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PCM.daily » PCM.daily's Management Game » [Cont-Man-Game] C2HC/C2 Results
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Circulo de Juarez - Stage 5

The last stage is the most "difficult" of the race as it features a hill worth calling so for pretty much the first time.

And the trend of an ever growing break continues as we have 7 riders trying their luck today, hoping to out outfox the sprinter teams at least once.

i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/alp.png Angarita
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/bon.png Borges
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/esc.png Edmondson
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/wwr.png Safarzadeh
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/afr.png Wesemann
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/tcu.png Kilun
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/lpu.png Umerbekov

We see a lot of familiar names in there with i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/bon.png Borges and i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/afr.png Wesemann obviously targeting the KoM points to take the jersey, and i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/alp.png Angarita is an interesting new name as he should have dibs on the intermediate sprints and i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/alp.png Forero seems to do his own thing here anyway.


And i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/bon.png Borges gets the better end of this for now as he takes the first climb. i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/alp.png Angarita in second place shows the puncheur abilities are still secondary though.
It is worth mentioning that i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/wwr.png Safarzadeh decided to drop back out of this group for some reason.
Cat. 4 i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/bon.png Borges i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/alp.png Angarita i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/lpu.png Umerbekov


The first intermediate sprint however goes to i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/bon.png Borges as well who already was the best placed rider in this break. i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/alp.png Angarita at least takes second ahead of i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/esc.png Edmondson.
The gap is up to 6 minutes but doesn't grow any further.
Sprint i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/bon.png Borges i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/alp.png Angarita i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/esc.png Edmondson


Suddenly, i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/wwr.png Safarzadeh is back and receives the inofficial prize for the dumbest rider in the race.
Excuse me if you think I'm only a reporter and shouldn't judge performances here, but you will agree.

So as I mentioned he dropped back after the KoM, but just as he was about to be caught by the peloton, he accelerated again and chased the breakaway for 40 kilometres to close the gap of now 5 MINUTES to join it again.

Seriously. What. Why.


And just for the lulz he takes the last Cat. 4 of the race. Yeah.
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/lpu.png Umerbekov and i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/alp.png Angarita take the last points, which means i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/bon.png Borges gets to take the jersey home.
The gap to the bunch is down to 1'55 already though, and there are still 60k to go.
Cat. 4 i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/wwr.pngSafarzadeh i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/lpu.png Umerbekov i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/alp.png Angarita


To top off his dominant performance today, i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/bon.png Borges also takes the second sprint to provisionally go to 6th in GC only 17 seconds back.
Sprint i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/bon.png Borges i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/alp.png Angarita i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/esc.png Edmondson


With that result, i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/rse.png Matthews knows all he has to do is stay with the peloton and the GC is his.

The already inevitable catch is made once more, and with more than half an hour of racing left, one has to doubt whether the bonus seconds will come into play today.
So far they did, but it is earlier than ever before today.


And it doesn't take long to answer that question as only a few minutes later we see the best placed rider of who used to be in the break i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/alp.png Angarita being behind already, so no cigar for anyone but i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/bon.png Borges today, and even he would've preferred to keep that GC spot too.


Not a lot of surprises in the sprint preparation today, except for an already decimated ONCE train and the other South Americans being well placed for once.

i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/tas.png Brammeier
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/tas.png Meenhorst
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/tas.png Rowe
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/azt.png Magallanesi439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/boi.png Drapac
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/azt.png Haedoi439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/rse.png Matthewsi439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/bon.png Manarelli
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/azt.png Farrari439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/alp.png Forero
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/cdb.png Rasmussen
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/onc.png Cano
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/onc.png Guillen
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/rse.png Sutton


As we head into the last 3k though, Azteca clearly emerges as the team with the most energy left as i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/onc.png Guillen and i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/tas.png Rowe saw their trains collapsing like the WTC right in front of their eyes.
(too early?)


The sprint starts as i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/azt.png Haedo takes over and immediately Matthews has to give his spot to the smaller i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/bon.png Maranelli sneakily moving behind the even smaller i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/onc.png Guillen.
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/boi.png Drapac decided to wait for his own team mates, but it is actually kinda late to still have two riders ahead. i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/alp.png Forero doesn't buy it and goes for himself.


i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/tas.png Rowe is the fastest for the moment though as i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/onc.png Guillen doesn't like what i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/azt.png Farrar can do.


