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[CT] Team Würth MODYF - JAN & FEB Recap
Welcome to the official Team HQ of the Team Würth MODYF! We will present you here all our informations and updates about our team and season! Enjoy your stay.

Lets start with a short presentation and overview about our partners for the 2024 season:

Title Sponsor:Würth MODYF
Helmets & Glasses:uvex
Nutrition: SiS Science in Sports
Premium Partner:buycycle


Edited by Ezeefreak on 18-11-2024 15:03



Jai Hindley74.704.10026
Dylan Sunderland70.493.826
Sebastian Berwick67.531.4823
Luke Plapp¹70.931.022
Jensen Plowright66.451.022
David Wohrer73.724.10032
Kris Boeckmans73.104.10035
Roy Jans74.344.10032
Eliot Lietaer73.504.10032
Gianni Vermeersch75.104.10030
Maximillian Schachmann74.014.10030
Kevin Predatsch71.494.10030
Jonas Koch72.364.10029
Willi Willwohl74.974.10028
Phil Bauhaus73.564.10028
Aaron Grosser74.284.10026
Juri Hollmann67.601.6023
Florian Lipowitz68.071.022
Felix Engelhardt67.101.022
Tim Van Dijke69.611.022
Albin Johansson²66.761.022

¹ - Loan
² - Stagiare


W. Willwohl1stStage 2Jelajah SKL
T. Van Dijke1stKoMUSA Pro Cycling Challenge
T. Van Dijke1stStage 4Tour de Vineyards
L. Plapp1stStage 3Benelux Challenge
E. Lietaer1stKoMHerald Sun Tour

2023 - Team Würth MODYF




Jai Hindley74.74.1002786
Kobe Goossens72.184.702730
Warre Vangheluwe67.971.0227
Inigo Elosegui75.944.10025171
Davur Magnussen70.264.493121
Sakari Lehtinen73.164.1003038
Mathieu La Lavandier72.944.1003149
Willi Willwohl75.044.10029106
Aaron Grosser74.284.1002715
Jonas Koch72.364.100301
Kevin Predatsch71.494.1003196
Florian Lipowitz70.53.4239
Nicolas Heinrich68.471.0225
Tobias Buck-Gramcko²66.561.0222
Georg Steinhauser²64.921.0220
Riccardo Minali75.114.1002893
Ide Schelling74.784.10025139
Tom Dumoulin72.754.1003350
Tilen Finkst¹70.742.472817
Albin Stalberg66.81.0220

¹ - Loan
² - Stagiare


I. Elosegui1st U25Vuelta al Tachira
S. Lehtinen1st KoMVuelta al Tachira
I. Elosegui1st U25Volta a Catalunya
M. La Lavandier1st KoMVolta a Catalunya
I. Elosegui1st U25Int. Osterreich Rundfahrt
W. Willwohl1st Stage 2Benelux Challenge
M. La Lavandier1st Stage 2Tour d'Andorra
J. Hindley1st KoMTour d'Andorra
I. Schelling1st U25Giro del Trentino
R. Minali1st Stage 2Herald Sun Tour

Edited by Ezeefreak on 16-07-2024 07:06

07-Jan Gisborne GPC2
14-Jan Nakhon Ratchasima TrophyC2
22-Jan31-Jan Vuelta al TachiraC2
26-Jan29-Jan Tour of GuadeloupeC1
31-Jan Clasico San JoseC2
04-Feb Viana do CasteloC1
06-Feb Gent - WevelgemC2
10-Feb GP HerningC2
10-Feb Le SamynHC
15-Feb20-Feb Volta a CatalunyaC2
26-Feb Kuurne - Bruxelles - KuurneC1
28-Feb Coppa PlacciC2
03-Mar Lillestrom GPC1
05-Mar08-Mar Tour of the Middle EastC2
25-Mar GP IzolaC2
27-Mar 1 Jour de DunkerqueC1
29-Mar31-Mar Tour of EritreaC1
30-Mar Geraardsbergen - BosbergC2
01-Apr Berlin ProRaceC2
25-Apr Lincoln GPC2
30-Apr Dwars door VlaanderenC2
01-May Pro Hallstatt ClassicC1
04-May09-May Olympia's TourC2
17-May23-May Int. Osterreich RundfahrtC2
01-Jun Hanko ClassicC1
03-Jun Monterrey TTTC2
05-Jun11-Jun Tour of VancouverC2
15-Jun Betonexpressz GPC2
18-Jun Frankfurt EschbornC1
21-Jun24-Jun Tour of LuxembourgC2
28-Jun Hong Kong ChallengeC2
01-Jul Torshavn GPC1
13-Jul16-Jul Uppsala ClassicC2
18-Jul23-Jul Benelux ChallengeHC
01-Aug05-Aug Tour de VineyardsC1
07-Aug09-Aug Giro del TrentinoC2
11-Aug GP KigaliC1
13-Aug GP YekaterinburgC2
23-Aug31-Aug Tour de l'AvenirU23
03-Sep07-Sep Tour of San LuisC2
13-Sep GP PlouayC2
24-Sep26-Sep Tour du FasoC2
04-Oct Paris ToursC1
06-Oct10-Oct Herald Sun TourC2
18-Oct Giro dell'EmiliaHC
18-Oct Zuri MetzgeteC2

