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International Österriech Rundfahrt - Stage 2
Welcome to stage 2 of the International Osterriech Rundfahrt.

The first mountain stage, it includes a long downhill so expect a large group to be together although no flat in the last 15km and an uphill sprint in the last km mean that there may be some small time gaps.

Off we go

The break is only just decided at the first sprint point where Jeandesbosz surprisingly beats Manan and Hunter to the line, also present are Lagutin and Parvarin.

Jacobs and Christianson jump across to make this the weakest break ever on a mountain stage with 5 of the seven riders having less than 60 Mountain stat. Clearly they are just using this break as a way to keep in the time limit.

Jeandesbonz, despite being the weakest sprinter in the group on paper, takes the second sprint as well, in front of Pavarin and Christianson.

At this point the peleton is five minutes back being lead by a variety of teams, although how they see this break as a threat is beyond me.

La gazzetta are taking no chances though and with 100km to go and 7 minutes behind they start reeling the break in.

and at the exact wrong moment Meier gets a puncture and will have to fight to get back.

Jeandesbonz againis perfectly positioned to take the sprint in front of Christianson and Manan.

As soon as the break hit the slope Manan falls off the back.

and when the climb kicks up to 9.5%, as it will do for most of the climb, a gap appears between Jeandesbonz and Pavrin and the rest.

In the peleton Maisto is motoring along.
and quickly splits the peleton in half.

Flecha goes of the back with 9km to the top.

and with 7.6 to go all the weak climbers have been pulled back, although the leaders still have a minute lead.
Maisto seems exhausted and as no one wants to take over the gap stops falling.

with 2km there are mass attacks in the peleton for KoM points.

They catch the break with 700m to the summit.

Uran leads over followed by Arroyo and Pellizotti.

No sooner have the attackers been pulled back than they go for the next summit.

This time Pellizotti beats Uran and Ardilla, although Uran has done enough to secure the KoM jersey for tomorrow.
Cunego and Sella attack on the decent with Pellizotti still clear.

The peleton is now down to 37 riders and Mayo is leading the chase.

As the decent flattens out lots of riders join the chase and the attackers are soon caught.

Immediately Gerdeman, Sanchez Gil and Van Huffel attacked

With La Gazzetta taking over the pacemaking.

On the flat before the hill the three riders had a lead of 50 seconds over the many teams trying to pull them back

Uran, SellA, Gil, Sartasov adn Pellizotti tried to bridge the gap themselves.

and they manage to just as the road kicks up.


Cunego and Schleck went after them.

As Pellizotti pulled clear of the front group

Gustov, Lopez Garcia and Kolesnikov attacked from the peleton.

and as Cunego approaches the front group it has completely shattered.

With 1km to the top Pellizotti still has a small gap which Van Huffel, Sanchez Gil and Gerdeman are trying to close while Sella is happy to ride at his own pace.

Cunego has caught Uran and Gil 30 seconds back

With Schleck slightly behind them trying to bridge up.

and various others attacking and dropping back behind them.

As we go over the top Sella has caught Pellizotti with Gerdemann, Van Huffel and Sanchez Gil on his wheel.

Uran has dropped Cunego and Gil while Schleck has made his way up.

Uran makes it up to the leaders with the finish line below.

with 2km to go Cunego's aggressive descending has allowed his group to bridge back to the leaders.

behind a group of six has formed: Chacon, Marzano, Rohregger, Ardilla, Lopez Garcia and Gustov.

Cunego immediately attacks, Sella and Schleck try and get on his wheel.

As the sprint starts Sella starts closing.

and with 300 meters to go he is only a wheel length behind.

Sella takes it on the line with Cunego 2nd and Schleck 3rd.

Pellizotti takes 4th 18 seconds back with Uran 5th followed by Gerdeman, Van Huffel, Sanchez Gil and Gil.

Ardilla leads in the next group just over a minute back.

There is no real peleton as Kolesnikov leads the next group in at 1'54".

As Flecha crosses the line at 10'26" we can be fairly certain he has lost his jersey.

Wim van Huffel manages to take the yellow jersey, however with less than 12 seconds to Cunego, Schleck and Sella he is going to struggle to hang on tomorrow.