Under the flamme rouge, he does pounce back though and takes the lead. i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/tas.png Rowe didn't really go anywhere as i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/alp.png Forero and i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/rse.png Matthews charge past on either side.


i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/onc.png Guillen really doesn't have it today, but i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/bon.png Manarelli looks like he does again!
The fight for the last bonus seconds depends on whether i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/onc.png Guillen can hold on, but i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/rse.png Matthews doesn't have to worry.


And indeed i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/bon.png Manarelli with his aerodynamic position moves past i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/azt.png Farrar to win the last stage here in Mexico.
i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/azt.png Farrar makes the second best out of his team's work and i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/rse.png Matthews confirms he's a worthy winner of the race.


1Carlos Alexandre ManarelliBonsucro3h45'08
2Tyler FarrarAzteca - NBCSNs.t.
3Michael MatthewsRisa - Ergons.t.
4Marco GuillénONCE-Eroski Cycling Teams.t.
5Alex RasmussenTeam Carlsberg - Danske Banks.t.
6Damion DrapacBank of Ireland - Irish Cyclings.t.
7Christopher SuttonRisa - Ergons.t.
8Juan Pablo ForeroAlpina - Aviancas.t.
9Kevin PeetersLierse SK - Pizza Ullo Cycling Teams.t.
10Sébastien ChavanelTeam Chiquita - Universals.t.
11Matt RoweTeam ASDA-Saverss.t.
12Matteo PriamoTeam Hornbachs.t.
13Chris OpieEddie Stobart Pro Cyclings.t.
14Tobyn HortonBank of Ireland - Irish Cyclings.t.
15Benoît SinnerIn-n-Out Racing Powered by Auchans.t.
16Dylan GroenewegenTeam Hornbachs.t.
17Matthew BrammeierTeam ASDA-Saverss.t.
18Saïd HaddouWounded Warrior Racings.t.
19Héctor Hugo RangelProject: Africas.t.
20Juan José HaedoAzteca - NBCSNs.t.
21Nikola AistrupTeam Carlsberg - Danske Banks.t.
22Peter HawkinsBank of Ireland - Irish Cyclings.t.
23Adam Petrie-ArmstrongBank of Ireland - Irish Cyclings.t.
24Mauricio Guillermo FrazerWounded Warrior Racings.t.
25Juan Pablo MagallanesAzteca - NBCSNs.t.
26Willian AraujoBonsucros.t.
27Mark RenshawEddie Stobart Pro Cyclings.t.
28Bobbie TrakselTeam Hornbachs.t.
29Alexandre AulasIn-n-Out Racing Powered by Auchans.t.
30John DevineWounded Warrior Racings.t.
31Cyril LemoineIn-n-Out Racing Powered by Auchans.t.
32Jean-Lou PaianiIn-n-Out Racing Powered by Auchans.t.
33Danny Van PoppelTeam Hornbachs.t.
34Marco BenfattoEddie Stobart Pro Cyclings.t.
35Leonardo DuqueAzteca - NBCSNs.t.
36Nicolas RousseauIn-n-Out Racing Powered by Auchans.t.
37Jose Luis CanoONCE-Eroski Cycling Teams.t.
38Héctor Fabian AguilarBonsucros.t.
39Graham BriggsEddie Stobart Pro Cyclings.t.
40Juan Esteban ArangoAlpina - Aviancas.t.
41Joost Van LeijenTeam Carlsberg - Danske Banks.t.
42Antoine MatteauIn-n-Out Racing Powered by Auchans.t.
43Christian KneesTeam Hornbachs.t.
44Willie SmitProject: Africas.t.
45Costa SeibebProject: Africas.t.
46Andrew BajadaliWounded Warrior Racings.t.
47Ed ClancyEddie Stobart Pro Cyclings.t.
48Alex MeenhorstTeam ASDA-Saverss.t.
49Abdalla Ben YoucefProject: Africas.t.
50Jimmi SørensenTeam Carlsberg - Danske Banks.t.
51Jens DebusschereLierse SK - Pizza Ullo Cycling Teams.t.
52Johan LindgrenRisa - Ergons.t.
53Manuel SenniLierse SK - Pizza Ullo Cycling Teams.t.
54Carlos Henrique CancellaraAlpina - Aviancas.t.
55Steven CummingsEddie Stobart Pro Cyclings.t.
56Josef CernyLierse SK - Pizza Ullo Cycling Teams.t.
57Joseph CooperRisa - Ergons.t.
58Yohann GeneAzteca - NBCSNs.t.
59Yu TakenouchiTeam ASDA-Saverss.t.
60Lluis MasBonsucros.t.
61Michele ViolaLierse SK - Pizza Ullo Cycling Teams.t.
62William Germán Rodríguez ParraAlpina - Aviancas.t.
63Clinton AveryTeam ASDA-Saverss.t.
64Patrick OyakauaBonsucros.t.
65Matej MohoricTeam Hornbachs.t.
66Russell HamptonTeam ASDA-Saverss.t.
67Ken Sebastian VassdålRisa - Ergons.t.
68Marco BandieraTeam Chiquita - Universals.t.
69César VaqueraAzteca - NBCSNs.t.
70Eugert ZhupaTeam Hornbachs.t.
71Carlos OyarzunBonsucros.t.
72Matthias WengelinTeam Carlsberg - Danske Banks.t.
73Adrian LaidlerBank of Ireland - Irish Cyclings.t.
74Cesar IxehuatiAzteca - NBCSNs.t.
75Domagoj BreznikLierse SK - Pizza Ullo Cycling Teams.t.
76Tareq EsmaeliTeam Chiquita - Universals.t.
77Nathan BrownTeam Chiquita - Universals.t.
78Rasmus SteroboRisa - Ergons.t.
79Rahsaan BahatiTeam Chiquita - Universals.t.
80Dries BeatseIn-n-Out Racing Powered by Auchans.t.
81Alex HowesTeam Chiquita - Universals.t.
82Sebastian HenaoAlpina - Aviancas.t.
83Songezo JimProject: Africa+ 2'11
84Timothy GudsellBank of Ireland - Irish Cyclings.t.
85Marvin Orlando AngaritaAlpina - Avianca+ 3'43
86Valens NdayisengaProject: Africas.t.
87Paul MachWounded Warrior Racings.t.
88Miguel Angel BenitoONCE-Eroski Cycling Teams.t.
89Krister HagenRisa - Ergons.t.
90Kevin BarclayBank of Ireland - Irish Cyclings.t.
91Roman KilunTeam Chiquita - Universals.t.
92Bruno BorgesBonsucros.t.
93Martin WesemannProject: Africas.t.
94Joshua EdmondsonEddie Stobart Pro Cyclings.t.
95Christian RanneriesTeam Carlsberg - Danske Banks.t.
96Johnson ArnoldWounded Warrior Racings.t.
97Maximillian SchachmannONCE-Eroski Cycling Teams.t.
98Nikita UmerbekovLierse SK - Pizza Ullo Cycling Team+ 5'26
99Murilo AffonsoAlpina - Avianca+ 7'00
100Anton KausTeam Carlsberg - Danske Bank+ 7'29
101Saeid SafarzadehWounded Warrior Racing+ 8'43
102Dainius KairelisControl Team+ 24'32
103Ivor BruinControl Teams.t.
104Tomasz ZywerControl Teams.t.


