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Castelli Cycling Team
Castelli Cycling Team - Bringing back Italian cycling!

This is our story about our quest to become the next great Italian cycling team.

In the 00's Italian cycling was represented by several big teams in the peloton. Mapei, Fassa Bartolo, Saeco, Lampre, Liquigas and Mercatuno Uno ... And I probably forgot about some :-)

Our Directeur Sportif of the team will be a former star for one of those teams Gilberto Simoni. He's build a staff team consisting of some of his old teammates. Riders who impressed Gilberto with the Cycling IQ through his career.

The team will be competing on Continental Level but Castelli has promised a hefty increase if we achieve the needed results.



Difficulty: Hard
Crashes: 1,0
Prize Money 1,0

I prefer quick seasons over more races and realistic teams. I'll play with the 2018 PCMFrance realname database as it has far fewer races than PCMdaily and PCMWorld

I manually edited the max budget of the sponsor to make sure I can have move forward in a steady pace

I'll sim a lot of the races untill we reach WT

Edited by Muggert on 15-04-2019 22:31

Wins 2018


2.1Coppi e BartaliStage 2Team Time Trial
2.1Coppi e BartaliMountainCervigni
1.1Tour de FinistreOverall GCStocklasa
2.2GP Torres VedrasStage 1Häberli
2.2GP Torres VedrasOverall GCHäberli
2.2Volta ao AlentejoStage 2Stocklasa
2.2U23Giro della Valle d'AostaStage 1Matteoli
2.2U23Giro della Valle d'AostaStage 4Matteoli
2.2U23Giro della Valle d'AostaPointsMatteoli
2.2U23Tour des pays des SavoieMountainMatteoli
2.2U23Giro Ciclistico d'ItaliaStage 1Ciaramella
2.2U23Giro Ciclistico d'ItaliaStage 3Rieder
2.2U23Giro Ciclistico d'ItaliaStage 4Rieder
2.2U23Giro Ciclistico d'ItaliaStage 5Rieder
2.2U23Giro Ciclistico d'ItaliaStage 7Matteoli
2.2U23Giro Ciclistico d'ItaliaStage 8Rieder
2.2U23Giro Ciclistico d'ItaliaOverall GCRieder
2.2U23Giro Ciclistico d'ItaliaPointsRieder
2.2U23Giro Ciclistico d'ItaliaMountainRieder
1.2U23Trofeo Edil CStocklasa
1.2U23GP Palio del ReciotoColavetta
1.2U23Giro BelvedereMatteoli
1.2U23Trofeo PIVAHäberli

Edited by Muggert on 21-04-2019 19:50
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Gilberto Simoni

One of the best natural climbers of his generation. His palmares speaks for himself. He won the Giro twice and was in the Top-5 8 times. He won a stage in all three grand tours. He had a ongoing rivalry with team-mate Damiano Cunego in a time where Italian Cycling had lots of talented riders.

Rubens Bertogliati

The only non-italian on the staff. Bertogliati might not be a rider with many wins, but he was a strong teammate. He never excelled in any race categories but had a big motor. His career highlight was in 2002 where he won a stage in the Tour after surprising the sprinters with a late attack. He's been a vital part in finding young talented riders in his home country.

Fabio Baldato

A great allround rider when active. He won 8 GT stages, and has 4 podiums in monuments. He was always a contender in Ronde von Vlaanderen but it always eluded him. Baldato has great experience with tactics in the Classics.


Frame: Felt
Wheels: Easton
Groupset: Campagnolo

Our squad for 2018 consists of young talents from Italy and Switzerland. One rider actually from San Marino. There's a good mix of rider types and we hope we can gather some results in all kinds of terrain. It's a bunch of very talented riders


Pierfranco Colavetta - Puncher, 20
Ludovico Del Rio - Puncher, 19
Onelio Ciaramella - Stage Races, 21

Protected riders:

Tomaso Cervigni - Puncher, 20
Nestor Stocklasa - Puncher, 20
Olivier Rieder - Puncher, 18


Ottario Dotti - Sprinter, 20
Luca Covili - Climber, 20
Gilles Aegether, Puncher, 20
Antonguilio Matteoli, Sprinter, 20
Mattia Viel, Sprinter, 22
Salvio Pilone, Puncher, 19
Raphael Häberli, Stage Races, 20

Jan 2.1 Sharjah Tour - Stage win
Mar 2.1 Settimana Inter - Coppi e Bartali - Stage win
Mar 1.2 Kattekoers - Top-5
Apr 1.1 Tour de Finistre - Top-10
Apr 1.1 Giro dell'Appennino - Top-10
Jun 1.1 GP Citta de Lugano - Top-10
Aug 1.2 GP Kranj - Top-10
Sep 1.1 Coppa Agostini - Top-10
Sep 1.1 Coppa Bernocchi - Top-10
Sep 1.1 Giro della Toscana - Top-10
Sep 1.1 Coppa Sabatini - Top-10
Sep 1.1 GP Pantaloni - Top-10
Sep 1.1 GP Matteotti - Top-10
Oct 1.1 Giro dell'Emilia - Top-10
Oct 1.HC Milano Torino - Top-10

A lot of hilly races fitting nicely to our squad. If we succeed they'll up our budget significantly!