1Emanuele SellaLipton Ice Tea4h48'28
2Damiano CunegoLa Gazzetta dello Sports.t.
3Andy SchleckDomina Vacanzes.t.
4Franco PellizottiAccumalux-Huez+ 18
5Rigoberto ÚranWikipedias.t.
6Linus GerdemannEurosports.t.
7Wim Van HuffelSIC Radical - Timberlands.t.
8Luis Leon Sanchez GilRabobanks.t.
9Koldo GilTeam LEGO - Capri-Sonnes.t.
10Mauricio ArdilaFestina - Seiko+ 1'02
11José ChaconAmerican Suzukis.t.
12Marco MarzanoUnicef RTs.t.
13Wladimir GustovTeam LEGO - Capri-Sonnes.t.
14Thomas RohreggerWhite Bear - Wild Horses.t.
15David López GarciaVirgin Media - Caisse d'Epargnes.t.
16Egoi Martínez de EstebanPhilips - Hummel+ 1'53
17Martin HaceckýTeam B&Os.t.
18Markus EibeggerWhite Bear - Wild Horses.t.
19Sergei KolesnikovWarner Brotherss.t.
20Andrei SartasovEurosports.t.
21Petar PanayotovSIC Radical - Timberlands.t.
22Dario CataldoCrédit Lyonnais+ 2'10
23David ArroyoDomina Vacanzes.t.
24Francisco Perez SanchezLipton Ice Teas.t.
25Sylwester SzmydLa Gazzetta dello Sports.t.
26Xavier TondoBritish Airways - Martinis.t.
27Víctor Hugo OrozcoUnicef RTs.t.
28Moises DueñasCrédit Lyonnaiss.t.
29Jairo AgudeloUnicef RTs.t.
30Ryder HesjedalDomina Vacanzes.t.
31David De la FuenteLa Gazzetta dello Sports.t.
32Fredy MontañaUnicef RTs.t.
33Steve ZampieriRabobanks.t.
34Hubert SchwabDomina Vacanzes.t.
35Iban MayoFestina - Seikos.t.
36Brice FeilluWhite Bear - Wild Horses.t.
37Klaas VantornoutTeam LEGO - Capri-Sonnes.t.
38Massimiliano MaistoLa Gazzetta dello Sports.t.
39Thomas FreiLipton Ice Tea+ 3'23
40Fabrice JeandesboszSIC Radical - Timberland+ 4'27
41Jurgen Van GoolenFestina - Seiko+ 5'55
42Evgeni PopovSIC Radical - Timberland+ 6'11
43Ruben Elvira LobatoSIC Radical - Timberlands.t.
44Christian MeierWikipedias.t.
45Hector Duenas NevadoLipton Ice Teas.t.
46René MandriCrédit Lyonnais+ 6'25
47Thomas BontenackelsLipton Ice Teas.t.
48Stefano GarzelliEurosports.t.
49Valerio AgnoliWhite Bear - Wild Horses.t.
50Jai CrawfordAmerican Suzukis.t.
51Bradley McGeeAmerican Suzukis.t.
52Jordi GrauRabobanks.t.
53Mitja MahoricLipton Ice Teas.t.
54Martijn KeizerWikipedias.t.
55Christoph MaiWhite Bear - Wild Horses.t.
56Marcello PavarinWikipedia+ 7'52
57Lars Ytting BakPhilips - Hummel+ 10'31
58Mauro FacciWarner Brotherss.t.
59Drasutis StundziaAccumalux-Huezs.t.
60David ClaereboutAccumalux-Huezs.t.
61Addy EngelsWarner Brotherss.t.
62Vladimir MiholjevicBritish Airways - Martinis.t.
63Jan HopmanVirgin Media - Caisse d'Epargnes.t.
64Juan-Antonio FlechaWarner Brotherss.t.
65Chris BartonWikipedias.t.
66Vladimir BilekaWhite Bear - Wild Horses.t.
67Maurice SchreursPhilips - Hummels.t.
68Mathieu PergetCrédit Lyonnaiss.t.
69Sergei KlimovDomina Vacanzes.t.
70Yoann OffredoRabobanks.t.
71Francesco GavazziLa Gazzetta dello Sports.t.
72Matej MugerliLa Gazzetta dello Sports.t.
73Kévin LalouetteCrédit Lyonnaiss.t.
74Rafael Rodríguez SegarraLa Gazzetta dello Sports.t.
75Dmitri KozontchukRabobanks.t.
76Christian PoosAccumalux-Huezs.t.
77Diego UlissiPhilips - Hummels.t.
78Imanol ErvitiAmerican Suzukis.t.
79Kevin HulsmansWarner Brothers+ 11'52
80Michael Faerk ChristensenTeam B&O+ 15'39
81Jonathan Tiernan-LockeTHE CONTROL TEAMs.t.
82Kristian HouseTHE CONTROL TEAMs.t.
83Tom LeezerSIC Radical - Timberland+ 16'19
84Sergei LagutinEurosports.t.
85Kam-po WongBritish Airways - Martinis.t.
86Erik HoffmannBritish Airways - Martinis.t.
87Mikaël ChérelWhite Bear - Wild Horses.t.
88Mauro Da DaltoDomina Vacanzes.t.
89Borut BozicCrédit Lyonnaiss.t.
90Boy Van PoppelEurosports.t.
91Fabio SabatiniUnicef RTs.t.
92Karsten KroonRabobanks.t.
93Michael MørkøvPhilips - Hummels.t.
94Chris WherryAmerican Suzukis.t.
95Klaas SysWikipedias.t.
96Markus EichlerTeam LEGO - Capri-Sonne+ 17'15
97Sebastien EinsleAccumalux-Huezs.t.
98Robert HunterTeam LEGO - Capri-Sonnes.t.
99Laurent MangelCrédit Lyonnaiss.t.
100Pieter JacobsUnicef RTs.t.
101Peter WilliamsTHE CONTROL TEAMs.t.
102Ananias AnaniasTHE CONTROL TEAM+ 18'19
103Paul HealionEurosport+ 19'39
104Anuar MananBritish Airways - Martini+ 24'51
105Mathieu HeijboerRabobank+ 34'03
106Luke RobertsEurosports.t.
107Eros CapecchiRabobanks.t.
108Sébastien RosselerWarner Brotherss.t.
109Aleksandr BespalovVirgin Media - Caisse d'Epargnes.t.
110Kevin Van ImpeWarner Brotherss.t.
111Aleksandr MironovLipton Ice Teas.t.
112Nick IngelsFestina - Seikos.t.
113Timothy GudsellAmerican Suzukis.t.
114Arthur Garcia RinconVirgin Media - Caisse d'Epargnes.t.
115Christian FrommeltBritish Airways - Martinis.t.
116Kristof GoddaertFestina - Seikos.t.
117Daniele BennatiLa Gazzetta dello Sports.t.
118David VitoriaSIC Radical - Timberlands.t.
119John DevineAmerican Suzukis.t.
120Jurgen Van LoockeFestina - Seikos.t.
121Anders LundPhilips - Hummels.t.
122Pim LigthartVirgin Media - Caisse d'Epargnes.t.
123Carlos Alexandre ManarelliVirgin Media - Caisse d'Epargnes.t.
124Nick ClesenAccumalux-Huezs.t.
125Patrick GretschFestina - Seikos.t.
126Arnaud GérardAmerican Suzukis.t.
127Christian RanneriesFestina - Seikos.t.
128Sean FinningUnicef RTs.t.
129William BonnetCrédit Lyonnaiss.t.
130Kenny De HaesVirgin Media - Caisse d'Epargnes.t.
131Aurélien ClercUnicef RTs.t.
132Wouter WeylandtWarner Brotherss.t.
133Marcel BarthAccumalux-Huezs.t.
134Alex RasmussenVirgin Media - Caisse d'Epargnes.t.
135Roman MaksimovWhite Bear - Wild Horses.t.
136Angelo FurlanPhilips - Hummels.t.
137David KoppTeam LEGO - Capri-Sonnes.t.
138Nikolas MaesWikipedias.t.
139Rafaâ ChtiouiAccumalux-Huezs.t.
140Francesco ChicchiDomina Vacanzes.t.
141Evert VerbistDomina Vacanzes.t.
142Gerald CiolekTeam LEGO - Capri-Sonnes.t.
143Morten ReckwegTeam B&Os.t.
144Martin PedersenPhilips - Hummels.t.
145Ivan StevicWikipedias.t.
146Alessandro PetacchiTeam LEGO - Capri-Sonnes.t.
147Matthew BrammeierBritish Airways - Martinis.t.
148Matthé PronkEurosports.t.
149Casper JørgensenTeam B&Os.t.
150Jonas Aaen JørgensenTeam B&Os.t.
151Jempy DruckerTeam B&Os.t.
152Kristoffer NielsenTeam B&Os.t.
153Jonas VangenechtenSIC Radical - Timberlands.t.
154Steven KruijswijkTeam B&Os.t.
155Sven NooytensLipton Ice Teas.t.

