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[Tutorial] Creating A Shirt for PCM
If you're using the newest version of GIMP, there's a compatibility issue that causes any layers that are in folders to be compressed into a single layer when saved as PSD. The simple solution, is to not use folders, or just work with XCFs.

If it's compressing layers that aren't in folders, you might have an error with your program. Are you using the export option?


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Posted on 18-02-2025 09:20
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ANFreeman wrote:
If you're using the newest version of GIMP, there's a compatibility issue that causes any layers that are in folders to be compressed into a single layer when saved as PSD. The simple solution, is to not use folders, or just work with XCFs.

If it's compressing layers that aren't in folders, you might have an error with your program. Are you using the export option?

It merged all layers into one, not just ones in folders. None the less removing all folders from the project seems to do the trick, so thanks a lot for the help Grin


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Added the Templates I have created for the African Championship Jerseys...
Can some one tell me how you save shirts from the shirtdatabese as .tga file?
Always see the bright Side of life!
First save them, open in Paint.NET or GIMP, save as/export to .tga
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Okay thank You Very much Grin
Always see the bright Side of life!
I wanted to know if there is a thread about creating NC shirts from a shirt or how can I make it?
Edited by Cyanide266 on 27-11-2013 21:04
Cyanide266 wrote:
I wanted to know if there is a thread about creating NC shirts from a shirt or how can I make it?

Rolling Eyes ??
I know there is something on the forum with NC shirts of most African countries.
Wieltjesplakker wrote:
I know there is something on the forum with NC shirts of most African countries.

Do you know what is the version of PCM concerned for that thread?
Really, no one??
I think it is for PCM2012. I am playing that game and have used some shirts of it myself. I looked at PCM.Daily site but could not find them again there. I suggest you look at the shirt database on PCM Focus.
Good luck.
Wieltjesplakker wrote:
I think it is for PCM2012. I am playing that game and have used some shirts of it myself. I looked at PCM.Daily site but could not find them again there. I suggest you look at the shirt database on PCM Focus.
Good luck.

Ok thanks
How do you get that start jersey? ;P
Episode1 wrote:
How do you get that start jersey? ;P

Start jersey?? Do you mean templates, stitches?
hanspetter61 wrote:
Episode1 wrote:
How do you get that start jersey? ;P

Start jersey?? Do you mean templates, stitches?

jup, templates, kinda new in this
Episode1 wrote:
hanspetter61 wrote:
Episode1 wrote:
How do you get that start jersey? ;P

Start jersey?? Do you mean templates, stitches?

jup, templates, kinda new in this

A template is no more than i Complete white shirt. Then you have stitches that u mask (Combineed) on the white shirt. Not many give out that but some are posted in pcm 13 if i remember correct, dont remember the exsact thread. U have to look through some threads.

Then you have to practise With Your graphic program. Best way to start is to do small changes on exsisting jerseys and take it from there.
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