1Michael MatthewsRisa - Ergon17h06'37
2Carlos Alexandre ManarelliBonsucro+ 10
3Damion DrapacBank of Ireland - Irish Cycling+ 16
4Marco GuillénONCE-Eroski Cycling Team+ 17
5Tyler FarrarAzteca - NBCSN+ 18
6Alex RasmussenTeam Carlsberg - Danske Bank+ 20
7John DevineWounded Warrior Racing+ 24
8Manuel SenniLierse SK - Pizza Ullo Cycling Teams.t.
9Danny Van PoppelTeam Hornbach+ 25
10Andrew BajadaliWounded Warrior Racings.t.
11Costa SeibebProject: Africas.t.
12Josef CernyLierse SK - Pizza Ullo Cycling Teams.t.
13Juan Pablo ForeroAlpina - Avianca+ 26
14Willie SmitProject: Africa+ 27
15Joseph CooperRisa - Ergon+ 29
16Kevin PeetersLierse SK - Pizza Ullo Cycling Team+ 30
17Matt RoweTeam ASDA-Saverss.t.
18Christopher SuttonRisa - Ergons.t.
19Saïd HaddouWounded Warrior Racings.t.
20Chris OpieEddie Stobart Pro Cyclings.t.
21Matteo PriamoTeam Hornbachs.t.
22Juan José HaedoAzteca - NBCSNs.t.
23Héctor Hugo RangelProject: Africas.t.
24Benoît SinnerIn-n-Out Racing Powered by Auchans.t.
25Peter HawkinsBank of Ireland - Irish Cyclings.t.
26Alex MeenhorstTeam ASDA-Saverss.t.
27Nikola AistrupTeam Carlsberg - Danske Banks.t.
28Dylan GroenewegenTeam Hornbachs.t.
29Matthew BrammeierTeam ASDA-Saverss.t.
30Sébastien ChavanelTeam Chiquita - Universals.t.
31Jose Luis CanoONCE-Eroski Cycling Teams.t.
32Juan Pablo MagallanesAzteca - NBCSNs.t.
33Willian AraujoBonsucros.t.
34Adam Petrie-ArmstrongBank of Ireland - Irish Cyclings.t.
35Mark RenshawEddie Stobart Pro Cyclings.t.
36Alexandre AulasIn-n-Out Racing Powered by Auchans.t.
37Tobyn HortonBank of Ireland - Irish Cyclings.t.
38Bobbie TrakselTeam Hornbachs.t.
39Leonardo DuqueAzteca - NBCSNs.t.
40Yohann GeneAzteca - NBCSNs.t.
41Christian KneesTeam Hornbachs.t.
42Cyril LemoineIn-n-Out Racing Powered by Auchans.t.
43Mauricio Guillermo FrazerWounded Warrior Racings.t.
44Jean-Lou PaianiIn-n-Out Racing Powered by Auchans.t.
45Marco BandieraTeam Chiquita - Universals.t.
46Yu TakenouchiTeam ASDA-Saverss.t.
47Graham BriggsEddie Stobart Pro Cyclings.t.
48Juan Esteban ArangoAlpina - Aviancas.t.
49Héctor Fabian AguilarBonsucros.t.
50Clinton AveryTeam ASDA-Saverss.t.
51Marco BenfattoEddie Stobart Pro Cyclings.t.
52Ed ClancyEddie Stobart Pro Cyclings.t.
53Matej MohoricTeam Hornbachs.t.
54Antoine MatteauIn-n-Out Racing Powered by Auchans.t.
55Jimmi SørensenTeam Carlsberg - Danske Banks.t.
56Joost Van LeijenTeam Carlsberg - Danske Banks.t.
57Jens DebusschereLierse SK - Pizza Ullo Cycling Teams.t.
58Patrick OyakauaBonsucros.t.
59Matthias WengelinTeam Carlsberg - Danske Banks.t.
60Johan LindgrenRisa - Ergons.t.
61William Germán Rodríguez ParraAlpina - Aviancas.t.
62Abdalla Ben YoucefProject: Africas.t.
63Lluis MasBonsucros.t.
64Tareq EsmaeliTeam Chiquita - Universals.t.
65Rahsaan BahatiTeam Chiquita - Universals.t.
66César VaqueraAzteca - NBCSNs.t.
67Steven CummingsEddie Stobart Pro Cyclings.t.
68Carlos Henrique CancellaraAlpina - Aviancas.t.
69Eugert ZhupaTeam Hornbachs.t.
70Domagoj BreznikLierse SK - Pizza Ullo Cycling Teams.t.
71Alex HowesTeam Chiquita - Universals.t.
72Michele ViolaLierse SK - Pizza Ullo Cycling Teams.t.
73Carlos OyarzunBonsucros.t.
74Cesar IxehuatiAzteca - NBCSNs.t.
75Rasmus SteroboRisa - Ergons.t.
76Ken Sebastian VassdålRisa - Ergons.t.
77Sebastian HenaoAlpina - Aviancas.t.
78Nathan BrownTeam Chiquita - Universals.t.
79Timothy GudsellBank of Ireland - Irish Cycling+ 2'41
80Russell HamptonTeam ASDA-Savers+ 3'38
81Bruno BorgesBonsucro+ 4'04
82Dries BeatseIn-n-Out Racing Powered by Auchans.t.
83Joshua EdmondsonEddie Stobart Pro Cycling+ 4'08
84Marvin Orlando AngaritaAlpina - Avianca+ 4'09
85Maximillian SchachmannONCE-Eroski Cycling Team+ 4'13
86Christian RanneriesTeam Carlsberg - Danske Banks.t.
87Martin WesemannProject: Africas.t.
88Roman KilunTeam Chiquita - Universals.t.
89Miguel Angel BenitoONCE-Eroski Cycling Teams.t.
90Valens NdayisengaProject: Africas.t.
91Nikita UmerbekovLierse SK - Pizza Ullo Cycling Team+ 5'56
92Nicolas RousseauIn-n-Out Racing Powered by Auchan+ 7'18
93Adrian LaidlerBank of Ireland - Irish Cyclings.t.
94Paul MachWounded Warrior Racing+ 7'42
95Johnson ArnoldWounded Warrior Racing+ 8'08
96Saeid SafarzadehWounded Warrior Racing+ 9'12
97Krister HagenRisa - Ergon+ 10'59
98Kevin BarclayBank of Ireland - Irish Cycling+ 11'01
99Anton KausTeam Carlsberg - Danske Bank+ 11'54
100Songezo JimProject: Africa+ 14'24
101Murilo AffonsoAlpina - Avianca+ 18'13
102Ivor BruinControl Team+ 35'50
103Dainius KairelisControl Teams.t.
104Tomasz ZywerControl Team+ 40'21