1Wim Van HuffelSIC Radical - Timberland8h59'38
2Emanuele SellaLipton Ice Tea+ 5
3Damiano CunegoLa Gazzetta dello Sport+ 9
4Andy SchleckDomina Vacanze+ 11
5Linus GerdemannEurosport+ 33
6Koldo GilTeam LEGO - Capri-Sonnes.t.
7Rigoberto ÚranWikipedias.t.
8Franco PellizottiAccumalux-Huezs.t.
9Luis Leon Sanchez GilRabobanks.t.
10Marco MarzanoUnicef RT+ 1'17
11Thomas RohreggerWhite Bear - Wild Horses.t.
12Wladimir GustovTeam LEGO - Capri-Sonnes.t.
13Mauricio ArdilaFestina - Seikos.t.
14José ChaconAmerican Suzukis.t.
15David López GarciaVirgin Media - Caisse d'Epargnes.t.
16Sergei KolesnikovWarner Brothers+ 2'04
17Egoi Martínez de EstebanPhilips - Hummel+ 2'08
18Martin HaceckýTeam B&Os.t.
19Markus EibeggerWhite Bear - Wild Horses.t.
20Petar PanayotovSIC Radical - Timberlands.t.
21Andrei SartasovEurosports.t.
22Dario CataldoCrédit Lyonnais+ 2'24
23Francisco Perez SanchezLipton Ice Tea+ 2'25
24Steve ZampieriRabobanks.t.
25Ryder HesjedalDomina Vacanzes.t.
26Hubert SchwabDomina Vacanzes.t.
27Moises DueñasCrédit Lyonnaiss.t.
28Xavier TondoBritish Airways - Martinis.t.
29Víctor Hugo OrozcoUnicef RTs.t.
30Jairo AgudeloUnicef RTs.t.
31David ArroyoDomina Vacanzes.t.
32David De la FuenteLa Gazzetta dello Sports.t.
33Iban MayoFestina - Seikos.t.
34Sylwester SzmydLa Gazzetta dello Sports.t.
35Fredy MontañaUnicef RTs.t.
36Klaas VantornoutTeam LEGO - Capri-Sonnes.t.
37Massimiliano MaistoLa Gazzetta dello Sports.t.
38Brice FeilluWhite Bear - Wild Horses.t.
39Thomas FreiLipton Ice Tea+ 3'38
40Fabrice JeandesboszSIC Radical - Timberland+ 4'33
41Jurgen Van GoolenFestina - Seiko+ 6'10
42Ruben Elvira LobatoSIC Radical - Timberland+ 6'26
43Christian MeierWikipedias.t.
44Evgeni PopovSIC Radical - Timberlands.t.
45Hector Duenas NevadoLipton Ice Teas.t.
46René MandriCrédit Lyonnais+ 6'40
47Martijn KeizerWikipedias.t.
48Jordi GrauRabobanks.t.
49Bradley McGeeAmerican Suzukis.t.
50Jai CrawfordAmerican Suzukis.t.
51Thomas BontenackelsLipton Ice Teas.t.
52Valerio AgnoliWhite Bear - Wild Horses.t.
53Christoph MaiWhite Bear - Wild Horses.t.
54Stefano GarzelliEurosports.t.
55Mitja MahoricLipton Ice Teas.t.
56Marcello PavarinWikipedia+ 8'05
57Juan-Antonio FlechaWarner Brothers+ 10'10
58Sergei KlimovDomina Vacanze+ 10'43
59Vladimir BilekaWhite Bear - Wild Horse+ 10'46
60Diego UlissiPhilips - Hummels.t.
61Christian PoosAccumalux-Huezs.t.
62Francesco GavazziLa Gazzetta dello Sports.t.
63Lars Ytting BakPhilips - Hummels.t.
64Rafael Rodríguez SegarraLa Gazzetta dello Sports.t.
65Mauro FacciWarner Brotherss.t.
66Addy EngelsWarner Brotherss.t.
67Drasutis StundziaAccumalux-Huezs.t.
68Maurice SchreursPhilips - Hummels.t.
69Dmitri KozontchukRabobanks.t.
70Jan HopmanVirgin Media - Caisse d'Epargnes.t.
71Matej MugerliLa Gazzetta dello Sports.t.
72David ClaereboutAccumalux-Huezs.t.
73Yoann OffredoRabobanks.t.
74Vladimir MiholjevicBritish Airways - Martinis.t.
75Imanol ErvitiAmerican Suzukis.t.
76Chris BartonWikipedias.t.
77Kévin LalouetteCrédit Lyonnaiss.t.
78Kevin HulsmansWarner Brothers+ 12'07
