+ 4'49
27Jérome GiauxSwedbank-PEABs.t.
28Tomas VaitkusairBaltic - Enduras.t.
29Boy Van PoppelTeam UPC - Boehringer-Ingelheims.t.
30Christian KneesTeam UPC - Boehringer-Ingelheims.t.
31Wouter WeylandtBouygues Telecoms.t.
32Bjorn SelanderHollister Pro Cyclings.t.
33Romain FeilluTeam BPosts.t.
34Kenny Van HummelSwedbank-PEABs.t.
35Adrien PetitEvian-MIATs.t.
36Héctor Fabian AguilarHollister Pro Cyclings.t.
37Roberto TraficanteVespa-Aprilia Racings.t.
38Bob SchoonbroodtTeam UPC - Boehringer-Ingelheims.t.
39Oscar GattoVespa-Aprilia Racings.t.
40Christopher SuttonRisa - Ergon Cycling Teams.t.
41Joeri StallaertTeam BPosts.t.
42Carlos Alexandre ManarelliEvian-MIATs.t.
43Graham BriggsairBaltic - Enduras.t.
44Zakkari DempsterHollister Pro Cyclings.t.
45Maksym AverinEvian-MIATs.t.
46Jan HopmanTeam UPC - Boehringer-Ingelheims.t.
47Mauro RichezeVespa-Aprilia Racings.t.
48Petter RenängSwedbank-PEAB+ 5'52
49Ruslan SambrisHollister Pro Cyclings.t.
50Sergei LagutinMeiji - Cannondales.t.
51Bryan CoquardEvian-MIATs.t.
52Andrea GuardiniEvian-MIATs.t.
53Clément LhotellerieBouygues Telecoms.t.
54Freddy CruzHollister Pro Cyclings.t.
55Kristian SbaragliRothaus - Aegons.t.
56Hugues MottinBouygues Telecoms.t.
57Kosuke MakinoJapanese - Korean Cycling Projects.t.
58Nico GauerTeam Bintang+ 7'29
59Rob RuijghRothaus - Aegon+ 16'03
60Andrei KunitskiRothaus - Aegons.t.
61Jos PronkSwedbank-PEABs.t.
62Pieter JacobsBouygues Telecoms.t.
63Andris SmirnovsairBaltic - Enduras.t.
64Carlo WestphalRothaus - Aegons.t.
65Manuel QuinziatoVespa-Aprilia Racings.t.
66Sven VandousselaereTeam BPosts.t.
67Kris BoeckmansTeam BPosts.t.
68Sung Baek ParkMeiji - Cannondales.t.
69Remco BroersTeam BPosts.t.
70Giovanny BáezTeam Bintangs.t.
71Kenneth VanbilsenHTC Nieuwsblads.t.
72Dimitri De FauwTeam Bintangs.t.
73Cornelius Van OoijenTeam Bintangs.t.
74Eric BaumannJapanese - Korean Cycling Projects.t.
75Salfo BikiengaPFG-Armavias.t.
76Ian BoswellHTC Nieuwsblads.t.
77Thomas ZieglerTeam Bintangs.t.
78Daniel VeselyCisco Cycling Teams.t.
79Joeri AdamsBouygues Telecoms.t.
80Patrick LaneHTC Nieuwsblads.t.
81Nick Van der LijkeHTC Nieuwsblads.t.
82Aurélien PasseronRothaus - Aegons.t.
83Maxim BurlutskyPFG-Armavias.t.
84Sondre Holst EngerRisa - Ergon Cycling Teams.t.
85Michael HepburnCisco Cycling Teams.t.
86Manuel OrtegaJapanese - Korean Cycling Projects.t.
87Tony GallopinBouygues Telecoms.t.
88Dylan GroenewegenTeam UPC - Boehringer-Ingelheims.t.
89Roman SenyenovCisco Cycling Teams.t.
90Florian SenechalMeiji - Cannondales.t.
91Xavier ZabaloRothaus - Aegons.t.
92Risto RaidairBaltic - Enduras.t.
93Sebastian LanderRisa - Ergon Cycling Teams.t.
94Glenn LikhayaSwedbank-PEABs.t.
95Phucong Sai-UdomsinPFG-Armavias.t.
96Taiji NishitaniMeiji - Cannondales.t.
97Ken Sebastian VassdålRisa - Ergon Cycling Teams.t.
98Vegard BreenRisa - Ergon Cycling Teams.t.
99Hossein NateghiMeiji - Cannondales.t.
100Danny Van PoppelTeam UPC - Boehringer-Ingelheims.t.
101Alireza AshgarzadehSauber Petronas Racings.t.
102René MandriairBaltic - Enduras.t.
103Enrico BarbinHTC Nieuwsblads.t.
104Kenji ItamiJapanese - Korean Cycling Projects.t.
105Juan Sebastian Tamayo MartinezPFG-Armavias.t.
106Josh AtkinsCisco Cycling Teams.t.
107Tomohiro HayakawaJapanese - Korean Cycling Projects.t.
108Dimitri JiriakovSauber Petronas Racings.t.
109Kristian DyrnesRisa - Ergon Cycling Teams.t.
110Chen ShikaiMeiji - Cannondales.t.
111William MaesenTeam BPosts.t.
112Gabriel ChavanneSauber Petronas Racings.t.
113Bjørn Tore HolmCisco Cycling Teams.t.
114Marc GoosHTC Nieuwsblads.t.
115Stefan KungSauber Petronas Racings.t.
116Ben CurfsTeam BPosts.t.
117Muhamad Adiq OthmanSauber Petronas Racings.t.
118Danilo Di LucaJapanese - Korean Cycling Projects.t.
119Greogry HugentoblerSauber Petronas Racings.t.
120Gerben LöwikControl Teams.t.