Edited by Ezeefreak on 18-11-2024 05:29

Vuelta al Tachira T. ReinhardtStage 33rd
Vuelta al Tachira H. VanhouckeStage 82nd
Volta a Catalunya H. VanhouckeStage 11st
Volta a Catalunya H. VanhouckeStage 12nd
Volta a Catalunya H. VanhouckePoints1st
Coppa Placci R. GuerreiroGC1st

Vuelta al Tachira R. MinaliStage 13rd
Vuelta al Tachira S. LehtinenStage 92nd
Vuelta al Tachira T. DumoulinStage 103rd
Vuelta al Tachira I. EloseguiU251st
Vuelta al Tachira S. LehtinenKoM1st
() Volta a Catalunya I. EloseguiU251st
() Volta a Catalunya M. La LavandierKoM1st
() Vuelta al Pais Vasco I. SchellingU253rd
Tour de Pologne I. SchellingU253rd
Olympia's Tour K. PredatschStage 13rd
Int. Osterreich Rundfahrt I. EloseguiU251st
Int. Osterreich Rundfahrt I. SchellingU252nd
Tour of Norway W. WillwohlStage 13rd
Tour of Norway W. WillwohlStage 23rd
Benelux Challenge W. WillwohlStage 21st
Benelux Challenge W. WillwohlStage 63rd
Tour d'Andorra M. La LavandierStage 21st
Tour d'Andorra J. HindleyKoM1st
Tour d'Andorra I. SchellingU252nd
Giro del Trentino I. SchellingU251st
Tour of San Luis I. EloseguiU252nd
Herald Sun Tour R. MinaliStage 21st
Herald Sun Tour K. PredatschStage 42nd
Herald Sun Tour K. PredatschGC2nd
Herald Sun Tour R. MinaliPoints3rd
Herald Sun Tour W. VangheluweU253rd

Edited by Ezeefreak on 18-11-2024 15:11

Ruben Guerreiro7176776273737763727261676230
Ruben Zepuntke7256696579726482726566686531
Willi Willwohl7353655671677866797861645630
Harm Vanhoucke7177727271727663676872707327
Beka Nareklishvili7261667573737177647168627628
Christian Mager7074776268707156607168706232
Kobe Goossens7372736771757168647073736728
Sakari Lehtinen6775736572697060656767706031
Theo Reinhardt6854646468617159767950596434
Victor Campenaerts7053687769717061526377557733
Kevin Predatsch6953557773776962546571657732
Warre Vangheluwe7560636971746969627075676923
Nicolas Heinrich6765596866746972677268657323
Albin Stalberg6652595763766656757273656523
Jason Osborne7359697271726565586375627330
Darren Van Bekkum6969676770706454666271686522
Kasper Andersen6865676370656864696666715822
Pierre-Pascal Keup*6662676064676758656864736023
Ole Theiler*6657626766706759636765667122

* - Stagiaire
Edited by Ezeefreak on 08-09-2024 15:46
Not saying the shirt is ugly, but you might want to go to somebody who actually has experience making them next time?

Your first season is over, time for greatness from now on. You haven't made your life easier with the regulations you chose, but I'm sure there are still enough decent European and Australian riders to put together a nice team and maybe fight for promotion Smile
Nemolito wrote:
Not saying the shirt is ugly, but you might want to go to somebody who actually has experience making them next time?

Your first season is over, time for greatness from now on. You haven't made your life easier with the regulations you chose, but I'm sure there are still enough decent European and Australian riders to put together a nice team and maybe fight for promotion Smile

You're right. I need to find someone expereinced so my riders dont need to ride with this symbol of embarrassment Pfft

Luckily restricting myself to european and Australian isnt that hard as, for example, focusing on south or latin america.

I do my best to deliver greatness though!

Ezeefreak wrote:
Like Kandesbunzler wrote there isnt much competition now at the french market with such few french teams. But rest assured, I'll battle you two for every talented french rider too. Since I recently discovered France is part of europe and this is my focus Grin

I'm pretty sure France isn't a part of Europe ... And they don't have heard of such a thing as 'cycling' there yet ... And their riders aren't very talented at all ... And they don't want to ride in a non-French team anyway :lol:

Best of luck for the transfers (regarding non-French riders - but I think my conscience can cope with cursing you for going after Frenchies Wink)

Quite strong focus on European and Australian riders, similar to last season I guess. I like the look of the new colour scheme (quite similar to ours Wink ) and the new jersey! Looking forward to follow how you approach transfers. All the best for the coming season Smile


It's time to show how the negotiations with our riders went and who will be on our team starting the transfer & signing season. Overall we are quite satisfied with how it played out. It was clear that Willwohl had to get a raise and even if its a bit higher than we wished in the end the overall spending was like we expected. we could lower the wage of Vermeersch, Jans and Van Dijke. To only add a few bucks to Hindley and Predatsch (well deserved though). So this it how it looks like:


Nat.NameOVRAge New WageChangeAvailable
Gianni Vermeersch75,131 90.000-10.000⚫⚫⚪
Willi Willwohl74,9729 100.000+50.000⚫⚪⚪
Jai Hindley74,727 78.000+3.000⚫⚪⚪
Aaron Grosser74,2827 50.0000⚫⚫⚪
Phil Bauhaus73,5629 50.0000⚫⚫⚪
Roy Jans72,9833 50.000-15.000⚫⚫⚪
David Wohrer72,4333 50.0000⚫⚫⚪
Jonas Koch72,3630 50.0000⚫⚫⚪
Dylan Sunderland72,1227 50.0000⚫⚫⚪
Kevin Predatsch71,4931 57.000+7.000⚫⚪⚪
Tim Van Dijke70,6623 60.000-20.000⚫⚪⚪
Florian Lipowitz70,523 50.0000⚫⚪⚪
Juri Hollmann69,4424 50.0000⚫⚫⚪


⚫⚫⚫Looking to sell
⚫⚫⚪For a decent offer
⚫⚪⚪ONLY for a great offer
⚪⚪⚪Not available

Basically, nobody is untouchable. But obviously I expect a lot mroe for some than others. A decent offer also means maybe a bit more than minimum or a rider i need. Feel free to talk to me about the rider you're interested in when the time is right.

And now to the ones we couldnt agree on a new contract with. In all of these cases both parties agreed to part ways right at the beginning of the talks. I am sure most of them will be able to find a new team and contribute with their strengths there. Sadly they didnt match the vision we have for our Team. I wish them all best luck!


Nat.NameOVRAge Old Wage
Maximillian Schachmann74,0131 50.000
Eliot Lietaer72,233 -
Sebastian Berwick70,1424 50.000
Kris Boeckmans69,8136 -
Jensen Plowright69,5323 50.000
Felix Engelhardt69,4223 50.000
Albin Johansson66,7623 20.000

Edited by Ezeefreak on 28-07-2023 11:06

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Posted on 07-02-2025 18:36
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I'm a bit surprised you parted ways with Engelhardt and Berwick, I thought they could become useful riders in the future. But I'm sure you have a decent idea of how your roster is supposed to look like and if they don't fit, I suppose that's the way to go. And apart from that, looks like you've done pretty well with the paycuts. Given that your leaders are still fairly young, I think you've got a good base to make a promotion push at some point in the next few years, and with some money to play with, maybe even this year.
Looks like the regional quotas for riders on the team are already met Smile


"I am a cyclist, I may not be the best, but that is what I strive to be. I may never get there, but I will never quit trying." - Tadej Pogačar
Good job retaining the key pieces from last season, I think you now have a very solid base from which to build into a contender!
Manager of
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2024/Micros/trg.png Tryg - ENI pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2024/Micros/trg.png
That's a renewals of a man who has a plan! Let a couple of edge cases go, no sentimentality. Will be keeping an eye on who you bid for.
Very solid run at renewals for a new manager! Sending some interesting talents into free agency that could become great domestique options later in their careers because they don't fit into your plan now is a solid move! Overall you have a lot of space to work with and with a few interesting talents in your focus regions on offer I am sure that you have some clear targets in mind!
Didn't expect those regional talents to be released, but I guess there is a clear focus on getting better leaders to improve on last season. Looking forward to following how the team shapes up Smile
Gotta agree with those that mentioned already that cutting riders during renewals is an undervalued skill - especially for new ct managers. And i think every single one of the released riders was a good choice. And the wages of those that you kept around look good too. Good job!
A Big Thank You To All MG Reporters!

Berwick and also Plowright needed to be released because of the quota for australians riders and I wanted to keep the oportunity to hire a good one. Engelhardt sadly isnt able to develop in a rider I can handle Grin

Yes! And we are now free to build the strongest possible squad without carrying to much about it.

I am also happy. I can build up on this but also if necessary deal some.

I have a plan now it only needs to work. I need the support of all others for it Pfft

See replies above. There were some decision to make so the team (and it's mediocre manager) will get better. I hope my plans will work.

Like reply above. And yeah i lack leaders for quite some areas so i need to find them and need the space.

I think there is no benefit in keeping pieces that arent worth it. Let's be honest it would have been hard to deal riders like berwick and plowright since teams may interested in higher divisions. Engelhardt and Schachmann could maybe have dealed with all the new german teams but it isnt worth the hassle.

You have a very clean HQ and I like your professional looking jersey. I also like your variety of sponsors, went looking if there's any cyclists from the Northern Territory you could potentionally pick up. A few more years and you should get Matthew Conan in!

Looking forward to see meet you ingame!
Wow, very tidy renewals, looking slimmed down and ready to put together a promotion squad!
24/02/21 - kandesbunzler said “I don't drink famous people."
15/08/22 - SotD said "Your [jandal's] humour is overrated"
11/06/24 - knockout said "Winning is fine I guess. Truth be told this felt completely unimportant."

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