Captain: Ciaramella
Free: Aegether, Pilone
Sprinter: Matteoli
Helpers: Häberli, Rieder, Colavetta

Stage 1


A 16,3 km TTT - We brought a team of strong Timetrialers. We consider this our best chance at winning the stage and make our sponsors happy

We loose to Katusha led by Dowsett who beat us by 19 seconds. Second in a TTT in our first ever race is good enough for us!

Stage 2


A fairly flat route. We're gonna send everyone out in on the attack, we won't be winning a sprint here.

After a hectic stage where no breakaway was allowed to part from the peloton Timothy Dupont wins in a reduced peloton over Mezgec

Stage 3


This is our chance. We'll try sending out Ciaramelli or the free riders in the break. They all have decent climbing abilities.


Ciaramelli slips into the breakaway. Most notable riders are Jan Barta and Ben King. The break settles at around 4 minutes


With 1 km to go on the final climb the final part of the breakaway is catched. Tah tincludes Ciamarella

In the end Navarro wins the stage. Rieder sits in the front group of 14, but he's well behind in the GC

Stage 4


We need someone in the break for this to succeed


Ciaramella looking good in the polkadots! There's no mountains on this stage and that means he'll win it!


We missed the brek but Aegether soloed his way into the break. It cost a lot of energy.


Wait a minute... Is that Castelli in a sprint train... Oh yes it is... The break has been catched and we have to gamble!

We're to weak... Colavetta end up 8th. Lorenzo wins it!


We're just not strong enough in this terrain yet. Hopefully our other objectives are a better succes!
Good Luck with this, its always good to see lesser teams in a story Wink
sutty68 wrote:
Good Luck with this, its always good to see lesser teams in a story Wink

Thanks! Appreciate you are following!

Has come back to PCM18 after a hiatus. Haven’t played a lot since I think 2013 ... Remembered my Swiss Life Tissot career and wanted to try something similar :-)

A quiet month results wise. A Top-5 finish for Matteoli in Tour of Altanya the best result.


Gunning for a stage win to keep the sponsors happy!

Leader: Colavetta
Free: Rieder, Cervigni
Helpers: Pilone, Matteoli, Häberli, Stocklasa


A flat route. We'll try to get someone into the breakaway preferably Matteoli.

20 riders including Cervigni and Matteoli get away from the peloton and Cervigni tries positioning himself for an attack with 6-7 km to go but is too weak. Matteoli is trying to sprint it home. In the end Minali and Impey are too strong. Minali takes the win! A nice 4th place though.


A 11.3 km TTT... aaaand... We get our first win of the season. Trek Segafredo comes second 13 seconds behind us.

In the overall this means Matteoli is in the lead with Cervigni in second.


We'll try holding on to the lead in the GC. This probably means sacrificing Matteoli for Cervigni. It's a strong peloton and with Yates, Bilbao and Felline it's not gonna be easy.

We let a breakaway go away and due to the energy we spent on the time trial we're not strong enough. The break makes it to the line and Stage winner Draperi takes the lead in the GC. Matteoli and Cervigni are 3rd and 4th respectively.


This is gonna be the end of Matteolis run in the top-5. Colavetta who's 12th in the GC is in great form. We'll try positioning him and Cervigni for a chance to succeed.

Surprisingly enough Matteoli hangs in until 4 km left. Then the favourites attacked right and left. Colavetta had strong legs and ended 5th behind Stage Winner Felline and Yates among others.


The final stage is a 14,5 km time trial.

[img]Colavetta should be able to bring home 3rd. Matteoli is gonna need diamond legs to keep Plaza and Goncalves behind him.[/img]

Colavetta should be able to bring home 3rd. Matteoli is gonna need diamond legs to keep Plaza and Goncalves behind him. The top-2 riders should be safe.

Colavetta end up 3rd on the stage. Tuft and Brändle were inhuman. That means he'll keep 3rd. Matteoli drops to 7. Not much he could do today. He was too tired from yesterdays mountain stage.



A really good showing from the team. We won the Team Time Trial, Cervigni won the polkadot jersey and Colavetta finished 3rd in the GC. A Huge succes in our first goal on home soil.

Castelli Cycling Team.... Bringing back Italian cycling!


If we're gonna succeed this sponsor goal we have to hope for lady luck. We'll have to hope for a chaotic race with lots of crashes. Stocklasa and Matteoli will be our best bets.

Leader: Stocklasa
Free: Matteoli, Rieder
Helpers: Pilone, Aegether, Viel, Dotti


The morning break takes off... We have no-one in it.


A crash splits the peloton. We have all our riders in the 40-man group at the front. We order our people to the front. 85 km to go.


After a group of around 25 selected riders enters the final 10 km Stocklasa attacks. He's followed by Capiot and they have a gap, but probably not enough to hold it once the sprinters come by. Matteoli our sprinter in this bunch have taken De Bie's wheel.