1Michael MatthewsRisa - Ergon97
2Carlos Alexandre ManarelliBonsucro81
3Alex RasmussenTeam Carlsberg - Danske Bank71
4Marco GuillénONCE-Eroski Cycling Team67
5Damion DrapacBank of Ireland - Irish Cycling66
6Tyler FarrarAzteca - NBCSN64
7Kevin PeetersLierse SK - Pizza Ullo Cycling Team48
8Matt RoweTeam ASDA-Savers42
9Juan Pablo ForeroAlpina - Avianca41
10Christopher SuttonRisa - Ergon30
11Saïd HaddouWounded Warrior Racing20
12Bruno BorgesBonsucro18
13Juan José HaedoAzteca - NBCSN14
14Benoît SinnerIn-n-Out Racing Powered by Auchan14
15Alex MeenhorstTeam ASDA-Savers13
16John DevineWounded Warrior Racing12
17Manuel SenniLierse SK - Pizza Ullo Cycling Team12
18Matteo PriamoTeam Hornbach12
19Danny Van PoppelTeam Hornbach10
20Andrew BajadaliWounded Warrior Racing10
21Costa SeibebProject: Africa10
22Josef CernyLierse SK - Pizza Ullo Cycling Team10
23Joshua EdmondsonEddie Stobart Pro Cycling10
24Héctor Hugo RangelProject: Africa9
25Marvin Orlando AngaritaAlpina - Avianca8
26Willie SmitProject: Africa6
27Chris OpieEddie Stobart Pro Cycling6
28Sébastien ChavanelTeam Chiquita - Universal6
29Nikola AistrupTeam Carlsberg - Danske Bank5
30Dylan GroenewegenTeam Hornbach5
31Krister HagenRisa - Ergon4
32Joseph CooperRisa - Ergon2
33Saeid SafarzadehWounded Warrior Racing2
34Peter HawkinsBank of Ireland - Irish Cycling2
35Tobyn HortonBank of Ireland - Irish Cycling2
36Mark RenshawEddie Stobart Pro Cycling1


