@mede33: I thought you were going to do the prologue only in June, so since it was a bit late I had already done it when you posted the message that you also had. Nevertheless, took a look in your stage and it looks good And yes, you can use the stages, they're posted here for that
Thanks for the comments, tsmoha and Pellizotti Edited by lluuiiggii on 09-06-2012 16:30
Here's an updated version of the 8th stage of the Vuelta. While I did like the profile of the other version, whenever I played it I didn't really like the gameplay.. and now it seems obvious why, because I used too many roadpoints (the last climb of 7.6 kms had 30 of them - that's almost 4/km). Updated version keeps the profile good, with same length and slopes, but with much less road points, which should give for a much more enjoyable gameplay
Vuelta 2012, Stage 8: Lleida - Collada de la Gallina (Andorra), 175 km _________________________Download
Profile picture is the same, couldn't bother doing another one for almost un-noticeable changes. But the final hairpins pic is definitely different (from 11 hairpins to 7)
Rauling wrote:
How can the amount of roadpoints affect the gamplay?
But it looks great
From my experience, the less curves the better.. in curves, like hairpins, attacks don't work well, riders don't drop as easily, there's more tiny flat spots (hairpins = flat in game).. long stretches of road on the other hand are much better. It's quite hard to explain in words, but try playing both versions and you'll notice a considerable difference
lluuiiggii wrote:
@mede33: I thought you were going to do the prologue only in June, so since it was a bit late I had already done it when you posted the message that you also had. Nevertheless, took a look in your stage and it looks good And yes, you can use the stages, they're posted here for that
lluuiiggii wrote:
@mede33: I thought you were going to do the prologue only in June, so since it was a bit late I had already done it when you posted the message that you also had. Nevertheless, took a look in your stage and it looks good And yes, you can use the stages, they're posted here for that
Well I just did the roads as they kinda were (with a bit more spacing in order to not give overlaps). But since the prologue was flat, the route didn't really matter, and then what matters most is the length (to get exactly 5.7 kms). Btw, I actually find that, compared to others, I'm quite slow in stagemaking (the Dauphine didn't go so bad because I really tried to finish it in time for the V2.. and look at that, it's not released yet) And thanks
After it was reported that it was not possible to sprint in the 2nd stage of the Tour du Haut Var, I tried to contact 40leslandes, who made the stage, to see if he could provide a fix, but with no success, so I decided to recreate the stage (and imho with better slopes, and correct route in a small circuit where he did the route going on the opposite direction to rl):
Lumpy terrain, I dislike that (to make stages) Btw, PCM11 has this amazingly annoying bug that, when the riders are sprinting and there's a considerable gradient change in few meters (about +6% I'd say), one or two riders in the front get a huge boost and open a big gap to the others (usually the first rider to hit the gradient). I've tried several versions to avoid this happening in the Mur de Fayence, and I'm satisfied with the result (in the few tests I've made of this last version didn't see it happening clearly), but it might still happen one time or another. If that's the case blame PCM