79Mathieu PergetCrédit Lyonnais+ 14'02
80Michael Faerk ChristensenTeam B&O+ 15'51
81Kristian HouseTHE CONTROL TEAM+ 15'54
82Jonathan Tiernan-LockeTHE CONTROL TEAMs.t.
83Borut BozicCrédit Lyonnais+ 16'34
84Boy Van PoppelEurosports.t.
85Erik HoffmannBritish Airways - Martinis.t.
86Michael MørkøvPhilips - Hummels.t.
87Kam-po WongBritish Airways - Martinis.t.
88Fabio SabatiniUnicef RTs.t.
89Mauro Da DaltoDomina Vacanzes.t.
90Karsten KroonRabobanks.t.
91Mikaël ChérelWhite Bear - Wild Horses.t.
92Tom LeezerSIC Radical - Timberlands.t.
93Chris WherryAmerican Suzukis.t.
94Sergei LagutinEurosports.t.
95Klaas SysWikipedias.t.
96Markus EichlerTeam LEGO - Capri-Sonne+ 17'23
97Robert HunterTeam LEGO - Capri-Sonne+ 17'29
98Pieter JacobsUnicef RT+ 17'30
99Sebastien EinsleAccumalux-Huezs.t.
100Peter WilliamsTHE CONTROL TEAMs.t.
101Laurent MangelCrédit Lyonnaiss.t.
102Ananias AnaniasTHE CONTROL TEAM+ 18'34
103Paul HealionEurosport+ 19'54
104Anuar MananBritish Airways - Martini+ 25'03
105Daniele BennatiLa Gazzetta dello Sport+ 34'18
106Jurgen Van LoockeFestina - Seikos.t.
107Arnaud GérardAmerican Suzukis.t.
108Kevin Van ImpeWarner Brotherss.t.
109William BonnetCrédit Lyonnaiss.t.
110Wouter WeylandtWarner Brotherss.t.
111Aurélien ClercUnicef RTs.t.
112Alessandro PetacchiTeam LEGO - Capri-Sonnes.t.
113Martin PedersenPhilips - Hummels.t.
114Alex RasmussenVirgin Media - Caisse d'Epargnes.t.
115Roman MaksimovWhite Bear - Wild Horses.t.
116Marcel BarthAccumalux-Huezs.t.
117Francesco ChicchiDomina Vacanzes.t.
118David KoppTeam LEGO - Capri-Sonnes.t.
119Eros CapecchiRabobanks.t.
120Angelo FurlanPhilips - Hummels.t.
121Steven KruijswijkTeam B&Os.t.
122Kristof GoddaertFestina - Seikos.t.
123Gerald CiolekTeam LEGO - Capri-Sonnes.t.
124Nick IngelsFestina - Seikos.t.
125Patrick GretschFestina - Seikos.t.
126Sébastien RosselerWarner Brotherss.t.
127Morten ReckwegTeam B&Os.t.
128Arthur Garcia RinconVirgin Media - Caisse d'Epargnes.t.
129Jonas Aaen JørgensenTeam B&Os.t.
130Mathieu HeijboerRabobanks.t.
131Pim LigthartVirgin Media - Caisse d'Epargnes.t.
132Kenny De HaesVirgin Media - Caisse d'Epargnes.t.
133Jonas VangenechtenSIC Radical - Timberlands.t.
134Aleksandr BespalovVirgin Media - Caisse d'Epargnes.t.
135Anders LundPhilips - Hummels.t.
136Matthew BrammeierBritish Airways - Martinis.t.
137Christian RanneriesFestina - Seikos.t.
138Carlos Alexandre ManarelliVirgin Media - Caisse d'Epargnes.t.
139Jempy DruckerTeam B&Os.t.
140John DevineAmerican Suzukis.t.
141Timothy GudsellAmerican Suzukis.t.
142Christian FrommeltBritish Airways - Martinis.t.
143Evert VerbistDomina Vacanzes.t.
144Rafaâ ChtiouiAccumalux-Huezs.t.
145Nick ClesenAccumalux-Huezs.t.
146Aleksandr MironovLipton Ice Teas.t.
147Casper JørgensenTeam B&Os.t.
148Luke RobertsEurosports.t.
149Sven NooytensLipton Ice Teas.t.
150Kristoffer NielsenTeam B&Os.t.
151David VitoriaSIC Radical - Timberlands.t.
152Nikolas MaesWikipedias.t.
153Ivan StevicWikipedias.t.
154Matthé PronkEurosports.t.
155Sean FinningUnicef RT+ 37'34