Final GC/

1Allan DavisHollister Pro Cycling11h36'01
2Jacopo GuarnieriVespa-Aprilia Racings.t.
3Danilo NapolitanoEvian-MIAT+ 8
4Mitch DockerairBaltic - Enduras.t.
5Jurgen RoelandtsBouygues Telecom+ 16
6Ivan SeledkovTeam Bintangs.t.
7Fabio TaborreCisco Cycling Team+ 18
8Andrey ZeitsTeam Bintang+ 22
9Nariyuki MasudaJapanese - Korean Cycling Projects.t.
10Patrick SchellingCisco Cycling Teams.t.
11Jonathan BellisRothaus - Aegon+ 28
12Mark CavendishairBaltic - Enduras.t.
13Mauro SantambrogioMeiji - Cannondales.t.
14Sander ArmeeHTC Nieuwsblads.t.
15Alessandro ProniHollister Pro Cyclings.t.
16Michel KrederSwedbank-PEAB+ 1'42
17Krister HagenRisa - Ergon Cycling Teams.t.
18Andrea PagotoVespa-Aprilia Racing+ 2'23
19Benedikt MundleSauber Petronas Racings.t.
20Kasper KlostergaardSwedbank-PEAB+ 2'27
21Mike TeunissenTeam UPC - Boehringer-Ingelheims.t.
22Mahdi SohrabiPFG-Armavia+ 2'46
23Jimmy PranataPFG-Armavia+ 3'00
24Ralf MatzkaPFG-Armavia+ 4'14
25David GarbelliVespa-Aprilia Racing+ 4'59
26Romain FeilluTeam BPost+ 5'05
27Tomas VaitkusairBaltic - Endura+ 5'17
28Boy Van PoppelTeam UPC - Boehringer-Ingelheims.t.
29Kenny Van HummelSwedbank-PEABs.t.
30Blaise SonneryEvian-MIATs.t.
31Wouter WeylandtBouygues Telecoms.t.
32Christopher SuttonRisa - Ergon Cycling Teams.t.
33Oscar GattoVespa-Aprilia Racings.t.
34Maksym AverinEvian-MIATs.t.
35Héctor Fabian AguilarHollister Pro Cyclings.t.
36Zakkari DempsterHollister Pro Cyclings.t.
37Carlos Alexandre ManarelliEvian-MIATs.t.
38Mauro RichezeVespa-Aprilia Racings.t.
39Roberto TraficanteVespa-Aprilia Racings.t.
40Christian KneesTeam UPC - Boehringer-Ingelheims.t.
41Adrien PetitEvian-MIATs.t.
42Bjorn SelanderHollister Pro Cyclings.t.
43Jérome GiauxSwedbank-PEABs.t.
44Bob SchoonbroodtTeam UPC - Boehringer-Ingelheims.t.
45Graham BriggsairBaltic - Enduras.t.
46Joeri StallaertTeam BPosts.t.
47Kosuke MakinoJapanese - Korean Cycling Project+ 6'20
48Ruslan SambrisHollister Pro Cyclings.t.
49Kristian SbaragliRothaus - Aegons.t.
50Sergei LagutinMeiji - Cannondales.t.
51Clément LhotellerieBouygues Telecoms.t.
52Bryan CoquardEvian-MIATs.t.
53Freddy CruzHollister Pro Cyclings.t.
54Jan HopmanTeam UPC - Boehringer-Ingelheim+ 7'45
55Andrea GuardiniEvian-MIAT+ 8'15
56Petter RenängSwedbank-PEABs.t.
57Nico GauerTeam Bintang+ 9'52
58Hugues MottinBouygues Telecom+ 11'15
59Cornelius Van OoijenTeam Bintang+ 16'21
60Andrei KunitskiRothaus - Aegon+ 16'27
61Eric BaumannJapanese - Korean Cycling Project+ 16'31
62Dimitri De FauwTeam Bintangs.t.
63Pieter JacobsBouygues Telecoms.t.
64Hossein NateghiMeiji - Cannondales.t.
65Kenneth VanbilsenHTC Nieuwsblads.t.
66Xavier ZabaloRothaus - Aegons.t.
67René MandriairBaltic - Enduras.t.
68Remco BroersTeam BPosts.t.
69Andris SmirnovsairBaltic - Enduras.t.
70Nick Van der LijkeHTC Nieuwsblads.t.
71Rob RuijghRothaus - Aegons.t.
72Sung Baek ParkMeiji - Cannondales.t.
73Manuel QuinziatoVespa-Aprilia Racings.t.
74Carlo WestphalRothaus - Aegons.t.
75Sebastian LanderRisa - Ergon Cycling Teams.t.
76Thomas ZieglerTeam Bintangs.t.
77Joeri AdamsBouygues Telecoms.t.
78Kris BoeckmansTeam BPosts.t.
79Enrico BarbinHTC Nieuwsblads.t.
80Daniel VeselyCisco Cycling Teams.t.
81Florian SenechalMeiji - Cannondales.t.
82Manuel OrtegaJapanese - Korean Cycling Projects.t.
83Danny Van PoppelTeam UPC - Boehringer-Ingelheims.t.
84Giovanny BáezTeam Bintangs.t.
85Jos PronkSwedbank-PEABs.t.
86Marc GoosHTC Nieuwsblads.t.
87Taiji NishitaniMeiji - Cannondales.t.
88Glenn LikhayaSwedbank-PEABs.t.
89Dylan GroenewegenTeam UPC - Boehringer-Ingelheims.t.
90Vegard BreenRisa - Ergon Cycling Teams.t.
91Tony GallopinBouygues Telecoms.t.
92Ian BoswellHTC Nieuwsblads.t.
93Chen ShikaiMeiji - Cannondales.t.
94Roman SenyenovCisco Cycling Teams.t.
95Tomohiro HayakawaJapanese - Korean Cycling Projects.t.
96Sondre Holst EngerRisa - Ergon Cycling Teams.t.
97Dimitri JiriakovSauber Petronas Racings.t.
98Patrick LaneHTC Nieuwsblads.t.
99Michael HepburnCisco Cycling Teams.t.
100Kristian DyrnesRisa - Ergon Cycling Teams.t.
101Gabriel ChavanneSauber Petronas Racings.t.
102Alireza AshgarzadehSauber Petronas Racings.t.
103Gerben LöwikControl Teams.t.
104Josh AtkinsCisco Cycling Teams.t.
105Stefan KungSauber Petronas Racings.t.
106Danilo Di LucaJapanese - Korean Cycling Projects.t.
107Bjørn Tore HolmCisco Cycling Teams.t.
108Greogry HugentoblerSauber Petronas Racings.t.
109Muhamad Adiq OthmanSauber Petronas Racings.t.
110Sven VandousselaereTeam BPost+ 18'14
111Aurélien PasseronRothaus - Aegon+ 18'18
112Risto RaidairBaltic - Endura+ 18'26
113Ben CurfsTeam BPosts.t.
114William MaesenTeam BPosts.t.
115Kenji ItamiJapanese - Korean Cycling Projects.t.
116Salfo BikiengaPFG-Armavia+ 19'03
117Maxim BurlutskyPFG-Armavias.t.
118Phucong Sai-UdomsinPFG-Armavias.t.
119Ken Sebastian VassdålRisa - Ergon Cycling Teams.t.
120Juan Sebastian Tamayo MartinezPFG-Armavias.t.