1Bruno BorgesBonsucro16
2Andrew BajadaliWounded Warrior Racing12
3Manuel SenniLierse SK - Pizza Ullo Cycling Team8
4Saeid SafarzadehWounded Warrior Racing8
5Martin WesemannProject: Africa7
6John DevineWounded Warrior Racing6
7Costa SeibebProject: Africa6
8Josef CernyLierse SK - Pizza Ullo Cycling Team5
9Joshua EdmondsonEddie Stobart Pro Cycling5
10Marvin Orlando AngaritaAlpina - Avianca4
11Nikita UmerbekovLierse SK - Pizza Ullo Cycling Team4
12Danny Van PoppelTeam Hornbach3
13Nathan BrownTeam Chiquita - Universal3
14Willie SmitProject: Africa2
15Roman KilunTeam Chiquita - Universal1


2Michael MatthewsRisa - Ergon17h06'37
1Carlos Alexandre ManarelliBonsucro+ 10
10Manuel SenniLierse SK - Pizza Ullo Cycling Team+ 24
4Danny Van PoppelTeam Hornbach+ 25
7Costa SeibebProject: Africa+ 25
12Josef CernyLierse SK - Pizza Ullo Cycling Team+ 25
6Willie SmitProject: Africa+ 27
3Dylan GroenewegenTeam Hornbach+ 30
15Matej MohoricTeam Hornbach+ 30
5Antoine MatteauIn-n-Out Racing Powered by Auchan+ 30


1i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/azt.pngAzteca - NBCSN221
2i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/boi.pngBank of Ireland - Irish Cycling235
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13i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq112/Gustavovskiy/microjerseys14/lpu.pngLierse SK - Pizza Ullo Cycling Team605
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Edited by cio93 on 17-10-2014 19:27
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