1Wim Van HuffelSIC Radical - Timberland934
2Damiano CunegoLa Gazzetta dello Sport2034
3Emanuele SellaLipton Ice Tea2530
4Juan-Antonio FlechaWarner Brothers027
5Linus GerdemannEurosport1022
6Koldo GilTeam LEGO - Capri-Sonne717
7Sergei KolesnikovWarner Brothers016
8Andy SchleckDomina Vacanze1616
9Rigoberto ÚranWikipedia1215
10Franco PellizottiAccumalux-Huez1414
11Marco MarzanoUnicef RT412
12Thomas RohreggerWhite Bear - Wild Horse211
13Wladimir GustovTeam LEGO - Capri-Sonne310
14Mauricio ArdilaFestina - Seiko610
15Fabrice JeandesboszSIC Radical - Timberland99
16Luis Leon Sanchez GilRabobank88
17Markus EichlerTeam LEGO - Capri-Sonne07
18Borut BozicCrédit Lyonnais06
19José ChaconAmerican Suzuki55
20Sergei KlimovDomina Vacanze03
21Anuar MananBritish Airways - Martini33
22Michael Faerk ChristensenTeam B&O33
23Egoi Martínez de EstebanPhilips - Hummel02
24Marcello PavarinWikipedia22
25Dario CataldoCrédit Lyonnais01
26René MandriCrédit Lyonnais01
27Robert HunterTeam LEGO - Capri-Sonne11
28David López GarciaVirgin Media - Caisse d'Epargne11