1Allan DavisHollister Pro Cycling2551
2Danilo NapolitanoEvian-MIAT2050
3Jacopo GuarnieriVespa-Aprilia Racing1647
4Jurgen RoelandtsBouygues Telecom1444
5Mitch DockerairBaltic - Endura1035
6Tomas VaitkusairBaltic - Endura026
7Romain FeilluTeam BPost024
8Jonathan BellisRothaus - Aegon1219
9Kenny Van HummelSwedbank-PEAB016
10Mahdi SohrabiPFG-Armavia1616

Young Riders/

1Patrick SchellingCisco Cycling Team11h36'23 (1)
2Jonathan BellisRothaus - Aegon+ 6 (2)
3Krister HagenRisa - Ergon Cycling Team+ 1'20 (3)
4Benedikt MundleSauber Petronas Racing+ 2'01 (4)
5Mike TeunissenTeam UPC - Boehringer-Ingelheim+ 2'05 (5)
6Jimmy PranataPFG-Armavia+ 2'38 (6)
7Ralf MatzkaPFG-Armavia+ 3'52 (7)
8Boy Van PoppelTeam UPC - Boehringer-Ingelheim+ 4'55 (8)
9Carlos Alexandre ManarelliEvian-MIAT+ 4'55 (9)
10Adrien PetitEvian-MIAT+ 4'55 (10)

Team Results/

1Vespa-Aprilia Racing+ 4534h51'26 (1)
2airBaltic - Endura+ 3'35+ 2'50 (3)
3Hollister Pro Cyclings.t.+ 2'50 (2)
4Team Bintang+ 6'15+ 5'30 (4)
5Swedbank-PEAB+ 6'48+ 6'03 (5)

Edited by tsmoha on 12-08-2013 05:47
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