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PCM.daily Expansion Pack: Support & FAQ

In this thread, you can ask your general support questions and report any problems and bugs you find.

Before you do, make sure to read the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) thoroughly to see if your problem has been listed there. If the solution offered in the FAQ below doesn't work for you, please mention this in your post.

Already reported bugs and the solutions (or fixing progress) can be found in the Reported bugs post below this.

Thread Rules

1. Don't ask questions about future release dates - updates will be done when they're done
2. No PMs to DB Team members. If you need support, we'll provide it in here
3. If you'd like to request something to be added in future updates, please use the wishlist thread

Please keep in mind that we're volunteers and we do this in our sometimes limited free time. Most of us are working or studying next to this, so be patient if you don't get a reply or we can't find a solution immediately.

In this post you can find the bugs that have been reported in the Support requests thread since the latest update of the PCM.daily 2024 Expansion Pack. We will explain the bugs and provide you with a (temporary) solution if possible.

My game crashes in Pro Cyclist Mode on the 24th of October.

This cdb file fixes the issue. Just put it into the PCM folder in AppData under Mod/PCM.daily Expansion Pack. If you've downloaded the Expansion Pack after July 1st, this is already in the main download pack and you don't have to do anything.

Edited by cunego59 on 01-07-2024 11:08

In this post you will find answers for the most frequently asked questions of the support thread and the support threads for previous databases.

Can I use other DBs with this installed?

Generally, yes. There might be some unintended consequences, so we can't guarantee there won't be any issues, but typically, you should be able to have this and other mods installed simultaneously.

Is this DB available in the Steam workshop?

Yes! We've made our full DB available there, you can look for it in the Workshop or check it out here. Please be aware that you need to complete a few extra steps after subscribing to it to enjoy the full content. Those steps are detailed in the Steam description.
Hi! Sorry for bothering.

For some reason i´m missing some pictures/graphics. Example:

No jerseys for most Continental teams, and for all of new sponsored teams (Cepsa. Serneke, etc.)

No pictures for non lincesed in vanilla riders (Remco, Daniel Felipe, Girmay...)

I´ve got the correction of the names, but not pictures.

Any thoughts?

Thank you!
This sounds like the files that belong in the main PCM folder have not been put in the correct place. Is it possible that you put the 3D etc. folders a level above where they should be or something like that? In the process of pasting the data into the folders, there should at some point be a note asking if you want to overwrite files. If that doesn't appear, it's an indicator that the files were not pasted into the appropriate folders.
cunego59 wrote:

This sounds like the files that belong in the main PCM folder have not been put in the correct place. Is it possible that you put the 3D etc. folders a level above where they should be or something like that? In the process of pasting the data into the folders, there should at some point be a note asking if you want to overwrite files. If that doesn't appear, it's an indicator that the files were not pasted into the appropriate folders.

That was it, somehow I´ve messed the game folder so I went for a fresh installation. Now works like charm.

Hi I don't see the ciclist only in career mode. Everythings is black. I See only the wheels. All the menus are blaked. I must kill the game to exit the game.Why? Thanks al ot
gbolla04 wrote:

Hi I don't see the ciclist only in career mode. Everythings is black. I See only the wheels. All the menus are blaked. I must kill the game to exit the game.Why? Thanks al ot

Seems like you did not install the database correctly or there were conflicts with another DB. Did you try a fresh install and follow the steps again?
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Hi I try to run it on other PC (newest) and it works properly. May be on my oldest PC there is some problem with graphic card. Thanks a lot.
Ulrich Ulriksen
I am enrolled in the expansion via Steam. Can you expand on what is meant by this:

"However, check the update logs every now and then to see if you need to update the "Additional Files", such as for the custom UCI logos."

Which logs am I looking at?
Man Game: McCormick Pro Cycling
Ulrich Ulriksen wrote:

I am enrolled in the expansion via Steam. Can you expand on what is meant by this:

"However, check the update logs every now and then to see if you need to update the "Additional Files", such as for the custom UCI logos."

Which logs am I looking at?

On the workshop page of the EP, there's a tab called Changes or something like that, to the right of the comments tab. We have patch notes in there where you can check what has changed. For the vast majority of updates, you don't need to do anything, but if there are changes to the local.cdb or new tga files, we update our "Additional Files" folder which you would then need to copy to the main game folder as per the installation instructions again.
My game is cut off in pro ciclist on October 24, I already tried with the Cdb that is published but it still cuts out and I can't continue from October 24, please help
jarebisai wrote:

My game is cut off in pro ciclist on October 24, I already tried with the Cdb that is published but it still cuts out and I can't continue from October 24, please help

You unfortunately have to start a new career, since then the .cdb-file will be chosen by the game. Current careers have their own .cdb-file
Inside the 3D folder, Cyclist->Professional, there are some folders with generic skins and some real riders like Sagan or Valverde.

What are they for and how could I use them in ProCyclist mode?
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