1Rigoberto ÚranWikipedia2626
2Franco PellizottiAccumalux-Huez2525
3Juan-Antonio FlechaWarner Brothers015
4Mauricio ArdilaFestina - Seiko1414
5David ArroyoDomina Vacanze1414
6José ChaconAmerican Suzuki1010
7Markus EichlerTeam LEGO - Capri-Sonne09
8Luis Leon Sanchez GilRabobank66
9Dario CataldoCrédit Lyonnais44
10Emanuele SellaLipton Ice Tea33
11Víctor Hugo OrozcoUnicef RT33
12Francisco Perez SanchezLipton Ice Tea22
13Petar PanayotovSIC Radical - Timberland22
14Sergei KlimovDomina Vacanze01
15Linus GerdemannEurosport11
16Koldo GilTeam LEGO - Capri-Sonne01
17Mathieu PergetCrédit Lyonnais01

Young Rider
1Andy SchleckDomina Vacanze4h48'288h59'49 (1)
2Rigoberto ÚranWikipedia+ 18+ 22 (2)
3Martin HaceckýTeam B&O+ 1'53+ 1'57 (4)
4Markus EibeggerWhite Bear - Wild Horses.t.+ 1'57 (5)
5Sergei KolesnikovWarner Brotherss.t.+ 1'53 (3)
6Petar PanayotovSIC Radical - Timberlands.t.+ 1'57 (6)
7Dario CataldoCrédit Lyonnais+ 2'10+ 2'13 (7)
8Víctor Hugo OrozcoUnicef RTs.t.+ 2'14 (8)
9Jairo AgudeloUnicef RTs.t.+ 2'14 (9)
10Brice FeilluWhite Bear - Wild Horses.t.+ 2'14 (10)
11Thomas FreiLipton Ice Tea+ 3'23+ 3'27 (11)
12Fabrice JeandesboszSIC Radical - Timberland+ 4'27+ 4'22 (12)
13Evgeni PopovSIC Radical - Timberland+ 6'11+ 6'15 (14)
14Christian MeierWikipedias.t.+ 6'15 (13)
15Hector Duenas NevadoLipton Ice Teas.t.+ 6'15 (15)
16René MandriCrédit Lyonnais+ 6'25+ 6'29 (16)
17Thomas BontenackelsLipton Ice Teas.t.+ 6'29 (18)
18Valerio AgnoliWhite Bear - Wild Horses.t.+ 6'29 (19)
19Martijn KeizerWikipedias.t.+ 6'29 (17)
20Christoph MaiWhite Bear - Wild Horses.t.+ 6'29 (20)

Edited by Roman on 17-10-2016 03:11
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PT/std_zpsb6c2f350.png[url=www.pcmdaily.com/forum/viewthread.php?thread_id=33182]Team Santander Media Thread[/url]i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys/PT/std_zpsb6c2f350.png

Please assume I am joking unless otherwise stated
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