Capiot and Stocklasa are gonan make it to the line. Capiot is superior in the sprint but Stocklasa animated the race and gets a brilliant sencond place. Matteoli end up 13th in the sprint.


A strong showing from the team. Stocklasa proved strong in a finish that actually did not fit him. Total team effort from the guys!


2.2 Istrian spring throphy

Colavetta end up 2nd in the GC after 2 podium finishes. Rieder and Stocklasa also have a podium finish each.

2.2 Volta ao Alentejo

Stocklasa wins stage 2. Rieder almost wins after getting to the line with his breakaway, but he finishes 3rd on the stage. Overall Stocklasa picks up a top-10 finish.


A great month for the team. A couple of great results from Stocklasa and Colavetta.

This means we're 14th in the continental ranking.

Individually we have the following riders in the top-100: Colavetta(24), Stocklasa(68) & Matteoli(73)
The team is producing some good results of late Smile
Tour de Finistre


Our goal is to make our sponsors happy with a top-10 finish. Here's our lineup:

Leader: Stocklasa
Free: Del Rio, Rieder, Ciaramella
Helpers: Cervigni, Häberli, Dotti


Del Rio slips into the breakaway after a hectic start to the race... There's 5 in the break, and Del Rio should be among te strongest.


60 km to go and the break has 2'30 .. The peloton has upped the pace and something needs to happen in the break for it to succeed. Del Rio is planning an attack.


The Del Rio group is within reach from the peloton and with 10 km to go Stocklasa makes his move. In the same time a huge crash takes place in the peloton. Suddenli Stocklasa and Del Rio are in the fron group and it makes it to the line. Del Rio leads-off Stocklasa.


Jay McCarthy wins the sprint... Wait a minute... Is that Stocklasa 20 meters in front? Yes it is. Stocklasa wins it!


A nice race by the team. Del Rio was great and really animated the race. He's making the headlines just as much as Stocklasa.

Giro dell'Appennino


A hilly classic. Our leader will be Stocklasa. He's been in great form so far this season and sits in 14th in the continental ranking. Our Backup will be to get Matteoli over the top and make it a reduced bunch finish.

Leader: Stocklasa
Free: Del Rio, Cervigni
Sprinter: Matteoli
Helpers: Pilone, Covili, Häberli


Pilone joins the 6-man break. Not the man we wanted, but we'll have to do. The break is on a short leash from the peloton.


The peloton is nearing so Pilone takes off alone. Everyone is alert in the peloton.


Castelli leads the reduces pack into the final 10 km. Not much chance of winning but a top-10 with Matteoli should be possible.


In the end Albasini takes the victory... Del Rio leads off Matteoli who finishes second. Nice feat yet again for the team.


Strong finish from the team. They kept the most dangerous sprinters away from the finish and made a sprinttrain for Matteoli. Nice!

I'm considering bumping up the difficulty to Extreme. But probably not yet as I'm gonna simulate a lot the next couple of months.

1.2U23 Trofeo PIVA

Castelli completely dominates the race and finish with the top-3. Häberli wins it in front of Covili and Del Rio

1.2U23 Giro Belvedere di Villa Cordignano

Yet another great team performance. Matteoli wins it while Stocklasa secured 3rd place.

1.2U23 GP Palio del Recioto

Colavetta wins it in front of 2 of his teammates on the podium. Cervigni 2nd and Rieder 3rd

1.2U23 Trofeo Edil C

Stocklasa wins the race and makes it a clean sweep for Castelli in the Italian U23 races. We end up with 3 men in the top-10.

1.2 GP Viborg

Del Rio who's a puncher with a really strong finish end up 5th in the sprint.

1.2 Himmerland GP

Another top-10 finish by Del Rio despite only being the lead-out man for Matteoli.


A great month yet again for the team. We've climbed up the rankings and our young riders are showing real promise.

We're currently 6th in the continental ranking. Needles to say the best conti-team.

In the individual stadings the follolwing riders are in the top-100

Stocklasa, 14
Matteoli, 28
Colavetta, 31
Del Rio, 45
Cervigni, 67
Häberli, 91
The team should be happy with their early season form Smile
@sutty Looking good so far yes :-) ... Quicksim period coming up.. Might be more difficult :-)

Sundvolden GP

Both Cervigni and Del Rio gets on the podium.

Baltyk Karkonosze Tour

Ciaramella ends 3rd on the final TT and takes 3rd overall as well. Pilone and Aegether both take a top-10 GC result as well.

Ronde de l'Isard

Ciaramella goes on the podium on two stages along with the GC. Unfortunately on the lowest step overall.


An okay month for the team. Not many races participated in and some ok results.

We're 7th on the continental tour. Still the best conti-team.

We have the following riders in the top-100:

Stocklasa, 20
Matteoli, 37
Colavetta, 40
Del Rio, 47
Cervigni, 66
Ciaramella, 87

A couple of sponsor objectives the next month and signing season are upcoming. We have been great for the sponsor so they're upping the budget, Well go mainly for Italian riders and young talents.

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